
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 PAGE TWO INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS JAMAICA Injured When Truck THE LOCAL TOBACCO Developments at the Jamaica Fell lato River Bed Government Railway name case of TRINIDAD Three Killed, 17 New Barrister Admitted Ambitious Warden Clerk Born in Among the passengers landing here from New York by the Lamport and BUFY BAY, Dec. 14 Three per Barbados Holt liner Voltaire says the Agri The Gleader of the 12th inst States SONE SATISFACTION sons were killed and seventeen more Port of Spain, Tuesday. Mr. Ashby had displayed he had a caļtural Reporter, was Mr. John Chat in accordance with clauses and From the above it will be seen or less seriously injured a. motor Phillips, of the British American in the Notice to Employees of the that a fair percentage of the staff truck accident in Portland on Satur From the rock (Barbados. many doubt he would be both success and Tobacco Company, Mr. Phillips, wbs Locomotive, Carriage and Wagor of the Locomotive Works have beer day evening od men have come, said Sir George honour to the profession.
transhipped to the Elders and Fyffee Shops of the Rallway, which was granted an increase on what they Those who were killed were: alton when Mr. Wo St. Clair Ashby Mr. Ashby took the prescribed oath As Cavina for Trinidad, granted posted up in that Department on have of late years been drawing Victor Joseph of Pucey Hill hief Clerk of the Warden Office Welcomed an interview to Mr. LT. Yearwood Tuesday afternoon, intimating the but which they always made clear Cecil Daley of Long Water.
anapuns was admitted to the Trini.
The Chief Justice: We have much who in turn introduced Messss Ar decision of the Government in te was. lower standard than that Isiach Anderson of Long Wetet.
Bar today. Mr. Ashby was pleasure in welcoming you to the Bar thur and Entage of the Barbados. spect to the appeal by the staff of they were getting prior to 1922. Ir Those who were injured and were led to the English Bar on June 12 You have had a long and honourable Tobacco Growing Association. These the Locomotive Works for several cases there have been some taken to Bull Bay Hospital for treat public service and you have the gentlemen submitted to Mr. Phillipe adjustment of their salaries, those satisfaction, but us will noturally be bent were The petition was presented by the satisfaction of knowing that faet. It certain samples of tobacco grow who have been slated for an increase expected, those who have not beer on. Gaston Johnston, Ivan Dunbar, Eustace Jackson may be that you come to the Bar and cured locally.
Wages were each handed all included have been much disap Ezekiel Clark, John William Re Promising Career late, but it is quite clear that you yesterday afternoon on knocking off pointed, after the ceaseless agita berta Black, Jane Bennett sed Doris Mr. Phillips was agreeably surMr. Johnson said he had much come with earnestness. Evidenths prised at the quality of the tobacer work, stating increase to be added to tion. is felt that on the whole their salaries us from the 10th inst the delegates who wasted on the DiLaidley easure in presenting the petition of this has been the ambition of your shown him and after discussing the Ashby to be admitted to the Bat life time, and you have the satisfac possibilities of market for tobacec The notices beer yesterday date rector of the Railway throughout Skibe Road about there and a half The accident took place on the the Colony. Mr. Ashby had the tion of knowing that you have ac of a like kind, stated that he would the of the employee, the the long months, carried out their Stinction of having been born in complished it.
miles from Baff Bay.
be returning to Barbados during the branch of the department in whicł obligations to the staff in most Little England. Laughter. Cleveland Graham was driving a Personally one knows the difficul. next month and would be pleased to he is employed, formal hoeding commendable way, as it we no motor track on which there were Mr. Ashby came to this Colony at ting in the way of men it is not al meet growers of tobacco and discuse and the text is as follows: In a ctet about their having time and be age of two years and was con together an inexpensive amusement further matters of interest to this cordance with paragraphs and again saved many en embarrassing many passengers, from the direction mporary of his at St. May Col. to be called to the Bar, and one knows industry.
of the above notice, please be in situation, when it of Buff Bay towards Skibe and when where his scholastic career gave the difficulties in the way of mer In view of the present need for formed that your rate of pay will just a little laxity on their part and into the left bank of the road to at he reached Kirkland Rock be pulled romise of a very brilliant future from open there would be a cessation from with that ambition. congratulate other crops, owing to the depressed be increased nfortunately his health forced him sou on surmounting these difficulties condition of the sugar industry, it week, ss from the 10th December work when the demand on rolling low another truck which was proced.
relinquish his studies. He sube and wish you etery success.
ing in the opposite direction and to is to be hoped that the outcome of 1929. Locomotive Superintendent.
stock for haulage of fruit was at hently entered the Civil Service and wards Buff. Bay to pass. Graham The increases range from a te From Barbados these discussions will result in the its height. It is realised that the uring the 27 years he had been in or less perman, cach delegates Dever at any time abused pelled in very close to the edge of the te Government he had held many Mr. Justice Walton: join in wel tobacco industry receiving the offer 14 more road but unfortunately the bank pafe of such assistance as may lie in the week.
the influence they held so much ir way and the truck capaired into the ices of trust and responsibility coming you to the Bar. notice Paragraphs and referred to the balance, and now that the mat Spanish River some distance below inning the confidence, esteem and that reference has been made to the power of Mr. Phillipe to give.
as published in yesterday Gleaner ter is about half way settled, there the road and overturned with the re repect of the several heads of de country of your origin (laughter)
were. b) An amount not exceeding is every reason to believe that things sult that all the passengers were artments under whom he served by los been called my many names, but THE UNEMPLOYED 2252 18 should be provided week will come to a successful issue.
Mal, industry and ability.
thrown out. Several rere pinned IN BRIDGETOWN from that rock many rood men har Is for the payment of those work There is come out. They have made their some apprehension is under the vehicle and when assis Weat Back men mark in many countries and think In a recent issue the Advocate view of the decision Governance arrived it was found that there As Chief Clerk of the Crown Lands it would be interesting one day te says: WHO ORDINARILY COME ment deliberations on Monday of the people were dead and that 17 jepartmen: he rendered useful assis colleet the history of men who have It would be interesting to discover under the first second, and third published in yesterday Gleaner had been injured, some of them Ince to the then Attorney General left that place and have made good.
seriously injured that they had to be that quite number of the staff taken to the Buff Bay Hospital whether there is any intention or class grade in the classes mention Ir. Aucher Warner, in consolidating ed above.
Land Charges Ordinance, which When the land is fertile people be the part of the Executive to take will in the course of time be laid (The classes were Machinists off, but the authorities are not tak gathered on the scene of the noci Yesterday there was a large crowd come lazy, but when you have to steps for ascertaining the number of ras acknowledged by him. At presint he was next to the Warden, and strive for a living the effect of setion unemployed in the city of Bridge Pittters, Blacksmiths. ing any, steps that would create un dent. Dr. Davidson, the District (c) The Locomotive Superintend ssistant Warden of St. George. and re action is to make men grow Town and to submit proposals for due hardships on those in the ser Medical Officer performed the Post In 1924 Mr. Ashby left for England stronger. So that think perhaps their relief? Certainly the condi ent and Words Manager should fis vice, and who had dependents Or Mortem examination de the deceased tions could hardly be worse. The the scale of wages of these men aepd was admitted Member of the the fact of spending the first two labouring population of the city has cording to their ability and sõbject them, beyond what they would find persons yesterday.
ociety of Middle Temple on Novem years of life in Barbados is the res at the to the approval of the Director of the it absolutely necessary to put inte (er 18. He passed all his examinason why you have done honourable increased enormously, and Drink Salade Tes the hot for effect.
done before the expiration of his service in this Colony. Laughter. wme time the labour market hae Railway.
the Trple save and returned to the Colony be wish you every success in your contracted, with the result that there pre being called, as he had not are more men out of work in Bridge profession town today than at any period arved a sufficient number of terms. Mr. Ashby thanked Their Honours since the small pox epidemic.
In 1929 he returned to England and Smpleted his terms and was called Trinidad News June 12. From the ability which (Continued on Page 7)
THE SCENERY OF BARBADOS INCORPORATED 1889 Visitors to Barbados who do not go farther afield than the neighbour Hoad Ottico: Montreal, Canada hood of Bridgetown are apt to say FOR that the island has no beautiful scenery.
They are quite mistaken, as they PANAMA COLON themselves invariably admit after Senta Ass Plan Corne 11th. Boliver Streba and they have visited such picturesque rallies as those of Welchman Hall and Sion Hall, or Lewis Gully with their wealth of tropical vegetation Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 and have seen the glorious views of see the wind ward coast, and the appro priately named Scotland district from such points of vantage as HaeWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including kleton Clift, St. John Church, and Cherry Tree Hill the following in the British West Indies ete, this Bank No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
The photograph of the wind ward is in a position to render the best possible service.
coast reproduced in this issue of the Panama, Circular was taken by Mr. Charles Cave, the proprietor of Nicholas Dominica More Abby the only great house in Bar Bebe Greed bados with fireplaces and chimneys short distance from the house is Jemnia (2)
St. Lad Cherry Tree Hill, approached by a Britta Honda Tid (2)
glorious avenue of casuarina and Marth TRY mahogany trees, which ends abruptly Guadeloupe (1)
Britiek (2)
on the brink of a precipice command.
ing an incomparably grand view of hill and dele, of waving green canes SALAD OIL and the mapphire blue sea.
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