
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 PAGE SEVEN TRINIDAD NEWS The Greatest Thrill in the World (Continued from page 2)
Man Hangs From a Tree To Relieve Unemployment in Great Britain Government Has Approved 2, 000, 000 Pounds Sterling To be Expended on Construction Work Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon Dentist 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Happy and Prosperous New Year to all ODO OPOCA TODOS ODO SAMUEL AIRD. TAILOR No. 57 Calidonia THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON 10 ALL OBOBODO DO IF YOU NEED which CAR and haven the Money to Purchase a New one TRAGIC DISCOVERY AT AROUCA LONDON, Tuesday. Construction Colonial Development Act, and from Arouca, November 30.
work in Great Britain amounting to the Road Fund is estimated at over JOSEPH HENRY, a middleaged man was found hanging on a cocon Stop and analyze it. there more than 20, 000, 000 has been ap. 231, 000, 000. Certain of these grants tree at Golden Grove Road, Arouca nothing in life that gives more proved by the Government in connes are to be spread over a number of tion with its plans to alleviate unem years.
than making with a piece of rope around his neck pure happiness ployment, and the Government will The schemes are estimated to pro at about 30 last night.
someone else happy.
make a total contribution to this vide work equivalent to the employ.
The body was discovered by ChrisIs there?
work of about 9, 000, 000. This was ment of 189, 800 for a year. Of this tina John who said that on her going When we present a gift, we revealed in a statement issued tonight total the Development Act which out into her yard she saw the body want it to be packed with all the by Rt. Hon. Thomas. The work facilitates grants to local authorities suspended from the tree. She made sentiment, affection and good involved municipalities, railway com in respect of works of Publie Utility an alarm and the Constabulary were whises that it will hold.
panies, gas companies and water is calculated to provide work equiva.
soon on the scene, There a multitude of things supply companies.
lent to 84, 000 man years. Materia Incurable.
that will serve, but they lack in It is generally required that all employed for such assisted works It is said that Henry who had been some respect. They wear out materials needed for the State assist. must as far as possible be home ailing for some time was two months quickly; outlive their usefulness; el works shall so far as is practicable produets.
or have no usefulness at all, is be of United Kingdom origin, the ago a patient at the Colonial Hos The Colonial Development Act en.
pitat, Port of Spain, and was subse there ANY THING that will statement emphasised. This stipula. ables the scheme for the Zambes quently transferred to the Tunapuna quicken the recipient heart: tion is subject to such exception as Bridge to be proceeded with. This beat. that will tell her more the Government Department con Distrtiet Hospital involves an expenditure of about Seeing no signs of recovery he left eloquently than you could that cerned may find to be necesmry or 3, 000, 000 of which contracts placed the you wish her well. that speaks desirable in any particular case hav. in this country will represent over its quality every time it is seen. ing regard to all the circumstances.
Body Cut Down. 1, 000, 000 affording employment that never wears out. that re On the arrival of Dr. Hamil Smith tains its value. that arouse If the necessary supplies are not equivalent to some 4, 000 man years.
Other purchased in the United Kingdom schemes towards the body was ordered to be the admiration of all who see it? they are to be purchased from the grants have been given under this cut down and removed to the Tuna Yes it fine jewelry such as Overseas part of puna Hospital Mortuary where a post the Empire, act are estimated to provide 1, 300 we will be glad to show you if wherever possible, the statement man years of employment.
mortem examination was held.
you will pay us a visitoon.
The programme under the Road FULLER Fund which is estimated to provide Indian Culture LONDON, Yesterday. Rugby work equivalent to 100, 000 for a year 122 Central Avenue.
Wireless) The present value of the includes the provision of further YOUTHS ASSOCIATION grants approved or in an advanced trunk roads and improvement te FORMED AT SAN BUY FROM THE WORKMAN stage of negotiation in relation to existing ronds extending over five ADVERTISERS AND GET Government schemes for provision of years at a cost to the Rond Fund of FERNANDO VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY work under the Development Act 16, 000, 000 East Indian youths with Mr. Rienzi as Chairman met at the Prince British Footwear to Albert Street Mosque here last night sretions. The Associntion will have with and in a wave of enthusiasm carried a reading room stock and Bear Distinctive Marks motion for forming a Trinidad In regular supply of Indian newspaper dian Youth Association which is tc and magazines.
bave spiritual, social, physical cul committee was appointed to Important Scheme by ManuNEW YORK. Paul Robeson, in ture, literary, debating and political draft rules.
facturers to Assist the ternationally renowned baritone, sat in the stands today and, for the first Unemployed.
time in several years, saw his alma LONDON, Nov. 23. In the belief mater, Rutgers college, represented on the gridiron. The game with New that the public are becoming increasYork university ended 20 to in fa ingly desirous to encourage. British vor of the latter, however, workmanship and to give employ.
men wherever possible to British It appeared to be a case of the Race star being on the wrong team labour, the boot and shoe manufac Myers, back in the New York univer.
turers in this country have under consideration a scheme whereby foot reported injury, figured vitally in the sity line up after recovery from his In the World Pocket wear made by British workmen shall defeat handed Rutgers.
be stamped British made.
and high in the World Robeson is a former Rutgers star The outstanding feature of the being named on Walter Camp AllLotoem.
proposed scheme for stamping British made boots and shoes is that American team two years and termed employers and operatives are en by this authority as the greatest de.
MISTELI. THE JEWELER gaged upon it together, and as a fensive end who over stepped on a ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY first step they invited into cousul. xridiron. He played his first game QUALITY QUARANTEED tation the leading distributors of against footwear. It is gratifying to the Robeson graduated in 1919 with promoters that the distributors whc distinction. He was a member of the have been consulted have not only Phi Beta Kappa, Cap and Skull, sologiven considerable wpport and en couragement to the proposal, but ist with the glee club and varsity dehave rendered teful assistance ir bater for four years. Engagements helping to rot suitable design for a abroad have prevented his seeing his stamp.
team in action in recent seasons.
WHY NOT VIS TOUR Paul Kobeson Sees His College Lose USED CAR DEPARTMENT an. pick yourself an Unexpensive Serviceable Machine YOMEGA WATCHES DONT LOSE TIME, COME TODAY Panazone Garage Co. STREET BRANCH PHONE 329 FLYNCH Custom Tailor CALL AT THE Panama Hardware English and American Styles NO. CALIDONIA PHONE 569 CATHEDRAL PLAZA BOWEN TAILOR SAN MIGUEL. 10 ARCON, Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law Small DENTIST 02 MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple Hith St, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 and see the finest Assortment of LO KS of every description also the Finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED WISH HIS MANY CUSTOMERS HAPPY NEW YEAR OPPI: 180 CENTRAL AYE.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere PANISI TORRE JEWELLERS FRONT PANAZONE GARACE Co.
Central Avenue 107 PANAMA CITY USE MIRAMAR SALAD OIL FOR BAKING Sold at your nearest Grocer The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Panama 86 PHONES. Colon 84 BRANCH STORE 125 Contral Avenue


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