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The Dignity Of Womanhood ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 24 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930 PRICE CENTS Interesting Situajon Created Twentysix Converts Appointment of New More About More About the Recent Upstir Over Gatey in Haiti Are Made Governor for Trinidad In were it a and the promote the Corporation The Passing of a Great Man Watson being satisfied with a striking alone during this incident and many there As Negro Imperialism is Stirs up General Feeling Taking His Seat in tle Corporation Propounded Of Dichtent Jamaica Mail Correspondent at Council at Jmalca Port au Prince Gives First Living up to the expectations of The Labour Leader of December Jamaica, Dec. 28. very interest. usuall interesting one in view of the members and officers of Division 14th publishes the following: Hand Information ing and somewhat complicated situr the that it is understood that No. 871, that the Eacred Concert As a result of the general feeling The latest issue of the Jamaica handled. Several towns including tion has arisen with reseepect to the Mr. Grey intends to be present in which was widely advertised for of discontent in Trinidad at the Mail just to hand publishes the fol Jaemel and Aux Cayes started to seat on the Council of the Kingstor order be sworn in and to take his Sunday the 28th. would be RED appointment of Sir Alfred Hollis as lowing account from its correspond riot but marines and gendarmes were LETTER night, was more than ful successor to Sir Horace Byatt, Cap.
and St. Andrew Corporation which seat.
ent at Port au Prince:to hand before anything serious could If bouncil declares the seat va filled.
Mr. Marcus Garvey was elected to tain Cipriani has given notice Haiti which has been one of the bappen. Aux Cayes severa!
An hour or fin sometimes ago, and the proceed cant, it is understood will be the more before the of the appended resolution (to the quietest of all countries for more casualties have been reported. These ings of the Council at its next meeting case, not unlikely that the matmeeting was called to order, dozene Clerk of the Council) which will be than ten years, last week underwent however occurred, understand, from on De. 30 will be watched with un ter who taken to the law courts of people turned away from the moved at the Legislative Council at a rude shock. She realised for the what would not for the dons. of the Lodge Hall, for tack of the meeting to be held on Tuesday first time the difference between the deaths, have been rather an amusing usual interest in many quarters. for a decision.
According to the Corporation Law standing room, chairs and benches next:gloved hand of the guiding incident. The disturbance took place and more chairs were brought from Captain Cipriani, to move:a person elected to a Corporate Office her civic affairs and her mailed fist GATEY TAKES OATH among the towns people only, and becomes diaquaalified if he is absent the neighboring buildings, but, the Whereas there is feeling of which is kept at hand to back those the country folks bearing of it from three consecutive meetings of The daica Gleaner of the 29th demand was still unsupplied. growing discontent in this Colony at who direct the Government of this thought they would come into town the Couneil without leave, ulto.
The meeting commenced with the the numerous appointments to the unfortunate country.
loot their cousins. However Due to his imprisonment for three Acconly on Tuesday morning singing of the processional hymn high offices in the local Civil Service The disturbance which took place they met the military instead and months in the St. Catherine District last, supanied by Councillor. Shine. on. Eternal Light, twenty twe of officials from African Colonies.
is said to have originated from a the casualties occurred.
Prison for Contempt of Court, Mr Beecher Garvey attended at regaled officers and the choir, black. And whereas the recent appoint strike in the Service Technique De The Commandant, thinking that Garvey who was elected to office the office the Town Clerk to make cross nurses and juveniles marehed ment of Sir Alfred Hollis as Governor partment. The head of this branch things would have developed more while actually serving his sentence the stary declaration There towards the rostrum. The ritualistic of the Colony has met with the of the Service, who is an Americar seriously called for 400 marines and was unable to attend three consoeu was paversation between Mr ceremonies were performed by the general dissatisfaction of the com (Americans are heads of all depart seriosuly called for 400 marines and tive meetings. He, however, on leam. Garvey Mr. Walker, and the Chaplain acting. The Sermon was munity.
ments) saw fit to re organise his de understand that Washington. tbought ing of his election, addressed a letter latter equnicated with the soli preached by the president. Be it resolved: That this Council partment, bringing in some Americar fit to despateh a further 1, 500. Hap.
to the Council accepting the office te citor to Corporation, Mr. After well rendered programe begs to record its protest against experts and reducing expenditure pily, before any of these arrived which he had been elected and ap Dunn, later attended at the had terminated, and the Sacred Con the appointment of Sir Alfred Holli: otherwise to meet the increase. The Haiti had resumed its normal deed plying for leave of absence. office of Town Clerk. Mr. Garvey cert had lived up. to. ita expectation as Governor, and that a copy of this Haitians in the department thought march, and were it not for the exis.
Ris application, for leave was re was press and during the conver. Col. St. Claire, was called upon to resolution be transmitted by cable to that they were not being fairly dealt fused by the Council, and in conse: sation wh took place it is learnt. deliver an address, appealing to the His Majesty Principal Secretary of with and called a strike, referring the pelled everyone to be oft the streete tence of Martial Law, which comquence of his non attendance at three that the litor hinted to Mr. Gar. Continued en Page State for the Colonies.
matter to the President for settle by nine o clock, at nights one would consecutive meetings, he becomes vey that seat was vacant under ment. Before anything definite was never have thought that abe wa disqualified from taking his sest arrived at the Customs House work capable of anything what happened which, it is undertood, will be Law, but gested that he should ers struck in sympathy, but they not The country parts were all quiet DECLARED VACANT consult hilieitor.
by the Council at the next meeting It is tood that Mr Garvey turned to work and attacked the probably never heard of it until it when a notice rigned by three mom saw his ritor, and later the Collector of Customs, severely injur was nearly over.
bers of the Connell and sounttersign. same aften he again attended And his Work in connection with the ing him. The unrest quickly spread Haiti is without arms and although to the wharf and things began to ed by the Town Clerk will be fixed at the Toflerke office and re! Colon Boys Institute upon the offices of the Council quested the should make the take an ugly turn. However, the feelings run high against the Ameri: cans, no Aaitian would be foolish According to the Corporation Law statutory ration and Mr. WalkU. military acted quickly and Hero in War.
and his thoughts turned heaven ward as it stands, Mr. Garvey will not be er, adminle the oath to him.
General Russell, the Commander inenough, think, to attempt anything Father at home, with pitying eyes, and quivering Chief, proclaimed Martial Law with like an organised movement against qualified to contest the seat agair Later on the afternoon a notice Christian in death.
voice; he asked: My daughter out much delay and brought out his them. those who have now beard as that portion of the law, which was issuemmoning a special play (BÝ Cyril. Thomas)
Melancholy Marines in full force.
formerly made him able to do so was meeting of ouncil for 11 a. to them, it may not be fully understood but all here have heard the droning truck out by the Legislative Cospel! morrow to pre Mr. Garvey seat. As the night clouds gathered over despondent and sorrowful, the oTOWNS RIOTED of the battle planes at night when the law was amended some vacant and a date for an elec the peaceful city of Colon, and the bedient daughter took up her position Just as quickly as it started, this and would be revolutionists must time ago. The section (32) of the tion of hispessor.
angelus peeled forth its mournful at the Organ, little affair swelled to something law which made a person disqualified over the realise where their fate would lle ir An opiniokyriting on the whold notes, there sat at the organ that Her fingers wandered which might have ended seriously instrument for case of a rising.
for non attendance liable to a fine situation hapn submitted to the stood at the bedside of Commander placid keys of the had not matters been efficiently (Continued on Page of 50 has also been repealed. Corporation their solicitar: ad Watson, Itate girl Miss several minutes, until at last, they of the beautiful It is certain that the next meeting it will be inling to see what de. Inez Watson, the only daughter and struck the chord of the Corporation will be an un velopments fake. place. sbild of this valiant man.
hymn, There is beauty all around PAN AMERICAN MEDI AIR MAIL RATES BEwhen there is love at home. Har.
CAL ASSOCIATION TWEEN PANAMA AND Her position at the organ, was moniously her sobbing voice echoed TO MEET THE UNITED STATES the direct request of a loving father REDUCED with the soul reviving words, as the a request, which turned out to be deep bass of the organ kept a comthe last to be uttered by his morta!
According to a statement recently According to Mannouncement forting accompaniment.
made by Dr. Nicolas Solano, chair recently made by officials of the lips. As the dying man weakened She played and sang for halt ar man in charge of the preparations local Post. the see playing or sociation, the second congress of the the United Six Million Persons in kdage and three together on the mules her dying father, shocked: Association will hold its insugural Thus they reach the slave market terrrified, and almost fainted as in the World where they are sold to the traders her eyes, dimmed with tears, saw Theatre instead of the National session on January 30 in the National from 25 to 20 cents.
This move, it is stated, will be the Families are broken up never to meet her father last struggle with the Institute.
means of establishing uniform LONDON, England. Although the chief offendinntry. The econo again. They are sold into a life of grim monster, death.
mail rates with the Canal Zone Blad Liberian government denies slavery mic system of ation is based on hopeless Misery Which ends only with This change was made by reason also eliminating inconveniences which For six successive months, Com.
exists there, Lady Simon in her new slave owning the reye.
that the National heretofore existed in mander Watson, founder and direc.
of the fact the rates of book, Slavery, just published, esti. They þegll with the slave Theatre offered better facilities for The punishments are terrible. tor of the Colon Boys Institute both post of flees.
mates that there are between 100, 000 raider, she sa ho is a merciless have a picture of a the opening, but all business meetslave who had (Reformatory) remaining in the An executive decree issued that ings will be held in the Auditorium week authorized a special issue of and 500, 000 slaves in Liberia.
man hunter, rta village, killing stolen some trilling object. His hand. confines of his home, at the Institute She also figures that there are be without merey who are useless and foot had been eit oft and he was fought against the collapse of a of the Institute. Delegates from postage stamps for use in the air tween 4, 000, 000 and 6, 000, 000 slaves to him and cafoff those whom thrown into the market place to dic weakened heart and sluggish kidneys; Buenos Aires and Argentine (tc mail service. The prices of thâse in the world today and that the slave he intends to the slave traders in terrible suffering.
Panama) have also signified their but, he had reached the end of his stamps will be 15, 20, and 25 cents trade still cotinues in many parts Major, Darles, described a Children in Hong Kong, China days, and, with complete submission intention to meet.
and will all have an identical design of the world including China, Abys convoy of thou, slaves march are still bought and sold although he surrendered his soul to his creator Papers by Dr. Gaudino and his plane in flight over the istinus sinia and Liberia.
ing across the the men roped away put Loma usugu at ten minutes to eight o clock, or wife (who is also a member of the with appropriate inseriptions and of Abyssinia Worse together, the. and children. lay against slavery. In slavery the evening of December 28th, 1029.
Faculty of Medicine of the Argentine different colors; the fifteen coats Abyssinia with some 2, 000, 000 following as be can. The lit bondage lasts until children are 16 David Valentine Watson, was born Capital) will be read before the stamps will be green, the twenty slaves, Lady Simon thinks, is the tle babies, whefnothers are too or 16 years old. Continued on Page 8) Panama Congress centa stamps red and the other blue Rent me a English Writer Estates 100, 000 Slaves Liberia Lady Simon Concludes therte Four to weak to carry them, are strapped twc hours with referent fiercing ingrohund die Tot the Pan American Medical As air mail rates between Panama and was


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