
PAGB TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1080 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS ST. KITTS JAMAICA TRINIDAD Road Mystery in the il Police Constable South Arrested BARBADOS Memories Virulent Epidemic Under Control Ja naicon is Applauded Before Pope (By in the Weekly Herald)
The eachers MRAMAR Da Friday the 16th, the oltaire How eagerly did relatives and CATECHISTS TRAGIC ACCUSATION OF TRINIDAD SCIENTIST The Holy Father Listens to brought from America mea Barba friends with bated breath scan the END.
dians who propose spendin, christ. first list of the saved; how anxiously Addresses in Thirty two The Epidemic of Filariasis with Different Languages ines in their pative land, whose did they await further news of DEAD IN DRAIN. Trinidad Guardias correspondent abscess formation which attacked the Duta bers would be secounted mall ir rescued ones, half hoping, half fear a Reun, Weleday.
Island of St. Kitts and gained in WEST INDIAN SCORES comparison with those eseted to ing lost the dear name they sought Siparie, Sanday. ulice Luis Die Yade us on virulence owing to insanitary condi ATTive on the 29th.
should not be amongst those men PENAL village in the Cousty Jute, uit ul Spain, wuo la sua con tions is now under control and rapid. Mast Popular Composition There is nothing of surprt in this tioned. Then mingled with the sad of St. Patrlek, was thrown into con reual was arrested to uky ly dying out.
By Gladstone Wilson, a statement, for the scene enacted accounts of the tragedy there came vulsions this afternoon when it be ou Wasuauguler charge by Dr. Pawan, Trinidad Govern yearly wben Living evices of news that thrilled every Barbadiar Native of This Island aume kaowa that Mr. Randia alijus sylvester which aceuses ment Bacteriologist, who returned to America generosity take oppor. through and through the news that Sinanan, Canadisa Mission East In Uz kulug aur. im Trinidad from St. Kitts yesterday af.
The Catholie Herald of Nov, 22 tunity of renewing their intance one of their countrymen Mr. Lionel dies Catecbiet, we found dead in a Count Los Catechnt whey was tounu ternoon sg informed a Representative with old friends, and of sy ding the Licorish had covered himself with publishes the following: drais along the roadway.
of the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN their families glory by saving twenty lives. Every atau Pulu a street druin 18 The Pope listened to addresses ir holidays amongst Visit To Friend walay morning.
It was because the disease had as.
thirty languages by the stadents of bringing the latter ereat by their country loves to have its hero, and Mr. Binaan, who was stationed at se do taken before mr. Ca sumed alarming aspects that Dr the Urban College of Propagande Ofts, and others in tut by thein Barbados in no exception to the Ponal, left die boude on Saturday abou, aan, magistrate, Couny Pawan was tried to St. Kitts by Fide in the Polyglot Academia, held direct or indirect patrony rule. She insisted that Lieorish the Trinidad Government at the reoveulog at about o clock, to pay V. com, wnd is being held on azul ia honour of the golden jubilee of My parpone for writing not to glory was her glory and like the eve vient to Mr. Boodhal, the bail Wodnesday December quest of that Government, his Ordination. The anaseal linguis dilate on the assistascehich the of Trafalgar, a nation woes were sehoolmaster, Heing about quarter Alotor Larry incident.
So urgent was the call for aid tie display was rendered possible by Land of the Stars and Staffords mingled with its rejoicings.
of mile amy. Hr. Boodlal was It is said that a motor lorry whieb from the sister Island that the Trinithe interuational composition of the the people of Barbados to recall Many of us subsequently read that out, so Sinanet remained and Valdez is aleged to have been driving dad Government rushed Dr. Pawan Urban College, in which twenty sever the tragic memory of Nober 12th Mr. Licorish with his manager was after reading the newspapers, left te fast Saturday night struck and knockto St. Kitts by airplane. He re nationalities are represented.
1928, the stay on which ill fated touring the United States, and be motors to Msowe bomo eu down Mr. Sinaran and that two turned by the Steamship Sorvangen The sttudents are gathered trop Vestris foundered carry scores of yond that little was heard of the Sourd Begro.
pedescrisus who saw the incident yesterday afternoon.
mission and to study for the priest souls to a watery graveod also to tour.
Few of us are aware of the Bat Sunday dawned and still the did not tell of it until the dead body Not Bubonie Plague.
hood and return to their rative coun: mention aftermath the sad unjust way in which he was foi catooblet did not appear. His wife was discovered because they thought The people of St. Kitts Dr tries apostles of the Faith.
attal months exploited and cast aside: ar becoming barmed wote a hurried that the Constable had reported the Pawan said are most anxious that The most popular composition was The first indication ghe disaste exploitation that was only made pos.
DOUD Wr. Boodlal, enquiring after matter.
it should be known that the epidemie that rendered in Halias by Gladstone mes received with higal disbelief sible by his unfortunate lack of the verbaboute of ber husband. At was not Bubonic Plague as was reclose to where the body was louna Wilson a negro from the island at Ja which later rave place auxiety as education and knowledge of the 80. telephone message was motor lorry skidded and ran off the ported. The disease he said smaica, British West Indies.
the wocuracy of the per became ropes.
root to ble brother, Mr. Simadan one well known in the West Indies vad und passers by helped to get it EXCELLENT CABEER. more asatred, and it to over learned from one who came over Provtalen Merchant at San Fernando vuck on the road.
Filariasis with Abscess formation.
Mr. Wilson several years ago at whelming mrief and far as the on the fifteenth who on the receipt of the message Unual Symptoms that Mr. Licorish Press issued an authoritve account appeared nightly in churches hurried to No. The symptoms are fever followed tended the St. George CoHope.
and student, where he had brilliant of the terrible mate (Continued on Page 7)
Dotty Discovered.
hy inflammation in various parts of career, graduating with all the sebol.
While statement of the disappear the body and the formation of ab.
astie bonours postale.
ence ww being made at Penal Cop.
Pensions scesses in the legs and arms.
Some years ago he went to Rome Dr. Pawan said that for four or stabulary Station, man called to pursue further studies, following terlbs reported that the mining ca UNION DETERMINED TO five months previous to his visit to the vocatiou a Priest of the Ro.
TRY St. Kitts the Doctors there were notechist bad jos boer discovered lying AGITATE.
man Catholie Faith.
ticing with concern these unusual Joad to trol Mr. Wilson entered the Propagan symptoms.
Dr. Jean Groll, the of the The new draft bill dealing with the da University at Rome, where he has Owing to insanitary conditions District, was fetched, and the body payment of pensions to teachers in since had a very erable career.
SALAD OIL the disease gained in virulence raremoved to the Constabulary Station the elementary and intermediate This achievement is but one to pidly Dr. Pawan said, and asWhen a pont mortom we performed school of Trinidad does not meet stance of the record of this brillant Yoter Fatality Prosumed. the approval of the Executive of the sumed unfamiliar form with the royoung Jamalean, he baving lead hte sult that the people of St. Kitts beThe body showed marts of a severe Teachers Union clas in almost every subject from came alarmed and sent for the most blow, delivered, presumably, by This announcement was made to a the time he entered the Universtiy expert advice available, Panama. PHONES. Coln 84 peserting vehicle. There was a deer meeting of teachers, at the Public word behind the right ear, brather Library, Port of Spain today, by Mr 10 Deaths.
and outs on the right side of the body Edwards, President of the Nevertheless, he stated, the madh ward bomorrbare. The riglet Union.
epidemie is certainly not extreme side of the face was wwelen and disas from first to last it only affected We are determined to obtain for aala teachers, the full pension rights 876 persons and caused 40 deaths The number of deaths cannot be The part of the road where the granted to Civil Servants, Mr. Edconsidered great when you realise fouad showed viwible wards declared.
that 26 out of the 40 persons who trons of the skidths of some motor An fort.
died were persons between the ages vehlele, and neigbbous remembered He exphained that an effort was that about o clock that might they being made by the Executive of the poorly fed.
of 60 and 90 and nearly all of them INCORPOSED 1869 beard what seemed to them the noise tnon see ether the Government of a track skleding Epidemie Confined.
would not decide to grant teccher: Dr. Pawan further stated that the Geod Christian.
full Civil Servicepersions. If the epidemie was almost entirely confined 8x. Sinan, who leaves wife and legislative Council decided to give bilderon, was well known in the dis ther the scale of pensions proposed and most immanitary districts in the to Sandy Point, one of the poorest PANAMA COLON Orict He wes of bumble and re by the Government, they would ae.
island. Never did it spread to Basseshlen Corver 11th and Bolivar Streets tiring disposition, and was a goor cept it, but they would not be satis.
terre, the capital of the island.
Driend and devoted worter in the fied until they had been granted fu of ble Christian faith. pensions to which they were entitled One Presh Case During the last ten days spent Total Assets in Exo DOY PRON TER WOREMAN He added that most of the Elected in the island, he said, only one and Nominated Members of the Leg.
fresh case was recorded.
ADVERTISERS AND GMT tstative Council were in favour of The Air Trip.
awarding full pension rights to teach VALUB POB TOUR MONEY Referring to his trip to Antigua by ers.
With 908 Branches the hout the world, including airplane Dr. Pawan said, liked the airplane trip very well. found it the following in the Br West Indies etc. this Bank quite safe and far more pleasant than is in position to renthe best possible service. trip on sea. We took exactly four FOR hours to do the trip to Antigua Strange Anti Climax.
Antigua Montserrat landed at Antigua and it was Babes a strange anti climax that should St. Kitts and have had to do the 60 miles from Barbados (2)
St. Lucia Antigua to St. Kitts on board a 20 Brith Harus ton flat. had a dreadful time of it hd (2)
Martinique what with the violence of the wind Gen. Golem (2)
and the ranning of the seas. Nevereee theless, reached safely and landed at St. Kitts at midnight. Continued on page. HIGHEST CURR RATES OF INTEREST For pyonaise or Dressing The Para Coca Cola Bottling Co.
until now, The Royal Bahk of Canada body Hoad Office: Nntroal, Canada of 950, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cloaning Clothos Good REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.


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