
PHONES. Colon 84 (Continued from time. Few things that we can do are more effective corrective measures than regular, systema exer cise. But once they become irregular, we might almost as well give them up, for it is in their progressive benefit that their good efeet lies. If we take them up, let us keep them up, and not deceive our selves with the excuse of not having time, when it is really laziness or loss of interest that keeps us from bene.
fitting by them.
If the scalp is not in a generally good condition if it is dry or oily on afflicted with dandruff most of us are willing to concede the great benefit of an application of hot oil and a good massage on the night before the shampoo. This means only half an hour once every two or three weeks, and considered in that light, it seems almost incredible that we do not all do it regularly. Yet when the shampoo comes round again, we find ourselves explaining simply didn have the time, this time!
Let us make up our minds on what we really need to devote our beauty time to, then let nothing interfere with carrying it out.
Panama 65 Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN mean HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY POPULARITY CONTEST AT CHAPTER 14 STILL CREATING INTEREST SOMAGOOG0900900109 work. He will neither combine with with their treatment received at arker and weaker workmen nor per home. It all helps to convince the mit them to compete with him. The foreign hosts that the Negro hom But after all is said and done, uniy adjustment tolerable has beer treatment is he kind he expects. the Negro has a better chance that of slavery or industrial subor gentleman never boasts of ordinary in America than anywhere else dination. idea of any consider civilities or amenities. He takes them on the civilized globe. able body of oti colored people in for granted.
truding themselves upon the indus Unheralded Negroes The Negro in Europe.
trial life of any country in Europe Treated Civilly.
By KELLY MILLER is simply unthinkable.
Mr. Robert Abbott, the fearless Mr. Rogers has just returned The battle for bread is the most editor of the Chicago Defender from an extended journalistic tour brutal of all forms of conflict, France, widely heralded his courteous treat of Europe. He has visited most of England, Germany or Italy would ment in Paris, which any man of his the countries of that continent with not dream of permitting any sizeable means and standing might ordinarily an eye keen to the presence and number of non whites to compete expect. Buton reaching London placement of the Negro.
Reports with their own sons for bread ir where his name and fame had prehave been made to the weekly Negro their home territory, ceded him, he was turned down by the London hostelries just as he press, which give us the most comNegro travellers and sojourners ir prehensive and enlightened view yet Europe are apt to be carried away would have been in his home city vouch sated on that subject. It is of Chicago. Unheralded Negro tour by the ordinary courtesy which every to bo hoped that he will embody his ists without chip on shoulder, before hospitable people extend to strang observations and experiences in the and after the rebuff of the Chicago ers. When an Afro American receives editor, suffered no incivility in the more permanent form of a published ordinary amenities in a foreign land volume. Some years ago Dr. Booker hostelries of the British capital.
he is so overwhelmed by the con. Washington visited Europe for the But after all has been said and trast with his treatment at home Outlook magazine to study the rela done, the Negro has a better chance that he too often mistakes forma tivo condition of the American Ne.
in America than anywhere else or pro and the European peasant. The courtesy for fondness. When France the civilized globe. As a competitive Nan Farthest Down embodies the or Italy treats a Negro tourist with workman he is barred from Europe out harshness, that does not imply by preoccupation; from results of his observations and reAustralia that they desire him as their neigh Hections New Zealand, South Africa and Can bor, companion, or fellow country. ada by stringent immigration laws Mr. Rogers has with great ye.
man. Tolerance for the exceptional Even Mexico and Brazil exclude him search and pains pointed out more man does not acceptance of the future of the Afro American is or less eminent Negroes who have the multitude.
functioned in varied ways during in America Afro American It seems to me that our Europear the past two thousand years in the tourists make a grave mistake ir different capitals of Europe. All of BUY FROM THE WORKMAN these instances have been lost with over dramatizing their courteous re.
ception in the European centers, by ADVERTISERS AND GET out trace. After two thousand years sontrasting their foreign receptior VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY of incidental and desultory contact the Negro has made no abiding im pression upon Europe, and Europe has made no abiding impression upon him.
Оно Europe and Africa stand today fac.
ing each other as if not a single Ne.
To had ever transferred from the black to the white continent. After twenty centuries, a handful of black has been absorbed by four hundred million whites, but they furnish no hint of the solution of the problems of ten million Afro Americans nor for any other considerable group of Negres now scattered abroad on the face of the earth.
Amalgamation a Slow Process.
Mr. Rogers is disposed to make much of the incidental fact that these Negroes have been absorbed which he feels furnishes a key to the solution of the universal race problem. He seemingly ignores the ele ment of time required to absorb any considerable body of diverse peoples Two thousand years would indoe: be a short time to amalgamate ter million Negroes in America. It would require like time to amalgamate ten million Chinamen in England on Clermany. Mr. Rogers seems to be beguiled by the ignis fatuus of amalgamation, consummation devoutly to be wished.
My Rogers agrees wholly with Buoker Washington in the view that the American Negro need not look for a placement in the indus.
trial and economie life of Europe This proposition is so self evident that it needs no demonstration and searcely merits statement.
Europe is the most thickly populated contnent on the globe. It is the abade of the white race, the most dynamic and progressive of all the children of men. They find their confines too small for their own breed and during the past four hun.
dred years, have been pushing over the borders into the lesser breeds ir all parts of the globe. There has been no European immigration, for there has been room for none.
Whites Dominate Lesser Breeds.
By reason of his arrogance and domineering spirit, the white man has dominated the other races and made them do his rough and heavy SALE The popularity conttest which is being conducted by the members of Chapter 14 of the is still creating much interest. Votes are pooled night after night by the members and their friends for their favorite candidate while the Rochester Boys Orchestre eontinues to furnish melodious strains of musie while al trip the light fantastic art of dancing.
At present, the likely winner is not taking a very prominent place as is usually the case, but, there are seores of surprises in store for all who endure to the end.
OF REBUILT RETAIL TAX GROUP FOR COLON NAMED GAS STOVES The work of assessing the retail commercial establishments of Color for the first six months of 1980, ha just been completed and the list of names is now in the office of the Alcalde where they can be inspected.
Messrs Jose Arboix and Del gado are now representing the Colon Board of Commerce on the Tax Com mission and any grievances ex.
perienced in this connection, can be explained to these two gentlemen.
Petitions for reduction might also be referred to them.
BARGAINS! PAYMENTS TO RE OPEN SCHOOL AT CHAPTER 14 Have GAS Installed Today, we guarantee every Rebuilt Stove to perform like New. Get GAS for Cooking while we can still offer you these Bargains in Rebuilt Stoves. You save from 00 to 20. 00 by buying a Guaranteed Stove Rebuilt by us Teacher Yearwood, former Principal of Chapter 14 of the together with two competent assistants from the Isle of Spring, will resume teaching at Chapter 14 on Wednesday January 6, 1930.
ACT NOW The school will be operated and controlled by the Chapter. Pupils will be admitted through the office in the absence of the Principal Yearwood. Mr. Yearwood once conducted a very large school at the Chapter, and it is anticipated that success awaits him and his staff The deors will be thrown open conce more with a delegation to greet the new management at O clock, Monday morning. January 6, 1980.


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