
Dr. Leo Pink Happy and Prosperous New nervous Chamber years CAR House Committee had previously considered these and decided that the approximate amount to be voted for Surgeon By ONE WHO KNEW HIM (Continued from page 2)
Dentist theatres, and proved such an attrac would be 11, 000. The court how. sturdy but white haired orator Parliament. He was constantly in a tion that the seats of the places 23 Central Ave ue Panama City. P.
ever, decided to submit the sum of glowering and gesticulating with complex and oftentimes embarrassing wherein he was billed to appear were 18, 000 in order to meet the increased amazing ferocity, stood on the tri pelitical tangle during his service a: Pho e 1862. o. Box 1062 Ancon, invariably secured long before the salaries of Resident Surgeons, nur bunal before a depressed Chamber of war time Premier, but he neves Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works appointed night. In many instances ses, and porters, and to provide some Deputien in depressed Chamber of De. halted his relentless forward Crive the audience was so harge that de improvements. Patients in the Pay puties in France dark days of the toward La Vietorie!
Wards were next discussed and the World War.
Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment spite the cold weather, it was unnecesMellowed.
amended rates passed. The charge sary to turn on the beat. For his George Benjamin Clemenceau was The Tiger built a reputation for per day for British subjects in Bar services, the principal actor in this an old man bados in the Tercentenary Ward but he epitomised bitterness during his stormy politseal drama, who incidentally was the vie Year to ail tim, received, am told, the meagre for a period of not less than six shall be 12 and in other pay wards strength as he shook his white head war. It was said he had no friends like a great tiger in emphasis of his and wanted none. But the year!
LOGO no sum of six dollars per day. The months. Patients from other places and oftentimes spectacular career, he have seen a change which made the words. At the high point of a long after his retirement from politice do incident shows to what extent Ameri double the above rate. The court PODO 2001 OOOO can interpret the word Enterprese; was bequeathing to war time France statesman a more friendly figure for hi creed of life.
history. He seemed to mellow and one newspaper editor even published SAMUEL AIRD Mr. Licorist Biography authentic ST. KITTS My policy is vietory! he roared reach out for friendliness in the last defiantly at of his life although never or otherwise, My friend was quite. TAILOR. Continued from page My home policy? To wage war deserting his earlier convictions.
unsympathetic, declaring that it was My foreign policy? To wage war The span of his life in the 88 years the just deserts of one who allowed No. 93 Calidonia Russia betrays us? We will confrom September 28, 1841 to to day racial discrimination to mar kis ad Canada Fruit time to wage war. We will fight saw Europe pass from a time when mirable beroism.
Prospects before Paris. We will fight behind nations lived on wars and rumours of THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL do not for one moment opgest Paris. We will fight, if necessary conflicts, to a time of the Locarno that breve deeds should be attempted CROWERS ASSOCIATION to the very last quarter of an hour, neva Spirit, and the Kellogg anti: behind the Pyrenees. will continue Spirit. the Hague Spirit the Ge.
ODO 001 ODI purely for the pecuniary possibilities FORMED that the attempts may bold, but it because the last quarter of an hour war spit. It saw Clemenceau at the will be ours.
helm when France was being tried by IF YOU NEED these days of remorseless self in.
terest when the code The Surviva St. Kitts, Saturday. At a specia It was the defiance of The Tiger of tbe Fittest is as rigorously en.
general toeeting of the Agricultural flung at a parliament torn by allegedAnd his experiences left the former forced as in the days of the cave and Commercial Society of St. Kitts le disloyal government officials and premier in disagreement with the man, it beboves each of us to give held at the Court House on Thurs weakened in morale by the long bat: apostles of world peace. He retained day, November 28, at which His Hontering of history greater war upor his belief in the old order which up.
an eye to the main chance.
May this article act. werning Mt. MacNaghtten, presid. the cities of France. It was a battle held the idea of war inevitability ed, the possibilities for developing cry which was to bring the veteran His experiences with the late Woodfor anyone wbom Fate may ever throw into the trp of an ever waiting a fruit and vegetable trade with Clemenceau the title of Tiger of row Wilson only served to make him and haven the Money to Purchase France from his colleagues and the more eynical.
Canada were thoroughly discussed.
title of Pere de la Victorie be. Clemenceau was first of all a pa a New one As an outcome of the meeting a Fruit and Vegetable Growers As. stowed by those to whom he was the triotic Frenchman and second, an sociation was formed and every effortsaviour of France.
amused cynie as he viewed the world The General is being made to push the matter Clemenceau drove thoughts of all which he had called simple.
WHY NOT VISIT OUR forward as much as possible, but victory from the minds of his Father a Country Doctor.
Hospital Attention will be given this season His father, a country doctor, little to English potatoes and it is expected also decided to make charges for op realised that the baby Georges would At a meeting of the Court of that trial shipments will be made to erations; 10 for one if a local have to recall to an alleged visionary Trustees and Directors of the Bar.
Canada early in 1980.
anaesthetic was used and 21 shillings world the reactionary viewpoints of bados General Hospital held of an age when war was a part of a when a general anaesthetie (chloro.
Wednesday the principal business ADVERTISE IN THE form or ether) was used, Mr. Brathnation life. Clemenceau entire was the consideration of the esti WORKMAN AND GET waite and Dr. Hutson opposed this history is marked by his aggressivemates for the year 1980 81. The GOOD RESULTS ness, his dislike of sham, his pleasure motion in a laugh at the expense of those The meeting then ended.
whose ideas he regarded as impracticable and amusing.
His life might be divided into four The Greatest Thrill outstanding phases. First. the studin the World ent and experimenter with the professions; second, the politician, fighter and successful man of affairs; third, the international and national. statesman; and finally the retired leader who viewed with a smile, and In the Worlato Pookat sometimes a krumble, the world he and high in the World had helped to run.
His death marks the elimination Latoom. STREET BRANCH from the world stage of all but two of the famous Council of Four of the PHONE 329 Stop and analyze it. there Paris Peace Conference. The late MISTELI. THE JEWELER nothing in life that gives more Woodrow Wilson, whom he amazed ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY pure happiness than making by his demands for France, preceded QUALITY GUARANTEED Is there?
Clemenceau in death; and David eo neone else happy.
Lloyd George and Signor Orlande When we present a gift, we alone are left to ponder over the un want it to be packed with all the usual outlook of the Tiger of fentiment, affection and good France.
There a multitude things In his early youth, Clemenceau vi Custom Tailor that will serve, but they lack insited the United States to dabble in Home respect. They wear out journalism. The fact that he was ther quickly; outlive their usefulness; Dr. Clemenceau, a recognised mem English and American Styles or have no usefulness at all, is ber of the medical profession, did not there ANY THING that will keep him from branching out inte NO. CALIDONIA PHONE 569 quicken the recipient heart other lines of endeavour. He met beat. that will tell her more Charles Dana, noted New York CATHEDRAL PLAZA eloquently than you could that journalist, did some work in journa.
you wish her well. that speaks lism himself, and then journeyed to its quality every time it is seen. Stamford, Conn. and became a proJ. Small BOX 640 ANGOR, and see the finest Assortment of that never wears out that re fessor in the French language de DENTIST tains its value. that arousepartment in the ladies seminary.
Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE the admiration of all who see it?
Married Wisconsin Girl.
Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm Yes it fine jewelry such as There he met the future Madame Attorney at Law. 30 to 30 p)
we will be glad to show you if Clemenceau, who was Sundays, by Special Appointment Miss Mary Masonic Temple lich St, OFFICE: 150 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 10 you will pay us a visit Foon. Plummer of Duand, Wis. They were O, Box 787, CBISTOBAL Selection of FULLER married in New York while in Europe PHONE: OFFICE 1664 122 Central Avenue. Continued on Page 8)
Sold at your ncarest Grocer BRANCH STORE Central Avenue 107 The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
125 Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Panama 66 PHONES. Colon 84 USED CAR DEPARTMENT an pick yourself an Unexpensive Serviceable Machine OMEGA POMEGA WATCHES DONT LOSE TIME, COME TODAY 11 Panazone Garage Co.
10. FLYNCH CALL AT THE Panama Hardware LOCKS of every description also the Finest ARTIZAN TOOLS

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