p. 8


ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930 OUR SPORTING PAGE Greyhound Races at nn elworth The Passing of SATURDAY, JAN UARY 4, 1930 cadas, 18T RACE, 4 MILE Blackstone Biscayne Baby Soob Up Tom Nite Life Tommy Thevanow Major Lepus Blue Sky Friendless letty Also eligible) Victoria Model 2ND RACE, PUTURITY Day Cop Black Quarry Power Plant Shooting Star Brient Pits Gates Ajar Flying Light Siater Annie (Also eligible) Poison Sweet William Church Notices this service, 26 Converts are Klip Quick Muloare, Spion Cop Again Rector.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Dear Sir this Holy Communion, 6, a. The members for cooperation in Lindy Boy St. Bartholomew Church, Las Cas. in St. Anns, on the 15th day of Rector great struggle for Negro Freedom Everlasting (Buck)
May 1870. He spent the first It was at this juncture that Garvey.
Third Jack Walton Holy Baptism, 15, a.
Matins and address, 11, a. Lay years of his life in the Island, and in ism and the spirit of Negro Imperial. Also eligible) Clune Boy Matins, 10. 45, a. The Rector.
Africa, as a soldier and doing various simran to fever heat. Mr. Gill, was Holy Eucharist and Sermon, 11. 30 Reader Brathwaite, Church School, 2, 30, jobs, the most regular was cooking assisted by Mr. Thomas in the appeal a, mThe Rector. Mulcare, In the company of his brother, for members, and after these two Governor Harry Burgess Church School, 3, traveled to Costa Rica in the year men were through, every living soul Priest in Charge.
Leaves New York For EVE OF THE CIRCUMCISION 1906. While in that country he was in the house was visibly moved, while Canal Zone Choral Evensong and Sermon engaged in the farming business expressions were of satisfaction 30, Preacher, The St. Simon Mission, Gamboa.
Rev He made much success along this numerous, According to a Matins and address, 11, a. Lay recent announce Chaplain Wood, line. After years of success, he Then, in the last scene, the concerts mert, Col. Harry Burgess, Governor At this service, the acolytes will Reader McCarthy.
opened a restuarant and hotel in were asked to asemble on the of the Panama Canal left New York carry lighted candles in the proces.
Church School, 30, Turriaba of the same country, and Rostrum, men and women jontled for the Canal Zone on Wednesday sions slated for the service. Mulcare, again he was successful. After to reach the platform while the well last Ist, Instant.
The public is cordially invited to Rector.
much encouragement to leave the known Sanky hymn, was a wand.
country, for the supposedly better ering Sheep was sung by the great field in Panama, he sold out and crowd.
traveled to this country in 1915.
The names of the Converts tolHe was eroployed in several de lows: partments of the Re. Dr. James, Meskrs Joshus and the He was chief cook at Coley; James, Uriah Ar.
the silver at Camp Beird cher: William Sterling; Heziah h the Watson; Newman; yo þettes Thomas; Archibald: George ki tson. Hutchinson; Nathaniel Kelly: month Percival Williams; Alexander OL called Pitt: Fitz Bryan; Charles Scott; kened Frances Buckner; Reid; men!
Pereival Saunderson; Thompth the son: Davy Gouden; Miss Anita nt, at Gray; Mimes, Bryan Cooper; Caroline Calvin; Daisy Shortly after, on June 7th, he Gibbs; Anita Broomwell.
sailed for Jamaica as non com missioned officer, in charge of Com More About pany Four months after he land.
ed in Jamaica, he sailed for the War (Continued from Page 1)
Jamaica, he sailed for the War strieken fields of Europe; where he. indepstand that President Hoover took active part in the World War is sending down a Commission to en This was not Mr. Watson time quire into the cause of the distur bance. experience in war, because he saw have heard of no casualties among retive service in the Shanty war.
He was the proud owner of Tive Jamaicans or other British West Indians.
medals, four for services rendered in the British West Indian Regiment 1, 000. 00 REWARD mess n 3RD RACE, 4 MILE Juggler Lea Bilver Clint Miss Violet Blite Irish Rebel King Lepus Bud Bocket Step Along Pat Marshmallow Also stiglble) Jennie Ridge Co We will pay 1, 000. 00 reward to any one. who can porve that our new Golden Orange Crush does not contain natural orange juice and real orange pulp 4TH RACE, PUTUNTY Handy Blita Golden Harvest Raby Trip Nigger Ridge Up Start Rock Away Fortune Hunter Innocent (Also eligible) Streerity and one from the Panamanian Gov. Georges Clemenceau.
we dare STH RACE, 4 MILE Velocepede High Sailor Friend of Mine Grid Leak Glenside Snap Dragon Terrifie Blitz Inyletus (Also eligible) Shindy Blitz PATO JULY 20 19:00 ORANGE CRUSH ON SUSTLE See the pulp in the bottle. Is there anyone, anywhere to prove the contrary and win the reward. We should say NOT anybody, Don let them deceive you. Ask for the new Golden Orange Crush Made from fresh oranges. New.
Different from any other drink.
more than juice. Bottled fresh daily.
Sold everywhere, ice cold. man, GTR RACE, FUTVRITY King Tot Kay Nine Royal Bldge Irish Seat Lucky Donnell Dreadful Girl Buster Ridge Trawler Fortune (Alno eligible) Ruth Thaw ernment as recognition for his ser vice to the country.
On July 24th, 1919 he returned, to (Continued from Page this country, as an honorable dis the Franco Prussian war was immicharged soldier corporal from the nent. Three children were born of 11th. battalion of the British West this union, but the marriage ended in Indian Regiment.
a divorce.
On the 16th of May, he organized Upon the repeated urgings of this the Colon Boys Institution, with family, Clemenceau took his bride homeless and orphan boy.
The back to France, and there he conCommander worked and supported tinued his defence of the French Re his orphan charged with so much public, being thrown into jail more affection and sincerity, that other than once for his democratie state.
bad boys of the city willing seeked ments, fighting a duel if need be and the hospitable doors of this good more or less preparing himself to be an interesting candidate in the larger The Institute grew and so attract rame of politics. He served many ed publie attention, and the govern years in the French parliament.
ment consideration, that he gained Continued in Next Issue the Official recognition of the VISITORS TO THE INSTITUTE Panamanian Government, with its financial support. Poor little boys, unfortunate or During the latter months of 199 phans most of them are; were some and the early ones of 1929, he passed of the expressions heard around the through the stormy, seas of eri Institute yesterday by group of tisisms and unjust attacks, he how gentlemen who paid a visit and took ever was successful in gaining the gifts for the inmates.
victory; but suffered from the effects Du Joseph Hamlet of Colon and of some of these attacks which two white genttlemen treated the rested heavily on his mind, and a boys to a generous amount of cakes consequence helped to shorten his and drinks. Another gentleman days. name withheld) also called on the Commander Watson leaves Institute, and gave the boys a very daughter, two nephews, three sisters encouraging lecture. The New Year and several tieces and a host of was well spent by these boy whe admirers to mourn their lost. an in charge of Mr. Reid.
Dont let them deceive you, ask for the original ORANGE CRUSH Bottle 7TH RACE, 16 MILR Sweet Sympathy Forrest Guard He Might Cateh Em Top Card Soonerville White Zip Dobnie Belle Pinky Blitz (Also eligible) Out of Line PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH Co. Inc.
AVENUE PERU Exposition Grounds Panama 2060 TELEPHONES Colon 480 STH RACE, 4 MILE HURDLE Heapstown

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