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FROGS no specia AND WEEVILS ESTABLISHED, 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 25 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1930 PRICE CENTS Mr. GARVEY Takes Seat at Corporation Council THE MAVA. CONFERENCE ITALY AND BELGIUM Chance Vendor Subscribes to Oath and is Welcomed Extradited to TO PRINCES MARIE Decision Handed Down by Foreign Office Yesterday in the Was the Glorious Meeting Held Last Sunday same on sworn in.
Meeting Breaks up in Confusion On Thursday, the American dele Two nations, Belgium and Italy were Over Motion for Welcome gates to the London naval Con closely united last Thursday, wher Jamaica, Dec. 21. The fortnightly ference left New York for England Prince Umberto of Italy and Princess fice Mr. Simpson said it was an unne.
Yesterday extradition papers were handed down the decision on the liner George Washington, Marie of Belgium were joined in effected by the Panama Foreign authorizing his extradition remeeting of the Council of the King. cessary motion, and had merely beer Those sailing to represent the matrimony by Cardinal Moffi. Ar Office, ordering the extradition backed by the Canal Zone authorities ston and St. Andrew Corporation actuated by a desire to do an injus.
United States in this epocal con chbishop of Pisa, amidst the most broke up in confusion yesterday tice to someone. The Standing Or.
to the Canal Zone of a certain chance it was stated that extradition was Secretary of State, splendid setting ever seen in Europe vendor (whose name is withheld for following a vote of welcome which ders said that the Council could not ference were to take place immediately and prob.
was extended to Mr. Marcus Garvey sit after four o clock, and therefore Henry Stimpson, Secretary of the since the days of glorious Rome.
reasons) but who it is alleged crossNavy.
Charles Francis Adams The bride was given in marriage by who had previously been sworn in the motion was not necessary.
ed the border from the Canal zone ably the case will come up for hour as a member of the Council. The Mr. Seymour said it was Mr. Simp. Dwight Morrow, Ambas her father, King Albert of Belgium into Panama when he was wanted ing in the Canal Zone court early sador to Mexico, Senator David as the highest members of the royal to answer police charges in conneenext week.
visitors gallery, nearby windows, and son himself who had moved ar The decision of the Foreign Office every point of vantage from which amendment to the Standing Orders Reid, Republican from Pennsylvania families of both kingdoms looked tion with his operatins on the Zone the proceedings of the Council could making it possible to adjourn a meet and Senator Joseph Robinson OR.
Taking advantage of his claim as a was embodied in resolution and Democratie floor leader be seen or heard, was crowded with ing and continue it on another day The entire nation rejoiced on the Panamanian eitizen he tried to evade forwarded to the defendant lawyer spectators, who cheered when Coun therefore Mr. Simpson eriticism tel Senate, and vice presedentail candi day, and pageants, depicting ancient extradition, but it was learned that this case has created considerable in cillors Garvey and Simpson left the to the ground.
date for the Democratic party during splendors of the country, were enacted yesterday morning the Foreign Of terest.
Council chamber.
the last election.
Mr. Simpson said there was nothing throughout the whole land. This Although there were forty sever in the Standing Orders requiring such It has been estimated that ever most pompons ceremony items on the agenda, only four were a motion as had been carried.
one hundred American delegates will carried out in Europe sine the days of the world war.
dealt with, and these were merely for the matter dropped, and the min. attend this conference which has as malities.
utes were confirmed and signed by its purpose the limiting of Naval After marriagem, the eouple called Present at the meeting were: His the Mayor.
Armaments. The party is expected on the Pope and received his benedicWorship the Mayor, Alderman DC Mr. Garvey Takes Seat to arrive at Plymouth, England on tion.
By Division 877 Colon Vaz (presiding. Alderman Per the seventeenth of January, The couple will spend their honey.
Councillor Simpson said Mr. Gar so, Deputy Mayor; Alderman The George Washington was the moon in famous the Racconigi Castle FLAGGING INTEREST REKINDLED vey was present and desired to be McLaughlin and Alderman ship whieh Woodrow in Peidmont which King Victol Em Drew; Councillors Beecher, Wilson travelled to the Versaille: manuel, the Division 877 of the Universal Ne purpose for which the first sunday bridegroom father The Town Clerk read the follow Clough, Dillon, FerConference at Paris in 1918. Other presented to his son as a wedding gro Improvement Association of in each month is put aside and called ing: minute from His Worship the nandez, Simpson, Gordor nations represented will be, England gift.
August 1929 of the world, celebrat. Garvey Day. He gave review Mayor to the members of the CounHay, and the Hon. Seymour Sey.
Japan, France, and Italy.
ing Garvey Day last sunday night of the life of the Organization. He eil: mour, Mr. Marcus Garvey, Mr. The American delegates just be that the Conference would be a suethe St. Gabriel Lodge Hall at explained the obstacles and barriers Walker, Town Clerk, and Mr. The Council has been advised by fore leaving, expressed confidence 6th Street, rekindled the flagging that the Chief. Hon. Marcus Garvey Harris, Deputy Town Clerk, were alsс its solicitor that Mr. Garvey has interest of many back sliders of the. was compelled to surmount in order in attendance.
ceased to hold the office of Coun movement, and inspired and The minutes of the last ordinary cillor. motion to declare the to bring the association to this touraged the faithful.
and a special meeting of the Council Vacancy was deters in order to obWith he singing of the processional standard. He pointed out the danger were read.
tam the opinion of Coulised on the of having in the cabinet unfaithful lynn, Shine on Eternal Light the Hon. Seymour Seymour matter. It would in my opinion be staff of officers and other units officers, and to what extent they may rostrum impede the work of race liberation.
pointed out that the minutes were ir preferable that Mr. Garvey should half past seven. The spiritual exerCol. Gill, Miss Arthurs, and sev.
correct as he had seconded a motior made by Alderman Drew for the attend a meeting of the Council on Touring the West Indies cise and sermon were conducted by eral other officers lectured in forcefuj the Rev. Dr. Jamex select pro tems which was the means termination of the meeting, whereas take the oath of office. If, however Coming on the heels of the rumour Barbados or Jamaica. We he insists upon doing this, the oath can ill.
the minutes stated that the meeting grame arranged by Miss Anderson euring several now members and that Griffith, Hoad, and Challenor afford to dispense with Browne was adjourned. Continued on page 4)
was well executed by the Juveniles. the return of several back sliders.
may only be available in the first services at any time and more espeThe president, Mr. Cyril. The meeting was brought to a close Test Match, it is disquieting to learn cially now that he has demonstrated MOUNTED POLICE TO WESLEYAN MINISTERS that Dewhurst. in all probability, will that he is in better form with the bat Thomas in his address explained the at 10. 45 CARRY LAMPS TO ATTEND THE only be available in the second Test and the ball than at any other period PANAMA WESLEYAN ANNUAL SYNOD Mateh (says a writer in the Barbados during his career.
THE SELECTORS RESULT OF TWO VERY it is stated that he has reconsidered Once again the weather has proved OUR ACTIVITIES RECENT ACCIDENTS The Revds. Wade and his decision and will be available in unfavourable for cricket and At the big mass meeting which was Cousins of the Panama and all Test Matches, excepting the one scheduled Trial match has had to be The usual monthly consecration held on Sunday last, the members and The Alcalde of Panama, Abdel de Colon Wesleyan Churches respec. played in Jamaica. The West Indies postponed. Our selectors, however meeting of the Panama Wesleyan friends of the Pospective Division la Lastra, has begun to consider tively, will leave the Isthmus on suffered a severe handicap in Eng should have little difficulty in getting Christian Endeavour Society took of the were treated to two Wednesday next 15th instant, for land owing to the lack of a really seriously the danger in which police together island team. The piace on Wednesday Night last, 8th very inspiring New Year Messages Kingston, Jamaica, to attend the first class stumper and it is no exag.
instant in Geddes Hall when members by Dr. Anderson and men on horseback find themselves at annual synod in connection with geration to say that with a keeper of N1. team arrives at the end of night on the dark roads of the Sa Wesleyan Methodism.
the class of Dewhurst the team would our cricket season and the selectors responded to the roll call and repeat. Myors, cu their pledge.
The doctor delivered in concise banas and old Panama.
should have seen enough of likely It is doubtful whether they will have been at least twenty five per candidates during the pas The evening lesson was read by form, a typical New Year Message On the night of the 31st. Pedre be re appointed to the Isthmus. The cent stronger. Now that all the misfew Miss Anita Harewood and the ad ending up by impressing on the Magallon, a policemen on duty or Rev. Wade term having expired under standings appear to have been months to be able to decide on their dress of the evening was made by members the abllity to think foz the Sabanas road was thrown off since last year, it is probable that amicably settled and Dewhurst has morits for inclusion without having the President of the Society, the themselves. This address was tolhis horse by an auto. It was stated the Synod may see fit to make decided to return to first class crick. to depend on trial matches. And Rev. Wade. Officers for lowed by the Hymn Father of all that not much blame could be placed change, but, in the event of his et, it is indeed disappointing to learn while on the question of selecting a the ensuing term were elected after creation after which Mr. Myere on the driver, as the horse did not going elsewhere, it is felt that the that through the absence on leave of team it might be as well to look into regular meeting. The position Garvey an address on parents and into the same zoal and earnestness with which the Collector General it is possible look composition of carry any light.
now and thus. Rev. Wade children.
he labored here, will characterize that Dewhurst will have to change the Island Selection Last night, policeman, Torres com President, Mr. Harris, ViceThe meeting was preside over by was again thrown off his mount by his work in his new field of labour. his plans and will be available only mittee and the First Test Match President, Miss Vida Stephens, roll. Secretary Greely, while the religioue.
The Rev. Cousins has also for the match played in Trinidad. Selection Committee. During the Secretary, Miss Alice King, General rites were conducted by Mr.
an automobile.
endeared himself to his flock and further rumour states that sev. recent tournament in Demerara the Secretary, Mr. Claude Guy, Trea. Jeffers who acted As this is the second time in the would be greatly missed, should he eral of the British Guiana players Board of Control appointed Mr as chaplain for surer.
the occasion. After several tteme course of a week that this has oc happen to be otherwise appointed will be unable to make the trip to Kidney and Mr. Terilton, along with curred, the Alcalde has decided to their reappointment to the Panama Barbados. It is understood that Mr. Austin, to be a Selection Other members of the committee were rendered, the meeting equip all horses with lamps which Colon Circuit would be gladly wel Browne is available in Demerara Committee for the First Test Match are Messrs Grant, Broad brought to a close with the Benedlewill serve as a signal to all autoists. comed.
and Trinidad, but will not be visiting (Continged on Page Continued on page Continued on Page 8)
Difficult to Select Captain for Indies Eleven not until the matter has been seened In Test Matches Against Team marched towards the The of the an

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