
MSMO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1920 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS British Guiana Antigua TRINIDAD Tlie Workers British Guiana not for Lord Oliver in Antigua Stevedore Shot Municipal Political Club voeste the opportunity was taker Sale Aboard Ship Ownership COMMUNITY SINGING too a to me made Aceording to the Barbados AdWorking People Mob recently at the official opening of Harney.
HEAD OFFICE the Bay Street Esplanade to raise ALLEGED CHIEF EN. Future of Electric Tramway LORD OLIVIER SAYS WORTH WORKERS HALL to a higher sphere of interest and MISLED BY FALSE GINEER COMMITTE And Lighting Services MAINTENANCE BY EMPIRE PASSAGE ROAD orderliness the practice of community RUMOUR FOUL DEED Of Port of Spain.
singing in the colony. This has beer The Barbados Workers Political the result of sugretion by Als It is to be regretted that the visit Antigua witnessed some excitement The Port of Spain Gazette In it FRANCHISE TO EXPIRE Chud take the opportunity of appeal. Kiscellabey the Governor, who has of Lord Olivier to British Guiana during the Sitting of Lord Olivier issue of Dec. ard sayo:me to slectors all over the island to been impressed with the love of Bar. which may be regarded as an earnest Commission. On November 4th it is stevedore named Louis David City Council Want to Ac.
reason and think out matters for badians for musie and good singing of the Labour Government desire said that the sugar planters and was shot in the abdomen, it is alleged quire Undertakings; Comthemselves before casting their votes und who is rightly of the opinion that to do what can to restore prosper factory owners spoke very unfavour: by the chief engineer of the mittee To Investigate. a, the next General Election. In the the orderly pursuit of this pastime should have been made the occasion Mr. Harney Chairman of the sailing for New Orleans via Jamaica and Tramways Ordinance to the ity to the local sugar industry ably of the agricultural labourers Padilla, now on the high seas post we have failed to measure up tt can be of benefit generally.
JUT duty as full citizens of Barbados of irresponsible suggestions by a Antigua Association Ltd. peasant. and be lies in the Colonial Hospita! Trinidad Electric Company: and to Votes have been granted simply be Donymous correspondents in the Press association also gave evidence and in a dangerous condition.
make recommendations to the Gov.
EXCITEMENT OVER that the Colony should be sold to the spoke very sympathetically of the cause they were asked for, more often The shopting and the departure of ernment as to the policy which ir ELECTION United States.
than not the canvasser was the tool workers. It appears however, that the boat almost immediately after their opinion should be pursued in re.
of cireumstances Some people teve An exchange states It is reLord Orivier en the inaugural meet. some ill disposed persons eireuleted the wounded man was put aboard a gard to the future operation of the overi stooped to bartor their print ported that there has hardly eves ing of the Commission in George.
a rumour to the effect that Mr launch, make one of the strangest Electric Lighting and Tramway ser legas.
Therefore those represenfabeen any house of Assembly electior town, on November 18th, referred Harney had spoken against the work incidents in the hardour.
ing people, with the tives who ought for twelve months in Barbados which des caused more speeifically to this topie. In the result that Arrival from Demerara The Committee comprise: The to do the servants of the voters have Mr. Harney and his family were The Padilla, ship of 1, 251 tons Attorney General (Chairman. the Interest and excitement that the Argosy be is reported to have said:become their masters. have seen suggestion made in mobbed and hissed, and threatened of the Colombian Line, under com Mayor of Port of Spain, the Director present one. The professional GAR The is preparing to ven.
He had to seek police protection mand of Captain Castro, arrived from of Public Works Hon. Gaston Johnvaesers are reaping a rich harvest the newspapers here and mentior ture into polities in order to encourage. But even they confess quite openly because the suggestion was actual. The following letter was addressed to Demerara in the morning consigned the approaching termination of the and direct the working dass to east in the Committec His Excellency by Mr. Harney, to her agents Mesats. Haggins franchise granted under the Electric their votes aright.
that they wo ubable to forecast ther ly made to me St. John Antigua Co. Ltd.
Room of the West India Committee (Continued on Page 7)
results. The candidates 5th Nov. 1929.
with gang of stevedore, among whom Wo do say that any offer of a showing an unusual persoual interest by gentleman connected Your Execellenes consideration for vote should be in the campaign and votezat ere being Why don you take advantage of Dritish Guiana. He said was the man David, were employed the hulk and were followed by a wish to bring before Your by the Archer Couling, Coy, to coal number of stevedores.
takon w insult. For the water canvassed daily and almost hourly being Labour Government and not celleney notice, and to crave you the vessel. They went aboard and who accepts either money or kind 101 for their support. Most of the can David Shot his voto nells himself for the remain didates appear to realise that the ok caring two pence about the Empire sympathy in, the matter of an ocetur.
toder tbe Superintendent, Mr The fight took place on the captain ing 364 days in the year. Election totbods will no longer avail. The to sell the West Indian colonies to ence which took place among the Archer, coaled the ship from one of attacking Areher and the captair the United Sintes of America in ex populace yesterday after the after the company hulks.
Day so the one day an elector should drew a revolver which a stevedore electors want to bu determined to make a sacrifice.
see and hear the change for their debt?
noon session of the Commission.
The Quartel seized. The chief engineer then shot candidates themselves and desire Well, did not like the way in It appeared that a rumour went When the work was completed ar David who was returning to the halk The politseal waters are troubled at piblie statements of polley rafker which the suggestion was put but it about that in my evidence before the altercation took place in the hulk be.
from the steamer.
present. We of the are Chras personal pledges.
is a propaełtion which see has been commission spoke against the tweed Archer and the chief engineer asking alerton to vote for no candi.
The wounded man was kastily re.
put and discussed in this Colony labourers to the effect that they were dale unless he pledge himself to do an Over the question of receipt. The moved to the launch Despatch of That may or may not be a politically too well paid, and were able to purchief engineer demanded a receipt the Archer Coaling Coy. and the in his power to bring about one of JAMAICA imponible suggestion. but am not chase the best wearing apparel. This from Archer who said he had already stevedoren got off the ship.
the following reforms: gołng to discuss that. suggest to created sueh an antagonistie feeling etven one to the captain.
Compulsory Education. Maahood Steams Away you that for the present moment it against me and the members of my Angry words were exchanged be. The launch had not got far from Butyruge. an Emigration Scheme At Kingston; Vessels Come is not a suggestion that will imi family that we were mobbed, hooted tween the two men and the captair the steamer before it hoisted anchor Government Licemed cane welghers Here For Repairs Bat twediately help the West Indian sugar and hissed at as we passed through from the ship joined in the quarrel Unemployment; Allowance, Old Age and steamed away.
Must go Elsewhere industry. It would take some time the streets, and was even threaten Archer in sold to have been challeng Pension, Workmen Compensation The Harbour Constabulary, to whom to ascertain whether the relief you with stoning.
ed to fight by the captain on severa Act, Dosth Dutien, Beforget the a report was on the launch WE LOSE BUSINESS would got from the United States The feelings of the misses were occasione, also by the chief engineer reaching shore could take no action.
Hospital, Almahouses and Govern Heing willing to tako in exchange so strong against me that deemed He declined to leave the hulk.
megt Industrial Boboots The steamer was already almost Latest Case is That of The the West Indies, provided that car it necessary and advisable to seek The chief engineer returned to the dot on the horizon.
09h30 things the stad Canadian Steamer be done, is well founded or not, and special police patrol, when got ship and held conversation with David was reported late last night Connector further than that assume that the (Continued on Page 7) the captain. Later, both boarded to be in a critical state. The Is Lout saving device shte idea that immediate prosperity would Are throwing more and more wa WILL GO TO CRISTOBAL result from the exchange of the ut of corpoynan heve tatad the West Indies to the United States is Presby wchokify for these re The Mall of the 2nd intat says baned upon the idea that the West dars.
Tho tumship Counastar which Indhav Colonies will immediately get full benefit of the same protectior Now blood is wanted in the want asboro a fow weeks ago near Horse of Assambly, 56 arv usking Belize, and was surveyed Kingstar Haiti and the Philippines do. am not quite sure that will be the votere to vote for principles and Rot be Lloyds Surveyor and recommendROOD dry dock for cure, because whether you will get DUP DA. The country not be rored to INCORPORATED 1869 same protection hypothetically ou metiusot, it bustness soppats, win, it is understood, go to Cristobal for the purpose.
in the Untted States depends so far Hoad Offico: Montreal, Canada as can fudge upon the extent AmeriLastly to the topresentatives we This id totda haring simple al can capital that has taken over the say you are being ratebed, and the large sum of money Jamaica la surger Industry in any island Oy retumal to consider the interioa of losing for vant of day dacks at colotry.
PANAMA COLON the electote vil bo committing polis Khgston. Within recent months.
umber of vesele would bara det In Caba, which has been hitherto Santa Ana Pham cal ruleda.
Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets suffielently attractivo hunting The Bartedian Worker Politics) put on dry dock at Klupstan one existed here.
ground for American capital, the Olub is about to establish breebee surger Industry in any island or in. Every parish for the perhial do Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 sugar industry is largely developed IN eation of the people, and a tons of ADVERTISE THE and extensively Mhanced, but oven goodwill are unked to rally found the WORKMAN AND GET the financial influence of those in.
undertale GOOD RESULTS terested in Cuba has not succeeded in getting them more preference than With 900 Branches throughout the world, including a hall cont per paund. Well, that the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank might be worth something, but it is en framediate great bonus. shall is in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR rather doubt whether American sugar financiers as long as they have Cuba and other places to exploit would be Antigua Dondinion Montserrat very anxious to take over what is Bahamas Grenada historically a difficult proposition as St. Kitts and your sugar industry in British Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia Guiana, at any rate possibly until British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique after a few more years when it goes into the market very cheap, which Guadeloupe British Gohan (2)
200 you do not want it to do. What we have to deal with is the present sitnation. When you have concluded your negotiations with Washington HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST and put up a proposal to the British Government that it be sold or put on No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
PAID ON DEPOSITS le then you can think about Panama, This crisis is upon us this year, and we have to tell the British Govern General Banking Business Transacted. Contrated on age 7)
The Royal Bank of Canada he Making Good Clothes Cloaning Clothos Good REID


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