
Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA CANAL ZONE NOTES (By ELIJAH HUNTER. Cyril, Thomas. The Devil return to hell by two, Friends Countrymen. Nuff He said that this mechanie had And he stay at homne till five; sumt ing is happening down in huneh that he would do as he was When he dined on some bomicides Cristobal lately. For instance. darned pleased with that which he done in ragout heard that a busman was on his way possessed without any partnership And a rebel or so in Irish stew, from Gatun to Cristobal some days 90, being an expert mechanic, he took And sausages made of self slair ago, when something happened to his accurate aim on the second class tire. He stopped to fix it, and a Railroad Station at Mount Hope And bethought himself what next to truck came along, touched the bus and let drive. bang! He hit the do, in the rear, and it looped the loop bull eye, but not his own, and And quoth be, ll take a drive.
and committed violence to his person demolished the disreputable looking walk in the morning, ll ride to heard a fellow telling the story strueture that is of no use to anyone night; and he said it in this way. de man except the Panama Railroad Com In darkness my children take most wus fixin he tire boy de truck many. The scout tells me that ALSO delight, com long and put a lash pon he this Mechanic had a miraculous And ll see how my favourites tail s0. bow! an be crois. lic he escape but that he himself cannot see thrive. Byron.
upsoide dung. anything miraculous about it. He thinks that any mechanic of his (the Then, the Quartermaster truck mechanic s) class ought to be able It is impossible to deny the existence of evil, and the reason for it was conveying men, mostly Car to do that, for otherwise he would has long exercised the human in penters to work at France Field on be no darned good. The scout contellect. The savage solves it by the Friday. Some high stepper was cludes by observing that anyone who supposition of stepping on his gas, and in attempt thinks that this man is not a good evil spirits. The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of ing to pass, fell into the temptation mechanie has another thought com of kissing in passing. Now, per. ing men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of rods and sonally know that thats a dangerous godesses. Others have imagined two way to kiss, learnt that when Then the scout tells me also that IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL divine principles, opposite and anta was seventeen. One morning was he passed by the Goosiana Clut gonistie one friendly, the other going to school, was a few minutes Rooms one evening last week while hostile to men.
late, so was hurrying. had to they were in session. He said the Wherever men have lived, there pass a cottage by the wayside where chief goosiana was giving instruc a peach of a girl lived. Her name tions to the only member of the club the devil lived also. Devilsin.
WAS. thats my business. As then present. He said she impressed MULLER carnate have been man greatest Prop was hurrying pass, the peach rar upon goosiana No. the importance blessings. They are the obstacles out and asked me to hand the teacher o introducing all side lamps to the 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 ever which we must pas to reach a note informing him of her inability three blind mice, 80 as to bar our chersihed goal. They serve to strengthen our will and fire our per to attend school that day. took suspicion and avoid misunderstandseverance; thus supporting the idea the note and was about to pass on; ing. She said that such a safeguard all kind of hellish oaths, because he that Evil is undeveloped good.
but boy, couldn pass that dimple was necessary on account of the without tasting it, so drew clappers présence in the village of goosianas felt he was not properly dealt with; Those Devils incarnate are genwhen an opportunity was given tcerally, men and women who, barter across it, making a sound somewhat that don belong to the club that like this. e D Her brother although the mice can see, they ear GATUN him, how he retracted his sayings their souls to Envy, Malice, Jealousy How strange the thing is, why and Hatred, and consequence was looking through the window and hear, and might be told of the fre.
saw me. He came straight out and quent visite of the side lamps ir The Talk of the town is this spacious, cool, and of course, less should he act that way?
become total failures and wrecks in cleaned me up. This is how came their absence. She said if they were Snow dance that is under preparation tiresome. must admit Guss; that it is hell life. Realizing their positions in to know that kissing in passing is friends, the mice would not believe by the Girls Reserve of Gatun. This almost impossible, to deal with us, this life and the life beyond, they dangerous anything told them; but would give brilliant affair is slated for Saturday Grand and Great will be the day mean those of us who are considered devote the rest of their evil days in them that tried to tell hell. He said for the followers of the Seventh the laboring class, mean the comstirring fires of bell among the But to come back to the story evening January 18, at the Clubthat during these instructions, sidecirculation this busman, having been stepping lamp No. arrived. Micey was ir and progressive house. wide of in. Day adventist. The General SecreThos mon laborer. There is one thing that peaceful we ll join the immortal poet and on the gas, kissed the truck while vitations have been going the rounds. tary from the home body will give town, and the chief goosiana straight in the peaceful village. The best in want you fellows to quit doing a special lecture at 30 Sunday sing: he passed and licked up three men way demonstrated what she was rare occassion and that is to say: The Panama Canal Two of them, understand, got the propounding by making the introduc fingers points to music has been secured. And all evening. This is a To Thee, my Gods to thes. call!
needles and were sent home. The a rollicking good when such an able preacher with his treat us unfair and they push us out Whatever weal or woe betide, tion. He said that when goosey mW other was strapped up and kept in time.
knowledge of world happenings shall of work and so on.
By thy command rise or fall, that everything worked smoothly address the people of this village, the hospital. It is said he had some. will repeat, That the best friend In thy protection confide.
she expressed her pleasure by sing.
thing the matter with some of his ing. Rest to the weary, peace to The manager of the Gatun Com.
the Negro has ever had as Chief of Cyril. Thomas.
The Bocas battled a draw ribs. Too bad!
the soul. missary should be complimented Where game last sunday.
the Panama Canal, is right here, and whe ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY openly and freely. The silver em.
whose name is HARRY. BUR.
Then again, Christmas night, bus.
The scout informs me that he will ployees from now until shall not TO MEET GESS, Governor of the Panama man Campbell was driving some keep in touch with the club from have the trouble of climbing those The specials from Silver City will Canal. But needs proper representa The next general meetting of the St passengers in his bus as he couldn week to week, and let us know how tiresome steps; because their sectior engage the boys of Gatun to. tion. It would be a good thing if Lucian Benevolent and Protective So drive anything else. One of these hings are. He says though that did not seem to have gotten enough he doesn think the club will stay removed downstairs. More morrow, all the colored employees would de ciety will take place at the Panama chicken at dinner time, so he had together too long because those same cide to join the SILVER EMPLOY. Capital Hall tomorrow at 00 PM thirst for more flesh and decided to groosianas were together already, but Members are hereby reminded to be EES ASSOCIATION, because its Tree try a piece of human ear to see what they had a pull dung, and they flew Heard Under the Almond only through recognized channels that on time so that all business, may be got through at an early hour.
virtue there was in it. He was away from each other. He says they OWN PROGRESS proper representaof those who seem to like the taste are fond of the song that: Till in these late days did see you color. When say this, am talk of elastic substances in animal bodies BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ing with much strength. The present so he connected his teeth to Camp dem all gwine to pull dung, What a sudden rain, Sugar; Lets ADVERTISERS AND GET bell left ear, and cropped it off Forgive me; there is something at Governor of the Panama Onnal, is dem all gwine to pull dung; run for the shelter boys.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY one of the best Chief that ever sai Wow! poor Campbell jumped nine som 11 pull dung beds and others More than the discharge of in Balboa Heights of course, as far leften. and there was weeping and chairs, nashing of ear. Now, the biter is public duties, as the interest of the Colored emin jail, and Campbell is in Hospital but dem all gwine to pull dung. Which long use and a talent like to ployees are concerned. This gentle yours man has a great big heart filled with And then, a Mechanic of the first To tell the truth, friends, and Have rendered light, nay, a neces the love of humanity, and where. class parked his Countrymen, entertain the same square deal is to be given you car sity. Tis not car plumb under rest assured that it will be giver the Panama Railroad Station at hope as the scout, because if they In hostile states nor perils, thus to Mount Hope at O clock in the don pull dung, it will be danger. shade you. through Governor Harry Burgess But, and the But is a big one; and Morning (you remember that song) ous for the decent women and the one morning last week. My scout growing girls, so many of whom live How de gentlemen, how have you a regrettable one; most of the time in Corral Heights. Amen.
all been getting on; the new year and through ignorance, and pigheadedtells me it was like this. This Me.
ness, we STAND IN THE WAY OF chanic is a big man in an exalted Just as you see, Gusty: no work nc OUR OWN PROGRESS.
position. He was riding in a motor ADVERTISE IN THE Sometimes, the Governor directs car he had bought and paid for WORKMAN IT WILL money, and every thing seem so dull going in the direction of Mount Hope BRING YOU GOOD RE.
and gloomy: certain investigation for the sole Nothing to do boys, but to keep bneefit of those who (not the Cemetery as you will see)
are hard SULTS brave heart, something wil event pressed; but for some unknown rea.
ually turn up in our favor. son, those who are interested, and That a good way of looking at whose interest the investigation is it; but don believe in miracles instituted, are generally the ones to in these days; If there is anything make an intelligent investigatior to turn up, we ll have to do the impossible. Why? Why should we PHYSICIAN turning up ourselves.
be afraid to say the things that af.
Yes; that is very true, when you fects us, when called upon by those HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO come to think of it; and, it will not who are working for our interest. be such an easy thing for us to turn Why are nt we afraid to say those No. K STREET up things. Here is an example. things to our friends, even swearing PANAMA CITY The authorities of the Panama vengeance at times? Take for in.
Canal are very willing to cooperate stance, our friend How he has 0000000 with ite employes, regardless of raised hell, and wuore vengeance and is WA can secure tion.
your heart mere Our Hardware Store Isthmian Hardware 80 on. Formerly in front of Freighthouse)
HAS BEEN REMOVED TO North Ave. No. 54 Dr. Fairweather where we are at your disposal KOHPCKE NEUMANN


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