
PAGES THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1930 FOREIGN AND GENERAL 33 West Indian Schemes Riot at a Dog Race in England Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart CHAPTER 14 of Jamaica, was outlined by Me asked all of the members to share BRACALE OPERA Phun. The evening proceedings with him.
COMPANY TO VISIT Last Sunday 5th instant, Garvey were presided over by President The evening terminated with the Day was observed in the Hall of Greenidge who expressed his plea singing of the National Anthem of ISTHMUS SOON Chapter 14 of the at P.
sure at Mr. Garvey release and the LA.
Arrangements are being made te GRENADA s BOOING CROWDS RUSH when a specially arranged program receive the Bracale Company QUESTIONS JUDGES.
by the Executive made a very in which is expected to arrive here teresting evening.
sometime during next month. The DEVELOPMENT FUND LONDON The worst exhibition In addition to the Chapter Choir Personnel of this organization which of rowdyism yet seen on any London which rendered several beautifu.
is well known in many of the leading Dr. MORGAN, for greyhound racing track turned the items, the Excelsior Choir, under the Grenada, in determined to keep the White City into a NEURALGINA place of pande direction of Yearwood, also cities of the world, consists of seventy reputed artists with an or.
West Indies at Westminster. In monium on November 27.
made other valuable contributions chestra of twenty eight musicians mail week he asked many hard Dissatisfied with a decision of the which elicited the enconiums of the and eight dancers.
questions in the House of Commons.
judges, the crowd poured on the audience.
Should be in every office to immedjately sosihe any about Tobago sea communications The tenor in the cast is considered Addresses were made by Messrs West Indian federation, and grants course and so alarming did the situaneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
to be the best in the world today from tbe having made a successful career ir Colonial Development tion become that an emergency police Maloney, and Rouse who Fund.
call was made, while the judges took spoke on Garveyism. The week NEURALGINA the theatres of Europe and Amerter It was diselosed that the West refuge in the upper part of their notices were read by the Secretary Magdalen Elba, an American colara. Clarke and a review of Garvey Indies have sent in about 33 distinct hut.
tura is also included among the work since he returneed to the Island Tequests for aid from the Fund.
Decision Against Favourite stars. The Company will appear at and reduce the fever of children the National Theatre within a week No Understanding Musical Box, which was apparently under the direction of CommendaTo a question by Dr. Morgan, the one of the most heavily backed dogs NEURALGINA tore Bracale.
Under Secretary for the Colonies re was leading into the straight in the director, stepped on the course in plied that it was not yet possible to nine o еlock race when Kenya came an attempt to pacify the maddened Signorina Cantonia and Leila state the estimated cost of giving ef. from behind and, according to the crowd, and was at once surrounded Garden, are also among the other fect to the recommendations of the judges decision, just managed to win Thirty policemen forced their way stars who are listed to appear.
Committee on Tobago Sea Com.
As soon as the number went up through and formed a cordon round Preparations for four performances munications.
there was a chorus of booing from all him and the judges box.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail are being made by Maestro Ricardo To Dr. Morgan question whether parts of the stands.
The majority of the bookmakers Zozoya and will include the popular he would give an undertaking that Spectators Poured on Field packed up their satehels and made AT THE operas Ballo in aschero, Lucia, Tobago, through its port in Scar.
for the exits when the riot started. Bohemia and Gionconda.
Hundreds of spectators poured on The borough, would, in view of its rapid the field from every part of the Police Escort Needed AMERICAN PHARMACY opening performance is scheduled to ly increasing trade, have adequate grandstand and made for the judges take place on January 15 When at the end of the meeting communications with the outside box. Several missiles were thrown the judge and stewards left, they JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Already, much interest is being world, Mr. Lunn said that until the The available police did their best had to be escorted by a squad of exhibited and requests for reserva report of the Committee was received but it was impossible to hold the police, but in spite of some threats Panama.
tions are being made in large num.
it would clearly not be practicable to crowd back.
and booing no violenee was attempt.
give any undertaking, Colonel Webber, the managing ed.
Four Roqueta COLONIAL CLASSICAL The Under Secretary of State for ORCHESTRA RE ORthe Colonies was asked by Dr. Morgan GANIZED for partieulars of schemes submitted to the Colonial Office by the West OPOL TODO The management of the Colonial Indies in connexion with the Colonia Classical Orchestra seeing the neces.
Development Act.
sity of a musical combination, have In reply, Mr. Lunn said that com.
re organized their company with pleted applications for assistance Agard as Manager, from the Colonial Development Fund Gooding as Musical Director along had so far been received from four with other well known musicians of West Indian Governments.
this city.
The number of substantially disThe first appearance of the or tinct schemes would appear to be chestra will be at the Excelsior about 83, involving a total estimatTheatre in connection with the Collyed expenditure of 1, 500, 000 in round more Beckles singing contest which OF figures. Three of the schemes had will take place on the 16th Proximo already been considered by the Col.
when these musicians will have the onial Development Advisory Com.
opportunity of dispensing some of the mittee, and two bad been reconoClassical gems of music are being mended.
prepared for the occasion. No.
Dr. Morgan asked whether it was the intention or policy of the Govern.
The Greatest Thrill ment to grant to the Crown Colonies of the West Indies a constitution or in the World the same principles and basis as had now been agreed should be granted to Ceylon; and whether it was proposed to publish correspondence or despatches dealing with the matter.
Mr. Lann replied that the answer to both portions of the question was in the negative No General Revision Dr Morgan then enquired whether the question of the revision of the Stop and analyze it. there local constitution of the Legislative nothing in life that gives more Councils in the different talands of pure happiness than making the West Indies and other Crow Is there?
Colonies had recently been under rosomeone else happy.
view and reconsideration.
When we present a gift, we No representations have been rewant it to be packed with all the ceived in favour of a general review Centiment, affection and good of the constitutions of the various There a multitude of things British Colonies, said Mr. Lunn that will serve, but they lack in and no general policy of revision is Bome respect. They wear out contemplated. Individual cases have quickly; outlive their usefulness; been and are under consideration and or have no usefulness at all, is will be dealt with in accordance with there ANY THING that will the varying needs of the different quicken the recipient heart Colonies concerned.
bent. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that ORDER BOOKS you wish her well. that speaks its quality every time it is seen.
SECRETARY that never wears out. that res AND tains its value. that arbuses TREASURER the admiration of all who see it?
Yos it fine jewelry such as FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY. we will be glad to show you if ON SALE you will pay us a visit Foon.
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