
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1930 British Guiana News Georges Clemenceau British Guiana not.
Demerara Incident Mappy and Prosperous New CAR USED CAR DEPARTMENT and pick yourself an Unexpensive Serviceable Machine DONT LOSE TIME, COME TODAY Printery weeks.
Panazone Garage Co.
Lord Oliver Dr. Leo Pink (Continued from page Continued from last issue)
around the vicinity, of my business Surgeon Dentist premises and residence last night. Continued from page 2)
He is said to have attempted to The Hon. Webber Member smash 23 government and actually would His Lordship the Chairmar If am not asking too much 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
ment before the end of January what of the British Guiana Legislative we think can be done for the West Couneil and Editor of the New overturning his own. But he man ing session to state that the rumour to have smashed 16. He ended by take the opportunity of this morn Phor e 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Indian colonies to keep them going Daily Chronicle was the target of aged to be premier twice and to be Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works for a sufficient number of years to a disgruntled supporter abuse at the government head under whose rehas no foundation. put the industry upon a sound basis his residence, Main Street, on Thursgime the world war was won.
My position in this matter, which Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment by the doing away as we hope of day 28th ultimo, says an exchange.
is serious and critical, calls for the Even the British soldiers in Prance intervention of the Chair who alone kreat incentives of over production The sequel was a Police Court case who failed to see the Tiger remem!
fiscal, bounty and otherwise, So on the 29th. The man shoemaker can testify without doubt as to my ber him through his pictures and the that roseate proposal of becoming named Robert Lindsay referring to unbounded love showered upon him evidence.
Year to all part of the United States may be de.
an article which had appeared in by the French people immediately fol. regret that shall have to mire BOBODODO ferred. think we all recognise that another local news paper (not the lowing the armistice. Describing hit this morning session, but fee the immediate practical proposal is Daily Chronicle. had called on Mr commanding presence in those was that my presence at the Chamber not shelved by suggestions of the Webber to accuse him of helling the days a French writer said: may cause another outburst of sort.
people and the country to the Sugar antagonism against me. Behold him standing at the helm IF YOU NEED Needless to say passed a very We have to form a programme Planters. large crowd collected and Mr. Webber was annoyed.
in a tempest. His sharp eyes, so in which we can put before the Secre.
tensely black in his white face, watch disquieting night last night.
Lindsay pleaded guilty and urged through the deep foaming waves for have the honour to be.
tary of State soundly documented Your Excellency obedient and say to him, Your Government in extenuation the influence of al.
reefs and mines. He is wet by the Servant.
recognise that you cannot let dowr cohol. He apologised to Mr. Webber spray. But staunch under little the West Indian sugar industry with Mr. Webber said he had no wish soft hat, with a turned down brim, a ANDERSON HARNEY any 24 or per ton because these to see the defendant punished.
hat which has become the legend of things which have been forecast will The Magistrate (Mr. the battlefield, he stands firm.
His Excelleney, and haven the Money to Purchase happen and no British Government Legge) told Lindsay that he was. As he endeared himself to the Lt. Col. St. Johnson, can afford to let these things hap. respectable man and had obviously French people so he endeared himself Governor Commander in Chief a New one pen. Within the next few months bad enough punishment in being to the British and other Allies. In Leeward Islands we have to put forward a practical arrested and put in the dock. Under one partieularly dangerous sector be Lord Olivier, at the following proposal. That makes our position the circumstances, he would repri was offered a steel helmet.
mileeting expressed public regret at WHY NOT VISIT OUR perfectly clear. We want to put mand him. No, he said, save it for Pointhe incident, testified as to the symsome kind of well documented pro. And took exception to pathy expressed by Mr. Harney with posal before the Secretary of State ORDER BOOKS his remark about the French Press the masses, and called on reporter: and say such and much is the econo dent. It had been said by Clemof the Press to corroborate the fact mie position of the sugar industry SECRETARY of Mr. Hameys sympathetic utterenceau.
in the West Indies. The external AND ances on behalf of the working It is Nothing.
processes are depressed by world TREASURER masses.
An attempt by Emile Coutin to as.
conditions which will take some time FOR TRIENDLY SOCIETY The Antigua Magnet says: sassinate Clemenceau shortly after to work off. Internally, much of the ON SALE the war failed to perturb him sorious The Antigua Agricultural Ansoei West Indian sugar production which At the Workman ation Ltd. a peasants organization ly and he was able to get to the in our judgment, and we hope to through their Chairman, Mrd Peace Conference within three report very soon on it, is a very sound Anderson Harney, had its innings in working proposition and very well which MT. Harney strenuously Bah, he said, while be carried the championed the cause of the labourer worth maintenance by the Empire assassin bullet in his body, is although by some peculiar twist of not only on social but economic BUY FROM THE WORKMAN grounds, and, in order to do that nothing.
ADVERTISERS AND GET alhough by some peculiar twist of we have to make out a thoroughly He made a trip to Egypt in 1920 the imagination, or deliberately Mr VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY clear case such as we will be able bagring several tigers. Then in 1921. Harney evidence was misinterpreted to get with the aid of consultation he retired to his old seaside bome ir and the populace got inflamed against with these memoranda. Gentlemen to offend anybody, and am sure we the Vendee town of St. Hermine, say. him. It would not be overstating think that is all need say on the will have as much cooperation here ing to friends who urged him to rethe case to remark that this action matter. hope have said nothing as we have had anywhere else. main in the public eye: seems to have been the result of careIf over you need mo again you will fully laid propaganda in which the find me here, on my sand dunes, be telephone aappears STREET BRANCH to have played side my pine woods.
a most conspicuous part, for the uot.
PHONE 329 Only once did he emerge from his burst against Mr. Harney is reported retirement long enough to interest to have been as great in the country himself in international affairs, and districts on Monday afternoon as it this was by means of a personal was in the city. That supports the letter, theory that there must have beer Mr. Calvin Coolidge, at that time special channels of sources through President of the United States, pro which the news was disseminated In the World Pookot testing against the Franco American and that one of those was the phone war debt negotiations. He had met Every man who has any respect for Custom Tailor and high in the World Mr. Coolidge when the latter was the truth. unfortunately it was Latoam.
vice president and he had this to say clearly demonstrated before the Com about him: mission that lying is not confined had an interview with Coolidge to any particular race or elass)
Coolidge said nothing. said no should seek to remove the unfavour.
MISTELI. THE JEWELER NO CALIDONIA PHONE 569 thing. It was a most successful in able impression which has beer ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY terview.
created against Mr. Harney. It is as QUALITY, QUARANTEED Clemeneeau completed his final baseless as the rumours circulated book of memoirs his masterpiece about primary education being charg.
telling why he disagreed with Gened for etc. etc. some months ago BOX H49 ARCON, J. Small eral Pershing and Marshal Foch at The Magnet also states that His DENTIST the conclusion of the war and insisted Grace the Archbishop of the West Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE on a March to Berlin on Detobet Indies was a strong champion of the Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm 19, the day before he was strieker Working class and unsparingly de Attorney at Jaw. 30 pm to 30 PM Sundays, by Special Appointment with beart attack. It was bis nounced the housing and wage condi.
Masonic Templo ilth St, OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 163 justification before the world the tions. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL final message of a man who on his His grace, according to the magPHONE: OFFICE 1664 88th birthday told friend expect net did not confine himself to general tą die this year.
allegations but quoted Chapter and Covernment of priority over the increase in the capital of the Agricul.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA verse and in his answer rights of the Municipality. In other tural Bank which would allow it to Trinidad questionaire sent out by the commis. words, the Government claim the extend its scope, coupled with the sion, wrote indictment after indiet right to actually grant or refuse the almost universal objection of loca and see the finest Assortment of Municipal Ownership ment against economic and social extension asked for by the Under conditions. In many instances his investors to loan money on cocoa takers (The Trinidad Electric Coy, testimony flatly contradicted the estates, through the witebbroom (Continued from Page 2) evidence of the expert.
Ltd. or the right requiring the unseare and other causes hay placed The Port of Spain Gazette learns dertakers to sell.
the cocoa industry in a serigas plight that His Excellency the acting Gov. special meeting of the Executive No money being available one way ernor has appointed a Committee to Couneil held on Monday last at which The Municipality of Port of Spair Selection of or another for the financing of the enquire into the situation ereated by Mr. Parry, representing the Consult is inclined to acquire the tramway ston, Mr. Scott (City ing Engineers of the Crown Agents and lighting plant from the Company Industry, its fortunes are considered to be at very low ebb; in fact, in some.
Engineer) and Mr. Evans (of thc for the Colonies was present, and and to operate both services as a Wireless Station. meation of which was made in last municipal undertaking. It is for this quarters, this new erisis is regarded JUST RECEIVED as menacing the life of the industry.
Tuesday Gazette, the Government purpose that an Engineer (Mr. Parry)
GOVERNMENT CLAIM have addressed an important letter has arrived in Trinidad to advise the local loans, outside the Agricultura On the question of the availabity of to the Port of Spain City Council Come in and Inspect the Stock Corporation on the matter.
The same paper states: As fore throngh the Town Clork.
Bunk, a Port of Spain Gaxette to shadowed exclusively in yesterday presentative yesterday made a canvas The letter dated 4th December Port of Spain Gepetto a ol deals with the question of the exTRINIDAD COCOA of leading legal firms, representing local and foreign capitalists and it hitherto unconsidered feature of the tension of the franchise up to e Eleetric Company tranchise whiet further period of 20 years or the al. The Port of Spain Gazette of the was the unanimous verdlet that nc BRANCH STORE expires on 18th March, 1981, has ternative right of aequirement.
7th alto, says local investor could be got to put 125 Central Avenue arisan It mixes, however, a hitherto un The refusal of the Secretary of more money into cocda.
Presumably, as the outcome of the considered feature the claim by the State for the Colonies to permit er もう OMEGA OMEGA WATCHES FLYNCH English and American Styles CALL AT THE Panama Hardware to LOCKS of every description also the Finest ARTIZAN TOOLS before Purchasing Elsewhere

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