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ents and guardians. They are delusioned, and are rapidly going down ward to destriction.
THE CHILIAN BOXER Continued from Page BY THE PESSIMIST. Continued from page 4)
West Indians, for the love of your but owing to the absence in England Early Thursday Morning, the city welcome had been extended to him. of Mr. Austin, Mr. Hoad has been Again appear before my readers from the minds of the other races homes, fathers, mothers, and above alter long lay off. hope none They realize this The Mayor, rising to his feet as co opted. On the other hand the more than the all for your color, raise the standard of Colon was visited by another is the backbone fighter in the person of Young Kidsured Councillor Garvey that this Barbados Cricket Committee has aphas received the impression that o living, for this black does, and for this reason, are of your was through. was simply taking trying to get all they can at the was an oversight on his part and he pointed a Selection Committee comexistence. Glorify your Langford (of Chile) who after makdark skinned ing a brief inspection of the eity bexxed to extend a personal welcome posed of Messrs Austin much needed rest, and after this present time, and push the clored black mothers, and to him. Browne, Hoad, and will appear regularly as before.
and friends. They deserve lost no time in putting in his apman down a little further at the sisters Alderman Drew said he had no Dr. Hutson, and the committee same time, all the respect and consideration that pearance at promoter Guardia or.
can be given them. Your wives fice.
personal ill feeling against Mr. Gar. has issued invitations to twenty six We are again in the beginning of Right here in Panama this basis mothers and sisters are the backbone The visitor, after producing his vey but he had taken his seat players to take part in practices at another your. The question before of working is enforced to the limit of your race, and for all thats ir credentials stated that he was just against the advice of their solicitor Kensington. The first Test Match win, what is there in store for us West Indians are not treated with a you, strive to preserve and uphold from the Pacific and Atlantic Coast The matter had been referred to Selection Committee is faced with no mean task. The names all in this New Year? During the sufficient amount of consideration their dignity.
o? Colombia where he was engaged Counsel for an opinion and when the of likely past, much hardship has been suf Their merits are covered up, and in a number of successful fighting matter had been ultimately settled candidates from the other island will fered by the majority of West In their noble efforts left un.
In spite of all the hardship and engagements. He is in the 140 LB then he felt they could welcome be forwarded to this committee and dians in Panama. Salaries have noticed.
disappointments, there is still room class, and is desirous of meeting Joe Mr. Garvey thoroughly.
their duty will be to get up a suitable been small and the good work done However, the West Indian cum for hope. The cause of the black Walcott and Young Harry Wills, but Couneillor Clough said whether Mr. team from the local material plus the by the eummunity has not been ap munity should come together in Pa man has not been completelyy lost the rules of boxing do not seem to be Garvey was right or wrong on taking nominees of the other islands.
his seat, he was now actually a mem.
THE CAPTAINCY nama and work in unity. There is although it has been severely bat. in conformity with this.
Some weeks back Hoad too much bierkering among people tered. There is everything in your favour, mental power, physical abil with the top notchers of his class Young Langford, before competing ber of the Counueil. He dimagreed with what Alderman Drew had said was put forward in theæ columns as This year will either be better on of one race in this country. Wes ity, and spiritual longings. Will worst. In sense the West Indian Indians would go to the trouble of will have to appear in a preliminary Alderman Drew did not possess pol. a suitable candidate to fill the post West Indiana in Panama rise to the ished manners semi final. He is when he suggested of captain; since that date have cannot be blamed for the condition doing harm to their own race, if this onder which be lives. He has beer would gratify the wish of some situation and resolve to better them training with his country man Lule that such a thing be deferred. It was been informed that Hoad will be unforced to his present status by member of another race. This might themselves in the estimation of the selves in this year, and to raise Ramos. in their place to welcome the gen able to take part in any matches tleman whom, personally, they felt outside of Barbados and as it would greedy capitalists and heartless op sound deplorable, but nevertheless, it other nations.
would be an asset to the board. It be more satisfactory in every way to posents of the emancipation of the is the truth.
was the first time in his experience Appoint a permanent captain. Hoad black man. There ORDER BOOKS are many mer BUY that a member had given notice of must of necessity fade out of the pictoday who are definitely against There is a great lesson to be learn FROM THE WORKMAN SECRETARY motion on the same day he took his ture.
seeing the colored man in any better ed by the West Indian Cummunity ADVERTISERS AND GET AND seat. He desired to personally exBut selecting a captain who will be condition than that which he now here. This lesson is the lesson of VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY TREASURER tend a welcome to Mr. Garvey. able to take part in three if not all enjoye. As time goes by, this condi Love. How od is it that the Color four Test Matches. is a difficult probtion will increase and the desire to Voices; No you can do that.
FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY ed man appears to have but little ADVERTISE push the colored man down the ladder IN THE Councillor Dillon moved, seconded lemi. Nunes has stated his inability love for his race. Even in the home WORKMAN IT ON SALE will gain greater support from his by Councillor Clough that a vote of to leave Jamaica, and Wight West Indian boys and girls trample BRING YOU GOOD REWILL At the Workman enemies.
welcome be extended to Councillor who was Vice Captain in 1928 will in the dust the fond advice of par.
SULTS not be available away from British Guiana. Again, Maurice Fernandez How to the West Indian cumThe motion was put to the meeting munity in Panama taking this outand carried. On a division being an experienced captain and cricketer is unable to leave his homeland. In regeous attempt to snuff out his life enlled for, all the members except and make him an everlasting slave?
the Hon. Seymour Seymour and Trinidad there is but one player of Prom present observation, not much Alderman Drew voted in favour of Test. Match standard who is disqualified for the arduous task of captainthe motion. They voted against.
effort is being put forth to better his condition. He seems content to Mr. Garvey said he rose first of cy. George Dewhurst is eminently fitted for the post and should he find all to thank the Mayor for his per.
go along being the reciver of unjust treatment and facing all the hardsonal welcome to him as a member it possible to go on tour the selectors ships that in allotted to him No. 59 24th Street Chorrillo of the Council and also to thank the will have to look no further. Should Council for its welcome by majority Dewhurst be unable to leave Trinidad When this matter is seriously con vote. He was sorry that others had the West Indies will have to resort sidered, the out look is indeed sad not voted in favour. He was there to the unsatisfactory expedient of There seems to be no way out of to represent the people who had having a different captain in each the dark pit into which the colored thought him a fit person to represent colony. And in that case Hond is man has been thrown. Is there nc them, although incarcerated. He was again my choice in Barbados. Dew.
hope for the negro. Has he beer sorry to disappoint those who did not hurst in Trinidad, Fernandes in Britdestined to forever go through life want to see him there. He was there ish Guiana and Nunes in Jamaica.
the under dog, and the footstool of in spite of everything to vote on any erny race? God forbid!
question affecting his district. He Prospootive Division was there to co operate with his colleagues in anything in the interest of Continued from Page 1)
There is only one universal race better Municipal Government.
tion and the singing of the National of mankind. All men were made equal, and as such each have ar Mr. Seymour said he would like to Amthem of the Another equal right to the his place in the make his position clear. He had no meeting will take place tomorrow at world and enjoy the things offred thing against Mr. Garvey personally 00 when the public is corIf the Colored man could keep or He did not introduce anything per dially invited. Com.
sonal when it come to politics. He striving for self betterment, he wil was not going to associate himself Councillor Dillon moved the adeventually be extricated from his with the welcome until the opinion journment of the house and said he present condition, o! Counsel on the matter of Mt. Gar say no reason why Councillor Garvey vey seat had been received, and should not be given a welcome.
No race in the world, no matter until it was proved whether he was a what their present condition is, car After speaking further on the subto mention member of the Council or not. ject of a welcome to Councillor Gar expect to prosper if they insist or pushing themselves up Councillor Simpson said the test as vey. Councillor Dillon sat down with a notch at the expense of their fellowmen. Eng.
to whether Mr. Garvey was wanted out withdrawing his motion for the land could not prosper at the expense in the Council or not was given wher adjournment of the house.
Mr. Garvey had applied for leave The Deputy Town Clerk proceeded of the coloples, Germans could not The solicitor had not said they should to read the report of the Finance prosper at the expense of French refuse Mr. Garvey leave, he had said Committee, when Councilor Simpson men, and the white rice cannot exit was within the Council diseretion rose and stated that a motion was peot to prosper much longer at the Why was not that discretion exer before the house. He also seconded expense of the colored race.
cised in favour of Mr. Garvey. Nc the motion.
Give a call and be talking now would remove the stain The Mayor put the motion to the Only by just living can man ox from those members who had voted house and declared it carried peet to proeper in the time just against granting leave to Mr. Gar. The Council adjourned, as the moahead of us. This fact is not hidder vey.
tion was to that effect.
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