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Coming Events Their Shadows ESTABLISHED, 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 26 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1930 PRICE CENTS DROPS COLOUR BAR Throws Open Doors CORPORATION COUNCIL TO FRENCH SEER PREDICTS Slave Traffic Is HOLD SPECIAL MEETING 1930 DISASTERS to Colored Workers Rampant In Africa President Green Says Membership Efforts Being Made By Britain Open to All Negroes France and Italy to Curb Same TO DECLARE VACANT SAYS WAR WILL BREAK THE OFFICE OF MR. OUT IN COUNTRIES MARCUS GARVEY OF FAR EAST made an reDixie Attitude Towards Hallelujah The Jamaica Mail of the 11th inst. PARIS, Jan. The year 1980 will states that a special meeting of the be dark with disasters, deaths, ac.
WASHINGTON, Jan. The Trade union membership is open Council of the Kingston and St. An cidents, financial crashes and politiLONDON, Jan. Slave traffic is American Federation of Labor has to all Negroes. The majority of drew Corporation has been called cal upheavals, according to Mme. still rampant in many places like for 10. 30 a. on Monday next to Fraya, the at last let down the color bar and trade unions accept Negroes as memmost famous seer of GOVERNOR BURGESS the Sudan, Abyssinia and Arabia, admitted Négro laborers to enter. bers, but when regulations are indeal with the following matters. 1) Europe, who has just completed her although reports show that efforts AND JUDGE LENIHAN To receive the opinion of Counsel annual horoscope of the world.
RETURN TO ISTHMUS An editorial to be published in the terposed the rules of the American are being madae to curb the practice.
January issue of the American Pe. Federation of Labor provide that the office to which Mr. Marcus Gar dictator from assassination and the Sudan, the British authorities re(Mr. Manley) in relation to The narrow escape of a European It the White Nile Province, in the Governor Harry Burgess and Judge derationist, of which William Green, Negro workers may apply for a vey president of the is editor, charter direct from the American was elected. 2) to declare removal of a sovereign from his Lenihan returned to the Isthmus on vaennt the office of Councillor for throne are two of her outstanding Sitt Anne, who was known as the cently learned that woman named said that organization and vocational Federation of Labor.
Wednesday last aboard the No. urban ward to which Mr. predictions for the coming year. She sheik Cristobal. Both of these Canal Zone training of Negro workers would be Khogali, was one of the No group or race can win perMarcus Garvey was elected on Oc intimated the dictator in question is principal parties engaged in the slave Officials have been in the States for stressed manent advantage by taking unfair tober 30, last. 8) to take the neces Premier Mussolini.
some on vacation and in the mean Organization is the way to status traffic with Abyssinia.
Mme. Praya is credited with havtime, making arrangments in connecin industry, higher wages, just and advantage, by exploitation or under sory steps to hold an election to fin She was arrested with her following foreseen in 1928 the deaths dur.
tion with their work on the Isthmus.
honest working conditions, shorter eutting standards. Through union the vacancy.
ers and imprisoned. An inquiry Mr. Garvey was present at a meet ing the past year of Clemencer The Governor appeared for the hours of work, declared Green organization the Negro can raise his the same province resulted committee of the whole Marshal Foch and General Serrall, in the liberation of 500 slaves.
appropriations committee of Con These things are essential to high standards, and the American Feder ing of a social and political standing.
Council to deal with the question of gress, while Judge Lenihan appeared ation stands ready to help.
and having read in the stars the There are numerons the Kingston Race Course, but we tragic end of the Belgian financier, slaves in before the Congressional Committee Northwest Africa. It is hardly cred upon modification of Canal Zone TO TAKE UP DUTY ON FINED FOR VIOLATING understand that the executive officers Lowenstein.
be admitted that Laws.
of the Corporation were advised to THE CANAL ZONE LOTTERY RULES In an interview regarding her 1930ible, but it must economie life regard Mr. Garvey at that committee horoscope, which is her most pessi practically the whole The acting Governor of the Paof the Northwest African native pop namá Canal Colonel Julien Schley, Serafina Martinez, twenty one year meeting as a stranger, and not to mistic since the World War, Mme.
According to announcement ulations was carried on hitherto by went over to Cristobal on Tuesday record that he was present as a Praya said: made during this week in eonnection old Panamanian girl was sentenced Couneillor, or to record that he voted This year will be a catastrophie means of slave labor.
night to meet the Governor when the with assignments of Army Officers by Alcalde de la Lastra to pay a fine of 50. 00 for violating the on the subject at was being dis one because of the evil influences Reports by the League of Nations Cristobal docked: Immediately after for the Canal Zone, the War departcussed.
Continued on page show that Britain, Spain and Portu the ship had berthed, the Governor, ment has issued orders to General gulations of the Lottery rules.
gal are attempting to stamp out the the acting Governor and Judge Alalin Craig Office at headquarters Lucrecia Alfaro, forwarded a claim slave traffic.
Lenihan boarded a special car for the for first Lieutenant William against Martinez for the sum of Pacific side.
In Arabia difficulty had been enTalbot of the 51st Coast Artillery at twenty dollars which she (Lucrecia)
Fort Eustis, Virginia to take up claimed she had won on 08 the two countered in the corrying out of outy on the Canal Zone and he will corresponding numbers of the Nareally efficacious measures to combat been practically destroyed.
sail from New York on the 28th of tional Lottery of the 12th Instant, slavery.
May Affect Future of Race In Films Liberin, established more than 100 next Month.
According to the statement made by Pritish, French and Italian war. years ago as a national home for the complainant (Lucrecia Alfaro. similar ortier has been issued to By ACE ships in the Red Sea have blockaded free Negroes, is reported to have the when she went to Martinez house second Lieutenant Calvin Partin This article has to do with a famous movie director the Arabian coasts in order to pre worst modern slavery record. The on Monday last to collect, she was who has just been relieved from duty told to return later this she did but and his brain child, which in this case happened to be vent suggling ships, known in some situation there will be investigated with the defenses on the Zone, but parts of the world as blackbirders, hy an international commission comon arriving at the place, she dis Hallelujah, the all Race talking picture, which put the the particular post to which each from reaching the shore with human posed of an American, representanames of Nina May McKinney and Daniel Haynes, its covered that Martinez had removed.
will be assigned will be determined She however, made a search, and as stars, on the lips of all who viewed the film. First let freight. This traffic has almost tive of the League of Nations, and a it be said that Hallelujah evoked gratifying press ceased, as the smuggling fleet has Liberian.
hy Frank. Ferguson of the local soon as she succeeded in locating coast artillery who will be responsi her she called a policeman and they notices, and even more gratifying audience response ble for the assignments.
when shown in sophisticated New York last fall. From were both taken before the Alcalde.
all indications seemed that the director effort and financial sacrifice more than justified.
King Vidor, best known as the diThe picture had all the earmarks rector of the illustrious Big PaASSETS OVER BILLION DOLLAR MARK of a resounding success, not only rade, is the man who made Hallefrom its sheer novelty, but from its lujah. The attitude of the South For the first time in her history, are: Dominion and Provincial Gov actual worth as entertainment, for toward his picture, which in this DURHAM, Jan. 10. In an Commenting upon the political situ.
Canada has a bank with total assets ernment Securities 96, 548, 148 dols. which people would trade cash to address delivered before the Ameri ation, Mr. Work said that the discase was more of a brain child in excess of one billion dollars. The Canadian Municipal and British, Cole view and hear.
kan Medieal association, which met franchisement of the Negro in the than any other, must have been a annual statement of the Royal Bank onial and Foreign Public Securities here Dec. 29 31, Monroe Work, South has resulted in a stunted poof Canada showg assets as of Nov. 17, 400, 156; dols. Railway and other But now an angle has come up disheartening blow, director of the department of records litical development in that section ember 30th of 1, 001, 442, 741 dollars, Bonda, Debentures and stocks 16. similar vehicles which feature Race He certainly knows about the race and editor the Negro Year Book, gcratic vote of 1928 was 101, 631 which threatens to put a damper on Mr. Vidor is a southerner by birth.
and research, Tuskegee Institute, In Virginia, he stated, the Demo a gain of 92, 046, 856 over November 468, 621 dollars, Call loans in Canplayers.
1928. In addition to reporting pro ada are practically unchanged as comproblem through his own experience. pointed out some salient factors and which was 44, 000 less than it was 28 He knows much about the South, for developments in the fits of 7, 145, 187 dols, that constituto pared with a year ago, while those economic pro years ag, prior to the distranchisea new record in the history of Canno abroad show an increase of over 22, conscious South, is turning a cold lujah himself. But be called to The South, the hypocritical, Race he even wrote the story of Hallegress of the Negro.
ment ac. whereas the Republiean dian banking, the statement contains 000, 000 dolları.
The association is one of the coun vote in 1900 and 1928 was practically shoulder on evidence of the exceptional strength the picture. The ex gauge accurately the tortuous ramPROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT hibitors don want it and are frank ifications of the mind of the white try most scholarly societies and its the same, 115, 865 for the former of the Bank.
Shareholders will be particularly to say so.
South if the white South, can be membership includes America lead year and 115, 848 for the latter. In STRONG LIQUID POSITION interested in the showing made in ing historians, other words, to defeat the Democrats, Does this mean anything in par said to possess a mind.
Liquid assets amount to 409, 276, the Profit and Loss Account, earnings ticular? It certainly does! In. For ten years Mr. Vidor is said Mr. Work divided the Negro pro it was necessary to poll 517 loos 985 dols, an amount equal to 46. 01 for the year having amounted to stage play such sectional opposition to have dreamed of putting the life gress into four periods, 1885 to 1890, Republican votes in 1928 than were per cent of liabilities to the public, 7, 145, 187 dols. an compared with is not important, but in a film de of the members of our group into a 1891 to 1910, 1911 to 1920, 1921 to 1980 polled in 1900.
Cash on hand and in banks amounts 5, 881, 268 dols, in the previous year, signed to circulate universally such pieture. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Each of these periods, he stated, has declino both in numbers and perto 157, 682, 114 dols. This is equival gain of. 1, 268, 884 dols. Increased stumbling block which includes so not easy to sell the idea to. Being been characterized by distinctive centage of voters participating in ent to 18. 07 per cent of the bank profits are due to the larger amount great a portion of the country, means canny producers they were extreme movements either initiated by Ne southern elections was noted, despite liabikties to the public. The princi of business handled during the year a very great deal financially, and ly doubtful of the reception such a groes or reacting upon them condi the extension of the ballot to wopal items among the liquid assets (Continued on Page 4) as a precedent for other similar of (Continued on page 4)
tioning their progress.
were forts The Royal Bank of Canada Educator Tells of Progress of Race was men.

    FranceItalyMussoliniSpainWorld War

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