
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1980 WEST INDIAN NEWS INTERESTING arison TRINID British Guiana ST. LUCIA Dissatisfaction Over Appointment of New Electives Think it Governor Unwise for Governor To Return Thinks Trinidad Made Dumping Ground for Trained Officials To Start Co Operative Lime Juice Factory ומשמחת JAMAICA St. Lucian Student Shippers Bring In Outside In Canada Labour To Break Strike MR. VICTOR ARCHER Demands of Coal Carriers Are Looked On 20th November Mr. Victor on as Unreasonable SAYS ITS UNFAIR TO Archer, along with two of the Professors and Mr. Bain, one of his HIMSELF AND PEOPLE CONVICTS ARE UTILIZED The Labour Leader of recent date fellow students at Macdonald College, OF THE COLONY says editorially:Canada, was the guest of Messrs.
The Jamaica Mail of the 7th inst. as many as 400 tons have been unThe official announcement was Sherwin, Williams Co. the largest states that local coal carriers, num loaded since Saturday. The work West Indian Exchange states manufacturers in Canada of paints, made some days ago that His Mathat during the discussion on the bering about three hundred went on is going on seadily and it is estimat.
varnishes and linseed oil.
jesty the King had been pleased to Estimates last week in the British strike last Saturday morning as theired that by unloading at an average approve of the appointment of Sir. BY OPENING OF Guiana Legislature, Mr. Webber, at The same evening they were the demand for higher sale of pay rate of 250 tons a day the work will Alfred Claud Hollis to succeed Sir SUBSCRIPTION LIST head 1, The Governor, said this guests of the Canadian Society of Chemical Industry.
was not entertained by coal dealers. be completed in the next seven days.
Horace Byatt as Governor for the was the first public opportunity the They were still out up to yesterday AFFECTS THE RAILWAY colony of Trinidad an: Tobago he Pori of Spain Gazette of On 23rd November he played for afternoon.
Electives had had of expressing their The coal carriers strike has also Born fifty six years ago. Sir Alfred December 18th states that a further regret at the Governor illness. On Macdonald College against Medicine Coal carriers were accustomed to affected the Jamaica Government has spent the whole of his official dvance has been made in the esta the last occasion when His Excellency in the Inter Faculty Soccer cham receive one penny per basket for coal Railway to whom the as. Glendon arcareer in Africa, in various parts of blishment of a co operative lime juice addressed the Council he had to leave nionship game. Medicine won by carried, but on Saturday morning rived a few days ago with a large whleh, he has up to the present date factory by the opening of a subscrip immediately as he concluded his resoal to Archer and Bain, who, we they gathered on Messrs Arnold consignment of coal. In this case AS In many as thirty three years. With tion list.
believe, hail from Trinidad, had the Malabre niarks and members of the Council best of the game. Most of the play. whart alongside which the Cru viously, the Railway would not agree Co Orange Street in the other two cases mentioned prein recent times the Colonial Office committee meeting was held on were precluded from expressing their (Downing Street) has been at pains the 12th inst at 12, St. Vincent regret at his illness or their goodwill ers were English and West Indians.
sader had dropped anebor for the to pay the carriers at the rate of two to make this colony the dumping Street, over which Mr. StollBefore Mr. Archer went to Canada or hope for his recovery. He did purpose of bunkering 850 tons of penee per basket and the work of ground for African trained members meyer presided. now formally. In regard to to study Agriculture at Macdonald coal to serve her on the voyage to unloading could not be pursued over of the Service, who have almost On the motion of the chairman it Excellency present state of health College he was a pupil for one year Europe, and demanded an additional the week end.
attained the pensionable age, and at the Imperial College of Tropical penny per basket making the price was decided that persons interested and his extended leave there were Yesterday afternoon the situation who, it might with considerable truth be asked to subscribe their quota. various rumours about and the Elec Agriculture, Trinidad, and afterwards twopenee. The company refused to in regard to the Railway was howhe stated, are sent here to develop Those much larger pension that they their names present immediately set tives felt they had not been well studied with Professor AI pay the price demanded and the ever relieved by a number of priand opened the list. treated. Nobody could be buquerque of Barbados responcarriers inmediately went on strike. soners from the Penitentiary being would have attained had they been These subscriptions with others that rible for His Excellency illness and They left the premises in a body, but drafted to the dumping ground (they kept in Afrien until they reached the will be forthcoming will be shares least of all His Excellency himself, age of retirement. This system of bearing first charge of 10 per but the Electives felt they had, not Electricity refrained from creating any noisy travelled via Kingston harbour by or disorderly demonstration. The the prison launch) and put on the appointments is, indeed, deplorable from the net profits. The bren taken into complete confidence (From the voice)
Crusader was soon afterwarde de. Job of unloading a large number of from many aspects. Conditions from order for the plant, for which speci in the matter. Most of them thought spatched to Port Royal where she trucks which were loaded on the whatever angle they may be viewed, fications have already been sent to it would be a very unwise course for electricity? is a question that is Will Castries ever be lighted by took in the required quantity of coal No. Pier and shunted down to the vary materially in Africa from those several enginering firms, will be in the West Indies. In the appoint placed at an early date.
His Excellency to return to the asked by many. If we are to look and salled yesterday afternoon for Railway dumping ground. By this Antweru.
means the work of unloading is being ment now under review, Sir Alfred colony. They were not saying a backwards and view the number of AIMS OF ENTERPRISE carried on, but the progress of the word about his administration but times that the hopes of the people DEMAND MADE ELSEWHERE Hollis has spent the whole of his work will more or less depend on The principal objects of the come of best days in assisting in the admi.
have been rained only to be dashed The strikers also made the same trucks being available and also on nistration of yet uncultured comrany are to pay the market rate for HIS PATENT INABILITY to the ground, then the answer would demand of twopence for each bask the fact as to whether it will be fruit delivered at the factory on the munities. In the course of his Afrido be in the negative; but, we are toet of Mr. Horatio Hollar who has posible for the trueks to be loaded can career he has had of necessity days of delivery and to pay a further it he returned to the colon contract with the Jamaica Public end shunted from the wharf during percentage on every horrei after the anything like justice either to him look forward, and who knows the to deal with the people of those comService Co. Ltd. to unload the such time as other ships are alongmunities in a manner which could prinding season; to erect an ecuelling self or to the colony. They knew how future. little His Excellency spared himselt It is quite true that on more than Askeladon of some 2, 000 tons of coal. side the whorl londing frult.
and crushing plant in Tobago and to not possibly he maintained in the of Castries have the carriers demand was denied LOITERERS ON WRARF civilised West Indian Colonies. Yet now the market rate for limes in when he was here. He was a strong one occasion we man then, but the administration of thought we were in touch with some them and they walked out.
Tobago at that plant and ship the Yesterday morning a large number at the end of his days the Colonial one who would supply the long felt The company immediately set a of the strikers entered the Gold Office will expect him to be a suejuice to the main plant in Trinida? the country had been held up from often something has number of their labourer and other Street whart premises whereas for final distilling and concen last year. His excellency became want but as cens in this colony, where he will in before June and since then the happened to prevent the realization workers on the job and with the use stated above, the work of unloading trating find civilisation and culture not less colony had been marking time. They of our hopes. The question is now of motor trucks which went along the Askeladon is being carried out SUPPORT PROMISED than that which is in evidence in were told His Excellency was deter(Continued on page side the ship on the Gold Street pier. Continued on Page 7)
the Mother Country. The Labour Leading growers of limes in TriGovernment has had a very busy nidad and Tobago have promised to mined to return to the colony even time during the few months followgive their support to a factory it though he dropped in the traces.
ing their return to power, but no such is run on the Ines Indicated that was very courageous on his above.
part but they saw the unwisdom of exeuse can be offered for perpetuatit. For His Excelleney to return ing the blunders committed in prevThe delivery of their produce alone and drop in his traces would mean ious years by their Tory brothers. weuld establish a constant source of that the whole administration would Trinidad very properly had dreame supply which would assure the profit again be set back. It would be of realising the blessings of a Labourable running of such a company.
months before a Governor was apINCORPORATED 1869 Administration with the Imperial The venture is a sound one which rointed again and when he came the reing in the hapds of the British Lawe strongly recommend to the inwhole story would be started over bour Party, but with yet another vesting publie.
again. That had been the unforCivil Servant with no other than tunate position of the colony from African Colonial experience, we can Indies should not have Sir Wilfred Collet time. They had bardly be satisfied with Lord Pas Civil Service from which to recruit PANAMA no Governor who was permitted to COLON field selection. This unwelcome their Governors, Administrators and give anything like service to the Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Strooto appointment is yet another incentive Heads of Departments. We are a colony. They wondered for Trinidad inhabitants to agitate free, highly cultured and responsible colony was in its present position of more and more that self government people, and it in our right to claim stagnation. The Secretary of State be granted them. We have it from that to which we are entitled. The called away some Governors while the lips of a distinguished politician. African officials who are dumped up. Providence called away others. He now in our midst, that there is no on ws cannot be reasonably expected did not wish to make any formal earthly reason why the British West to be successful in the West Indies. motion on the subject but the Electives felt strongly on the matter.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including They did not want to appear gracethe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank less but they hoped that their remarks would be transmitted to the is in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR proper quarters. They did not wish to appear to be attacking His Excellency or forcing his retirement Antigua Dominica Monterat but they had heard that his illness Babamas Greenda St. Kitts was such that one could not hope and for his restoration to anything like Barbados St. Luda robustness and in that state of health British Honduras Trolded (2)
Martial he could not give his best. It was unjust to himself, to the colony and Guadaloupe (2)
Brittel Gelone (2)
See to the people of the colony that His Excelleney should be permitted to allow his enthusiasm and courage to run away with his discretion. He HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST was endeavouring to be as self conNo. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
trolled as possible in the matter and PAID ON DEPOSITS to avoid anything that might appear Panama, tnpleasant. They wished that the Secretary of State be advised that (Continued on Pag. 7)
The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada their own why the Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Jamaica (2)
Cleaning Clothes Good A, REID General Banking Business Transacted.


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