
is our IN GREEN SHADE Singing Contest Disasters Predicted.
Those among us who love our His sun with my brother the Wind, Between Beckles (Continued from Page BY gardens as every rightly constituted and my sister the Rain.
We make no apology to readers of this column for reproducing the and Collymore following instructive article that the planets of Mercury and woman should, regard as the best on Music, as we consider it suffiNo one who spends much time in Saturn will exercise on the earth.
part of a holiday the coming home their garden can ciently interesting to warrant its re production.
There will be many deaths of promiever suffer from CREATING MUCH INagain!
ennui or discontent, for both these TEREST ON BOTH SIDES nent people throughout the world.
After a trip to the Islands or miseries come from idleness, and your Self Study In Music It is foreordained that several neOF THE IS IUS abroad, how eagerly we rush forth true garden lover knows not the By DONALD OVIATT tional figures of Argentina will pass into the garden, without waiting to word. The hours fly past all too thtree of The Collymore singing Contest Perseverance in tackling more dif that it is far beyond my capabili away and that two or unpack in order to greet our beloved quickly, there is so much to do and which is scheduled to take place at ficult compositions than were within ties? Good publishers grade many France foremost personalities will flowers to see if the poinsettias are to plan and to look forwad to, and the Excelsior Theatre on Sunday one power when actual study with pieces, and folios are over, and whether the roses are yet the work of thinning out, re planting, 16th Instant, is expected to be one a teacher was stopped, is one of the within a given grade. Conscientious war will break out in the Far in bloom!
tying up, and re arranging the border of the finest classical entertainments ways toward selfimprovement. practice of scales, broken chords and East and will cause unhappy reper And how delighted we are to be or rose garden is practically endless; ever presented on the Pacific side of Many notable examples can be the gradual mastery of Czerny, cussions in many coutries of the back with them again.
so that we wish that these mild, soft the Isthmus.
cited of people who, though unable Pischna, Heller and others will inwestern hemisphere What matter that we return to all days were twice as long!
In addition to the re organized to carry their general education crease techmical capacity. Folios of the worries of housekeeping that a Peace.
Colonial Classical Orchestra (under beyond or even up to the point where selected compositions by classical thousand annoyances are waiting for the direction of Messrs Gooding and many boys and girls leave school, masters, for the use of those in early ST. JOHN PAST us that the painters who were to And how delicious the cool Agard) which will render many nevertheless, by carefully selecting stages of musical study, are being MASTERS TO MEET have been out of the house last week peacefulness of our garden after sevbeautiful numbers, there are many their reading and study and observ. published. Again, such a book as are still pursuing their dilatory and eral hectic weeks spent in the noise artists of repute both from the ing with alert senses what is best in Harriet Seymour What Musie Can special meeting of the St. John odorous course through the premises, and dust and turmoil of some ContiPacific and the Atlantic side who life, have achieved success.
Do for You is helpful in giving a Pastmasters Grand Christian Enthat simply dozen of bills and unannental city, where the constant din have signified their intention to par It is this same type of careful graded series of compositions and campment will take place tomorrow swered letters are lying in ambush on of traffic, the endless babel of voices, ticipate in the evening program; selection, added to a desire to build suggestions for self study.
at 30 PM. in the Loyal Progress writing table. we can forget the rush of shopping and amusements among them being Mrs. Parker of upon foundations already laid in Lorge Hall, Calidonia. All members them all as we bury our faee in our wear out the nerves and tire the Panamn, Miss Violet Rampie of musie, that furthers one musical are requested to be present.
favourite rose, and realise that the brain. PLEA FOR Colon, Mr. Raul Reid of Colon, progress.
Barbados Pride has grown nearly a What a quiet, restful Paradise our Messrs Daniels, St. Darling and Let us assume a person has had MODERATION and fun. You simply have to do that foot while we have been away from tree shaded garden seems after all Miss Betsy Alkins of Panama and that, and should we not thank our home!
two years of study with a competent dull thing look ahead and conserve others.
teacher. He loves music and has lucky stars that our lines are cast in By VIOLA PARIS Like Children a little bit of your strength and ener such a pleasant place and not in some Mrs. Cyril Me. Clean, one of Pa some talent but not enough to make For me, my flowers ky. Make it a rule not to go to parties know a young woman, and every.
are like 80 nama foremost accompanist is also the teaching or playing of music his thing that is wrong with her in her dingy city!
many children some delicate or permore than every other night, and scheduled to take a prominent part profession. He answers the ques verse, some boisterous and healthy appearance and her health is due really rest in between timer 30 to In a Green Shade.
in the program. Last but not least tion, Do you play an instrument!
and goodnatured, but all to be loved is the little elocutionary wonder, with Oh, yes; play. for my own to one of two things, lack of sleep bed at nine o clock or eight thirty, 60 In the stillness of bright days when and carefully tended, and all a joy, a and the things she eats and drinks.
that you will actually be making up hardly comfort, and a reward.
breath stirs as though Miss Elvira Lansiquot who has al. amusement. If this person consleep great many things wrong with her!
earth waited with bated breath we ways given a good account of her. tinues fingering gently over the easy never can resist a secret insane And the same principles holds true selt.
To begin with, she almost always pieces assigned him for study, if he conviction that they miss me when can appreciate to the full the wisdom Icoks and is tired, unless she is of eating and drinking. The young of old Andrew Marvell when he fuller account of the program never has the desire or longing to am away and long for my return.
woman who provides my object lesson try praised the peace and solitude of his will be given at later date say new selections, except puerile starting off on some sort of a party.
How pity all poor folk who have Her hair, which naturally had lights will omit a meal completely one day, beloved garden: marches and waltzes to be read at Messrs Neverson and Toppin nothing but a house to come back to must of necessity and glints, is dull. Her skin is dead and on another, will be eating bits of who are making all the necessary sight, which after their holiday! house, how Menwhile the mind from pleasure arrangements for the occasion.
possess comparatively little real looking, and rouge stands out against this and that from luncheon and ever beautiful in itself, however filled through bridge and cocktail parties less musical value, he has checked his it in unnatural relief. Her eyes are with rare and precious things, yet re Withdraws into its happiness. till late at night. Stimulants figure own advance in music. Why should dull with shadows beneath them. It mains but a mere house still; a sort Yet it creates transcending these he not try something which is above takes a good deal of getting herself in her diet as frequently as waterof glorified box, a place in which to Far other world, and other seas; ADVERTISE IN THE him, something on which he might together to make her attractive, and more, so probably. And she looks cat and sleep, to write and read, per Annihilating all that made WORKMAN IT. and no one of you wants to look WILL put some real practice? If he has she is already in the twenties.
haps to dance or play! But to enjoy like her.
To a green thought in a green BRING YOU GOOD RE acquainted with the better well of this, that it is going to turn into a good teacher he will already be Of course, you can tell by the tone the best that life can give we must shade.
Sensible eating is not an American go under God sky, be warmed by SULTS known componers. He should aug some kind of a sermon. And the virtue, in general and certainly not ment his knowledge by observation, question want to pose is what is one with younger people. But, oh, by careful listening at recitals, by going to become of her and those like how important it is in helping you to reading good books on music and her when they reach the thirties keep looking your best as you grow ODOS ODOS ODO DO by study, not only of music but also and the forties and the fifties? older! Don overeat. Don eat of articles published in The Etude. No one can go without sleep night too many sweets. Don eat too rich Thus he will keep in touch with after night and expect to remain foods. Don drink stimulants. Do modern composers of better music. healthy and attractive. It can not you eat vegetables? Do eat salads, Nor should he let this knowledge re be done. But what hard axiom It may sound dull at seventeen or main merely theoretical. He should that is to put into practise when you eighteen, but how it will count at get some of the music he hears, are young and parties are numerous thirty or forty!
written by good composers, even though he knows it is a little difficult for him. Then he should practice OF NEW YORK on it. certain talented young studied for several years. Not caring to make music his profession, he nevertheless loved it and wanted to continue playing creditable pieces.
Having merely start on Liszt Rhapsodies, he went on and learned more of them without a teacher.
He had had no early foundation in Bach, but by study, reading, talking GIVE US CALL AND with other musicians and listening to his compositions played in recitals BE CONVINCED THAI and concerts he had acquired a love for Bach. He was able at last to study for a short time with a great admirer of that master, using his compositions in very early teaching work. With only a start in this study he secured the complete WellTempered Clavichord. He is now on the way toward a fairly compreA TRIAL ONCE WILL hensive knowledge of Bach works. with six half hour lessons as a BRING YOU ALWAYS starter!
One should not minimize the value, even the necessity, of a teacher for PANAMA BRANCH COLON BRANCH growth in music. No one can hope 33 Central Ave.
Front St. at 7th getting the best results in the greater musical works without teacher help. But it is a great pity that many people with talent and a true 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 love for music should waste their time on easy playing which gives (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
enjoyment neither to themselves nor to their friends. The problem of paramount importance is, What is Telephone 454 Box 1102 within my range in grade of difficulPAANMA ANCON ty and what is so hopelessly difficult a The Hational City Bank FOR NEAT and QUICK man HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York City Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits 239, 650, 000. 00 Total Resources more than 2, 200, 000, 000. 00.
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