
MEN and INSECTS Just Received a Large Assortment of Good morning friends, ve come to you to day, To tell you what the scout has got to say: How times have changed and men have changed with it And how they ve lost their heads and so mistit The crevice that the Lord had hewn for them.
ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs (JIMBO)
Portugal pen for convieta are located on the African coast. The Doom Ship which visits this colony once yearly, recently called at the Institution and carried away an amount of Desperadoes which make up the total of three hundred human devils for the Portugese East Indies penal colony.
The convicts were transported in great steel cages and heavily guarded by armed warders. It is almost impossible for these convicts to escape.
and it is almost impossible to reach back to the shores of their homeland alive. How men are sitting down upon their heads, And have deserted sitting on their tails; How they have lost completely all their sight, How, e en at noon, to them its dark as night, And goosianas fly away with them.
ALSO And how the price of mattress has gone high, As do the skirts that reach up to the thigh; So that its cheaper now to let them stay, And take the sands for what one has to sayAlthough the sand dust rises up and blind them!
Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department And how the goosianas don have mercy On any man, as long as he a micey; And how these men appreciate it nicelyFor if there one word said, they get quite nasty Though goosianas fly away with them!
Ex Kaiser Wilhem is planning to return to Germany, he has been working at this for years, and one of these cool days in the future the world will be surprised to see ExKaiser Wilhem again directing the affairs of the German people. The scout discovers that its nice and lovely To perch upon the sands and be quite cosey; To hell, he says, with those who say its naughty To flirt with goosianas where its lonely, For twenty blows are not enough to kill them!
LA MASCOTA And now, he says, he ll always take a walk Down to the sands it even it is dark; He ll take some disinfectants in his handIn case a goosiana tries to land Upon the sand, and throw up dust to blind him! He says, that were it not for laws of man, There would have been one missing policeman; For it isfierce that he should make a plan, To chase a goosiana from the sand When it has right to fly o er all the land!
The flights, he says, of goosey doth remind us, There is no need of making any fuss; Because as long as they are in the land, The miceys must be made to understand That landings must be made upon the sand! Amen!
COCKROACHES And now must inform you of a goosey, That bit some roaches till they were all goofy; The mother roach was banished to Jamaica, To say her prayers, and converse with her savia, The children ronches went along with mother And spent their time in searching for petata. IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL After a rum controversy, evedropping, curses and threats; John Davidson Wilson, of retreat, St.
Mary, Jamaica, was shot and killed by Barvado Telles, a Nicaraguan on the Costa Rican border on MULLER Prop the 5th of January. Wilson it is 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 learnt who is a justice of the peace, pointed out a brother of the murderer as the man who slashed a police in the face. After a lengthy controversy with a generous amount cockroach is the meal that makes me fat, mond And Lard! it is a male cockroach at that!
of rum as the source of inspiration, at Wilson emptied his revolver The silver City special won a lucky So goosey sucked the blood from the cockroach, cam last sunday. The United random, apparently to seare Teller And bade the female roach not to approach; Made a mess of things. Too much who however did not take it in that The little roaches blood was also drained, excitement. Roberts did his best, light and returned fire which was Until their little carcases were pained; fatal for Wilson.
but one man cannot win a game.
The mother roach, deserted and disdained We would advise that Hall keep cool Her cockroach she has not, till now regained!
Senator King, a democrat of Utah, sometimes.
and one of the fearless fighters for And now, the goosiana is quite fat, justice in the American Senate, is Mr. Samuel Panton, the very busty strongly advocating the withdrawel While all the roaches have become quite flat; worker of Gatun Division No. 16 of the American Marines in Haiti.
The goosiana, strong with roaches blood, has drawn up a resolution Is bent on trying to repeat the flood.
that he intends to submit at the reBut she forgets that killing all these roaches While Jean Medesir Martiniquian gular business meeting of the and Jean Symnesius Guadaloupian Has brought her now quite near to hell approaches! Mercy!
Division on Thursday and to lecture were in court relating their troubles on the subject this Sunday (to to Judge Murray, Jean the Martini.
morrow. The resolution is calling quinn felt that he could no longer on every member of the division to join the PANAMA CANAL west sit still while his name sake stood INDIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIA. before the Judge and lied upon him; Mr. Emmanuel Hilton, veteran em To morrow will be harvest festival TION. We are watching with in. 80, although he told the Judge ployee of Fort Davis Army post has for the Baptists. There will be terest the outcome of this resoluearlier in the case that he could not recently resigned his position. For tion.
three services, and the REV. Year.
speak english, yet, he heard and 12 years he rendered his best serwood will preach.
understood all that the other Jean vices to the officers and soldiers at GET YOUR was saying, and called upon his God the 2nd. field artillery Fort Davi The much talked about Snow to strike down Jean, and cut out his Gatun, Being an old man and feeling the approach of his last Dance, held at the Club House last tongue for lying on him. Judge Mur.
days, he decided to quit his job and Saturday was a pleasurable success.
Mrs. Edwards and Miss Stephenson ray after hearing both sides decided return to his native land Jamaicawere the distinguished visitors.
against Jean the impassioned. Five where he may die peacefully among Workman days as his lot, and the fruits to be the scenes of his childhood days.
To morrow will be a special day divided.
Bon voyage, and good luck.
for the Anglicans. There will be Printery Continued on page three special services held in the St.
Two weeks of pleasure on the George Church. Arch Deacon Pacifie end has resulted in the condition of Miss Elaine Woods. few Sykes will be the preacher of the day days after Miss Woods returned from her vacation, she was sent to the The members of the Gorgas Hospital. We trust that held their election of officers early you ll be among us soon Miss Elaine.
in the week at the St. Bernard Lodge Hall. The following officers were Elder Grizzle from the Atlantic elected: Headley Chairman side was the guest of peaceful Gatun (re elect) Clarke vice chairon Sunday last. The elder preached man; Jas. Webster Secretary Treaan encouraging sermon at the surer. re elect) District representaSeventh Day Church last Sunday. tives are; Harper and Pather. The Installation will take He is expected back on Friday.
place at the next regular meeting.
CANAL ZONE NOTES GATUN And after she had banished all these ronches, She took charge of the male cockroach one day: Directly as he entered her approaches, She said. you brute, for roast and boil you pay And while she tortured all the little roaches, She pinned the cockroach to herself with broaches!
Job Printing F43 ין ;v(כ Henceforth, she said, thine honey will suck, Don care a damn for big or little duck; As long as goosiana is in luck.
It doesn matter for whose eyes pluekNEURALGINA Our Hardware Store Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Isthmian Hardware Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart (Formerly in front of Freighthouse)
HAS BEEN REMOVED TO North Ave. No. 54 For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY Brother Herring may be the next Mrs. Stuff prominent figure in Elder for Gatun, he has been making Girl Reserve Cireles is expected to things lively in our village for some visit the Girls Reserve Corps in time. He occupied the pulpit on Sun Gatun. Mrs. Laurie is making all day night.
possible preparation to receive the dignitary The revival meeting of the Church of God opened here last week with The first Game of the Base Ball a large attendance. These meetings League of this village started last Sunday. The boys from the Lock will continue for the next three City did their stuft well defeating weeks. Pastor Grandson is Cristobal 5. Paraiso will meet conducting Gatun to morrow on the Gatun Diawhere we are at your disposal JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor KOHPCKE NEUMANN Panama


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