
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1930 PAGE FIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN a cure to THE HOME PAGE Exercise is Good Beauty Hints MUSICAL JOTTINGS STAR GAZING. BY Exercise has the dual role of re RESTING THE FACE Having uppermost in my mind the thing that is worth while is worth To cateh fans who follow the stage various large classes of people ducing and developing. It breaks Have you ever noticed how much collymore Beckles and screen, politics, sports or any politicians, swimmers of the English down excessive fat tissues and devel older you seem to be at nightfall which is scheduled to take place at in the singing art, which we all love singing contest doing well. especially in art) and other hobby, a neat trap can be Channel, or any other group, literary, ops small muscles. The legs may than you were early in the morning? the Excelsior Theatre on Sunday the so well, why should not all thus enprepared by anyone who will take musical, mingled or otherwise, the be enlarged by the following exer All day long the face has been drawn 16th proximo, and which is creating a saged put their whole heart, mind cises: enough time off to get together a leader is called the manager, puband pinched into a thousand differ great amount of interest and en and soul in it?
batch of pictures out of the ma lisher, impressario, according to Supporting yourself by resting one ent ways following our various emo thusiasm on both sides of the IsthBEAUTIFUL SINGING gazines. These are umbered and the selected.
hand on something stationary, swing tions of either joy or sorrow. And must, think it fit and proper under the shown to the assembly by a What so at night time we look in the mir. this caption, to say something about constitutes beautiful singIt is easiest to play the game with the opposite leg like a pendulum fc producer. As he shows them he classified groups of pictures, the ward and back as high as possible; ror and see our face like full slates the voice or about singing.
ing? Beauty is a natural attribute calls off their numbers. The players classification being announced be turn and repeat with opposite leg.
that childish hand has been These contenders for vocal honors, which commends itself to all normal of things spiritual as well as material write down the numbers and the first forehand.
Stand erect and bring the knee of scratching upon. The lies in have so far, been classed as artists and last name of the actor or actres To show pictures of celebrities all people. The poet expresses beautiful one leg sharply up to the chest; hold rest, simple rest. Just lie down and it is hoped that on the occasion over the world, without regard to they think each picture represents.
prone for as many minutes as you thoughts in beautiful language in a second and replace the foot on of the entertainment, they will keep Some care in selecting the photo profession, sex, or generation would can spare, close the eyes and relax.
beautiful rhythmie phrases; the arfloor. Repeat, using each leg alter Sleep if you can and then, after aa the honor and dignity of the singing graphs and preparing them tists draws and paints beautiful make the game terribly hard.
may nately. Standing erect and supart with which they are interested make even the best known stars a hour, if you can rest that long, look scenes from nature in harmonious porting yourself by holding to the again at your face. It will look a to a very high standard.
tax on the memory of ardent fans. TONGUE TWISTER back of a chair, if you find it neces. if a sponge had been rubbed over First, as the question has been colorings which delight the eye, the After all have been shown and How nimble is your tongue. sary, bend the knees until you are in the slate, for rest is indeed a magis already asked and answered by a singer sings beautifully when he players have made their guesses, the You can quickly find out by seeing a squatting position with the weight noted authority on the subject, expresses beautiful thoughts through producer calls the sponge.
how many times you can rapidly correct names resting on the heels. Without losing What constitutes artistie singing. harmonious tones of the voice coupled for each numbered picture. Each peat the following tongue twister balance, rise to first position and The answer is this The ability to with appropriate vocal shaading, and without making an error: Some people are born beautiful player meanwhile holds his list flat so we recognise beautiful singing in repeat.
express thoughts and emotions in down so that his neighours can see Betty Botter bought some butter.
but a large percentage of the popuDancing is also excellent. But, she said, this butter bitter.
his answers. Each one who misses If put it in my batter.
lation acquire it through simple, musical phrases which appeal to the the intelligent and sympathetic reading of the text, the rhythmic grace Here are exercises for the arms: practical health rules and excellent cultivated sense of musical and other in delicate phrases and the tonal kicks into the pot with a white chip it will make my batter bitter.
wise intelligent hearers, per miss. The contents of the pot But a bit of better butter.
Stand erect with arms stretched out grooming.
beauty of the voice itself.
Other fundamentals such as breath at the side at shoulder level. Bend Rest is fundamental to health and go to him who has the lewest misses.
My advice in closing is this sing Will but make my batter better. both arms simultaneously, so that the charm. Absolute relaxation restores control and breath support are speIn case of a tie the pot is divided.
man sing woman, sing children: So she bought a bit of butter right hand touches the left shoulder the worn out body tissues, smoothscially necessary in order that any Of course when this game is ex Better than the bitter butter, and the left hand the right shoulder.
out lines of fatigue and worry, leave: degree of efficiency may be attained sing old men and maiden, sing your tended include photographs of Andm ade her bitter batter better.
in the art. Singers might be born way through life sing of the creaResume first position, and repeat a mind clear and alert. Seven te nine hours of sleep are an actual reor they might be made, but tho all tion, sing of the resurrection, sing twenty times.
Women Growing been established not only for the purquirement of the normal individual.
cannot reach the standard of Madam of the ascension, sing of the days Stand erect with the hands at the pose of improving conditions among Exercise is a second milestone on Patti, Enrici Caruso or Miss Alice that are past and gone and also of the new Jerusalem.
Influence the masses, but of placing civic sides. Swing the right in a circular the road to acquired beauty. Not Frayser and others, and since anypolitics on a higher plane. Among motion from front to back as quickly only does exercise develop the body two weeks ago after he had made a The growing influence of women in those subjects given special atten and regularly as possible. Do this into a semblance of physical perfec. News from the Buys Land of 5, 000. 00 upon Mrs. Salty world affairs is seen in statistics tion by women organizations are twenty five times, then tion, but it keeps the vital organs in the samo Semon Mitchell a social and weal.
showing that women magistrates district nursing, children clinics, thing with the left arm.
smooth running order much as lu(Continued from page 3) thy prominent watron. Strong now number one hundred and sev. reduction of infant mortality, care brication does for machinery. It chamed that he had eloped with Mira.
enty one in England; forty one in of young mothers, the betterment of Take setting up exercises for the ion necessary to join a gym, though It was about vouchers, receipts, Mitchell years ago when she was Scotland, and twenty one in Wales.
muscles and the idea is commendable, nor is it school conditions, cleanliness of cities, arms, tensing the The splendid work women are acand the sale of pure foods. Montreal stretching as hard as you can. One, necessary to get out and play golf books, notes, secretary, treasurer, young, and he was then, in the serStandard.
arms upward bend, elenching fists; each day. If your time is limited, and a general melee that recently vicea of her father. He also producthe complishing nearly everywhere todevelop the habit of walking wher caused membership of the ed a marriage certificate.
wards civie betterment is worthy of two, arms upward stretch; thres, of BUY FROM THE WORKMAN orms bend; four, arms sideways; realize the benefits of this simple and ever possible. In a short time you Gabriel Union Lodge No. 31 more generous recognition than it of to have expelled The first count of votes for the generally receives. During recent ADVERTISERS AND GET five, arms bend; six, arms down. efficient treatment. Walking brings the following members: John Indoor Carnival Queen of Division years numerous women clubs have VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Repeat from to twenty times.
all the muscles into play, and the Lawrance known as Jaseph 877 started off with a great big person who walks never suffers from Lawrance; James Gentle ex band last Tuesday night at their ofa limousine souch. Francis Anderson fiee on 9th, street. 14 candidates Treasurer: Williams are lined up for the contest and a ODO OD 10 Price and Miss Jane keen competition is anticipated.
De Priest Aids Thompson, expulsion effective from December 6th. 1929. LITERARY CLUB TO MEET (Continued from Page 1)
most active members here in organRamsay MacDonald Prime Minister izing the Negro masses.
of England was elected chairman of special meeting of the Seventh the Naval Conference which was Days Adventists Literary Club is The Communist Party and the scheduled to take place at their Hall, American Negro Labor Congress opened January 21, in Lords Gallery Calidonia, tomorrow at 00 have, here in Detroit, held many at St. James Palace London. EngAll members and their friends are OF NEW YORK meetings in support of the revolu land, King George of England opencordially invited to attend.
tionary struggle of the masses in ed the conference with a great address Haiti, and have had splendid reread from a paper, The delegates sponse from the Negro workers here.
are of the opinion that the out come DENTIST HOWELL The small attendance at the De of conference will be successful, Priest meeting at which thousands but just how many mean what they House No. 912 La Boca of Negroes were expected, shows say, is hard to determine.
that the Negro masses are begin. In order that prohibition agents Canal Zone ning to understand that DePriest, can authoritatively raid people himself a millionaire, stands for homes or shops, they must be armed Small Jim Crowism, fights against equal with search warants, even though ity for the Negroes, and against the the bottles may be seen standing on DENTIST interests of the Negro masses.
MASONIC TEMPLE the shelves or on the dining room, Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm :DEPOSITORY OF:table says Judge Wood of. 30 to 30 pm Omaha.
Sundays, by Special Appointment Court Blocks Masonic Temple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Ludwing Strong, 60, was arrested PHONE: Orice 1664 Continued from Page 1)
instituted legal action to set aside TOP10 100 the ordinance.
City officials ruled that the segregation ordinance was based on the Virginia racial integrity act: The fight was then transferred into the United States district court, where all kinds of Hats Judge Groner, to the surgrise of the whites, held that the ordinance always in Stock a large assortment of was in direct violation of the 14th PANAMA BRANCH COLON BRANCH and 15th amendments of the Constitution.
PANAMA FELT HATS 33 Central Ave.
Front St. at 7th Citizens today are preparing to accept the challenge of the municipality WE SPECIALIZE IN that the case will be appealed to the Genuine Montecristi United States supreme court of apperls.
PANAMA HATS The Pational City Bank HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York City Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits 239, 650, 000. 00 Total Resources more than 2, 200, 000, 000. 00.
The Treasurer of the United States, The Republic of Panama, The Panama Canal and The Panama Railroad Company.

    CommunismCommunist PartyEngland

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