
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1980 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS TRINIDAD JAMAICA BARBADOS BRITISH GUIANA Sentence of of Death Tu Prospect for Interesting Items Stringent Copper Commuted Legislation To Penal Servitude for Life In Case of Adriana Pilgrim The Barbados Advocate is impressed with the fact that Andre TarCapt. Gully, Already Known dieu, Prime Minister of France and the Here, Will Return to principal French delegate to Island Soon Naval Conference in London describ. Final Debate Over Bil To colony and also to give the widest latitude for keeping out aliens, but ed with unerring Gallie instinct for Keep Undesirables Out when it came to British subjects they CARRYING MACHINERY the right phrase, the meeting of the Of British Guiana.
asked that the Secretary of State de delegates as a supreme moment for (FROM THE WEEKLY nement de la aceased. Trindadians fine who was a British subject. It PASSES COMMITTEE Under the above captions, the Jo the nations of the world. The deGUARDIAN)
are less prone to take aldes violently was isid that a British subject who seription is just; nor can there be the Port of Spain, Jan. in a case of this sort, which speaks maies Mall of the 23rd ulto. says: volumes for the confidence the aver.
faintest suspicion of exaggeration Hon. Webber Refers was fable to imprisonment for six months for any offence was to be News that the Acting Governor CAPTAIN GULLY, who left the for Tardieu is a Frenchman and a To Mr. Garvey and The deemed undesirable, but he asked has commuted to penal servitude for age man and woman has in the im.
partial administration of British tland for New York after some realist, adds our contemporary.
Latter Doctrine that in the case of British subject Hife the sentence of death passed on justion weeks of prospecting for minerals tho offences would be defined. He Adriana Pilgrim for the murder of Conference between planters In the British Guiana Legidative thought man should not be kept out her reputed husband, William Gay, Our system of revising the evt. here, has written to a friend in Ja.
maion to say that he will be back and merchants was held at the Com Couneil on December 20th. says.
of a colony for his political opinions will be received with rellet, denoe in case involving the extreme Argosy: final consideration was and he said seriously that he thought not only in Cedros, where the tragedy renalty differs somewhat from Great in the island shontly, and hopes to mereial Wall Bridgetown on Tuesday Britain bring down machinery, etc. with afternoon. The object of the confer given to a Bill to make provision to the sole purpose for which the Bill took place, but to wider commun him. Interesting developments at ence was the limitation of the pro prevent the entry of undesirable was being passed was that of politiity.
In England, the Home Secretary, eal oppression It is long since the sentence of the principal Secretary of State Middleton and Cedar Hurst in the duction of ayrup during the coming persons into that colony. And for Buff Bay Valley are expected to reстор.
the expulsion there from of undestr.
has the sole duty of advising His The President said he did not think death passed on woman has been ables.
Mr. Webber was justified in making executed in this colony. The nearest Majesty whether or not merey should sult from his future visit.
be extended. The Crown is the sole Capt. Gully was in Jamaien about During the debate in Committee to that statement.
parallel to this case was in 1911 JOTTINGS clause Should the Governor have fount of mercy, power which in twenty years ago and learned of the when Mr. Justleo Rosell passed the Mr. Webber said he hoped the Law reason to believe that an undesirable would not be used for that purpose thie Colony is vested in the Gover existence of copper on Cadar Hurst, sentence of death on a Toco woman nor advised by the Executive Counnear the Middleton boundary. Clear Rather than be memorialised in person is about to arrive or may Rr.
for the murder of her two year ell.
ly there is copper on Middleton too ho stone as the hero of the New York rive in the colony he may make an He did not think the President or the ohild, but the sentence was commutreasoned. So he has borne it in Lord Brentford, better known to to Paris flight, Colonel Charles order against such person prohibiting present Inspector General of Police ort.
mind ever since and at last hopes to Lindbergh would prefer to be remem. him from entering the colony. There would use it for that purpose, but Apart from humanitarlane who Hicks, the late Home Secretary, is the world as Sir William Joynson find out definitely. The project will bered in St. Louis as the boy who upon such person shall not be permit they had to guard against whom.
elleve that capital punlehment is flew the air mall. Whilo expressing ted to enter the colony, but it, after THEY COULD NOT TRUST Atong and there are those too who this responsibility to rest with one of the opinion that it is better for require money and a lot of it, Copper so known to exist in Ja.
no particular objection to a more service upon him of the order, he He was not a Garveyite, but he did believe that the prospect of many maica and so are gold and silver. It man than on Committee which has ment to erect a statue to him in a does so enter, be may be apprehended not think they should be afraid of years in gol is a bigger deterrent often boen proposed for England.
is a question of qunntity and whether city park in St. Louis, the famous without warrant by any member of Garvey. He had read and heard to crime than the speedy release of Students of farisprudence in this it will pay to get it out.
flier expressed this preference prior the Police Force and shall be deport lot about him, but did not subscribe the rallows evilised peoples are Colony have an opportunity of study Thono familiar with the geography to leaving with Mrs. Lindbergh on ed from the colony, Mr. Webber to his views. He regarded him as always reluctant to exact the final ing the working of combination of of this island will know that there thteir westward cross country flight moved that the following be added: man who was always too much in pirnalty from woman unless her is a place on the map called Silver both systems.
He neither endorsed nor seriously Provided that no British subject. a hurry. But if Mr. Garvey wanted at is particularly revolting and cal Hill Gap. It can be reached by driv. objected to the state. The idea was may be prohibited from entering the to come here he would say open the Every person convicted and senculated. woman hand is usually ing road through New Castle and to erect the memorial by small colony unlew meh person has been doors and let him in, as he thought slower to evil than a man and the tebeed to death, wrote Lord Brent Hardware Gap. Iver Hill Gap gets convieted in this colony or alaewhere the more they saw of him the better popular subscriptions ford, has a right to appeal to Hie law recognise this by taking par Majesty represented by the Home its name from the property called of felony or sedition. He and the it would be. Mr. Garvey had laid tienlar pains at the trial to search Secretary. On him that the terrible those who know of the Blue MounSilver HM, and estate familiar to Council was GET YOUR very much depleted himself open to three months imout any extenuathing elreutstances los several Elective members being ab. prisonment in Jamales and the Law responsibility.
her favour.
tain coffee properties. On Silver sent through no fault of their own, could be treed in keeping him out of Be is not bound by any technienllIt was unfortunate that the amue ties by any laws or any roles. He nel into the hillside. It is very dark Hill coffee plantation is an old tunJob Printing and he asked that the third reading the colony. few months ago af decision in this case should have can take into consideration at the inside and around and about the enbe deferred so that opportunity coul certain newspaper in this colony said hung like a shadow over the Colony last minute before the execution ang DONE AT THE be taken to refer the matter to His that a certain member of the Legis tree it is wet and stimy.
as a season when we try to put new fnet or argument whleb may be Workman Majesty Secretary of State. They lature of another colony shonld not Tradition has it that the Spaniards tragedy from our minds, and the wanted to strengthen the hands of land here and perhaps that was the pat before bim.
need to mine silver there in the days the Governor and the Police In keep reason for this loginlation. He was clemency extended in this case is Here we speek of each a decision before Printery Jamaica became British.
Interpreted as It should be interpret being made by the Governor in Couninge underimble persons out of the (Continued on Page 79 There are no records of how many ed, we should go forward into the ett, but the Colony lew on the sub tons of ore came out of the tunnel or New Year with the matladaction that soet lays it down very clearly that of the net earnings of the owners.
It has been found possible to combine the Governor decision is entirely an The black mouth of the mine in today both justice and mercy. Adriana independent one.
merely a mate testimony that silver Pilgrim case does not appear to He receives the advice of the Exe was once mined on the property and have been one of those cold and col.
cutive Conneil, but the vote of the this is further borne ont by the name culating crimes which have sent wo Counell should not influence his of the property Silver HIN.
men to the rallows from time to INCORPORATED 1860 decision one way or the other. Aetime to modern bietors.
Silver Hill is only few miles cording to his own deliberate fudgeway from Cedar Hurst and MiddleShe contesed herself that she rent he must decide. The exact text ton. Who knows what future sibot William Quy, but later on she of the law to as follows: may hold in store for Captain Gally ploaded not guilty. Thus she could Whenever any offender shall have and his associates. not make out a convincing case for been condemned by the sentence of Of course, there was mine in PANAMA COLON possibly mitigating chreumstances any Court in the Colony to suffer Clarendon. Copper was mined there Santa Aos Plan which were, no doubt, taken into con Corner Ilth and Bolivar Stroots death, the Governor shall call upon but for some reason or other operasideration by the recutive Counell.
the Judge who presided at the trial tions came to an end.
Crimes of passion in Trinidad to make to him written Report of Many land owners believe that cophappily do not cause anche stir as the case of such offender, and shall per exists in paying quantities on they do in France and to America. cause such Report to be taken into their properties.
There every case to eritleed, roon consideration at the first meeting of The mining engineer whom Capt.
structed, and analysed by thousands the Executive Coanell which may be Gully brought down with him last of amateur detectives and crime conveniently hold thereafter, and be year is believed still to be prospectWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including story enthusiasts. French newspa may cause the said Yadge to ing on a property in St. Mary. The pers may call a man a murderer th: specially rummoned to attend at the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank owner of that place hopes to make that parish famous for her copper is in a position to render the best possible service.
as well as for her bananas.
FOR such meeting and to produce his Antigua Dounia Montoret notes thereat.
Bahamas The Governor shall not pardon Grenada St. Kitts nor reprieve any such oftender unless Barbados Jumalaa. and St. Locke it shall appear to him expedient se Britteb Honduras Titoldid (2)
to do, upon receiving the advice of Martinique the said Executive Council thereon; Guadaloupe (2)
British Gloom (2)
but in all such cases he is to decide see either to extend or to withold a pardon or reprieve. ACCORDING TO HIS OWN DELIBERATE JUDGHIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST MENT, whether the members of the Executive Council coneur thereon or PAID ON DEPOSITS otherwise, entering nevertheless, in the Minutes of the sold Esecutive Panama, Council a Minute of his reasons at length, in caso he should doelde any (Continued on Page 7)
The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. General Banking Business Transacted.

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