
Busy Worker Jaut what is the order of your rectly at hand soap, wash cloch LATE HOWARD young woman owes her charming Similarly, bleaching materials, b? Do you take it on getting flesh brush or rope mitt, and tow.
appearance to day chiefly to the which hitherto have often been unMILLER The Government building at sixth up or before going to bed? Do you Most women take this bathe quite chemical industry. Let this not be usable in hot countries, will be shown Street, Colon, is undergoing im take it tot or warm or lukewarn hot, but a dash of cold water oa ta misunderstood. It does not refer in special form and in special con The members of the No. 14 provemens which after completion or color cold? Do you really enjoy shoulders, arms, and bust at the end merely to the glow in her cheeks and tainers for these countries.
will consist of several bedrooms, a Chapter choir have planned me.
it? And do you have everything ar will be found most stimul. ng an the brilliance of her lipe The bril. The medicinal exhibits will show morial service for the late Howard dining room, a reception roos, ranged so that you can bathe with the excellent for making the skin fira.
liant colours of her clothes are the that there is no vitamin which cannot Miller, member of said choir who de library, bath and servants quarters, amount of comfort and Then, any clothes should always le direct result of painstaking research a private elevator to the fourth ease?
put on a chair or hook where they now be obtained in a bottle or a pill parted this life April 10, 1929. Many by learned men in this industry, both box. One pill which became know choirs of the community have sig floor, and a suite of three rooms to will not be splattered by any violent The morning bath is usually a in evolving new dyestuffs and in too sudden a sp ay at a previous fair as the sunshine nified their intention to participate be used as executive offices. Gov. iaily quick one, whatever its temsplashings or producing materials which do justice pil, because it contained vitamin in the service which will take place ernor Galindo is the power behind peature may be. This is the hour from the shower. Nothing is more to the new dyen. has since been found to be of annoying than a water mark on sheer in the Chapter Hall on April 14, the scheme.
when many people go through their stockings or damy spots on linMoreover, the slim figure would unsuspected value in the treatment 1930.
routine of exercise, and as many of have been possible even with the 18 of puerperal fever, the chief cause of gerie.
Gladys Parks, known as Midnight the most beneficial of these are done day diet without the invention of select Programme is being armaternal mortality, and complete ranged for the occasion.
May cabaret entertainer of New Pre Bed.
wh le lying on the floor, there should flimsy frocks and still flimasier things cures are claimed.
Jersey, is sentenced to serve 25 years always be a rug long enough to lie Then, there is the bath taken just underneath, and so it can be said Influenza cures will also be a fesplus 10 years for the killing of two on, so that that the young woman towel need not be before going to bed. This bath owes her fashionable figure and, of course, her fection, being claimed to reduce the ture, one of them, administered by in BARBADOS SOCIETY TO children that was entrusted in her hastily foided and arranged to pro should never be very hot, as it should care.
sleek, silken legs to the manufacture INSTALL OFFICERS teet ones head and shoulders from relax and soothe. We should always guard against being chilled at such of artificial silk, which is, of course, normal duration of symptoms and The Indians sunder the leadership chilly tiles or linoleum. time.
a chemical process.
treatment by half.
of Gandi have hoisted their National Pre Dinner.
The installation of officers of the Flag admist a great number of folEquipment for the bath is of the What the silk worm did for the new perfume of what the manu Barbados Benevolent Protective So lowers of the National Movement, when we can take it in a leisurely pleasant rite of it, at whatever tim.
The bath before dinner is best greatest importance in making a lady of fashion in days gone by, the facturer calls velvety and lasting ciety of Panama for the ensuing term sweetness has been discovered by will take place in the Panama Capital These Indians are determined to rid chemist now does for the typist, the fashion, so that it will be a distinct it occurs. have already mentioned sports girl and the young lady of mixing a special form of opoponax Hall on Saturday next, 8th Instant.
their country of British rule.
adi in resting up and preparing us for bath salts and another similar prewith rose, amber, violet or jasmine, full membership is requested as the chorus.
the evening activities. little careparation that is less known but has and it will be shown and inhaledAlmost ten days have passed, and and attention to details will do wonThere are many other articles of there are other matters of vital im the same that is simple and conveat the Patr.
dress and accessories of dress which we have not heard of any appreciaportance to be dealt before the ders for tired nerves if the bath nient to use, fragrant effect is bath ble success of the Five Power Naval salts are put in so that they will be essence, a liquid as only a few drops the flapper owes to the chemical inA rare earth compound, mesothor installation Conference France and Italy are completely melted and not just prick are sufficient to perfume the entire dustry, but the story of her evolution ium, obtained from monazite sand, Following are is but one of many which lie behind which, luckily, is an Empire product, been nominated and elected to take first and self always.
officers who have demonstrating the old adage, Selting points and it everything is di bath.
the doll things called chemicals, and opens up great possibilities for the at the British Industries Fair at 101 of the future, for a by product up the reins of Government for the term: White President, Lawes MUSICAL JOTTINGS Olympia next February an attempt is helium, a non inflammable gas.
Vice President, Murrell, Secretary, It would appear that Bolivia and (BY will be made to let every product in the United States the GovernA. Phillips, assistant Secrtary, Paraguay are going to commence tell its own intriguing story.
ment has taken control of the proFranklin, Treasurer Messrs Sealy, this much dreaded catastrophe anLast week jottings dealt with mark, but there is no reason why duction of helium and its use in Exhibits of fertilisers, for instance, airships accounts for their immunity Boyce, and Rock, Trusttees. other world war. These two counthe voice and singing two phases others in smaller walks of life in will reveal an innovation affecting tries are doubtful of each other, and of the which in my humble the musical art should not measure from disaster by thre.
the agricultural industry throughout unless a strong and honest third opinion, is one of the most impor up to the required standard. Effithe world the working The same product conjures up ex.
on. comare bound tant.
Musical instruments are cieney in this branch of the art may the use of dyestufts extends to such party intervene, mercial scale of two large English citing stories of the diver, for helium things as inks, buttons and papers. have the thing we don what, and made by men, but a beautiful voice be acquired by talent plus hard farms for the express purpose of is being used in America to prevent that is War.
is generally conceded to be God work and the desire to give the best Bath salts may even be found in a trying out the new artificial man one of the chiet dangers of going far gift to humanity.
service to the singer.
ures under practical conditions, while down into the so the disolving of spring colour and the full range of the spectrum is available, for three The Sino Russian; situation is not Through proper care and training The most musical do not always tests are also being carried out by the gas in the diver blood.
yet cleared, and an explosion is al. mediocre voice may reach a high make the best accompanist, but London leaders of society who have the same firm technical representa Dyes suggest to most people the most inevitable. Mexico has broken er sttandard, and for want of atten where there is a will, there is a way.
tives on crops in India, China, Japan, colours of clothes, but the exhibits at taken to dyeing their finger nails to diplomatic relations with Russia; tion, a first class voice may be re Now, what can be said for the or South America, Canada, Australia, the Pair will remind the visitor that match their troela!
while the Philippines are in duced to mediocrity; thus the need chestra. In many vocal recitals of dosperate hurry to get their inde for care and attention to a first today, the different shading and pendence. This menns plenty of class voice can be clearly seen. tone color it gives to the recital trouble to be expected.
This week, other phases of the enhances the entertainment consi OD0!
art will be dealt with, such as the derably. In boosting clean and highPanama Wesleyan accompanist who by his technique class entertainments, the assistance can be of valuable assistance to the of a classical orchestra to the voices, Christian Endeavour has proved to be a great success; singer. This is undoubtedly an imActivities. portant branch of the art, and one then, won it be right to keep in line in which all do not excel. To be with the successful. very interesting meeting was a good accompanist requires not convened in Geddes Hall on Wednes. only talent but taste, and this is CHURCH, day Evening last under the Auspices noticable in persons who, even with PANAMA CITY OF NEW YORK of the Panama Wesleyan Christian out the aid of music, have the Endeavour Secretary when three ability to accompany fairly difficult There will be a song and preaching pappers on INDIA by Miss Gladys pieces impromptu such an attainment service in connection with the Broadley, Miss Louise Gill and Mr. may really be looked upon as an Seventh Day Adventist Church toF. Grant, formed the subject asset, for it is not to be found in the morrow evening at 80 of the evening majority of players special collection will be taken up in behalf of the sufferers of the recent Miss Broadley spoke on Indian Those of us who have read the fire. All are cordially invited to Missions, Miss Gill on the women at Etude and other musical assist in this worthy cause.
India and Mr. Grant on the Indian azines, have doubt discovered Grizgle.
Missionary. Vocal solos were con the importance placed upon this Pastor.
tributed by Mrs. Chandler Miss special branch of the art. In large Brownie, and Mrs Maud Bishop.
eities, such as London New York, Paris and others where professional BUY FROM THE WORKMAN The scripture lesson was read by singers of a very high order are to Miss Maud Bethune and Prayer was ADVERTISERS AND GET be found in large numbers, the comoffered by Mr. Grant who petent accompanistean make his VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY also presided as chairman for the evening. The outing which ODO TODO OSO ΞΟΟΕ scheduled to take place on the 19th Instant, is nove planned for the 12th and this date being more convenient.
The President of the Society the Rev. Wade is expected to be here on Wednesday next and will give an address in connection with the recent Synod held in Jamaica. always in Stock a large assortment of The National City Bank HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York City magCapital, Surplus Undivided Profits 239, 650, 000. 00 Total Resources more than 2, 200, 000, 000. 00.
no WAS. DEPOSITORY OF:The Treasurer of the United States, The Republic of Panama, The Panama Canal The Panama Railroad Company.
WE CLEAN AND BLOCK all kinds of Hats PANAMA BRANCH 33 Central Ave.

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