
of Germany in Interview with a Pressman Dr. Fairweather men STEPS TO SORROW Candles Lamps for Lighting a comes all. grew up with the word of God. CONSCIOUS OF NO WRONG can decide. At present God needs God sometimes speaks through the Interesting Talk with Brit The German people performed My father used to read the Bible to DOING me for other works, as He needs mouth of a layman.
ish Journalist at His Home miracles of endurance but at the his children, just as read the Bible It may please God to call me every one for his appointed task. Dwelling here in Doorn, may be in Holland last, they failed. The supreme every morning to my entire household back! It may please Him to let me Perhaps God wants me to teach doing a greater service to humanity miracle can be accomplished only have always judged every act of end any days in exile. If so, shall the world the truth about the origin than it were still German Emperor.
EXILED IN DOORN by faith. We should have fought maine, weighing whether it was in ae find work to do. There are other of the war, a study to which dedi My remarks are as needs in the wind. Am Conscious of No to the very last carrot, the very last cordance, with the word of God. tasks. no less important to me than cate many hours by day and by if one falls into fertile soil, on either side of the ocean, and bears fruit, man, the very last round of muninever knowingly closed my ears to the throne, for which leisure was night.
Wrong Doing; Am at tions.
my conscience. The voice of condenied me when ruled my people. Perhaps He needs me to help am antislied.
Peace With God Do you never regret the splend bring back His simple faith. Per BLESSED TWICE IN ONE When, in the winter of 1914. elence is the voice of God. If God precepta inspired you all our of the past? asked. haps His gospel comes with better LIFETIME LONDON. Sunday Chronicle. visited Hindenburg, then command God pressed a crown of thorns grace from an exile in an alien land Are you happy? The question This authorised interview with the ing on the Eastern Front, asked these years, why should He visit punishment upon you by depriving upon the forehead of His Only Son! than from a mighty monarch in his when it had escaped my mouth, seemex Kaiser, giving an insight into the hita: What can you accomplish?
What right have I, a mortal and a palace. Hindenburg replied: mind of the man who caused the war ed almost too personal.
you of your throne. If the battle is man against man sinner, to expect always a crown of The world oeeuples our thoughts look upon my fate as a trial im God, the ex Emperor replied, is one of the most remarkable docu.
roses, or an imperial crown? came too much on the throne. In Doorn has given me much happiness. He We can ments of the post war years. Dur. we shall win.
win one posed upon me by God. Adversity the reply am often alone with my thoughts has singularly blessed me twice in one against two. We can even win one the Kaiser talked as proves our mettle. did not curse ing the war against three. One against four is e am conscious of no wrong doing, and with my God.
God and die, as Job was tempted to though he were divinely appointed.
lifetime with the beautiful affection Whether did the work imposed upon little harder. One against five is dif. accepted my fate humbly. In make no pretence to ttheologi. of a lovely and wonderful woman. He It will come as a surprise to many me by God well or not, He alone stead of ruling nation, plant my make no pretence to theologi gave me Augusta Victoria and Herthat eleven years after the conflict, ficult. If the odds are six to one against us. Well, ll try my best and, unododendrons, conscious that here, mione. Their love healed my wounds.
in the loneliness of his enforced exile with the Lord help beat them! too. act in accordance with the Di.
It strengthens my faith in Divine the detheoned monarch still retains That is faith!
his old belief in himself as one divine command.
justice and love Few Actually, the odds against us, to greater glory of God. For the greater have fallen from vinely inspired ward the end, were 20 to one. We glory of God try to make Doorn greater heights than Yet, re Two things sustain me in my would still have prevailed, with comPHYSICIAN more beautiful peat, have no quarrel with exile, the ex Emperor William repilete faith in God. We should have Heaven. Whether remain in the God wanted me to rule 30 years marked to me: my sense of duty and trusted in God, not in human logie, as an emperor. Then He discarded HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO narrow confines of a Dutch village iny sense of humour.
or whether the larger world calls We were walking in the drizzling and certainly not in the alluring prome and allowed me to be dethroned, No. K STREET try whether my faith me again anywhere, shall oberain through the village of Doorn on posals of our enemies and their Four perhaps to teen would be shaken. It is not! His will PANAMA CITY diently accept whatever task the the last day of my week as the exiled HUMBLY ACCEPTED RIS PATE Lord has in store for me.
monarch guest (writes a special be done!
0909. 000000 shall try so to conduct myself representative of the Sunday Chronthat my life may convey a fortifying icle. The ex Kaiser two dachlesson to others how the unflinchshunds followed their master, trudging faith of a Christian gentleman ing faithfully through puddles of ODOS can rob misfortune of its sting.
water Are you not inclined to be someHis hair and his beard bepearled what tog stern in your attitude towith raindrops, the Master of Door ward life?
walked on without paying the slightest attention to the inclemency of the You have been in Doorn long onough to realise that serve God with weather. His eyes sparkled.
He had passed strenuous day a joyous heart. My solemn moods do not destroy my mense of humour. In which, however, had left no mark of fact, love to laugh. Laughter, too, fatigue. After taking a long walk in is healing. Laughter, too, the morning he had chopped and sawfrom God.
ed wood for two hours. Then he had listened to reports of the day events, We were at the end of our walk, gleaned by his aide, Von Ilsemann having returned to the park of Doorn from the newspapers. After lunch other causes. Use ELECTRICITY House, which the ex Emperor opened he bad devoted several hours to with his private key. The dachshunds writing and be A E waddled after us, melancholy and WHAT LIFE TODAY MEANS wet. ventured one more question: In spite of all these activities, he What pleasures does life hold for now strode vigorously with through the rain. From time to time MANY PLEASURES STILL LEFT when he wanted to impress a point DIRTY, INEFFICIENT COSTLY. Life the ex Emperor replied, upon me with particular forcefulness still holds many pleasures for me.
THE FUMES OF BURNING CHARhe stood still, and looked straight enjoy the study of archaeology into my face. Then it seemed as if COAL ARE DANGEROUS TO YOUR work in the garden. enjoy obblue flames were leaping from his HEALTH. AVOID CHEST LUNG serving the blunders of so calleyes into mine, ed statesmen. enjoy a good meal. am 68, he said. Looking TROUBLES BY USING A enjoy the; study of archeology, backward from the pinnacle, of my Above all, am happy in the love of years and my experience, am my wife.
glad to say that have no philos These things, and the sense that ophy except my religion. am doing my duty, make for conThe master and the valet, the SLOW DIRTY tentment. only miss the oppor maid peeling potatoes in the pantry tunity to work on a large scale for and the queen on her throne, are the redemption of my people and the equally instruments of the Almighty.
Why take a chance on spoiling people of the world.
Every task is divinely appointed.
clean linen with a dirty iron, or My own misfortunes touch me less We can do nothing except by the deeply than the sufferings of my burning up your home with grace of God. We must try our best.
country. Except for the anguish of We must dig in our souls to unearth sparks and cinders from coal my heart for Germany am happy, at every talent buried within us, that stoves peace with myself, and at peace with when eventide comes God may be satisfied with our work. For the rest, we must place our trust in the Lord. This is what life means to DENTIST HOWELL me. What if our day ends in failure. House No. 912 La Boca remarked. Germany profesed to trust in God. Yet Germany lost the Canol Zone. war. Why did she lose it?
WAY GERMANY LOST THE WAR Small Because, the ex Emperor replied. knitting his eyebrows thoughtfully, DENTIST we did not obey God in all things; 10 MASONIC TEMPLE because we hesitated to bear the Office Hours:8, am to 12 worst; because we refused in the end 30 pm to 30 pm to face all risks in preserving faith!
Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple nith St, The man of little faith is almost PO worse than the man with no faith at PO, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFica 1664 Dirty, Troublesome, Dangerous and Cause Eye Strain. More Fires are Caused by Candles Lamps than by all TO ME Coal Oil for Cooking you. me COAL FOR IRONING STEPS TO HAPPINESS Electricity for Lighting Clean, Safe Cheap GAS FOR COOKING my God.


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