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ESTABLISHED, The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1930 OUTR SPORTING re PAGE The West Indies Tour no more a wers given for the meeting came to and Bro. The Boys Scout AS are PRESENTATION FIGHTS AT GYMNASIUM RECORD GATHERING Four Minute CRICKET MATCH MONDAY NIGHT AT INSTALLATION Colon, Jan. 29. The presentation Colon, January 30. All roads will Colon, Jan. 30 On Saturday eveContined from Page Continued from Page 1)
match of the Surpriza Cricket Cup low to the Municipal Gynasium on ning last there was a record ga plishment of the Juveniles, especially ed between the full strength of Aus this bat. Twenty three years ago, Competition of which the Wanderers this Monday night, February 8nd at thering of Druids at the Loyal enthe year old girl who read an artralia and England. True we used it was my privilege and my pleasure have earned the right to have their o ciock where lovers of the manly terprise female lodge, No. 2350, inticle from the Negro World. Col.
the term in the past but we could to captain a West Indies team in name engraved on the cup a second art will be treated to six all star stallation of officers.
Gill spoke of the economic pressure not use it in its purity. West In England, of which your father was time, took place on Sunday afternoon fights that is exerted on the Negro. Mr.
Practically at half after eight, dies cricket, however, by itself and member. There was last at the Gatun oval, in the preShaw spoke of unawakened Negroes The Promoters. The Municipal the Dristric Grand Master, Bro. Ro.
of itself raised itself to such a charming and keen cricketer than sence of a large gathering of fans.
and their impediment to the progress Sporting Board are busy in their bert Ramsey announced the purpose In ideal weather and with the pitch arrangements and will treat the of the meeting, and along with his of the Race. Thomas spoke on Mt. standard that at a meeting of the Mr. Constantine, Snr. and as you, at ladies and gentlemen, seen, the in excellent condition, the Wanderers audience to 82 rounds of good fights. associates, the ceremonies were perGarvey, and his political campaign Imperial Cricket Council which tended two or three years ago, it son has inherited the father manbatted first and made 73 runs, The following is the line up: as it affects the Island of Jamaica formed to the entire satisfaction of was decided that test cricket for the ners and keenness for the game and Clarke 32 and Reid 19. The comKid Langford Vs Battling Gorilla all present and at New members were received. The the close three future should represent cricket plny. that wonderful feeling that. am bination followed on, but could only close at 10. 40 147 lbs. each rounds hearty cheers od between the Mother Country, going to play to the last ball. We muster 87. Capt. Hanilton of the Young Shadow. 112 lbs Vs Len Grand Master and his staff, viz: Australia South Africa, New Zealand have seen you, Mr. Constantine, for Wanderers and Reid (Bocas) were Leonard 112 lbs rounds Bro. Roberts, Past District Grand and the West Indies, when the full some years now in the West Indies unplayable. The former capturing Kid Alfaro 165 lbs Vs Jack Brown Master, Fredericks, Past District strength of these cricketing centres and it has always been a pleasure wickets for 30 runs and the letter 165 lbs brounds Grand Master to us to see you play. We enjoy for Bowling for the combined Norman Willock 122 lbs Vs Pedro Christian, Deputy District Grand were brought together.
watehing you as much as you enjoy team Baket took wickets for 10 refer to that because we look to Lemos 112 lb9 rounds Master. Continued from Page 1)
your cricket. Believe me, am not runs. Eastman for 14 and Ather.
you. Mr. Headley. in the future Kid Bermudez 122 lbs Vs Kid Kellog The officers elected and installed tation in connection with the matter, finttering you, we know each for very great assistance in uphold other well. have the greatest ley for 82 122 lbs rounds were Theresa Lewis, Madlino have decided to work assiduously for The presentation followed. The ing the heritage which has been Kid Gonzalex 108 lb. Vo Young Roach, Frances Christian, the cause, while parents and guarpleasure in asking you to accept this paved on to opening remarks were made by Mr.
you. That you are Dem Dom small token of your all round ability Brooks 108 lib Secretary; Amandar Gaynor, Trea dians asked to co operate. Rankine who introduced Mr.
capable of doing it, we all feel corrounds surer; Smith, Conductor; Al branch of the organization will be in the Test Match. Cheers. tain; and as an old ericketer talking PRESENTATION OF PURSE AND Parker to the audience. Mr. Parker The usual prices of admission will mond, Outer Guard; Wint, Inner operated for the benefit of the boys to a young cricketer, want to tell address was to the point. He then Guard; Grant, at the St. Paul Church and also one WATCH TO MR. SEALEY.
be charged, and it is hoped that the you that Dame Fortune is a curious made the presentation to skipper Jones, in connection with the Panama Mr. John Beckles next presented a Hamilton who suitably replied. At sporting Publie with attend in full jade. The days will come when the force.
Thompson, Green, Wesleyan Church, and it is hoped innings will be played by you in wristlet watch and a cheque for 816 this stage the cup was filled with Miriam Smith, that the usefulness of the movement which there will be disappointment to Mr. Sealey. In doing so, sparkling beverage and officials of One new 500 life membership in may be seen, But the council, newspaper never give in. As cricketers Mr. Beckles said: men and the was taken out at At the close of the exercises the It is hoped that the boys of the say, there is a bad pateh always to Ladies and Gentlemen, The task few of the gentler sex, all sipped acthe mass meeting by a friend and banquet hall was the scene of great community will not fail to join the be struck. You keep on smiling at which now devolves upon me is indeed cordingly. 100 pai das a first annual payment jollity.
ranks and thereby spend their leisure your disappointments and matters a very pleasant one, but it should The Victoria also received the on a life membership by Dr. Edward hours profitably.
will come right in the end. congra have fallen on shoulders of one more Andrade Polanco Cup for second Cunningham of Brooklyn. The FRIENDLY CRICKET tulate you once again on behalf of fitted to bear it than he who lives place. The presentation was made total sum raised by the meeting in MATCH the Barbados cricket crowds for the tn dye and dyes to live. Had Mr.
by Waller, Secretary of the Cris: cash and pledges was 767. 81. Disa strous Fire game you have played. Creers. Senley asked me to dye for him, my tobal Silver Clubhouse.
Dr. William Lloyd Imes, pastor of Colon, January 81. The WestMR. GRIFFITH RECEIVES task would have been made easy and St. James Church, delivered the inmoreland of this city and the Continued from Page 1)
BOWLER PRIZE may burden Hght. But am asked Campaign to vocation and Dr. James Robinson Kent of the lock City wil, on to present Mr. Sealy with a token belongings, clothes and some aven Sunday afternoon, the 2nd inst. enof St. Mark the benediction.
Mr. Griffith of Barbados, was of the spectators appreciation for Rage in a friendly game of cricket money which they had in their apart. presented with the other batting out his grand batting exhibition in the (Continued from Page ADVERTISE the names of fully paid life memTHE at the Gatun oval. From what can ments. It is said that the outbreak fit, he having secured the bett first Colony match. These spec WORKMAN IT WILL be heard on all sides, the game will of the fire was no sudden and the figures for bowling in the Test tutors wish for Mr. Sealey that he BRING YOU GOOD RE. be keenly contested. First ball at rapid spread of the flames prevented Match. Addressing him as he came Dr. Du Bois, who ad may play the game of life as enSULTS 30 sharp the tenants from trying to save even forward to receive the prize, Mr. thusiastically, as observant, and as dressed the meeting on the function suit of clothes beside the suit on Austin said: Mr. Griffith Here of the in American TODO 100 alert as he plays the game of cricket, TOO TO01 their back.
again have the honour to present life, traced the history of movements and they are sure that there will for the emancipation of the Negro Subscription lists in aid of the you with this token of your worth riot then be many no balls in his to West Indies cricket. This is your In America from pre Revolutionary sufferers have been opened in varsecond attempt at test cricket. By indeed, in asknig Mr. Sealey to come life. have very much pleasure, times. The he said, ious parts of the city and are meetattempt mean that this is the seewas part of this long development ing with ready response from many ond occasion in which you have be forward and accept this token of apand in its 20 years had profoundly sympathisers. Among some of the preciation for the splendid manner altered the tone of race relation donors up to the present, we are glad, longed to West Indies teams in these in which he upheld the honor of Bar.
in this country and throughout the to note are the East Indian colony the cames as you have played test cricket bados against the pick of England.
Panam Seventh Day Adventist Church in England in 1928. There is still a (Cheers. Twelve million Negroes are or Seventh Day Adventist Church great lead of uphill work to be done MR. FRANCIS ACCEPTS PURSE ganised to contend for emancipation The Ladies of Bella Vista Clothing before cricket in the West Indies can Continuing, Mr. Beckles said. The from discrimination in America, and cash Panama Canal West Indian reach that point at which hope to Employees Association, and others see it. It is to you and to others like subscribers to the purse have asked said Dr. Du Bois. China has abolished extraterritoriality in judicial who have sent in their subscriptions you who still have youth on your me to associate with it the name of tation of her dream from which she to the Chairman of the West India side, that we look for maintenance Mr. Franeis for the splendid in.
proceduro. India has declared for Committee, the Rev. Nighten in the game. congratulate you on nings he played to assist Mr. Sealey independence from Great Britain.
obtained the above sum gale at St. Paul Chureh.
your performance. Cheers)
when Barbados was in a bad position.
Etheiopia has entered the League o Nations and sent a minister to Eng.
ALL ROUNDER land. All these movements are dis It is also pleasing to note that in Francis to aceept this cheque. connected, but significant of a world aneffort to assist the sufferers the The prize of a bat presented by an (Cheers. movement toward freedom for col.
ON SALE AT Athanaem Club at La Boca will stage anonymous donor for the best allThe presentation having been conoreded races.
a benefit entertainment, the date of rounder in the West Indies team was No. Calidonia Road, Panama Bishop Francis McConnell of which will be be announced later. won by Mr. N. Constantine, who cluded, the gathering dispersed.
the Church and president of ALSO AT Many artisits from Panama have was warmly cheered by the gathering the Federal Council of Churches of promised to assist in the program. as he came forward to receive it.
Christ in, America, urged tolerance As th is for a noble cause it is ex Mr. Austin, addressing him said: Mr. BUY FROM THE WORKMAN And understanding between members pected that there will be a bumper Constantine. It is a very great ADVERTISERS AND GET Bolivar Street, olon pleasure to me to ask you to accept VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY of various races, saying the problom was not racial but human, He 1993 urged Negro leadership for Negroes, leadership depended not upon Phone 453 DRY CLEANING race but upon the training and background of the individual leader, When purchasing see to it that the picture STEAM PRESSING PANAMA Bishop MeConnell stated his belief of a Camel is on the cover 15 STREET that more Negro bishops should be DYEING PANAMA appointed in the church.
ODO окремо IN bers. BIG GAIN OF 15, 000 The Great Egyptian Dream Book Is truly giving satisfaction. woman recently had a Dream, purchased cne of these books and got the interpreSee page 30 of one of these books ihe Greek Fruit Stand, No. 088 house.
PRICE 75c.
ONLY TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To Live


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