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PRECEPT EXPERIENCE ESTABLISHED. RE The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 29 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930 PRICE CENTS BETTER EMPLOYMENT TREND REPORTED CO. Changed in Right PRESIOCESTA AROSERTENET LOCOS SPRO MESQUITATION Mr. Marcus Garvey GOES INTO Direction Says Again Before the Pres. Hoover Jamaica Court Unemployment General Particu negotiations, the Gerihan Colombia Times the To Establish Aerial Tran. After 25 Years of Activities sport Between Panama National Navigation Co.
and the Republic of Co Defnitely Retires from lombia.
air service be of twenty five years of activities. Sensational Proceedings Started uary dine te hand om After nearly eleven months of According to last night Evening National Navigation ACCUSED OF COMMITTING Company of the Scadta Airways has Steamship Comppany operating in larly Among Negro Workers SEDITIOUS LIBEL been successful in obtaining the this city, has formally and definitely WASHINGTON, Jan. 80. the country are bad. In many secsanction of the Panama Government retired from business after a period for establishing an While the supply of labor great tions of the South they are considtween this country and the Republie This action was taken at a meeting ly exceeded the demand in prae cred worse than at any time since by Information Filed by the of Colombia.
of the majority of shareholders who tically all parts of the country, there reconstruetion, and almost univerIt was learned that President Flo voted in favour of the complete disCrown Solicitor are indications of an upward trend in sally worse than the bad crop years rencio Arosemens of this Republic solution of the Company.
industrial activity and unemploy. of 1920 21.
yesterday signed the contract authoThe Jamaica Mail of the 28th which he had been elected while report of the standing of the ment will in all probability begin to Unemployment is general, particu rising the establishment of the ser company was read and accepted by ulto. states that proceedings of he was in prison. the applied show a decrease from now on, it was larly among the Negro workers.
vice. The contract arrived on Thurs the assembled stockholders, many of a sensational nature have been to the Council for leave, but it announced by the director general of Many of them, tenant farmers and day from Bogota signed, and after whom decided to invert the value instituted by the Clown against was refused by a majority vote.
employment, reviewing conditions Jaborers in cities and towns, and being satisfied that everything we of their shares into actual cash while Mr. Marcus Garvey, head of the When Mr. Garvey was liberated, throughout the country.
their families are on short rations correct it was signed by the President few others decided to re invest Universal Negro Improvement he was sworn in and took his The tide of employment all over sad scantily clad.
representing this Republic and by these shares in the newly former Association, an unauthorized seat at the eadliest opportunity.
the country has changed in the right There is no actual starvation, but Count Leo Koengl, representing the company which will succeed the Na. people political party, and The Corporation, however acting direction, President Hoover said, there is none only because individ Company. Continued on Page Managing Editor of his news on the advice of their Solicitor after receiving information that the nals and relief organizations in the paper, The Blackman, which is and Counsel declared his seat steel, iron and automobiie industries, more seriously affected sections have published in Kingston.
along with virtually every GRAND CONCERT LORD ROBERT vacant at a special meeting held other realized the gravity of the situation major industry in the country, had Co defendants with Mr. Garvey on January 13th.
and have met it.
COMING SOON BADEN POWELL in the proceedings in which sedishown increased activity since JanThe article, which appeared Crime, especially the stealing of Lotus libel is alleged, are Mr. under the caption of The Vor food and clothing, is on the increase TO AID COLON Secretary Davis said: We can exChief Scout of the World, Aikman, Literary Editor gabonds Again contained stateCORRECTIONAL Visits the Isthmus.
of The Blackman peet a great deal of business in 1930, in many sections.
and Coun ments which are, it is alleged and that the present year should see Landlords, banks and credit mercillor Coleman Beecher, Busi regarded by the Crown as sediSCHOOL Lord Robert Baden Powell, Chief ness Manager of the newspaper. tious, to say nothing 16 well on the way to complete re chants, are uncertain to what extent being The cases have arisen out of libellous. Motives that are alcovery from the depression and they can finance the new crop, due Auspicious Patronage and Scout of the world, arrived on the an editorial article was published leged to constitute seditious libel slack employment during the last to the failure of the croppers to pay Isthmus on the Alcantara, with High Class Executants few months of 1929, which are as them this season.
his wife Lady Baden Powell and in the newspaper in question a were imputed against the Gove cribed to seasonalconditions.
These sections are finding it hard Owing to unavoidable circumday or two after Mr. Marcus ernment, and certain members of niece, at 45 a. on Tuesday last.
At present, suffering due to lack to be optimistic even in the face of stances, the previously announced The trip was really intended as a Garvey had lost his seat on the the Corporation were referred of employment, is acute and condi the Presidents assurance of better Concert in aid of the Colon Cor vacation, but he took the opportu Corporation Council.
to by the writer of the editorial, tions generally in some sections of times in store during 1930. rectional School, to have come off on nity of interviewing the Isthmian By reason of his imprisonment special mention being made to Sunday, the 9th instant, has been Scouts. He was met at the Balboa in the St. Catherine District the Hons. Major Simms delegation of British, Prison for Contempt of Court, Director of Public Works, and New Racial come off on Sunday, February 16th, American and Panamanian Scouts Mr. Garvey was unable to attend Dr. Wilson, SuperintendMakes White Black, at o clock in the afternoon, at the and after reviewing the various three consecutive meetings of ing Medical Officer, two Gor troops, he gave them a word of enAmerica Theatre the Corporation Council (Continued on Page 8)
Officials and civic leaders, as well Accomppanied by Major Wheeler as other influential patrons in the RICHMOND, Va. Jan. 30. man, Warren, Morris, Holladay Jet community are showing warm and and Commissioner Clemmer of the Canal Zone Boys Scouts and Comenthusiastic interest, which is very Win Virginia adopt legislation freys and Noell as sponsors and encouraging to the promoters. This missioner Bolt of the British which makes white persons with one which defines any person with a The Synod of the Wesleyan candidates for the Ministry presentdrop of Negro blood colored, per drop of Negro blood as a colored function is to form the first initial Scouts, along with other Seout ofstep in a series of kindred activities ficials, he arrived at Balboa at 46 Methodist Church, Jamaica District, ed themselves for examination, of sons with one sixteenth Indian blood pperson.
in a scooter specially granted for the that are to take place for the benefit was held in Kingston, Jamaica, which number two were recommend and no other non Caucasion blood John Powell, Richmond pianist, of the Correctional School. Among purpose. On his arrival, he was commencing Wednesday, January ed to Conference for acceptance. white, and Negroes with oneand other sponsors contend that vir the prominent officials and persongreeted with fan flare of bugle 22nd and closing on the 4th. of They will probably enter the Theolog.
fourth Indian blood Indians. tually all of the Virginia Indians ages who are lending their moral calls; he inspected the troops and February The Rev. John Currey, ical College in September. The This is the situation which faces have an ascertainable trace of New and material stimulus, may be menspoke kind words to the boys and chairman of the District and Special following changes in Stations take the State Senate of Virginia, with gro blood and hence are colored tioned: The Governor and the Algave a hearty hand shake to each Representative of the Mis place this year. The Rev.
of the officers.
the introductions of the fourth rac persons rather than Indians. They calde of the Province of Colon, Dr.
sionary Society in the West In Clarkson returns to the Home work ial integrity bill at the current ses refuse to admit the inconsistency of Harry Eno, of the Samaritan Hospital, Baden Powell directed their atten Ministers present and the Wesley by the Rev. Alfred Burnham a In his address to the troops Lord dies presided. There were Fifty and is succeeded in Port Antonio sion of the General Anssembly, their arguments to see that the two Captain Callaway, of the Canaltion to the recent Jamboree held in Deaconesses stationed in Kingston present on furlough. The Rev.
which was offered in the Senate by bills are in conflict.
Zone Police Department, Don Senators Montague and Wickham. am in favor of the Ball bill llermo Mendez Pereira, Inspector of 50. 000 scouts from all parts of the At the Financial Session. The pa England and is succeeded in Pal.
England and at which were present The lay representatives were present Clark sl. returns to the work in It amends Section 5099 of the Code because it would prevent Negroids Public Schools, and other persons of world.
to provide that the intermarriage of from attending white schools, said affluence and high social standing.
nama and Colon Circuit was re mouth by the Rev. Eustace MeNeil American Indians and white persons Powell.
He emphasized the necessity for presented by Mrs. Wade, Mrs. who returns from the Hayti and We must graciously mention the brotherly feelings among the boys Walters and Mrs. Cadogan. It Santo Domingo District to Jamaica is hereby prohibited.
The bills will all be bitterly fought Management of the Theatre for their and remarked that at the Jamboree was reported that Two Ministers had this year. The Rev. Wade Senator Montague explained that at the hearings, it is understood. The unfailing generosity in the facilities where they were over forty three died during the year Samuel of Panama, having completed years, under this amendment Indian executive committee of the Dover which they are affording the empre different speaking tongues, there. Brown and Henry Page. Both returns to England for Furlough at would be deemed to be anyone with Baptist Association, white, is pre sario of this enterprise.
was not one one fourth or more Indian blood, this pared to oppose the legal classificeof bad feelings deceased ministers had retired from the end of March. The Rev. Joseph The musical program will be ex eyinced, and hoped that the same the active work, the latter having Wright arrives from England as being the definition contained in Section as a Negro of persons in whose ecuted by competent and recognized feelings would be obtained among become a supernumerary only last Mr. Wade successor the First Week tion 767 of the Code.
veins flow an ascertainable amount contributors, including the Fort de the boys of the Isthmus. He told year. The Rev. Arthur Lightbourn of April. Mr. Wright began his This conflicts with a bm intro of Negro blood, it was announced Lesseps Band, Over The Top and them of an additional scout law terminates his active ministry and ministry in 1892. His first appointduced early in the season with Sens by the Rev. Thorburn Clark, clerk Atlantic Orchestras, and other high which every scout should learn, and enters the ranks of supernumeraries ment was to the British Guiana Dis.
tors Balls, Buchanan, Easlet, Lay. Continued on Page Continued on Page 31 (Continued on Page 8)
after 46 years in the Ministry. Four (Continued on Page 8)
Integrity Bill postponed, and by a mom, www dock by to Blacki Red The Wesleyan Synod in Conference at Jamaica an case


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