
Writes Editorially Tramway Service tion in Port of Spain at Costa Rica PROVISION STORE SWEPT Threatens to Quit Banana Cultivation if Government Exact Higher Import Duty on Fruit Costa Rican Government is that the Wesleyans Promise On Weakness of West In Electric Company Refuses dian Cricket Board of To Continue Control Port of Spain, Jan. 11.
REPRESENTATIONS FAIL amage estimated at 60. 000 was singing of a hymn was punctuaud The Advocate of recent date ed by the fire which swept the with groane sayo:Georgetown, British Guiana, Janulesale provision store of Veiled Women The Jamaica Mail of the 25th ulto. Company has endeavoured to get the Ribeiro, Ltd. at 58, South Quay, The women were dressed in whico.
The arrangements for the selections 20. The tram service of the Destates that reliable information Government to resile from the posiP. of Spain, at o clock yesterday they wore white velus, nad tue.
of a West Indies eleven to represent merara Electric Co. Ltd. was termorning.
hexas tied with white linen and these colonies in the Test Matches minuted last night, the Company has been received by that paper tion it has taken up, but without stating that controversy which anything like success. The comDetermined efforts of the Central helu candie. Nearby was against the disclose an alarm license to operate the trams having was commenced some little time ago pany has, it is stated, presented to Fire Brigade assisted by the Besson filled with flowers, and. arging weakness in the West Indian expired. Representations made by between the Government of Costa the Costa Rican authorities what Street and Harbour Constabularies bayer book Copper coins were on Cricket Board of Control. There has the Government and Town Council Rica and the United Fruit Company amounts to a threat. It is to the and men from Constabulary Headthe ground.
been little co ordination of effort be to induce the Company to extend the over the former attitude on the extent that it the export duty upon quarters confined the fire, which at Enter the Corporal.
period of time for termination of subject of an increased export tax bananas is increased from half yond the nomination of possible play the tram service in order to allow on bananas, has reached a decidedly penny per bunch to two pence half one time seemed to endanger the Cleo we wa began to preach ers by committee representing the the Council to proeure an efficient interesting stage.
whole block of buildings.
penny or any figure near that She told spectators that she was reConstabulary Departmental orders ceved a mission to preach to taem.
Board of Control in each colony, but transport service failed.
The United Fruit Company enjoys amount, the Company will withdraw issued yesterday contained the folfrom the banane industry in the ReAl suuge Lance Corporal Davis the actual selection of the West In.
Notice to Employees.
a monopoly in the handling of banelowing appreciation of the fireapproached oue or the men, Aisced dies side has been left wholly to the notice issued by the Company to nas on the Atlantic Seaboard of publie.
fighters:Adanas but could mot succeed in rous. Selection Committees of each colony: employees of the Tramways Depart. England and the Continent by its down. What has occurred is that Costa Rica. It sends the fruit to The Government has not backed The Inspector General from per. ing him. Dayus shook him vigorously Unless there is some magical good ment notified them that the Company Englishowned line (the Elders and consideration of the Bill which will, sonal observation at the Fire at and at last awakened him.
fortune, the result will clearly be diswould cease to operate the service on South Quay this morning congra slag. burate: He was as if the astrous. For there is no uniformity the 19th. week notice that their Fyffes Co. Ltd. and to America by if it is adopted, enable the Adminis.
tulates the officers and men of the art had taken possession of him?
of opinion and each colony it mes services would not be required after its own ships. The Government of tration to collect the higher duty Fire Brigade together with the de Davis: Yes.
plainly be seen might favour its own has been postponed until the close the 25th instant was given and provi the Central American Republie has, tachment from Headquarters and the of the spring. The United Fruit cams who was still unsteady in players to the exclusion of possibly sion made for certain old employees tax which is the equivalent of a halt Company threat to discontinue its for a considerable period, levied a Harbour Station, on the good work Court said in reply to the Magistrate better players from other colonies.
of the Department.
done in confining a very fierce fire ut he was late for Court because he Moreover the invitations from the penny in English money, upon every operations in the republie has caused.
to its point of origin. But for their Publie Meeting.
was sick. On the night in question colonies shown that little regard is bunch of bananas sent out of Costa and continues to cause, a good deal of unrest among banana growers in persistence and endurance it would he admitted that he had testified. being paid to the present form of Hon. Cannon has summoned Rien. The time has come when new the Port Limon area. The Costa have spread and caused great damage was holding Divine Service. players, and indeed it is inevitable meeting of eitizens of Georgetown for concessions with respect to fruit to at least one block of an important Riean division of the Fruit ComInspector uwer: What is your that in these circumstances reputa this afternoon to discuss and deter are to be considered by the Costa pany business is extensive. It inbusiness section of the community.
seet. Mount Arrarat Spiritual Baption rather than form should be the mine what should be done with regard Rican Congress; and the Govern cludes a railway which the company The fire was discovered at about tists Church deciding factor. Even more unfor to the closing down of the service.
ment view is that the State, or aequired from an English concern.
o clock by Constable Bonaparte who Asked why the women wore veils, tunate has been the refusal or the rather, the country, should derive was on duty in Marine Square.
Adams said it was a distinction for inability of several West Indies greater benefits from The controversy is being followed the banana He was attracted by the smoke those that with a good deal of interest in Costa were set apart from cricketers to accept the invitations monopoly which is in the hands of Rica which also caught the attention of worldly attain.
to play outside of their own colonies.
the American fraft company.
GET YOUR Constable Sandy. They sounded the His Duty to Preach.
We can hardly conceive that it is Consequently, the proposal of the alarm which brought the Harbour Another follower giving evidence beyond the power of the Board of Constabulary on the scene with their said it was his duty to address the Control to obtain the necessary leave Job Printing export tax should be increased to cart.
for the best West Indies cricketers the equivalent of two pence hall Large Sum Insurance.
Inspector Power: Can you tell the it a serious effort were made; nor DONE AT THB penny in English money. The AdThe premises which are owned by ministration has actually asked Con FOR ERECTION OF Court what you said on that night. can we believe that the cricketers frm are insured with the British said, We are directly here to point themselves would likely refuse an Workman gress to base the special impost. Insurance Company in the sum UPON BANANAS ON THE IMPOSING BUILDING truth which we obtain from love. invitation from the Governing body 8, 000. Laughter)
of cricket in these islands if leave BIGHER RATE The stock was insured with the The Gleaner States that at the Printery Saved were obtained. It is certainly neither Not unnaturally, the United Fruit me Comany for 21, 000. Continued on Page 7)
Another disciplo said she had gainto the credit nor the advantage of The Origin.
eri salvation since 1924.
West Indies cricket that cricketers Tt is believed that the fire was Inspector: am in dire need of who would not refuse an invitation started by cases containing matches salvation so tell me how you got it.
for a tour in England should profess falling and igniting.
Wonian: joined them and went their inability to travel between Trinidad, Barbados, and British unto the Lord To a witness who said that though Guiana. But the Board of Control they held candles they never shook unfortunately weak and supine, and INCORPORATED 1860 their bodies. Inspector Power showuntil it is galvanized into taking ed a large prayer book whose pages actual control of West Indian cricket were blurred with drops of candle we will never reach the goal at HYMN SINGING AND grease. He asked if the condition which we aim. It is impossible to GROANS.
of the book was not accounted for undo the harm which has already by shaking their bodies while they been done on this occasion, but inPANAMA COLON future, it is to be hoped that the Board There was laughter at the City held the candle and book. There was of Control will do what every governSanta Ana Plana Corner Ilth And Bolivar Streets Magistrate Court throughout the no answer.
ing body is supposed to do, that is to hearing of a case in which men The Pines.
and women were fined for taking The Acting Assistant City Magis.
say that it will really govern. For at present the cricket committees in part in a shouters meeting at Baden trate Mr. Perez, told Joseph the various colonies have for greater Powell Street Woodbrook.
Alexander he was the principal man, Two s of the Constabulary and fined him He also convicted power and influence than the Board of Control. We have no desire to and want among a crowd assembled for fined the others Catherine service and saw some of the wor. Wears, Alseed Adams, Adelle Taylor, minimise the important work which these Committees have done for With 900 Branches throughout the world, including shippers grunting, grinding their Adelle Griffith, John Rodney and cricket in these colonies, but a mul.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank teeth and shaking their bodies. The Franers Stanley 18s. eeh.
titude of governing bodies can never achieve that unity of purpose an is in a position to render the best possible service.
action which is essential for the FOR development and improvement of West Indies cricket. The captain of Antigua Dominion Montoret the touring side has made Bahamas Grenada clear what should have been wellBarbados and known before that the attach the greatest importance to the British Honduras Trinidad (2. Tests in the full meaning of the Guadeloupe (9)
British Guiana (2)
word is clearly impossible on this Tests in the full meaning on this eee occasion. It is therefore to be hoped that this blunder will never be made again and that in future the Board of HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Control will take the reins firmly into its hands so that West Indies elevPAID ON DEPOSITS No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
ens will be truly representative of the cricketing strength of these colpanama, onies (Continued on Page 7)
The Royal Bank of Canada Veiled Women at a Servic3 Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Jamaica (2)
St. Kitts St. Lucia Martinique Cleaning Clothes Good REID General Bapking Business Transacted.


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