
fellows to Erect Elabo.
rate Temple. By ELIJAB HUNTER)
ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA CANAL ZONE NOTES Capturing Daylight Friends Countrymen. The don know what you tell me mok. very imporiant meeting of the seout has informed me that the You mus bo speakin from you neck. o. of Oddfellows was convena Boosianas are still flying. The club Just Received a Large Assortment of on Sunday last 2nd inst. at the has not made any new members as Dat same somet ing you tell to me, Future Hope Lodge Hall for th far as can be seen; but he says that one day when ta ta gone to sea; purpose of discussing plans for the the buzzing of numbers 1, 2, and S, tell you don, walt mek me sorection of a concrete temple in ths have filled the atmosphere at corral But now you com back wid you plen.
heights, and that when one geta a The meeting was sponsored by a Iittle quiet from the France Fleld Die pempey won let me in peace, committee composed of Messrs Jos Aeroplanes, the goodienas keep up Him jump and kick same like beast Liverpool, Chairman, Alex In the very Latest Designs she buzzing. He says he thinks they Him ink dat him can do like boes, Sanches, Springer, Bowen are that way because of the inerea. se and Harding. The structure is And fool round people him please.
of worms in their anatomy, As It is ALSO estimated to cost 89. 000. scheme natural that if these many worms But et you bother me, mek which had been contemplated foue feed at all, they are bound to make me sweet man brok you blas ed years ago when many of the Lodges their occupante lively.
Deck; of the community had been written to, but, unfortunately, the plan fe I met him plant you pon de deckOnce upon time, there was a through of the amount estimated poor girl who lived in country An so if den, you wouldn cheek. the chairman informed the committee village. She was poor but respectathat a lot mensuring 24 58 45 ble. She had good sense and plenty Merey! Pempey got the blow!
metres would cost 19. 000 and the of She had enough personal The mother who was standing by temple 50. 000.
pride to set a correct value on her. when Betsy broke loose was so satisried that she exclaimed, me self, and she WAS determined to Among the interested parties who prevent any sucker from being recmuma, me ded. You we, friends were present and spoke in favor of cessful in begulling her into barter. and countrymen, the girls their mothe scheme were Messrs. Williams She was not for sale, and abe knew thers of those days, plain english 18 UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL Nicholson Nicholls, Pollock, and Mr. Leon who are many it. And she told everyone, including and bad manners, were superior to her would be proposer. me poor the girls and mothers of the present valuable suggestions on the matter.
but me no foollah. Mengly but me day in some things, for instance, in It is being contemplated to collett comely, this way. the mothery of those days donations from the various Lodge made an effort to ruide and protect of Oddfellows, there being seven This girl was, in addition, very their girls, and the girls cheyed MULLER Prop: hundred and fifty, a contribution of mindful of her father desire and instrtuctions, and respected their 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 fifty dollars each would net suthinstructions. She was like all girls mothers advice. The two, nowelent to erect a structure to house were in those days. One day her days are quite different. Mothers, the various lodge.
father was gone out to sen. He was some of them, take pride in leadThe scheme fully launched, with a therman. fellow, who had been ing their daughters astray by either andoubtedly receive public recognifooling around her before, know of leaving them alone to do as they tion.
ta tal absence (for this was how please, or by setting a bad example she called ber father. and took the before them, and actually telling and AND opportunity to call on her. He was seeing that they do that which is GATUN yocelved but not entertained as be wrong. Some of us sincerely wish CRICKET: Economizing on GATUN BASB BALL TEAM SCORES DENTIST HOWELL would, in most cases be, now that Ole time sumting cum back Electric Light The Westmoreland Cricket Club ANOTHER VICTORY days. Betsy listened to his conver again!
House No. 912 La Boca suffered a decisive defeats the The Club House Team of Base Ball Most of us can remember the old sation and told him, ta ta not But Betay fared very well indeed, Canol Zone style of advertising, showing the bome, but wait mek me study me Gatun Oval, Sunday last, at the Players are determined to win th: for she married the fellow whom she bend. The fellow went away but called me sweet man afterwards hands of the Kent vunerable eleven. pennant this year, and if they ll keep effects of some patent medicine, ou as how they have started, they ll Before Taking After Taking.
name again upon another day when He was more suitable than the one Westmoreland was first to bat certainly spring the surprise. ta was also not at home. He who fooled around, and Betsy had and Captain Coley was first in. He But one of the most amazing Before and After demonstratione was quite Small seemed always to have known this enough sense to see that. Mother and managed to serape. bare 15 runs Campbell and Walker played exunreheared.
He was very much like the majority ma ta had no objections, and Betay. the classic bowlers from the cellently for the Red TANK Team, DENTIST Walking through one of the larg of our present boya always knows therefore held that all was well. Kent rolled and broke mysteriously and, if a third of the Red Tank PlayMASONIC TEMPLE when tu ta jo not at home. But They had grand wedding around the bat and legs of Coloy and Campbell. Gatan would have suf one of a party of a party of visitors ers had half the courage of Walker est automobile factories recently, Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm Betay was not to be duped. She and they lived happily together atter. men. Had nt it been for Peters,. 30 to 30 PM stood her ground relying on her at the wedding they had this monu Coley tenm wonld have had a clam. Pored the defeat.
remarked, How much lighter and Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, mother instructions. Betsy, ten served:more airy this department to than my defeat. Credit, and plenty of it Willamson on the other hand, was O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL you ground no mek dem fool yon.
too, belongs to Meners, Harper, especially cool and thoughtful, he the last one we were in.
She was well fortitled because she PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Puree of Black Nanny Weeks, and Bell.
As a matter of fact the depart.
played a sensible game, and really took advice and obeyed instructions, Pilet de Stampango.
was the principal in gaining the vle ment they had just left had more so after listening to this fellow, she Bauce of Bragadap The Pickwick will meet the tory for the Gatun Team. The score windows and they were unobstructed same to the conclusion that he way Cuckoo Con Stick in the ribs. KENT on the Gatun Oval San Boys. Bobbe did well as an umis 16. 14 in favor of the Lock City by the neighboring buildings. In no damned rood, and she waxed Wasb down de Pot Water, the department the party had fuut The Greatest Thrill day 9th.
warm, and spouted on him as folpire.
entered, there were fewer windows in the World lowTen the truth triends, am darned and half of these were blinded by sorry was not there. know every IN AID OF THE PANAMA FIRE Mrs. Scope left this week for the buildings close by. Go Way from me, you wotless one of those diabes, and know that SUFFERERS United States. Although we have This condition been noticed broot, Anyone who tantee them tasto good On the 16th. of this month (Next not heard it from the lady in ques and studied by the Welfare Depart.
You mout Ip favor rubber boot; sumthing Sunday) Lynton will lend. com tion, yet we understand that she is ment of the factory, and in order to bined team against the Wanderers gone after her daughter who is not combat the adverse conditions of the on the Gatun Oval; the proceeds in very good health, the climate de second department, they had decided will go to the sufferers in the recent not agree with the young Miss Scope, to use a high quality of glossy white Fire disaster at Panama.
perhaps NEURALGINA paint on the walls and celling. This operation had only been completed Heard Under the Almond Tree few days before these visitors were Stop and analyze it. there taken to the two departments among nothing in life that gives more Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any Commerce, indeed, is not only leisure than ever, and the struggle many others.
pure happiness than making neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. compatible, but would almost go for existence is keener than it was of The contrast was so striking, that someone else happy.
further and say that it will be most it was decided to paint all departIs there?
NEURALGINA snecessful, if carried on in happy ments white, and a series of tests When we present a gift, we union with noble aims and generou On the other hand, we must rewere carried out to show which point want it to be packed with all the should be in every school to soothe bad headaches aspirations. We read of and ad member how much we have gained wore best, reflected daylight bent, entiment, affection and good dried quickest, etc.
mire the heroes of old, but every one in security. It may be an ag There a multitude of things and reduce the lever of children of us has to fight s own Marathon hard work, but when this is not car.
The paint which best met every that will serve, but they lack in and Thermopylao; every one meets ried to an extreme, it is by no mean requirement was Dukime made by some respect. They wear out NEURALGINA the Sphinx sitting by the road he duPont, makers of Duco. And an quickly; outlive their usefulness; an evil. Cheerful is the daugh!
other unforseen fact came to light or have no usefulness at all, in Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart has to pasa; to each of us, as to of employment, and on the whole. Whereas in winter. It had been nece there ANY THING that will Hercules, le offered the choles of Vice and Virtuo; we may, Ice Parie, believe there never was a time when sary to use artificlal Hght early In quicken the reciplent heartgive the apple of life to Venus, or modest merit and patient Industry the afternoon before the walls had beat. that will tell her more For sale both Wholesale and Retail Juno, or Minerva. may, Indeed, were more sure of reward. We must been painted, after the procese it eloquently than you could that quote Aristotle against himself, for not, indeed, be discouraged if success was found that a fall hour of art. you wish her well. that speaks AT THE he has elsewhere told us that buai be slow in coming, nor puffed up it of electrielty alone paid for the cost that never wears out. that te fielal Fight was saved. This economy its quality every time it is seen.
ness should be chosen for the sake it comes quickly. We should how of the paint tatns its value. that arouros AMERICAN PHARMACY of leisure; and things necessary and the admiration of all who see it?
the useful for the sake of the beautiful greatly misunderstand Yes it fine jewelry such as JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor in conduct.
teaching of Marcus Aurelius it we we will be glad to show you if There are many who seem to think supposed that in advocating philos BUY FROM TRE WORKMAN you will pay u voltoon.
Panama that we have fallen on an age in ophy he intended in Any way to ADVERTISERS AND GET FULLER the world when life is especially dit exclude sympathy with the joys and ttealt and fous, when there is less sorrows of others.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 122 Central Avenue. ni 20.


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