
are WE CLEAN AND BLOCK of a News From The Atlantic Side RICH MUSICAL TREAT Panamanian Girl Fail in Love Charm Project.
Busy Worker Jottings What promises to be a rich musi At about 80 last Monday, a large (Jimbo)
cal treat is the Concert and musicale fire broke out in the vicinity of Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 ascual Ortiz Rubio is now Presi Colon, February Theodoro Cuer. it the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on No. 14 Ave. According to inCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, dent of Mexico. Although he may wa, Ernesto Zuniaga, Juan Mareais, Sunday afternoon the 16th inst, un formation, it originated from the 0. Bus 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon not be as strong willed as ex pres. Duncau Yearwood, Luis Medina, Gier the auspices of roon of one Gertrudis Clark, a PaDaughters namanian girl, who had appropriated RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION dent Calles, yet we believe Mexico Gilbert Williams, Rosendo Prieto, of Jasmine Temple No. 323 of the wall progress and experience a time Francisco Ramirez, Christopher Car Improved Benevolent and Protective barrel) for the purpose of restoring a lighted candle (concealed in a lard ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
ta and Florentino Cuero, were all order of Elks of the World.
his administration.
u peace under her lost lover, but unfortunately this His success depends on just how arraigned today before Judge Murray much opportunity he is willing to in the Cristobal Magistrate Court on The program is a very attractive project failed, and the house caught fire ve the Roman Catholics and the the charge of petty larceny of silkone, comprising of orchestra selecCommunists.
shirts, stockings, and socks. tu to the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS tions, Violin and Piano solos, choThe police was soon on the scene.
arrested Gertrudis, and took her to The men at the time of the oe ruses, songs, ete. Among the artistes the Safety Bureau where she told her Miguel Primo de Rivera has turned working at Pier 10 who will be taking part Ivardas, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930 out to be a total failure as Dictator last, Tuesday morning, on the steam Misses and Morgan, Misses of Spain. We understand that his ship corinto, when the Foreman and Nobles, Mrs. Cousins lighted candle with the photograph She had placed in the barrel. the resignation was just in the nick of discovered the theft and had them and Miss Iseline Flemmings.
Paguer And EXPERIENCE tine. That a revolution was almost npprehended.
of her lover in front, and left the lastehed if he had remained as DieTickets for admission will be by room, expecting to find her lover precept is a communent, instruction, or order tator for a couple weeks longer. AlTheodoro Cuervo proved himself a program which can now be had from with open arms when she returned, menutu as a rue os acuon or conduct. It has special Jurist of no mean order at the trial the Daughters who also extend an but instead, she found the house in Twent oras in wat it lays down the rule and though we must give him credit for his patriotic spirit. He knew he oper invitation to all who are look the flames.
gaves we uw ecuous as to what ougat, and ought not to be was a failure, and admitted it, and and was discharged while the othering for a good afternoon enjoyment. She was let off with a fine of 00 une au Teravu vo we estabilsument or correct morai Wat we best thing, tendered his re were found guilty and sentenced to and a reprimand.
30 days and 100 each.
Солис. it is ake unto a writ or process issued by a gaution. There other DiePOO couru di compevent jurisdiction, requiring a party or tators who have realized that they parues to ao or corbear some act. It is even more than att lailures, and yet refuse to ad regular general meeting of au tus is a principle, a source or origin. It is an Loyal Enterprise (Female Lodge)
and despotie, that No. 2850 order are so selfish original iacuity or endowment embodying a funda mit, and worse, will not resign, they Druids will be mental truth. It is the constitution and the law which they ll rather see the country in held on Tuesday evening the 11th governs conduct. Conduct is therefore the substance, the throes of revolution than to re at the Gabriel Union Lodge hall 6th all kinds of Hats sign.
and precept the essential property that establish the and Hudson Lane commencing at o clock. Visiting brethen will receive principle.
The Chinese are still fighting, the a hearty welcome. large and always in Stock a large assortment of Precept has always been, and now is the universal that 1000 were punctual attendance.
monitor. At the commencement of man existence, he iatest news report battle in the began to learn by the precepts of inspiration, and by kilied recently in PANAMA FELT HATS those which were inscribed for his edification. And vicinty of Pinglo. Clash between The Westmoreland suffered 80, down through the ages, generation after generation Nationalists and Rebels.
an overwhelming defeat from the WE SPECIALIZE IN hands of the Kent in the friend.
have been taugnt by this process. Now, the system has Polities in Panama is growing very ly game played last Sunday at the Genuine Montecristi not changed, and it will remain unchanged until man has reached his extremity.
interesting. We may witness a very Gatun Oval The Westmoreland PANAMA HATS made three score But there is another monitor by which man is exciting election when the next Presi. batted first and dent is to be placed in power.
and ten runs. Kent replied with SUBIA taught, and that is experience. If we would rely on seven score and fourteen runs, the statement that experience teaches fools, we would President Hoover, Congress and ning with four score and four runs.
61 Central Avenue Panama say that this category of persons are those for whom experience is the monitor. However, we are inclined the Senate are still thinking to send BO a commission to Haiti to make an ODOSTOSO to the belief that fool here does not mean a person who is without sense; but it means the person without speci investigation with a view of withfic information regarding a certain thing, and who is drawing the United States Marines before 1936. This is splendid senticovered by the other statement. a man is a fool to mentally; but Uncle Sam is never that which he does not know.
in a hurry in withdrawing from a Be that as it may, we know of persons who actually place that she had to protect, before and consistently refuse to be taught by precept, and 1936 may develop in 1966, The Phil.
although they are brought face to face with the error of pines for example.
this peculiarity by experience, still we have seen them not taught. It is only by recurrence of these exper About five men were arrested somefences that, in some cases, they are ever taught.
time Tuesday and Wednesday with a Some have attempted to justify this attitude by around their bodies. Just why these quality of silk socks, and shirts, AND SHARE IN OUR PROFITS arguing that some persons are natural doubters they men used this method of keeping refuse to accept a precept only for the reason that they doubt the sincerety of its source, or the advisability of warm is very difficult to understand; When you ask for Orange Crush, see that the its adoption. These, they say, prefer the actual living especially on the Cristobal docks.
1060 RENTOATE OUT CROWN bears our distinctive CRUSHY mark and through an event or a series of events. They prefer what appeared in the distance as real and actual enjoy the America Theatre on Sunday Classical Concert is slated for save the crowns. You will not only get the real ment, though it turns out to be suffering. They prefer February 16th. This is held under Orange Crush) ORANGE CRUSH and protect yourself against imiCARBONATED BEVERAGE to feel and act, or to act and feel. They desire to obtain SUBAR tations, but, remember, every CRUSHY CROWN saved, practical knowledge by a personal experiment. They the auspices of the Secretary of wish to explore and search through, or range over for Public Instruction and for the benefit represents a premium value to you.
discovery of the Colon Correctional School.
The point we desire to make to day is, that it is a We are offering useful and valuable premiums in mistake to reject precepts because they lay the foundaexchange for our new ORANGE CRUSH CROWNS tion for the right kind of experience. The student never BUY FROM THE WORKMAN attains to proficiency if he does not follow precept.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY with the CRUSHY imprinted. Familiarize yourself Neither would the apprentice become a tradesman, and ADVERTISERS AND GET with the CRUSHY design which guarantees our so forth. The son of the intelligent man will not grow up in the similitude of his father, if he rejects his ORANGE CRUSH products.
father precepts. And the daughter of the good woman must only become an irreverent, blasphemous person of low and common standing, void of rectitude, BOX 649 ANCON, Don forget that only the Crown principle, virtue, or decency if she rejects the precepts PATO of her good mother.
Cirilo Sandford with CRUSHY imprinted as in Too often have we seen boys and girls degenerate ORANS Attorney at Law into a condition of profligacy because they had adopted CRUSH SC the design, is the the attitude of rejecting precept, and court experience.
PHONE 163 BOTTLE We have seen such boys in the gutter and in the jail value for premiums house, and the girls in brothels and harlot dens. Not infrequently, we have seen boys riddled by the tortures of hell fire suffering, and heard them whimper like a ASK FOR LIST dying dog, the result of rejecting their father precepts.
For this same error, we have seen girls become premature. mothers, with the open desert of shame and degJOSEPH MASON OF PREMIUMS redation for their habitat despised and rejected, shunned and abandoned their only company being inMattresses made and renovated dimity, loss of character, uncleanness, squalor and to order Furnitures also repaired filth!
at moderate prices Let our people learn, especially the growing generations that PRECEPT IS THE DOOR TO EX House No. 10, 21 Street Panama. Telephone 2060. Colon 680 PERIENCE.


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