
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1980 FOREIGN AND GENERAL COLORED CADET MAY GO BACK TO WEST POINT Parham Eager Harlem Night Clubs More Make Good Popular Than Broadway Eager to Hall of Fame In Comaemoration Of Jamaica Sons. native of Jamaica.
British Museum from 1868 to 1909.
The late Dr. Sydney Martin, the famous surgeon and physician to the University College Hospital, was also Dr. Fairweather STEPS TO SORROW Candles Lamps for Lighting Dirty, Troublesome, Dangerous and Cause Eye Strain. More Fires are Caused by Candles Lamps than by all other causes. Use ELECTRICITY Other native Jamaicans have won The only cabaret or night club on merry chase for patronage and CHICAGO, Jan. 28. ANP. Point and there are professional The Leicester Mail of January fame abroad, and there is nothing in Broadway which isn forced to obey money.
Alonzo Parham is going back to schools, which make business of Jamaica to record their successes or the o clock closing law is one own Why is this? Well, for one reason, says: West Point Military Academy if it is preparing appointees to meet these movement has been set on foot achievements, ed by our group, and what a play it the Harlem places offer fresh enterhumanly possible for him to do so. testa. After Parham was appointed sets from the White Way play. tainment for jaded Broadway appetites. Dancing, the like of which is The subject of mathematics whicla he received advertising matter from for the establishment of Jamaica boya!
reared itself ko a huge Alps to one of these schools soliciting his en. Hall of Fame to commemorate the not seen on the stage, toreh singing And all in all the Race cabarets block the progress of this modern rollment for the course. He did not many sons of Jamaica who have died BUY FROM THE WORKMAN in Harlem are giving the more and surprise acts provided by those by chirpers who know how to sing young Hannibal at the academy is enroll, although he had friends who uverseu after having had distinto be attacked through study during thought he should have guished careers ADVERTISERS AND GET elaborate night clubs on Broadway who merely want a chance to show the allotted period before he make His teachers at and elsewhere on Manhatan isle. what they can Wendell Phillips The death in England of the Earl do all these con his final effort to prove that there VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY of Harewood, who had both personal High School in this city think that tribute to the growing popularity of are no Alps for determination.
he had a good mind. One who taught and hereditary Associations with Harlem night life The above is the substance of in200909090909009 The old saying that every dog formation obtained from Mrs. Minnie him for four years states that he had West Indies, has given impetus to the movement. The first Earl of has his day is exemplified in Har.
Parham, his mother, following the an exceptional mind and when sho lem entertainment circles as well as recelpt of a letter from her son after learned that he had been Plunked Harewood was born in Barbados, she expressed herself AS being where his father was Collector of in the successes Race actors have he had left West Point. shocked.
Customs. The late Lord Harewoo. PHYSICIAN been finding on the stage and sereen. Everything in his letter seemed to was president of the West India Club And what a day Harlem is having!
indieate that he was not going to in London HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Sadly enough, Harlem boasts no grive up. Mrs. Parham acknowledged ADVERTISE IN THE Another recent death in England big business owned by our group: proudly, and don think he is. WORKMAN IT WILL No. K STREET was that of Sir Maunde Thompson, it has no important enterprises have had mail from close personal BRING YOU GOOD RE. who was born in Jamaica in 1840.
PANAMA CITY which give many of our Race work friends in New York who also say SULTS He was the principal librarian of the to do, but how it has opened pleasthat he intends to dispose of his ure spots for those who like to roam mathematies defleiency and re enter at night!
West Point.
Broadway millionaires, prominent Incidentally, Mrs. Parham has no city and states officials, distinguished idea that her boy has been discrimi ODO visitors all of them make a bee line nated against for the dusky flesh pots and they Did Alonso show any weakness in don attempt to hide their identities mathematics in the grammar or high as they would have done decade school gradea. she was asked.
ago. They allow the masters of No, he did not, she replied. He ceremonies to introduce them and was good in all his subjects, but he they take the applause of the rest found that his training in matheof the patrons with the graceful maties in high school had not preaplomb of a stage star.
pared him for the demands made at West Point. He wrote that whateve Harlem entertainers are rejoleing difficulties he was having with his at the chance of making big money.
There in less unemployment and subjects were all on his own part.
The mother claimed that he had a poverty among them than ever be fore. Regardless of what the regood mind and that she had been his teacher through the fifth grade at formers may my, Harlem la wide and be A E open.
Talboton, Ga.
She was not impressed by the sug.
gestion what Parham might have PANAMA WESLEYAN been made the victim of some scheme to get him out that he might not ACTIVITIES.
have been aware of.
DIRTY, INEFFICIENT COSTLY. Why would they fix up a scheme The weekly meeting of the Panama to get him out that took out 63 white THE FUMES OF BURNING CHARWesleyan Society was convened boys also? she asked.
on Wednesday night last in Geddes COAL ARE DANGEROUS TO YOUR Parham had not complained in any Hall, when the Rev. Wade of his letters to her while he was in HEALTH. AVOID CHEST LUNG President of the Society who has just returned from the faland of the academy, Mrs. Parham asserted.
TROUBLES BY USING A Jamaica where he attended the In August, she admitted, he was homesick. She thinks it was natural Wesleyan Synod. made the address in addition to conducting the consefor him to be 80. He was 18, the eration ceremonies.
youngest of her three children, and he had never been away from home The evening lesson was read by before. Outside of this reference to Mrs. Scott and the roll call was his homeslekness, however, his responded to at the call of Miss Vida mother insisted that his letters had Why tako chance on spolling Stephens.
all been folly and full of the things clean linen with a dirty from, or The Rev. Wade brought much in he had been doing and enjoying.
formation from the Synod in which Even his letter written since his doburning up your home with ho told of the many educational parture from the academy was jolly, parks and cinders from coal schemes which are now on foot she stated.
among which is the erection of a Last summer before school opened stoves Hall in Kingaton to be used for he wrote us all about the hikes they school purposes. The appointment were taking and the good times they of the Rev. Wright to the Pahad, she explained. He said that nama Colon etreult was lengthlly he was being treated just Hke anydiscussed the Rev. Wade assured body else. Later he described his the members of the endeavour that trips to Boston, Hartford and New they will have nothing to regret la York, with the Army football team.
having the Rev. Wright as ther: He wrote that he had a grand time.
Pastor, being a very experienced andi Mrs. Parham admitted that she and capable religious leader.
her son were sensible of the fact The outing to old Panama to take that Negroes are not wanted at West place on Wednesday next, is now de Point, but even realizing that, Parfinitely arranged and members are ham had stated that he had found asked to meet at Geddes Hall not evidence of inhospitality there.
later than 80 to take the boos.
It is rather well known that matheThe meeting was brought to matles and. French are the partienelone with The wong of the lar bogeys of now students at West Mlapak Coal Oil for Cooking STEPS TO HAPPINESS Electricity for Lighting COAL FOR IRONING SLOW DIRTY Clean, Safe Cheap GAS FOR COOKING SAFE, QUICK, CLEAN ECONOMICAL ELECTRICITY FOR IRONING Is Cheap On Our Residence COMBINATION RATE CIA PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ Colón At Your Service Panamá


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