
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1990 PAGE SEVEN BARBADOS Senator King Urges Hoover to Withdraw Marines Compulsory IT had to Education Governor of Barbados. Compulsory be good to get where Oca Cola it is RADILMASLISTERED VONIOS us Drink Coca Cola in bottles The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
children must be called their minds (Britain Supremacy Lava Continues to flow TODO DOE Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon Dentist 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works (Continued from pago. real salary of the Prime Minister of England is less than that of the Utah Democratic Senator justified; that it violated the soverLducation is not beyond the means is Caller at White House; signty of Haiti and was an injustice Conferred on Haiti. to the Haitians.
Writing editorially under the above of this Colony, but the will to have it is wanted. The urge must come have introduced a resolution in caption, the Woekly Herald of the from below. It is fruitless to expect TREATY ILLEGAL the Senate demanding withdrawal of 11th ulto says:American marines from Haiti and the members of the House of. Assembly The great and increasing demand to lead the way. It to the humble. Violating Sovereignty culling for a constitutional convenwhich is being made for Compulsory the people who are electors and of the Republie. tion so that the Haitiaus might adopt Education is good sign. The Bar those who do not even earn enough their own constitution because we bados working class may be called to quality for a WASHINGTON, Replace forced one upon them which abrovote, who must all manner of ill names, but a prole. agitate and agitate at all costs and United States High Commissioner of ment of Brig. Gen. John Russell, gated the sovereign rights of Hait.
tariat which is agitating for educe hazards. Instead of saying Bar Haiti, with Civil Governor tion can not be altogether contempti bados a civil governor was have bitterly opposed President cannot afford Compulsory urged by Senator William King, Borno of Haiti. civil governor ble. We are proud to know that Education, let unite we have had some little share in Barbados cannot afford to produce House last Saturday following a conto y Demoerat, of Utah, at the White should be appointed. Marines should arousing publie sentiment to the any more illiterates. We are cursed be withdrawn, except a small num.
ference with President Hoover.
utter wickedness which permits near. if we think no more of our duty to ber, until tranquility has been rely six thousand children to grow up our country and to all those who are He urged also that American ma stored. believe we are in Haiti un yearly without being able to recog. born in it.
rines be withdrawn and Haiti notified der an illegal treaty.
nise their printed names. We hope that the United States would end Senator King said that while he there will be no turning back. EduchThe cry has gone forth and the intervention when that country favored a civilian governor for Haiti, echo rosounds. It shall not abate adopted a constitution and set up a tion cannot be had for nothing, but he would in the absence of anything no country is too poor in money to until Barbados is really a country government of its own. Such a pro better go along with President in gram, Senator King stated, would reteach all its children how to read fit for humans to live in. It is not his proposal for a commission to and write. It may be too poor in now so when one in every seven of store peace in Haiti.
study the problem. He did not think, our children is a public spirit or elvie sense or even bandoned to the believe, said Senator King in he said, that a commission could human feeling, but there is always stygian darkness of mental blind analyzing the Haitian situation, that ascertain anything under the present enough money for the purpose of ness. No prosperity founded upon our intervention in Haiti was not military regime.
primary education. It is so in Bar such pillars is worth anything. The bados Barbados is by no means a poor country though the greater as their.
In Speed from Mount Pelee part of the people live on the pauper line. In St. Michael alone there is Death of Hotel elose on a million dollars worth of WORLD RECORDS ISLAND CLOAKED IN motor cars, and there are eleven Proprietress OF 1929 STEAM.
parishes. The Head of the Chureh in Barbados is paid five thousand Latest press despatches of the London, Nineteen twenty nine has The Weekly Herald of the 11th dollars year out of the treasury ulto, reports the death Mrs. Alice been Britain fastest year says Mount Pelee Volcano states a Graphie and the rest of the Anglican clergy Lloyd, proprietress of the Victoria the Daily Telegraph. For the first description of the appearance from divide about sixty thousand dollars Hotel, Prince Wm. Henry Street, last time this country holds the world the air of Martinique, where Mt. year among themselves, the salary Friday night. For many years de speed records for land, ses, and air, Pelee is now erupting, was given by of the Governor is fifteen thousand ceased had been actively engaged in together with many motoring records Mr. Tilton, pilot of the Pan.
American Airways first passenger dollars a year and more, the Colonial catering to the publie, and had won of speed and endurance.
airplane which reached here on SunSecretary, the Chief Justice. The for herself, not only reputation in The most important records, an Manager of the Waterworks, the her business, but also a large circle official of the Royal Automobile day. Practically the whole of the is Attorney General, the Director of of appreciative friends. She was Club stated yesterday, are of course, Science, the Chief Medical Officer, all buried in St. Leonard Churchyard the epoch making achievements of land is hidden by thick curtain.
Tilton told TRINIDAD get a thousand pounds a year. And on Saturday evening. To those who Sir Henry Segrave who drove his Mr.
GUARDIAN representative The these salaries are far below what are mourn her loss we offer our con Britain at a speed of 288 miles an earned in big business. Can a coun dolence.
hour on Daytona Beach, and broke smoke and einders from Mt. Pelee are try with such a scale of public rethe motor boat record of over ninety like a heavy fog, and smell strongly muneration be said to be poor? The miles an hour in Miss England. of sulphur. Immense Width. and of Flight Lieutenant Waghorn. There can be seen from the air who won the Schneider Trophy for OBO Britain at a spted of 288 miles an a steadily flowing stream of lava of immense width, moving from Mt.
Pelee along a beaten track into the Further world records set up by sea.
British drivers and ears are. It is the steam from the lava Five miles at an average speed of when it gets into the ner which is Why throw away your old, but no 211 mllen an hour, set up by Captain causing this heavy curtain of fog to Maleolm Campbell and his Bluebird be hanging over the island, practi.
ear; cally hiding it from view at certain Two hundred miles at an averge points.
speed of 116 miles an hour, set up by Kaye Don at Brooklands; MARTINIQUE IN All first four prides in the 24 hour MOURNING.
road race at Le Mans, the winner averaging 78 miles an hour.
FORBIDDEN ODO IODO Women have played a bigger part than ever in British motor achieve Trinidad Guardian Correspondent ments. Among their feats aro: Barbados. By Mail. Driving for twenty four hours on It is doubtful whether the customthe Montlhery track at an average ary February fetes will take place speed of 89 miles an hour Mrs. this year in Martinique. Publie Victor Bruce; dancing is forbidden. Two French London Exeter reliability trial. specialists sent for by the GovernThe first held for women; ment have predicted utter disaster Round the world alone in a h. to the island, which is still under car. Miss Gladys de Haviland and influence of Mt. Peleo.
Miss Mona Eley.
The voleano continues to vomit hot CATHEDRAL PLAZA Records have been broken also by larva, ashes and poisonous gases.
British motor manufaeturers, who According to a report published in estimate that their production dar the Barbados Advocate, although ing the year will total 245, 500 cars, some of the specialists predictions and see the finest Assortment of compared with 211, 877 last year. have not fallen to date, yet within Employment figures, an official two or three days of the predicted of the Society of Motor Manufac dates there has been some sort of turers and Traders said, are esti eruption.
mated to reach the new high level The general effect on the Martifor 1929 of 271, 825. British com public amusements and entertainmercial vehicles especially have done eruptions, is the suspension of all very well this year, thousands of public amusemtnts and entertainSelection of pounds worth of orders coming from ments.
all over the world. Production, estimate, has inereased by about Jamaica 12, 000 vehicles.
JUST RECEIVED Wesleyans Promised Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment 2010 3020 IODO Book Binding! FLYNCH Custom Tailor English and American Styles NO CALIDONIA PHONE 569 doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET TOPLA STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History CALL AT THE AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Panama Hardware Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Valuable. Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
LOCKS of every description also the finest ARTIZAN TOOLS Secure yours now there will be a great rush ter ther, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere ADVERTISE IN THE (Continued from Page 2)
annual Synod of the Wesleyan for consideration.
odist layman, and a wealthy flour WORKMAN IT WILL Methodist Church which starts to The structure, it is estimated, will merchant of Hull, England, has proday at Wesley sehoolroom, in Rose cost about 12, 000, and wil be used mised the Synod, through the Rev.
BRING YOU GOOD RE mary Lane, proposal for the erec for many religious purposes. Armon Jones, of the Coke Cirtion of an imposing building on the It is understood that Mr. Joseph cuit, the magnificent sum of 6, 000 SULTS Coke Church premises wil come up Rank, a prominent Wesleyan Meth providing the other 6, 000 be raised.

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