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1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930 FILLESTARTED LALU LAPASALITAT DE LA SABATILLES RESTAURANTS 10DO OB10 ODO OC 105C CECILIA THEATRE von The Home of the Talkies Yes Tomorrow, Sunday February 9th. THE TWO BLACK CROWS. FEATURING MORAN MACK DON MISS IT OD001 TOPOL OPOL IODO ODO ΤΟΞΟΙ Hii ni hifi FSST 45 Jack Johnson Leads Grand Concert The Wesleyan New Racial Broadway Jazz Band Local Steamship WAS Dear in one Continued from Page Continued from Page Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
trict where he had charge of the of the committee.
elass artistes who are offering their Kingston High School for Boys in tional Navigation Company.
best talents to ensure success. We re fighting to keep the InGeorgetown. Then followed a year in ans from being robbed of their Messers Pablo Pinel and Francisco NEW YORK CITY, Jan. 30 Cuba and Mexico. Last time heard We sincerely hope that the com the Barbados and Trinidad District. classification as an Indian, Mr. Arias Paredes acted as liquidators Speeding through Central Caruso in Mexico City. He munity in general may see the prac. Twenty Five Years ago he began Clark said.
Park in his high powered roadster drew about 50, 000 that night.
and were given a vote of thanks for ticability to lend their whole hearted his ministry in the Jamaica District their services.
at 44 miles an hour, John Arthur Jack expplained that he did not nympathy and unstinted co operation where he was stationed, first in the the Assembly burden would be Under one of the bills now before The decision to liquidate the old Johnson, the world famous Jack, drift into playing the bull fiddle in making these efforts bumper suc Coke Circuit, and after that the former heavyweight champion of after tinkering around with violino, cesses, taking into consideration the superintendent of the Wesley Circuit nscertainable amount of Negro blood portant part in the national history thrown on any person who had an company which has played an imthe world, crashed right into headviolin cellos and other instruments, usual musical. literary, and places where he spent 15 years. Last year in him of proving that he was not of the republic, was taken following Ines again and revenled himself as as do so many musicians. The first that will be rendered, the orations he completed Five Years in the he Li Artha who conducts a new a Negro.
the sinking of two of the company ball fiddle he ever 88w, confessed that are to be pronounced by emiMorant Bay Circuit. He is now on band billed at downtown Jack, he knew immediately that was nent personages and officials, and furlough in England. Mr. Wright is But we are generally opposed to boats within a few months. One of the vessels foundered off Taboga and Bradway cafe.
his instrument. He walked right up the laudable purpose for which these a man of versatile gifts. musician the classification of Indians as Nethe other off the coast of Pedregal.
Al smiles and apologies, he ap to it and took hold.
groes, he said. As to the school entertainments are planned, and of distinction; he has composed sevThe liquidation arrangements, ared before Magistrate Richard Only a small part of Jack time, which give a high momentum of eral anthems and hymn tunes which problem, we believe in leaving that were however, delayed by litigation ciliniry Thursday morning, nine up to the local communities.
unfortunately, can be devoted now inspiration to the cause, The Cor. have been highly praised. His apThe present racial integrity bill in between the company and the nadays after he was summoned to apto keeping his boys line with his rectional School needs every support pointment to Panama is opportune. Virginia provides that: The term tional government respecting pay.
court. He explained that bass fiddle.
possible, and this is of the His experience as an educationalist white persons shall apply only to ment for the company whart. This he was called out of town on Wedavenues through which the general will serve to further the prospects have to stand out in front mostwas settled in favor of the company nesday, Jan. 14, following his arrest those persons who have no trace, on Tuesday, and had just read in ly. You don show up good behind public may be automatically drawn of a Secondary School in Panama whatsover, other than Caucasian; by the payment of 190, 000 by the into contact with this reformatory. And we have every confidence that a bass viol, he said.
but persons who have one sixteenth government. The company was rethe newspaper of the warrant for It is our sanguine hope that all shall Mr. Wright will persist to urge our or less of the blood of the American presented by Mr. Pinel and Mr. Arias his arrest issued upon his failure to espear in Traffic Court. But neither vorite Jack was urged to reveal his fa avail themselves of these golden needs with the Synod and the Mis.
Indian and have no other non Cau who it is understood, will take accomposition. Pagliacci, his apologies nor his ingratiating he said firmly and menacingly.
opportunities to appreciate the un slonary Society until the scheme for enginn blood shall be deemed to be tive part in the development of the usual musical, literary and pieces a High School in Panama matures, white persons.
new company manner saved him from a 25 fine. How do you spell it?
which shall mark the brilliant feature We have every confidence that the The new bill defining as colored It was here that he revealed his You don have to spell it, he of these concerts, while generously new Minister to the Wesley Church any person drop of colored rew oceupation, paid his fine and in Panama promptly announced, if you can adding their quota to advance the left the courtroom with a bundle of play it.
well being of this providential insti welcome.
dians and most of the white people the latest dance hits under his arm.
of Vidginia, Negroes. Contiued from Page 1)
Jack or Lil Artha in tuxedo and Jack second favorite piece is Suwanee River. He lined himself The School has been thoroughly a large bow tie, has been fiddling ernment members, as well as Mayor Vaz and Mr. Seymouron Broadway hearly two weeks in up firmly with Galli Curci in this re organized. Its personnel is an Lord Robert Baden Powell luncheon.
energetic bevy of social workers an after dark The Panamanian and British troops Seymour.
Chinese American preference.
who are determined to maintain an Jack has looked over Primo Car(Continued from Page 1)
eafe, an occupation which not every then marched from Balbos to Panama In view of the remarks that ox champlon heavyweight could re nera, the toddling tower of Italy, and irreproachable and constructive stand that is a scout is not a fool.
City and paid an unofficial visit to were hurled at the Government, ard of reform and culture among After the address, he and his party tire into. So that Gene Tunney is the newest of the Wartery heavythe President who along with other the Law Officers of the Crown not the only highbrow ex world weight sensations, in a workout in the unfortunate inmates, doing every motored to the administration buildnotab viewed them from the bal have set the machinery of the champion pummeler. And while Stillman gymnasium. He defended thing to enhance the social, intellec ing at Balbon Heights and called on cony of the National Palace and took law in motion, and the defen Jack is communing with the muses Primo feet, which are said to be 20 tual and moral status of the boy, the governor of the Canal Zone. the salute as the boys marched past. dants will be called upon to apunder their tutelage and guardian he is making a living out of it.
inches from stem to stern.
He also called on the president of Thas ended a very pleasant function pear in the Kingston Court ship. Within a few more days work the Republie of Panama and visited held on behalt of the Chief Scout of on Tuesday next, 4th prox. to His feet don have anything to This here orchestra of mine, do with it, said the former cham and renovation of the edifice, and will have begun on the remodelling the British Legation, where he took the world.
answer to the charges.
Jack told a United Press correspond ent, is one of the sweetest orches pion. This Mr. Carnera is a nice, all told, a plurality of activities are 我? 我是第式有多老建全书 big made fellow and he gets around being carried out in the supreme tras in the country, if am any well. To my idea, a fellow like PriPhone 453 fudge of music.
interest of the institution. The Namo should divide his time and learn tional Government, the Municipality DRY CLEANING Ruffo, Schipa, Gigli, MartinelliPANAMA or be taught to use more than one And other factors are co ordinating STEAM PRESSING all those fellows down at the opera particular hand. mean if he could to render the Colon Correctional 18 STREBT house are friends of mine. ve use his left and the other hand, too, DYEING Institute most worthy of its name We Dye To Live PANAMA heard em singin Spain, France, he could naturally be unbeatble. and purport.
will receive a cordial blood would make practically all In Mr. Marcus Garvey TROTT The Cleaner


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