
X12. 35A1 PAGE FIVB THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1930 MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN IC 10000 GREAT NESTLE CONTEST In Cash ODOS ΟΞΟ: BEAUTY EYES appearing in this column from time Collymore will be heard in musical this won make a local interesting classy entertainment.
to time, should undoubtedly make it demonstration for vocal honors will musical story, will be disappointed It is being anticipated that the By VIOLA PARIS more interesting!
add to the history of our local musi beyond measure.
judges will have difficult time in The eyes have been called the mir being regularly cleared of its waste The classical concert which is to cal aspirants; in addition, music The asistance of other musicians giving a decision, but these two boy rors of the soul. However, that may natter. Smoking also robs the eyes take place tomorrow at the Excelsio: from the old masters will be dispens in this special programme, will ne are certainly out for having a good be, they are certainly the most of their elearness. Sensible diet, abs Theatre when Messrs Beckles and ed by a reputable orchestra, and if doubt make a very enjoyable and time.
dominant feature of the face and con tience and excercise will coreet this, sequently, should be the loveliest. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, OTO 10 COS2000 TOO 0500 Although we all are not endowed wholegrain breads and about six with the violet eyes of fiction glasses of water taken daily are neD heroine or with the fringed gen cessary to internal clenliness. The 10RODO tians of a movie star, we may make general circulation of the blood should the most of our eyes so that some also be stimulated Any excercise will one may suspect them of being the accomplish this to some extent and mirrors of a beautiful soul!
the bleyyele movement in which one For Rested Eyes.
lies flat on the back and pedals an Tired eyes are never lovely eyes, imaginary bieyele upside down will and yet there are so many tired eyes help to relieve constipation.
looking at the world. Do you realise What Do Your Eyes Express?
WILL BE PAID TO THE WINNERS WHO CORRECTLY that our eyes are used every waking The eyes must have expressionOR MOST APPROXIMATELY GUESS THE FOUR ENDING moment at least fifteen houn and no external methods can be apFIGURES OF THE SERIAL NUMBER BORNE BY THE ONE DOLLAR BILL DEPOSITED WITH day? To break those long hours of plied with success here, for the eyes THE MANAGER OF THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK IN PANAMA.
service with recess is a wonderful merely refleet what happens in one On the first of February 1930 we deposited in a sealed envelope with the Manager of the Naplan and to do the following exercises inner consciousness. Perhaps it would tional City Bank of New York in Panama a ONE DOLLAR BILL whose serial number is not will refresh the eyes considerably not be a bad idea to check up on our known by anyone.
Close the eyes completely and relax, own characters. Kindness, love, symEverybody knows that each bill of United States Currency bears a serial number of figures. not only these organs, but the enpathy and understanding are beauty therefore, what is required is that you guess the four ending figures of the serial number of the tire body. When the eyes have been givers in themselves and, mirrored in ONE DOLLAR BILL which we deposited with the National City Bank. It is not necessary to closed for about two minutes, they the eyes, they make friends. Worry, mention the letters which precede and follow the serial number.
may be opened slowly and focussed jealousy, suffering and the frequent On the oth of June 1930 at 11 in the presence of the Manager of the National City Bank upon some distant object preferab recurrence of such reactions cause and several witnesses the envelope will be opened and the correct serial number of the said ONE ly a dark one. This should be reDOLLAR BILL will be published.
wrinkles, that soon give away those peated until a sense of relief is felt.
thoughts we have tried to keep mo Before Dinner Wisdom secret.
WE WILL PAY: Betore dinner, the wise woman Keeping the Eyes Young.
snatches at least forty winks or, if Do not let the eyelids droop, but First Prize.
to the person who will have guessed correctly or most approxi. 500. 00 sleep is elusive enjoys half an hour mately the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE IN CASH DOLLAR BHL depositd with the National City Bank.
of complete relaxtion. Small pads keep the eyes open to their natural size. This prevents wrinkled lids ant of absorbent cotton should be satSecond Prize. 200. 00 to the person who guesses the second most approximate number urated with an astringent or witch keeps the eyes from growing back to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE into the head. It the wrinkles hay hazel and placed over the closed lids.
These pads should be allowed to re already appeared, the lids should be Third Prize. 100. 00 the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR to the person who guesses the third most approximate number to main on the eyes during the entire anointed every night with lanolin or period of rest. And, of course, nine a good skin food. Start at the outer IN CASH BILL deposited.
hours of restful slumber are required corner, pass the finger very lightly under the eye and over the lid to the Ten Prizes. 10. 00 and 3rd. prizes and eliminated the corresponding numbers, are to the ten persons whose guesses, after we have paid the 1st, 2nd.
every night. Try going to bed early the numbers most approximate to the four ending figures of the regularly for a month and see the outer corner. Leave the nutrient EACH IN CASH change it works in one.
preparation on during the night. In serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
Eye fatigue is dangerous, not only the morning, after the face has been Twenty Prizes. 00 second third and the ten prizes of 10 each and eliminated the to the twenty person whose guesses, after we have paid the first, to the beauty of the eyes, but to the cleansed, an astringent should be sight. In addition, such fatigue has applied across all wrinkles and crow EACH IN CASH corresponding numbers, are the twenty numbers most approxiits reactions in the body, resulting in feet surrounding the eyes.
mate to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
nervousness, headaches and dizziness.
Frames of Beauty, Should several solutions show the member of dete mined prizes, the respective amount of the prize will be Never watch moving objects over a Even eyes of lovely colour are quite distributed equally between them.
long period. Never read in a bad light. wasted without the advantage of TO TAKE PART IN THIS CONTEST IT IS NECESSARY to include with each solution the quantity of If eye strain is felt, an oculis being framed with long lashes. The labels or wrappers of either one of the brands indicated and illustrated below should be consulted and the pres Isshes respond very readily to proper cribel eyeglasses worn when neces. care. Each night petroleum jelly, PORATED MILK or 10 lasary. To wear glassess faithful at th yellow mercuric oxide (one per cent. labels of the large size or outset of the eye trouble often does or lanolin should be smoothed on NESTLE ST. CHARLES 10 labels of the small size AASTLE bels of the 16 oz. tin or 20 away with the slight defeet and casts close to the roots. The brows will MILES tin of the well known NESlabels of the oz. tin of the eye glasses in the discard forever. grow silky under this same treatTLE CONDENSED MILK To Clear the Eyes ment. Every women should have a EVAPORATED NESTLE EVAPORAT presenti ST. CHARLES EVAThe eyes must be clean and should small camel hair brush for these ED MILK be washed out at least once a day. hairs, for through its use the lashes The use of an eye cup and cold water can be trained to curl upwards as will suffice, but a mild solution of they did in childhood. With this boracic acid soothes as well as ele brush the brows are brushed free of Or 10 wrappes of the famous NESTLE anses the eyes.
that enhances not only their own naCHOCOLATE BARS. cents sellers.
Dulleyes, or discoloured whiter, tural beauty but affects the apparent frequently indicate that the person is powder and coaxed into that high Fact solution must bear ONLY one number of figures but each person can send as many drinking too liberally of tea or other arch contour of the face. do not solutions as possible, provided each solution is accompanied by the required number of labels or stimulants, or that the body is not believe in plucking the brows.
Trite clearly on a piece of paper or on the form printed hereunder, the four ending figures of the number which you think is on the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited and do not omit to indi(BY cate your name and address clearly.
Good stories are always amusing, and on handing it to Sir Edward, the Bring your solutions starting to day to either of the following NESTLE MILK sometimes they are given from par. assistant added, If you mean to OFFICES: rots, monkies, and st other times try to seore something for orchestra, from my good friend Reynard the you ll find it a difficult job PALLO AROSEMENA AVENUE, JAVILLO FILL, PANAMA or 057, BALBOA fox; but it would be quite inappro than you think.
AVENUE, COLON riate to introduce any other story No living person would honestly or send them by mail to NESTLE MILK CO. Box 803, PANAMA CITY.
under this headline than a musical say that he does not enjoy a good The solutions will be accepted up to the 28th of June 1930 at P. and the correct serial number and names story, which hope will no doubt story, but, it depends in what you are of the winners will be published in the weekly paper the Workman on the 5th of July 1980. Also we prove interesting to our readers.
interested. If you are a lover of moshall write separately to all the winners.
AN ELGAR STORY tion pictures, you ll enjoy fiction, it Our decision will be final in all matters relative to this contest.
Sir Edward Elgar, one of the you are religious, you ll enjoy a the rules of this contest have been approved by the Mayors of Panama Colon, greatest composers of all times and bible story ete, but it is a stubborn perhaps the greatest master of or fact that good stories are always in FORM OF ENTRY OF NESTLE CONTEST ehestration of the present day. was demand, regardless of what class or in his early day, organist of a ekurch type they may be; of course, it is To the NESTLE ANGLO SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. Box 803, Panama City, in Worchester (England. well understood that others beside Enclosed please find. labels of NESTLE PRODUCTS to entitle me to enter the NESTLE contest.
The following amusing story was musicians will enjoy Sir Elgar wrappers told on his behalf. While on a holi story. There are many good storyThe four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL are: day a few years ago, Elgar found tellers alive today, but, how many himself in urgent need of a few can tell musical story? While we NAME sheets of scoring paper. Entering enjoy fiction and other stories from ADDRESS. CITY.
music shop he asked if they had any the screen which make for amusemanuscript paper with twenty four ment, it is supposed that Sir Elgar Kindly write clearly.
47 (figures)
lines. The youthful assistant (not being real musielan, the above knowing who his customer was) re story told on his behalt is believed TOP10 OD101 ODOBO plied yes, but we don call them to be a true story.
Lines, we call them Staves. The Does not a story help in some manuscript wwas duly wrapped up way! Stories of the musio masters 10 1000 3000 or O NESTLÉS MUSICAL JOTTINGS more 01


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