
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1930 FOREIGN AND GENERAL ARE THERE TOO MANY CHURCHES? ASK HOSLEY Census Figure Kept Open Until Feb. 28 Race Prejudice in Shows Race is Menaces Peace of France Over Church for the very Dr. Fairweather at women 3 STEPS TO SORROW Candles Lamps for Lighting Boys Scouts Movement Fund to be Showing Rapid Improvement.
In aceordance with several requests The last meeting of the newlyorganized troop of scouts in conneefor the extension of time for the Cali.
Reaction to Haitian Revolt In a remarkable article in La tion with the Panama Wesleyan donia Fire sufferers fund, the West Sure to Reach Africa. Depeche Coloniale, Ajam, writing Church took place in Geddes Hall on Indian Committee have decided to on the recent revolt in Haiti against Tuesday night last 11th inst. when leep the lists open until the end of DANGER POSSIBLE white Americans, declares that it is twenty one boys answered to the the present month. This will give bound to have a repercussion in the 112 Colored, 261 White we save a smaller percentage of our roll call. This is undoubtedly an French colonies.
Members to Each ineomes than other groups; and we admirable response many persons who have not yet to the request, Ex Under Secretary of The Monroe Doetrine, he says, Church.
put too much, according to income, and it is hoped that this interest subscribed to the fund an oppor State Speaks Plainly. gives to France no right to interfere into churches and lodge parades.
will continue with other boys falling tunity to do so, thereby making a in the affairs of the New World and HOLSEY SPEAKS Charles Hall, statistician in the in the rank and file of the organize more substantial sum PARIS. American race prejudice hence the best thing for her to do Census Bureau, writing in the North tion.
deserving cause.
menaces the peace of France, accord would be to ignore the manifestaAmerican Review for January tells Bread, Butter, Colored The officers present on this oeing to Maurice Ajam, former French tions of the black cancer in the us, It is also remarked that there is Man Big Problem.
casion were Messrs Harris, an average of 261 members to each Bolt and Bateher.
under secretary of state, United States, if France were not CHICAGO, When white church, but among the colored placed in the first rank of the nawe solve our bread and buttions for which a conflict of race ter problem, we shall have brethren there is a church edifice for ADVERTISE IN THE would offer a vital interest.
every group of 122 members.
fewer problems of housing WORKMAN IT This fact appears to suggest that BRING YOU GOOD REWILL French Colonies and health.
the race is over churched and that He adds: In such words, Albon Holsey, seeSULTS least one third of the nearly PHYSICIAN We have colonized our Africa with retary of the National Negro Busi 206, 000, 000 50 invested could be much skill, with a benevolence so ness League, addressed delegates to great difficulty in attaching themnatural for our subjects that if we more advantageously employed in selves to permanent the National Negro Labor Conpayroll.
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO were alone in the world we would ference, held under the auspices of productive enterprises that would af. Through the efforts of an educated No. K STREET have nothing to fear from a people ford employment for some of the ministry it is believed that this piling the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car whose good native sense understands thousands of young colored men and up of frozen Assets will soon be PANAMA CITY Porters, Tuesday night.
all the advantages of our contact.
who frequently experience discontinued. Although, according to the Crisis. But in the same way that storms continued the Business League secrecome to us from the New World sa tary, there are more than 19, 000 the Negro agitation from there is Negro boys and girls in our colleges, capable of provoking trouble on the there are practically on white collar OP01 borders of the Niger.
jobs available to our people except Something curious, the American those created by themselves, and press, which is at last taking a keen there is only one such job for every interest in the race question, is atforty educated Negroes.
tributing the agitation for justice to 128 Stores Organized the ideas that the Negro soldiers For more than a year Mr. Holsey brought back with them from France, has been engaged in organizing NeThese troops were stupefied to see gro grocers into what is known as the the friendliness that existed between Colored Merchants Association One our Senegales sharpshooters and our hundred and twenty eight of these white troops.
merchants are now organized in six Communists cities. He chose the motive in the Ajam points out among other organization of these men as the one things that the fruitful field for which should impel Negroes to move Communist activities among Negroes in such a direction to obtain some rein America because of their illtreatHef from their economie perplexities.
and be A E ment. The he says sent One resource which the Negro has three Negro delegates, Carlton, Ford and which has not been used as and Jones, to the Third International widely as possible, he declared, is at Moscow the Negro buying power. The Black Nationalism Business League, he asserted, had He continues: made a careful analysis of the Ne.
DIRTY, INEFFICIENT COSTLY. There is a nationalism based on gro buying power in order to deler THE FUMES OF BURNING CHARblackness of skin being formed in mine the employment quota to which America which is dangerous for our it en led him. Once that is Cound, COAL ARE DANGEROUS TO YOUR colonies. Our government and our the object would be to obtain that HEALTH. AVOID CHEST LUNG colonial officials need to be on the quota or its equivalent.
TROUBLES BY USING A The first step was to make a survey of Negro business and then to COLON CRICKETERS TO organize Negro business in such a GIVE BENEFIT MATCH manner that the Negro would profit justly in employment from his own In an effort to augment the fire business.
fund of the Calidonia fire victims, the 474, 787 Jobs Due Atlantic side cricketers have decided One reason for selecting the groWhy take a chance on spoiling to stage a benefit cricket match tomorrow afternoon on the Gatun cery business was because the Neclean linon with a dirty iron, or Oval.
gro annual food bill is one billion, Lynton, one of the foremost burning up your home with six hundred and fifty million dollars, cricketers of Colon has been deputed an amount which entitles him to 470, sparks and cinders from soal to sponser team to meet the 787 positions. These are jobs now not Wanderers in this match. The large held by Negroes to which he is justly stoves.
grand stand at Gatun can well acentitled because of the money he commodate the cricket enthusiasta spends with grocers.
of that section in addition to others Such campaigns as that being carwho may make it convenient to atried on by the Chicago Whip to comtend. Both teams are making ample pel firms which live off Negro patpreparations for the ocension, and ronage to employ Negroes is a big judging from this fact, good time step in the direction of making the is in store for all who may make it Negro buying power operate to possible to be present.
improve his economic condition.
Too Much for Churches and Lodges Another handicap from within which requires our thoughtful atDENTIST HOWELL tention is the tendency to distribute House No. 912 La Boca our racial Income upon a basis which is economically unsound, declared Canol Zone ODIO TOOL Mr. Holsey. We entertain lavishly; IODO Dirty, Troublesome, Dangerous and Cause Eye Strain. More Fires are Caused by Candles Lamps than by all other causes. Use ELECTRICITY ODOOD Coal Oil for Cooking COAL FOR IRONING SLOW DIRTY STEPS TO HAPPINESS Electricity for Lighting Clean, Safe Cheap GAS FOR COOKING SAFE, QUICK, CLEAN ECONOMICAL ELECTRICITY FOR IRONING Is Cheap On Our Residence COMBINATION RATE CIA PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ Colón At Your Service Panamá


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