p. 8


Built by Dunlop CROM the very inception of the Fort Dunlop motor cover motorluts through out the World have been loud in their acclamation of this new Dunlop especially designed to meet present day motoring con ditions. tyre strong and roburin nature, built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years of experience and combining all the essential features one can only find in tyre built by DUNLOP.
24 (Continued from Page 1)
to ashes in which state color is inmaterial Discussing Now your question, wish to say that have we highet regard for the Negro race, and heartily subscribe to the statement made by Ropractative Muddleston of Alabaw in the spreek delivered the floor of the House of Repre sentatives on Dec. 18, 1020, in which ho assorted the following: The people of Haiti are a black race. wow the race. have as.
Welated will Negrees on terms of intimaey and affection from My Marliest childhood. As a result they have their faults, and also many splendid qualities; and let me say to you that among thoir qualities are some which white men might well envy then. love them as a people and God times would like to serve them. believe that they are good people and able to accomplish everything which may be accomplished by Oy other nee Ht is really unhappy that one of my people should ever have raised this question. However, am fairly Cortinced that he did not express in that confidential letter which was Rover intended for publication, his sonttoont toward your race, but merely his impression of conditions to the United States. Yet, wish to offer my apologies to you and to your people, hoping the matter will be forgotten and considered as olosed.
If your car is not already equipped with Fort Dunlop covers call on your dealer forthwith, and a ke the change over.
chure Grand Inauguration PROSPECTIVE DIVISION Wants New (Continued from Page 1)
OF THE Hall, and other unfavourable disabilА very enthusiastic meeting (Continued from Page 1)
iles, have brought about sudden held under the auspices of the Pros strating the Negro conception of changes and occasional partial sus pective Division of the on patriotism and Americanism, he pension of aetivities. These condi Sunday last 9th instant, added three stated.
tions have been painful at times, to more members to the fold of the One of the main reasons for the the zealous spirits that have borne organisation.
The meeting station, said Dr. Thompkins, is fo was aloft the unflagging banner of inpresided over by the acting secre.
the uplifting and educating of the domitable determination to carry tary Greely, while the business Negro, and to give people the Negro forward the standard of this noble section was directed byy the acting viewpoint.
organization. There have been many The application filed by Dr.
President Jeffers.
unfaithful maleontents. Many ambiThe President General message Thompkins was for assignment on tious pretenders have aspired after was read by the Secretary, and sev. limited time and 250 watts.
the 1120 kilocycle channel with unprominence, whose failure of attaineral well known speakers addressed ment has bred dissatisfaction; and the gathering. The musical portion Representatives of other broadkindred causes have engendered din of the evening was contributed to by casting ations, WISN, Milwaukee, content, separation from the orga Mrs. Finn and Miss Brereton. The aud KTRA, Houston, asked leave to nization, and unkindly vituperation proceedings were brought to a close object to the assignment of the staagainst this veteran body of social with the singing of the National ation on this channel because of techworkers.
Anthem of the nical interference that might result.
To day, a pleasant and gratifying The application was taken under The next meeting will take place advisement by the commission.
change has ensued. Many members, in the hall on Sunday next, when a aforetime alienated, and others who communication from the parent body Largo Sum Granted had stood aloof for long while, of the organisation will be read.
have become affiliated, and have Special Preparation is being made (Contiued from Page 1)
sworn consicientious allegiance to the by the committee in charge for the States. vigorous, enthusiastic and first anniversary of the Division The program for the Pacific side sincere membership is now the proud which will take place on Sunday building this year includes the erecbeast of the institution. Every pro March 16th. Au members and in tion of 60 family quarters in Balboa.
speet points to certain harmony terested partiess are asked to bear In view of the fact that the old permanent success and brilliant wooden buildings continue to deterionchievements. The optimism which rate more rapidly than they can be influences the administration and GET YOUR replaced, the sub committee of the fraternity is well founded. It house committee on appropriations based on indientions which cannot be found it necessary to make a print interpreted on other lines but the Job Printing for the ose when Governor absolute trails to consolidation, goodBurgess was present at the last meetwill and attractive accomplishments.
DONE AT THE ing in December This Grand Inauguration is the This scheme will undoubtedly solve inception of a future; the enhanced Workman the problem of having to keep old developments of which we anticipate buildings in repair and of which the with fervent and implicit confidence.
costs of maintaining have been exThis occasion shall be one when ex Printeryceedingly high.
member should impress those outside of the fraternity, impawn their troth of fealty, and record their profound D10E est bond of loyalty to serve the or ganization, making sacrifices for its defence, its enhancement and its progress. It is the ambition of the members to magnetize others by their sterling examples, and the New Liberty Hall Inauguration should answer numerous questions pertinent to the welfare and prestige of the Association, assure many uncertainties, and confirm many propagantist maims of the past.
We invite all to attend our inau of these books and got the interpregural function and liberally take part tation of her dream from which she in our Monster Mass Meeting a night, and thereafter join fraternal issues with us in the elaboration of our magnificent programme of maintaining a Ne era of prosperity in The Universal Negro Improvement ON SALE AT Association and African Communi ties League!
is FORT FORT DUNLOP inter Two Thousand.
Wa BIG GAIN OF 15, 000 The Great Egyptian Dream Book Is truly giving satisfaction. woman recently had a Dream, purchased one For Sale at all Leading Garages! E. ESCOFFERY Wholesale Distributor IODO IO01 ΟΙ Continued from Page 1)
along the Lady Musgrave Road on Wednesday night.
Between 30 and 10 o clock Mr.
Garvey was at Edelweis Park and is wife, who was indisposed, was at home. The gardener, who little way from the home, sawa sedan motor car drive into the yard and un to the värandah. Believing that the occupants were visitors to the home, he did not hurry back to the place. It would appear as if the unwelcomed visitors detached the electric connection from the Egyptiss statute whiek was on the veran Jah and carried it away.
On Mr. Garvey return he disceyered the loss and immediately communidated with the Cross Roads police.
Mr. Garvey has been an art cellector for many years, and bought certain antiquest from the Mattewell collection of Bastern antiques.
Among the things purchased were a Morecas mirror for 500 dollars and the Egyptian statato for 2, 000 dollars.
The statue was electrified in front of Mr. Garvey house and has been there for the last two years.
WE CLEAN, BLOCK, SELL obtained the above sum See page 30 of one of these books No. Calidonia Road, Panama all kinds of Hats always in Stock a large assortment of PANAMA FELT HATS WE SPECIALIZE IN Genuine Montecristi PANAMA HATS ALSO AT CRICKET Colon, February 14. The Wanderers cricket club will journey to Gatun this Sunday the 16 inst. and engage in a friendly game between a. combination of the lock city, on Kent Oval.
The following players will represent the Wanderers Dewerney, Hamilton, Mc Donald, Reid, Hoecker, Peters, Cook, Bobby Spencer, Clarke, Motley, Peters, Barnett.
Match begins at 12. 30 sharp.
the Greek Fruit Stand, No. 088 Bolivar Street, olon PRICE 75c. ONLY SUBIA 61 Central Avenue Panama When purchasing see to it that the picture of a Camel is on the cover Church Notices OSO ODO 1000ROPODNO 1000 1000 Phone 453 DRY CLEANING St. Peter Church, La Boca. Muloare, Mulcare, Holy Communion, 6, a. The Priest in Charge.
Rector, St. Simon Mission, Gamboa.
Holy Baptism, 30, a.
Matins and address, 11, a. Lay St. Bartholomew Church, Las CasMatins, Holy Communion and SerReader Mr. MeCarthy.
mon, 10. 45, a. The Rector.
Matins and address, 11, a. Mr.
Church School.
Church School and Confirmation Brathwaite, Lay Reader, Choral Bemung and Sormen, Class 2, 80, Church School, 80, 30, The Keator.
Girls Friendly Society Meeting Mulcare, Zoeter. after School. The Lay Reader.
Priest in Charge TROTT The Cleaner PANAMA STEAM PRESSING 15 STREET PANAMA DYEING We Dye To Live 3333333333


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