
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 INDIAN INTERESTING WEST NEWS TRINIDAD BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA Demerara Electric Co. Ceases idle classes to the abrence of the Govt. Are making to Operate Tramway Service Irrigation Tests In Result of Impasse Between scarus was soon the order os things.
Demerara Doings St. Elizabeth High Prices for crown Lands siguro reached was well nigh four 21st says: Laeis duties on all the lines. Bourda. Sen Wall. practically one set of passengera he held in his hand a copy of the New Hospital Ward 26 and this figure soared as high es 845 for which figure it was Lisposed of. In another in the same district ac, 19ps, the upset figure can hardly the lot of 111. 88 finally reached to 255.
Another instance in which the car service for any considerable times the upset price was lo: No. 67, at Vance River Village, La Brea.
KEEN COMPETITION Waca o clock arrived with 26 Company, Government, This started from 25 and ended at iong un. ng privileges for the And Town Council AT AUCTION SALE 90. Other lots in the same district The Gleaner of the 6th ulto states Bourda line, the crowds increased (FROM OUR EXCHANGES. at the same upset prices fetched 27, that the Government are at present FAREWELL DRIVES qualisoid. Dozens of roughs joined Over 3, 500 Realized 42, 39, 31 and one at Palo Seco carrying out experimental irrigation the smaller ruscians on this line ACTING GOVERNOR Village, Erin was disposed of for in Elizabe by pumping from The Port of Spain Gazette of the 60.
Effect of Cessation Keenly especially and soon the lawlessness AND MR. SEERAM welis in the Pedro Plains district.
6th inst. says: reached what was practically a scate parcel si uate at Couva, measur.
Felt by Citizens Due to of rank hooliganism. The cars beA vote of 2, 000 was placed on Yesterday sale of Crown landa ing ne 2rds 24pchs was fetched for Heavy Rains Newspaper Startling estimates for carrying out experi which took place at the Crown Lands came moving tumults of noises and Headline.
at 83 but this was knocked down for with the footboards just as packed men in pumping in this arid area.
The Daily Chronicle of GeorgeOffice constituted something in the 57.
as the seats thenise. ves, the conducRecently a pump was placed on a town, Demerara, in its issue of Jan.
nature of a record so far as the reGeorgetown, Friday 31st Jan.
tors found it impossible to carry out small holding owned by Mr. sults were concerned.
One of the largest parcels in St.
Owing to the impression created by, Brodie in the Williamsfiled district Anns, measuring 15acs. 3rds. 17 pehs salisfactor. ly. The So keen was the competition during invited no competition and fell to the The City of Georgetown los ita what was described as a startling of the Pedro Plains and within the hocigans mastered the situation to tramway service last night. Th headline in the New Daily Chronthe disposal of the thirty eight par petitioner at the upset price of 220. last few days the Public Works De cels scattered over the island of 28; and the same thing applied to a such an ex. ent that they soon resystem of public conveyance has been Icle of to day date, Hon. partment installed another pump in Trinidad and Tobago, that were dis. Siparia properly acres rood which presen. ed about 50 per cent of the the most popular here, since it was pussengers on each car and not only Seeram recalled an incident which what measure of success will result.
the Pedro area and are now seeing posed of by public apetion, and so was sold for 168, another in the established by the Demerara Electric did they push and pull and swear Company nearly thirty years ago.
took place during yesterday session brisk was the bidding, that the dif same district measuring acres fell and curse, etc. but blankly refused There are a large number of wells of the Legislative Council, when the ferent properties finally fetched a protracted impasse between the to the petitioner for 96.
pay fares, which many of them President, Hon. Douglas Jones, stallation of pumps is purely experiin this district but at present the intotal of 3, 623. 08.
There were three lots in Plymouth, Company, the Town Council and the really ad not possess, accompany. Officer Administering the mental, following on the recommenIn one case, acre 8rds. 4p. at St. Tobago which were not competed for, Government preceded the cessation of ing their refusal with threats, shouts, Government; ruled that there had dations contained in the report of Augustine, the upset price was 268. the upset prices of 25, 27 and 27 the service and it was being hoped and other forms of disorder. The already been enough discussion when Mr. Stewart Baker who some remaining among all classes that arrangements conductors were rendered practically Mr. Seeram desired to continue a time ago came to the island and adOn the whole, 38 parcels which would have been made successfully impoient and on several occasions discussion relating to a Bil to amend vised the Government on the import ment have been urged to erect a new for its continuation for a limited had to enlist the aid of the police the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing ant problem of irrigation.
were situated in St. Anns, St.
period at least but events have man on sentry whenever they came Ordinance 1929.
hospital at Black River, and follow. Augustine, Auzonville, St. Rita Hin, proved otherwise.
across one. Unfortunately however, Should these experiments proveing certain recommendations both by Couva, Cunupla, Moruga, Ma rao The event took place immediately PAREWELL PASSENGERS the police could not exercise any successful, it is quite likely that a the Medical and Public Works De Village, Ortoire, Biche Village, Cocal, Whilst the passing of the service power in putting passengers off on reached, and addressing His excelestimates for the installation of work should be undertaken. The Brea, Palo Seco Village, Erin and before the Order of the Day was large sum will be asked for on the partments it was decided that the Siparia, Vance River Village, La was being deeply regretted, large this line since the latter rightly urged leney, Mr. Seeram said he desired to numbers of people began from Satur that there was no fare mit during more pumps in the dry districts in money for the new hospital has been Plymouth, Tobago measuring alodraw the Council attention to someday afternoon to take the oppor that period. As soon As the car the effort to solve the water prob placed in the current year esimate gether 84 acres roods 24 perches, thing which occurred on the previous lem in those areas.
and now that the contract has been and 80 lots were disposed of for tunity of having their last spin on drove out of the presence of the awarded to Mr. Wilson the work will total of 3, 528. 08.
the card. At about p. the cars police pandemonium resumed and day and about which he felt there should be some personal explanation.
be put in hand almost immediately.
It will, however, be necessary for and Peter Hall were crowded and drove around the MR. NANKEVILLE belt this condition lasted throughout the egain for hours, thus precluding in which it was stated that His Ex New Daily Chronicle of that date portion of the cost of the new insti. night on the Bourda line e pocially, many legitimate and orderly lare cellency had refused to hear him Contract Awarded tation to be re voted, and proviston The Port or Spain Gazetto will accordingly be made on the says: passengers taking advantage of the holders from securing seats.
usual concession of go ng around the THE EFECT OF THE CESSATION The exact words of the headline were (Mr. Seeram) on the previous day.
The Gleaner understands that the cial year.
estimates during the coming finan It is officially stated that the belt an indefinite number of times Secretary of State for the Colonies The cessation of the service could Refusal by Governor to hear Hon.
Public Works Department have for a single fare. In quite a few hardly be keener felt by citizens Seeram. At the time the awarded the contract for the conMr. Wilson has been awarded the has approved of the colony esticases some of the passengers males contract for the construction of the mates for 1930. This included a retoday the very first day. With debate took place, however, he (Mr.
struction of the first ward of the first ward, but it is understood that cornmendation by the Finance Comof the rougher class, displayed con heavy rains falling from early morn Seeram) was not of that impression new Black River Hospital to Mr. the erection of the second ward will raittee that the post of Ist Assistant siderable reluctance in producing ing large numbers of the working that there was a wilful refusal Wilson, the well known contrac also be done by contract, Altogether Colonial Secretary 4800 to 900, be their pares. Some alleged that they classes suffered considerable incon on the part of His Excellency to tor. The amount of the contract is when the new building is constructed renamed Deputy Assistant Colonial wanted a free farewell drive, while venience in getting to and from their hear him. In view of the startling for some time past the Govern Elizabeth.
in the vicinity of 6, 000.
it will be worthy of the parish of St. Secretary. This is Mr. Nankeville others jumped off rather than pay work. Those who could have atford headline in the paper, however, he (Continued on Page 7)
ed it chartered vehicles, motor cars would like to have a personal stateTHE LAST SCENES and carriages of sorts while there ment from His Excellency by way of The last scenes with which the cars were quite a number of others who explanation in the matter.
went into what it is hoped will be were forced to return to their NO INTENTION only a temporary cessation, will long bicycles which they had long neglectbe remembered. From shortly after ed. To all cyclists however, the His Excellency said he quite appremidday it was obvious to the most miserable condition of the streets plained that he had no intention at ciated Mr. Seeram remarks, and exCASURI observer that some hing uncaused no little discomfort.
usual was asking place in connection the time of refusing to hear Mr.
INCORPORATED 1869 with the service. Not only were the This condition was brought about Seeram.
Learn packed by the more decont class. partly because previous rains had al Mr. Seeram: appreciate Your ExHead Office: Montreal, Canada was, many of whom were perhaps reedy reduced the roads to mixture cellency statement, and hope the having their usunl Sunday afternoon tu which clay predominated, and also Press will give it the same publicanoticeable in tion in this case.
drive, but no sooner had the shades because there was PANAMA of the evening begun to fall than crease of traffic.
COLON The matter then dropped. Daily olarge crowds of the unwashed Join British Guians is really going Chronicle.
Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets ed the more decent folk who were backwards, said a well known lady waiting in some cases for hours for Colonist to a representative of the saccommodation with an attitude of Daily Chronicle today the faced Colonial fubflation which disclosed that they the ordeal of having to wade through Development were out for an extensive and discr.
the soddes and slashy streets fa derly form of foy riding. Urching order to carry out an important blt of People Representatives of various sizes preponderated among business.
these would be excursionists running The enbs and buses are of such Slighted.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including and fumping on and off the foot poor type also, she added, that one UNANIMOUS PROTEST the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank MOTION is in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR Debate To Go To Secretary OF STATE Antigua Doudnica Montserrat Bahamas Grenada Legislative Council.
St. Kitts Wednesday, January 29.
Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia and Vigorous but dignified protests British Honduras Trinidad (2)
were made by all the Elected Mem.
Martinique bers present to day against GovernGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
ment peculiar procedure in the See matter of submitting schemes to the Secretary of State for the Colonies for assistance from the Colonial HIGREST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Development Fund.
It was contended that whereas the PAD ON DEPOSITS No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Chamber of Commerce and the Sugar Planters Association had been con1 Panama, sulted, the Legislative Counell. who should have had an opportunity to (Continued on Page 1)
The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID General Banking Business Transacted.


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