
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, EDUAY 22, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Congressman Will Appoint Colored Boy IT had to be good to get where (Georissa it is Coca Cola Dr. Leo Pink In Shipbuilding BRITISHGUIANA TOO Colonial Development will ears. occurs ouiy Angus (bengalis born in British (Continued from Page 2)
Luana. as uvek buen wusst support, supplement, or condemn Among Madras labourers; it never those sebemes, had not been consultLocurs among the biack labourers As Cadet to the Military Academy at ed, and Mr. Webber, who Fuscendants of Africans. moved, pointed out that Government atients complain of intense bursWest Point had admitted as much in their reply wiking, as if they were walking on more race youth into West ing of the soles of the feet whes That the campaign to get Point to certain questions he had asked. Some of the papers said that it fixe. severe cases this foot burn Point and the Naval Aca was expected that Parham would fal The motion asked, on behalf of the ing is very often accompanied by. demy may bear fruit, was as it had been predicted in the wory Electives, that telegram be des similar condi:ion of the palms of the indicated in a statement which came out first on the Srd of ANTIC WOME patched to Lord Passfield, asking him hands, especially the tips of the made this week by December in the New York World.
to defer consideration of the Schemes fingers, and in these cases the patient Coles that Congressman Every single paper that came unler submitted until the Legislative Coun nearly always complains of darkness Joseph Gavagan (Demo my observation made this boy the eil had had an opportunity of express of the eyes, meaning inability to see crat. of the 21st District headline of the story. The New York ing its opinion and further, that as clearly as before. The condition (Harlem. New York City, World, which is supposed to be copy of the motion and the Hansard is severe enough to prevent them had promised to appoint a friendly to Negroes, built its story of the debate, be also forwarded.
from working for weeks at a time, colored youth to that insti with big headlines on the front page Mr. Dias (nom, unofficial) and as they cannot walk, particularly in tution. and stated that this Negro cadet had Messrs. Luckhoo, Perey the dry season when the earth is very Coles declared that other congress failed, but that he himself said that Wight, Seymour and de Freitas hard.
men with whom he is in correspond he failed as a white boy and that he B18 were absent during the debate. Mr. The patient does not look ill other ence, were being urged to make simi went to West Point as a white boy.
Drink de Freitas just missed the division wise and does not look particularly lar appointments. James Beck Anyone, unless he is an asininen and the President, applying the rules il nourished or anaemic.
of the First Congressional District of fool or a moron knows that Parham of the British House of Commons, to With regard to the cause of the Pennsylvania, he said, has been did not go to West Point as a white fused to accept his vote.
condition, Dr. Sharples says that asked to do likewise. George Gre boy for he is a colored boy and the The motion was rejected by a vote malarial infection and ankylosto ham of the Second Congressional papers took delight in letting the in botties of 10 to.
miasis and other helminthic infec. District of Pennsylvania, has had this world know that he was colored boy tions may be excluded, and the nature matter brought to his attention when he went there just as they took of the soil does not appear to have have urged Congressman Henry delight in telling you when he was Foot Burning in The Panama Coca Cola anything to do with it. The cause Watson of Pennsylvania to ap dismissed that he was Negro.
Bottling Co.
British Guiana may almost certainly be looked for point colored youth as well as con When they discussed the possibiliin some deficiency in the diet. gressman Leonidas Dyer, of Missouri, ty of Parham taking an examination 1000 and Senator Robert Wagner of for re entry, they still remind you BOSEIDO. Curable Deficient Disease Among the Hindu labourers rice is a staple food, and nearly all the rice New York has promised to ask Con that he is a Negro, therefore the The West India Committee Cr. used is milled before use and not press to make an investigation of cer. World like the other metropolitan TODOC cular of the 23rd ulto. Hays:pounded as it is in other districts.
tain matters about former cadets at papers, told deliberate lie, in fact West Point, if necessary, Mr. Coles Dr. Sharples, Resident Sur. The millers deliberately polish the the statement is puerile and inane.
yeon, Suddie Hospital, contributes thee. much as possible in order to stated.
It is about time that Negroes stop ensure a better price in the Trinidad Had Eyes Open an article to the current issue of the leting people kid them about serious Calling attention to the fact that questions for Negroes do not ret Surgeon Dentist Journal of Tropical Medicine and and Barbados markets. Nearly all Hygiene dealing with foot burning the rice is parboiled before it is Alonzo Parhem had been discharged justice anywhere in the United finally cooked for use.
trom West Point as per his predie States, and have been all over these or burning feet, from which No care is taken in measuring the tion, Mr. Coles declared that he went United States and know whereof I 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
labourers in British Guiana suffer.
amount of water used for the cook to the academy with eyes open speak.
Dr. Sharples confesses that he had ing of a given quantity of rice, and after receiving some information Phore 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, not beard of this condition until he when the rice is cooked the super about the place. He still holds that SAW reference to it in memorndum Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Naous water to thrown away, and Parham, like many of his predeces. Britain Leads World eoncerning health problema on Plan this water, as is well known, con sory of the group at the academy, tations Port Mourant and Albion in tains nearly all of the food valuable was discriminated against and that Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment the Corentype District, but on enquiry elements his fallure was due to chicanery on be found that it was well known as the part of officials.
TODOC far back as 1882 BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Any one, he says, who read the 1929 Output Exceeds Total The condition is nearly always seen ADVERTISERS AND GET papers on the day that Parham was of All Other Nations in females between the ages of 17 VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY dismissed knows that the headlines were built around Parham. They MORE SHIPS Do POS went on to show that Parham, Negro EVERYWHERE andet, appointed by Oscar De Priest, Custom Tailor the Negro representative from the London, February compre1st Congressional Distret of Minois, hensive statement of work in shipwent to West Point in April and that building is contained in the annual English and American Styles Why throw away your old, but no at first he was homesick and finally summary of Lloyds Register. The be was persuaded to remain at West gross tonnage of steel and iron doubt interesting books, when you steamship and motorships in all NO: CALIDONIA PHONE 569 can have them neatly bound at Mr. Nankovillo three millions, an increase of over countries last June was nearly sixty.
Continued from page 2)
twenty million tons or nearly fifty substantive post, while that of ist per cent on the figures in June, 1914.
Assistant Colonial Secretary 600Great British Output.
N6, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET 700, with personal allowance of 76 Last year, tonnage of over one JAVILLO FILL AND CORNER is practically Mr. Farfan In the million, Tive hundred thousand was probable event of all the other clerkslaunched in Great Britain and Ireland ORO OOI OPION being sent higher up, a third vacancy alone. This was several hundred in the Junior Clerkships will occur, thousand tons more than the com AND the other two having been created by bined output of the rest of the world the promotion to the Warden Deand 54. per cent of the tonnage as partment of Mr. Bernard and compared with 68. per cent in each Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages the transfer to the Customs of Mr. of two previous years.
At the end of last year, ships under construction throughout the world Summary of Contents: MISSING BRIDEGROOM were four hundred and ninety three History of West Indies Cricket for years thousand tons more than in DecemFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, There was sensation in Belmont ber, 1928, and of this inerease the Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, CATHEDRAL PLAZA Baturday when it became known respective shares of Great Britain Magnificent Records of the 192 Tou, that Mr. Charles Joseph of Newtown, and Ireland and of the rest of the who Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua WAS to have married Miss world were three hundred and sevenEstelle Callender of Belmont at St. teen thousand and one hundred and Players and see the finest Assortment of Margaret Church, that morning had seventy six thousand tons.
a Valuable. Instructive, Historical, ccurate. Complete and not turned up for the ceremony. The Foreign countries.
Interesting brida tainted.
As compared with Great Britain Rev. Merry, Vicar of the end Ireland production of over one Price 50cts.
Parish who was to have tied the million five hundred thousand tons nuptial knot, attended at the Church last year, the output of other shipof every description also the Finest before 11 o clock as arranged, and building countries were: Germany, Secure your now there will be a great rush for them, 80 did the organist, Mr. Archibald, two hundred and fifty nine thousand Selection of and other officers of the Church the tons. Holland, one hundred and Copies may be had from the ofice of the WORKMAN sexton and bell ringer.
eighty six thousand. Japan, one Panama Eleven o clock, the hour fixed for hundred and sixty four thousand.
the wedding passed, and when noon The United States, one hundred and JUST RECEIVED was reached without the arrival of twenty six thousand, Denmark, one either bride or bridegroom, the small hundred and eleven thousand and The general conclusion to be drawn Nevertheless, the capacity of Brit.
erowd of spectators which had as Sweden one hundred and wven thou from the Sigurds do that the ship ish vards still largely exceeds the sembled to see the wedding, grew sand.
Come in and Inspect the Stock ballding outlooks is brighter that to demand. This is due to the mandar larger. It was whispered that the proportion of over 17 per cent of bridegroom had disappeared. Britain total output were for own.
recent years since tonnage on which they were extended during the war and the severe rostrletion of nave!
When was three o clock and en living abroad. This figure shows work has just begun not only reaches neither party had appeared the an increase on prevlong years.
a high level but is more than the top work since its and church my close Outlook Brighter.
nagu launched FLYNCH Book Binding. THE WORKMAN STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 CALL AT THE Panama Hardware LOCKS ARTIZAN TOOLS TR 10 before Purchasing Elsewhere


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