
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930 cesarios INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BRITISH GUIANA GRENADA BARBADOS Alligator In The Last Governor for Compulsory the Windward Islands Woman Belly Education טטת Legislature Pays were cess clothe this children and the business of the State is to take advantage of their defenseless position to deny them an education. We would imagine that in any country the hunger and nakedness of a large number of children ought to be the occasion of great searching of heart on the part, not only of the government itself The Grenada West Indian pubbut of the wealthy people of the The Daily Chronicle of Demerara defendant.
lishes the following: The Weekly Herald, writing Edi position by argument. Not a few country. But the opinion seems to In its issue of January 18 says:Defendant gave evidence on his During the discussion of the esti torially under the above caption words were spoken on election day be strongly held that education is Calvin Lowe, alias Professor Lowe, own behalf and handed a bible to the na. es in Council on Friday, His Ex says: by candidates who have long argued only for children who are compara young Trinidadian wayside preach. magistrate indicating the following celleney the Governor, who has the The opposition to that Barbados is different from all tively well off and that the cure for Compulsory er, was fined 15 and costs 10. 68 or lessons which he was teaching Julia habit of saying important and exEducation will be overcome because other countries and that the obliga. naked and starving children is not four months imprisonment by His Chapman, for baptism.
clusive things in a blunt way, exthe opponents cannot maintain their tion to provide education for children to feed and clothe them but to deny Worship. Mr. McCowan at In those days came John the pressed his belief that he would be rests more lightly upon this colony them the chance of learning to read the Belfield Magistrate Court, on Baptist, preaching in the wilderness the last Governor of the Windward than upon any other country in the Islands! He went further and said all encouraged to do so by the de world. But an examination of these and write. The prospect is certainly Wednesday, on a charge of practising of Judaea. Matthew 8: that he considered it quite useless to hate on the scheme at the last ses words leads inevitably to the cona bleak one. We call upon every medicine by false pretences. withesses were called for the sion of the Legislative Council.
good hearted Barbadian to clusion that the only real difficulty himself in defence of the future of The case was partly heard on the defence and the defendant was to have Governor in Chief of the Windward Islands.
The undertaking is a tremendous.
previous Wednesday and put down Victed.
lies in the failure to study the situaly big one; it will cost the Company tion seriously. The first argument this British colony.
for the evidence of Julia Chapman on This was said when a reduction in Hie Worship exercised some clemWe have paid some attention to whom the defendant was alleged to my end did not order a catting the salary of Governor was attempts thousands and thousands of pounds, is that the colony cannot afford the ed to be moved in view of the apand is by no means a certain finan cost. That argument flatly defieMr. Mahon remarks for the reason have practised medicine.
which however, was threatened.
pronching retirement of Sir cial success. From the island point the experience of every progressive that Mr. Mahon is certainly not Chapman evidence was conclusive. The defendent did not pay the fine Jemes, so as to get the succeeding of view it would of course, be an hardhearted employer. He enjoys She told the Court how the defendant and was sent to prison, civilised community. The realisation Governor appointed at the original incaleulable convenience; and it is we are told, reputation for fair whom she called Brother Lowe said that in view of the risk they of the obligation of the state should dealing and sympathy. It is all the normal salary.
would be taking, and the benefit the come first. If went to her house on a Sunday in a majority of the more remarkable then, that a man All we can say is that if the CoMembers of the House of Assembly of this type does not realise the imOctober, 1929. At the time she was island would reap, the cold, or at tonial Office has under consideration Tonst lukewarm water thrown on the had really the interest of the people plications of his words. If the best pregnant and suffering from pains in Tribute to the abolition of the Governorship scheme at the discussion in Council, ber bowels and the defendant told her of the colony at heart, the prospect type of plantation employer is not there bught to be a better way of that he knew what was the matter has discouraged them in proceeding drafted into the ranks of the workof a yearly quota of illiterates being. Ex Goverror communicating the proposal to the overwhelmed with sense of his with her, she was having spirits and with it.
responsibility towards the children people concerned than was expressed ere would fill them with a sense of an alligator in her bowels.
with cynical shame. From that condition to the of the people who work for him, by Sir James Demerara paper states that He gave her three bottles of medisneer. Meanwhile we fully expect a MINING FOR COPPER what of the hard and unrentimental consideration of ways and means eine to drink, as well as to rub her formal expression of British Guiana tyype? Is it any wonder that the would not be a long journey. Money skin, and ordered her to come down sympathy with Brigadier General Sir Governor to succeed Sir James The Jamaica Mail States that Capt. would be found for education as it majority of labouring people are to his headquarters at Cove and Gordon Guggisberg, this year. High hopes are centred Gully and his party who are inin that is found for everything else. No considered less than the beasts that clinging to the belief that they are John Front, where he would be bet. in his enforced retirement from the vestigating the possibilities of copper country is too poor to educate its ter able to attend to her and where offict of Governor of the colony, was perish?
in the Legislative Council on Tues. mining in Jamaica, for Cedar Hurst children.
other sisters would assist him.
made at the meeting of the Legisladay last, arising out of the following and Middleton properties in Portland, The But there is also another argument Education, we repent will be overopponents of tive Council on Wednesday last.
Compulsory He first took 28 ets. as an examinmotion moved by Mr. Crane They hope within a short while to Mr.
ation fee and charged 12. 00 for his Woolford (Snr. New Mr. Gerald Mahon, one of the candi(West Demerar)
commence active operations, and come The cause is too good not dates in St. Thomas said: work, but Amsterdam. gave notice of the mogot 00 in advance.
from the indications it is believed That this Council is of opinion to win final success. There will be tion which desired that the Council If Compulsory Education As requested witness went to Cove that the closing of certain Govern that their efforts will meet with sueobstacles to be met, but let us meet place on record and convey to the enforced who would supply the poor them in the words of The Teachers and John Front, where the defendant ment Departments, amongst others made her buy a blue night gown, and Secretary of State (for transmission the Lands and Mines Department and It is Capt. Gully intention to get children with clothes and food? The World: parents of these children would be red salo, to be worn on her stomach. to Sir Gordon) its exceedingly high out and ship about fifty tons of ore the Treasury Department, between It is a far cry to the days less He made several signs in front of her appreciation of his zealous attention 12. 50 and p. ought to be discon to New York. This first shipment put in a very unfortunate position.
than sixty years ago when children chalked the floor and spoke in some to detail; his self sacrificing devotion will be followed by a second, making Mr. Mahon simply argues that the of eight might be employed in fac language, which she could not under to duty, his keen insight into the tinued as being against the interest and convenience of the general pubone hundred tons altogether. The children are too poor to be educated. tories halftime, and those of ten stand. He repeated that.
problems of the colony, and his delie.
smelting company to which the ship. It shows the condition into which might leave school for full time termined efforts during so short a ments will be consigned, will, it is After discussion, further consideraSHE HAD SPIRIT public opinion has drifted in Bar work. We may be thankful that we period of his sojourn in the colony, tion of the motion was adjourned.
expected, advance all the money ne bados that representative of the and an alligator in her, and gave her to find a solution for those problems have emerged from that period of cessary to develop the properties if people can venture upon such a state child torture even though there are two bottles with a liquid one which have baffled so many succesthese first two shipments prove satisto bathe with and the other to drink.
ment. According to Mr. Mahon the some people who talk of the necesisive administrators.
factory parents are not able to feed and She however, felt no better until she (Continued on Page 7)
After expressing the assurance that gave birth.
all ranks and classes will watch for Before the baby was born she was his restoration to health the resoluat defendant house at Cove and tion continues: John Front and met four other females.
or record its profound gratitude for Ada Blake was called and identified tht magnificent lead and example as one of the females who were in which he set to all colonists in optiINCORPORATED 1869 the house.
mism, courage and resourcefulness Witness mother paid the defen during his brief administration of the The Gleaner of the 14th ulto says: dant 00. For two days she receiv. Government of the colony.
ed no treatment but the defendant The Cable, Telephone and General told her that she would have to wear Trust Ltd. the British concern which blue gown and rtd cloth. Next day Closing of Govt. Offices in recently bought out the Jamaica TelPANAMA COLON he made a lot of gymnasties over her British Guiana.
ephone Company, are now completing the re arrangements necessitated Santa Ana Plaza and even cut a lot of calabash ships.
Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets 30 as to beat out the alligator for her An exchange says: The innove. by the transfer. They have establishto get better. Armstrong, her re tion introduced by Brigadier General ed a committee of telephone experts puted huband, seeing he was making Sir Gordon Guggisberg, in London under the chairmanship fool of them, asked the defendant E, late Governor of British of Sir Alexander Rogers, who will to return his money, and they went Guiana, for the closing of certain meet regularly to advise on telephone to the Police Station at Belfield and Government Departments between problems in Jamaica as they arise.
reported the matter.
12. 80 and p. on week days, was The Company here, however, have With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Witness was cross examined by the the subject of considerable discussion asked that, inadition to this, a telephone expert should be sent out to the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank be resident here, and this will probably be done.
is in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR So far the Board of Directors of the old Company is carrying on; and Antigua Dominica Montserrat it is flot expected that there will be any re organisation of this Board Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts until the new concern have had a Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia and chance of consulting with Mr. Lewis British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Ashenheim who goes to England in Martinique May.
Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
Even when re organised Jamaica see will necessarily be strongly represented on the Board ISLAND WIDE SYSTEM.
HIGHEST CURRENT RÄTES OF INTEREST On the important question of the establishment of an island wide sysPAID ON DEPOSITS No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
tem It is learnt that latterly the new concern have not shown any par ticular enthusiasm to proceed with this scheme; and the reason for this is said to be that they were not at JAMAICA The Council also desires to place Telephone Co. Sold to British Concern The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID Panama, General Banking Business Transacted.


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