
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE THE WORKMAN 20. 60 to serve a men WAS Can You Beat It in saying that they have realized Panama Wesleyan the situation, and will do the need Christian Endeavour fal in indemnifying the amỉ.
Activities NASHVILLE, Tenn. Feb. 13. The following story of a Negro hero ly of the deceased. Negroes in (MUSICAL EVENING)
tras published first in the Nashville Banner: this country have invested Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 Following is the Programme which heavily He wore no uniform, nor bore a sentinel gun, but no soldier in in Lodges and other CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, the service of this country ever stuck to his post through greater diffiBenevolent Societies, only for the took place on Wednesday last 26th Bux 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ult. in Geddes Hall under the aus.
culty, or at greater hazard to his life, than did Holt, Negro railway grandeur of processions and the pices of the Panama Wesleyan RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION clerk of Nashville, in the recent wreck on the Louisville and Nashville vanity of offices Past Masters, Christian Endeavour Society, presidONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
Railroad at Trafford, Ala. according to reports that have reached this s, Presidents and such grandiose ed over by Rev. Wade.
titles forgetting entirely their obSLX MONTHS.
Hymn, No. 448, From Sankey. must wait for relief, said the Negro, weak from the loss of ligations to provide for the families THREE.
Prayer, By Mrs. Gittens.
blood, as he elung to the top of a pile of registered mail pouches in the left behind after their departure.
ONE MONTH. 20 wild debris of the overturned cars and the appalling groans of injured Scripture Reading, Miss Myers.
The Insurance Companies offer opRecitation, Miss Forthe.
sufferers. An ambulance had stopped to take him to Birmingham for portunities to every man, regardless The Mberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS aid. An attendant raised his shirt. There was an ugly wound in his side Reading, Miss Dawkins.
of his resources, to protect himself Song, Mrs. Stevens.
and broken ribs protruded through. Los of blood had made him too against injures, old age and the proTHE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930 Vocal Duet, The Misses Stevens feeble to stand.
tection and provision for his family and Delamore. Your life is in danger you must have treatment, he was told. after death.
MARCUS GARVEY AGAIN No, came his response. have rotary lock pouches from MontPiano Duet, The Misses Chandlgomery and Birmingham. must have orders, or aid from officials beAmerican writers are greatly peev and Chever Pore leave them.
cu because of the explorations of the Recitation, Miss Villiers.
The last time we had something to say about Mr. The ambulance moved off and this soldier of the government British millionaire, Mr. Elliott Piano Solo, Miss Rodney.
Marcus Garvey, we made reference, among other things, registered mail service kept his solitary vigil until relief came.
Alves, on Panamanian territory.
Hymn, No. 786.
to the case of seditious libel then pending against him, Just what will be the result of the Song, Mrs. Maud Bishop.
and we expressed the hope that the charge would not agitation carried on by American Reading, Miss Stevens be proved. Since then, we have information that the News for the Busy Worker newspaper men no one can say with Reading, Miss King.
contrary has been the case, and that he has been senPiano Solo, Mr. Dottin.
tenced to six months in prison. For this, we are as we (Jimbo)
any degree of certainty, but this have been on other occasions when like things happened one thing we know, that it is bound Hymn, No. 1140, Sankey.
Polities in the Latin American similar sentence. Lack Closing Remarks, The Rev.
to him. We are not of that element here and elsewhere to rupture the good feelings of Great Countries, are becoming guerilla of sufficient parental vigilance and Wade.
Britain and the United States.
who say hurrah! because Marcus Garvey has been run own and imprisoned from Country to country. We do several political leaders have had tion, and proper play grounds, and and at this like. Within the past four months encouragement in the right direc Panama is but youthful nation, THE MIZPAH stage she cannot af.
not feel jubilant because some people feel that something close calls on their lives by political lack of working opportunities for the ford to permit the peace, tranquility concessions and its economie develis wrong when Garvey is not in prison that his presence opment.
everywhere is going to madden the populace, and make opposers. The latest outrage in the boy after he has left school, are the and prosperity of her citizens to be thrown in confusion by the economic America greatest experiment, everything he says or writes, is either contemptuous. uincerely hope that that apirit will them revolt against, and overthrow Governments that attempted assassination of Meello direet causes.
Vana, Viee President of Brazil. We jealousy of two foreign Powers, espe The Volstead Aet, is undergoing the Frederick Sergeant, a native libelous, abusive, or seditious, even though the same of cially when this is instigated mall acid test of the Free Speakers in things have been both said and written in similar cir not find ite way in this country.
Barbados, and forty one years old, ciously, by irresponsible newspaper Congress. Just how sensible eumstances by others before, during, and since Marcus electrocuted on and Wednesday paragraphists propagandist could have expeeted that by dictating The great Henry Ford is not only morning last, while employed as a writers. We feel that Mr. Alves has Garvey had his being.
the kind of drinks millions of people a business renlus, but philosopher We must say at once that we are not of the game and philanthropist. In speaking of carpenter on Deveaux new building, Panama for his personal financial the same right to acquire lands in should take, would result in any opinion as Mr. Garvey is on many things. Were we in the Five Power Naval Conference he other way, than being disastrous to on Cash Street. We understand that benefit, as Minor Keith did in Costa the peace and economic success of Mr. Garvey place, we may not, as we now feel, have is quoted mying. Men fought the Cia. de Fuerza y Luz has volun Rica, and the United Fruit Company, the country, is difficult to undersaid some of the things attributed to him; neither might before there were battle ships, or tarily and generously looked into in Bocas del Toro, Jamaica, Hon stand. The most humorous phase of we have written in the way he has on some subjects. But the matter of compensating the duras and other countries, and espe the experiment is, that the Prohibiwe are not at all sure that we would not also have been runa; the only way to end war is bereaved family. It has been also cially, when the Republic of Panama tionists are generally the ones enheld to be contemptuous. libelous, and seditious for the to teach the follow who profit by it assumed is not less than an Independent Sov. Buraging, inducing and shielding the manner in which we would have spoken or written. Mr. bo that can profit more some other said that this Company responsibility for the burial expenses, ereign State that assumes absolute Inw breakers, and thereby increasing Garvey would have been an extraordinary and peculiar and if it is so, we have no hesitation independence of action in its national their bank roll.
mortal indeed, if everybody agreed with everything he wrote, said, or did, and all we can say is, that we have tifteen years ago, or less. was among Russia, that country which only not had the misfortune to be in Mr. Garvey position.
We have not struck so forcibly the discordant note Mr. the most devout followers of Roman DOE Garvey has struck, according to those who so hold. Here Catholicism, in to day, making fun is how they have positioned the things Mr. Garvey has at the Pope. It is said that they are Christianity, while done, said, and has promised that he will do. They have persecuting called them impudence and fastness for which he mustchurehmen in the country are deny pay he is a dangerous busy body he is a menace to me the rumours. History tells us the peace and good order of every community to which that the Protestants were hotly perhe might go he must be kept imprisoned, save for time secuted by the Church, in by gone enough to see his wife and the outside of the walls. This days, so may be, Russia is only doing must go on until his spirit is broken, and then, his what was already done to accomplish sheep will be scattered, and verily, neither him nor they an objective.
OF NEW YORK shall be anymore. After this, the whole world will be purged of contempt, libel, abuse, and sedition for ever! Dictatorship is becoming extremely But let us see. Marcus Garvey has tried to inspire unpopular; uven Mussolini is not HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York City the people of his race to wake up and assert themselves as secure to day, she was two like men in the various fields of enterprise that gave in years ago. The late of Primo de dependence to others who had been awake before them Rivera has contributed much in. he has devoted himself to the task of arousing his convincing prospective dictators that Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits 239, 650, 000. 00 people to race consciousness and race pride he has told the game is not worth the time, them to justify their claim that they are equal to other Total Resources more than 2, 200, 000, 000. 00.
men by actual demonstration that it is so. All this, George Tapper, one of many sons that men of other races have also told their people of husbandless woman, became amounts only to extravagant notions and stupid dreams wayward and unruly six years ago, in the case of Marcus Garvey, and he is held to be crazy, when he was attracted to the Silver. DEPOSITORY OF:contemptible, and dangerous. Now, he has become sedi Clubhouse billiard table. Following tious, and he must be imprisoned for six months, al in the footsteps of the friends he though the actual writer of the alleged seditious state made there, he developed juventle ments came forward and declared upon his oath that banditry; the result was that he was he (the writer) is wholly and altogether responsible for for six times an inmate of the Watwhatever is written in the article held to be seditious Bon Correctional School, more than and libelous that Marcus Garvey neither dictated nor eight times before the judges of the wrote it that Marcus Garvey had no knowledge of it Oity, and to day, a inmate of the The Panama Canal and whatsoever until some days after its publication. What, Colba Penal Colony, serving two really, can we call this? Is it prosecution or persecu years sentence. Although it is very tion?
e painful to the mother and to Negroes Marcus Garvey is held to be impudent, contemp treneral, George to only one of the tuous, and seditious. So was John Hancock, Josiah hundreds of boys who are destined Bartlett and the others who said, we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and PANAMA BRANCH COLON BRANCH are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit 33 Central Ave.
Front St. at 7th of Happiness. So also. was Buxton and Knox, WilberOE force and Lincoln, and the many others who stood for JOSEPH MASON fairplay among men who fought for the abolition of political, economic, and industrial slavery, and the dis Mattrossos made and renovated BRANCHES AND CORRESPONDENTS continuance of a thickly veneered system of oppression to order Purnitures also repaired and priggery among mankind.
at moderate prices THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Marcus Garvey has made some mistakes. So have all other men, for is human to err. But Marcus House No. 10, 21 Street IOSO Garvey can well address the scriptural query to the world, Why persecutest thou me?
Cuachapali OBO OO OPO The National City Bank The Treasurer of the United States, The Republic of Panama, The Panama Railroad Company.
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