
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Gas Preparedness Urged In In Britain Close Our 150, 000 Students Gates De Priest Enrolled in High Schools of Country.
Compulsory Education of course.
OTO IT had to gases, did size of battleships did not recessarily make war less likely. On the contrary, by making it cheaper, in a sense it made it easier. In any case, decreasing the relative importance of ps or guns or man power is bound to increase the importance of LONDON, Feb. Holding that chemical arm in warfare.
any other arms, particularly the gases in warfare are less brutal than Whatever protocols are signed, chemical Arm.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. in addressing explosives, Dr. Herbert Levinstein, he said, gas warfare will be used the recent National Negro Labor Survey Shows 2, 200 Per changing community life.
president of the Society of the when the time comes.
VERSAILLES BAN Congress in Chicago, Representative Cent Increase In 42 At present there are 381 coio. ed Chemical Industry declared to night Chemical warfare, Dr. Levinstein Oscar De Priest called attention to high schools of the old type and 12 Years that if ships, guns and man power Pleading for prosecution of chemi said, had in a way been forbidden the unemployment situation in the high schools, according to the reare decreased it becomes necessary cal warfare research, Dr. Levinstein at Versailles, ut Washington, by the United States. He demanded that WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. organized 8 or junior high school said: to give greater importance to the League of Nations and, indeed, ever the quota system for limiting immf Colored students in the public high plan, a total of 508 high schools. President Wilson was the main since The Hague convention of July, gration be extended to crer the enschools of the country have increas which more than 3, 000 teachers ar author or inspirer of clause CLXXI 1899. His purpose, he said to mem tire Western Hemisphere. He emed in number from 5, 983 in 1890 to employed and 132, 329 pupils en el ce of the Treaty of Versailles, which bers of the Institution of Mechanical phasized the importance of placing 12 329 in 1928 (including junior high Of these pupils 50, 256 studeas forbade chemical warfare; yet, fresh Engineers was not to show that pro a ten year ban on immigration Let al enrollment. gain of more are boys, and 82, 074 are girls. Yet in from drafting this clause, he tele hibition of gas warfare was illogical, our gates be closed, he said, for a 2, 200 per cent in forty two every group a higher percentage of (Continued from Page 2) graphed to Congress that, although but if it could be proved to be in least ten years. Continuing, he said, aars, according to the statistics of boys continue their studies after sity of getting children to work ear the United States would gladly join effective it was another matter, for It is the worst folly imaginable and public high schools recently published graduation in colleges, while th ly! Until we have learned to care in an international disarmament to help keep an ineffective prohibi a gross oversight in the field of eco by the Department of the Interior, girls seek out normal school a properly for the youth of the naprogramme, it would, nevertheless, tion might be as dangerous in the nomics to be confronted with the The report shows that in 1900 though many of them fail to gra. tion we do not deserve to be called be obvious prudence to make certain future as it was in the last war. spectacle of thousands of American there were 8, 895 colored students in duate. a civilised people. As to our not of the successful maintenance In support of this Dr. Levinstein laborers out of work and aliens perhigh schools, and in 1910 there were Enrollment of colored studen n being able to afford it, the truth many strong and well equipped chem asserted that prohibition by the mitted to hold jobs and set up an 12, 636. By 1920 the enrollment ha! commercial courses was not collected is that a wise outlay on the training ical plants.
Hague convention had proved in unfair, un American competition. more than doubled, there being 27, in 1915 or for the last year, but the of youth will bring handsome re EASIER, IF CHEAPER effective, as the Germans had argued He said, Through the American 631. This number was more than percentage of colored students pur turns in money, not to mention that, textually, they had not broken Federation of Labor our living stand. trebled during the six year period suing such courses in courses of busi If Wilson thought this obvious the letter of the convention when those of efficiency self respecting prudence for the United States we ards have been placed on a high to 1926 at which time there were ness training is considerably smaller behaviour, and more highly devel. are not war mongers or panic mon. they let loose a flood of chlorine lovel and this important accomplish. 75, 713. These figures, of course, do than it should be. In several elties over the British lines at the second oped social standards. We live in a gers if we examined the problem for ment should not be endangered by not include students attending school recently, courses have been introrestless age, with many paltry aims ourselves and pursued similar batter of Ypres, making a gap eight the menace of CHEAP labor. in communities where no record is duced in office practice, salesmanmiles wide in the British lines.
about. The quiet resourcefulness of In a recent letter a labor official kept of race, or those whose colorship, advertising, business managethe trained mind is more than ever The restriction of naval arma NEGLECT CALLED DANGEROUS tells the story of a local invasion is not discernible.
ment, banking, and commercial law, a possession worth seeing, and we ments and limitation of the number This shows the extreme danger It reads: To give you an idea of This rapid growth during the past. In addition to the usual typing and should be teaching young people how and size of ships is almost a purely of neglecting defense against chemi the unemployment situation will eight years is believed to be due to shorthand courses. Only 65 per to attain it.
economy measure, but limiting the cal warfare, because through some mention the wage quoted yesterday the reorganization of the traditional cent of the colored pupils were en inaccurate or indefinite form of the by the contractors for two dams that high school and the attempt of the rolled in business classes in 1922.
2000 OLO ODOBODO wds in the treaty it was not ex were let last week. The two dams reorganized high school of the fantor The percentage was slightly smaller pected.
are to cost approximately 8, 000, 000. high plan to meet the needs of the in 1928. Dr. Levinstein declared that the The wage offered for unskilled labor Geneva protocol of 1926, although is 20 cents an hour. Ten cents an 000 10 it prohibited asphyxiating, poisonous hour lower than has been offered for not prohibit screening the same kind of labor for more than smokes, although these having dele 20 years. This is made possible by terious effects on human beings.
the menance of cheap labor. Again, are tear gases to be reHordes of laborers are coming in garded as coming within the ban? from neightboring countries, some he asked. Thear gas is used in the through the regularly constituted MADE GARRETLISTERED)
United States for dealing with riots United States government agents; ORGMESTE and similar disturbances and as a others illegally entering our protection to banks. If it is permis country.
sible to use tear gases in peacetime Mr. DePriest said, Why should against one own citizens, how can alien workers be permitted to come of these books and got the interpreit be wrong to use it in war against to this country and work in compean enemy?
tition with American workers And tation of her dream from which she The Geneva protocol, he added, they are not subject to the military did not prohibit the use of high exdraft laws.
plosive shells which released poisonous fumes, nor did it define in any Drink way what high explosives are per mitted in war.
JON SALE AT Dr. Levinstein said it seemed an No. Calidonia Road, Panama elementary act of prudence for a nation like Great Britain to see that ALSO AT in bottles research in chemical warfare should continue.
the Greek Fruit Stand, No. 088 WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. LESS WASTEFUL OF LIFE Seerttary of Labor Davis was forced Bolivar Street, olon The Panama Coca Cola While do not suggest that gas to admit today that employment Bottling Co.
warfare is anything but dreadful, it conditions are not so good in the is less wasteful of human life and building trades industry.
IODO TODO property than older forms of war.
fare and it is of such outstanding make it appear that there have been Davis has been juggling figures to When purchasing see to it that the picture importance that, when the comes, it will be employed even increases in employment during the of a Camel is on the cover such use were against the spirit of past week.
the protocol, said Dr. Levinstein. The American Federation of La OD101 10 OOO OSOE Persistent products, such as mus. bor, under pressure of the mass untard gas, permit great economy of Secretary of Labor Davis was forced 2010 FODOSODO force. No places sprinkled with to announce that more than 86 per mustard gas, can be usefully held. cent of the building trades union Against high explosive shelling, men members are unemployed. What the can go underground and when the of did not say is that in CATHEDRAL PLAZA shelling ceases they come up and some cities more than 75 per cent Surgeon Dentist carry out any useful military move of the building trades workers are ment if the surface ground has not employed.
been contaminated with mustard gas. 23 Central Avenue Panama City. RP. dispatch to the New York and see the finest Assortment of By means of mustard gas a whole World says: Because of the pess army can protect its flanks against mistie reports by Miss Perkins and Phor e 1862. Box 1062 incon, attack and an enemy denied terri the of L, as contrasted with Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works tory which large number of troops would be required to defend.
the optimiste statements of the president and Secretary Davis, it se The employment of mustard gas being whispered in certain circles Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment would also create a contaminated that perhaps the labor secretary has. Selection of arer just where an enemy was probeen trying to put over a fast one OL po posing to land troops or stores.
on the employment statisties.
be good to get where Coca Cola it is BIG GAIN OF 15, 000 The Great Egyptian Dream Book Is truly giving satisfaction. woman recently had a Dream, purchased one are obtained the above sum See page (30 of one of these books BIS Coca Cola Labor Crisis Near PRICE 75c. ONLY time CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Dr. Leo Pink LOCKS of every description also the finest ARTIZAN TOOLS GET YOUR FLYNCH Custom Tailor JUST RECEIVED Job Printing BOX 648 ANCOR, DONE AT THE Cirilo Sandford Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere English and American Styles Workman Attorney at Law OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE.


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