
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS TRINIDAD ST. VINCENT JAMAICA Government Assist Broadcasting Station ing the Peasantry The Silver Screen BARBADOS Chief Scout, Lord Baden Powell Receives Enthusiastic Reception at Barbados TALKIES SCORE IN TRINIDAD in, Propogand Across the ST. LUCIA Huge Landslide iri District of Laborie Jamaica. The Government have The Empire Theatre, Trinidad, had not yet come to any decision with need of its entire seating accommoda.
Commenting editorially in its issue appreciate the effort to eablisha of January 31st, the Sentry says. reliable and constant market for regard to the establishment of a tion on Saturday night last when Through the courtesy of His Hon guava jelly. The report states that broadcasting station in Jamaica, but highly representative audience invad.
it is hoped that they will do so veryed the building to hear and witness our the Administrator, we have re a trial shipment of 144 bottles of Flight, the first talking picture to Barbados, Jan. 80th Yesterday RENEWS OLD ACQUAINTANCES ceived copy of the report on the guava jelly has been made to Canada shortly.
In an advertisement which has come to Trinidad.
morning liner Alcantara Government Fruit and Vegetable and thanks to Mr. Allan, Assistant On landing the Chief Seout inspecThe success which attended the dropped anchor in Carlisle Bay hav. ted the Scouts and Lady Baden Powell Bureau for the year 1929. The re Manager, Canadian National Steam been inserted in the Press the Government have intimated that they first showing seems to have made ing among its list of touring passen inspected the Guides. After inspecport is very encouraging and taking ship Company, bright prospects are into consideration the difficulties in looming up. Shipments have been will be prepared to consider applica Trinidad safe for the talkies. The sers Rt. Hon. Lord Baden Powell, tion and party left for Govlaunching such an undertaking in a made to England, and orders have tion from a company to be formed in Trinidad Guardian Film Critie o. world Chief Scout, ernment House. In the afternoon colony like ours where industries been received from Bermuda and St. Jamaica for the establishment of the says:and Lady Baden Powell, World over 700 Scouts and Guides were are few and the fruit products bave Thomas. The report concludes with broadcasting station and the last day The first talkie was not perfect Chief Gulde. In the party was Lady inspected at Queen Park by Lord only been cultivated for local con the following statement which we fu sending in applications will be especially in the sequences. But Christian Davidson, niece of Lady and Lady Baden Powell. This was sumption, we are pleased with the readily endorse. Although the the 28th inst.
was good beyond my brightest hopes. Baden Powell. News of Lord Baden the largest gathering of Scouts and progress made in developing the Bureau has had many set backs and It is learnt that a gentleman who And, of course, the reproducing ap Powell visit was made known to Guides ever witnessed in the Colony, fruit trade with the outside world. difficulties to overcome, yet suffi is well known in the community is paratus improves with use. Having the publie a few weeks ago and as a amongst them being those of the Three hundred and sixty one crates cient proof is forthcoming to show prepared to establish the broadenst made such a favourable start, there result there were crowds at various Barbados contingent who attended of Avocado Pears has been shipped what wonderful possibilities He doring station with the assistance, of is no reason why talking motion pie points along wharf and pier head to the Jamboree in England last year, during the past five months o mant; and it aroused and given wup people outside, but how far the Govture here should not go from join is welcome extended by repre and Lord Baden Powell promptly restates the report to Canada, Ber port there can be no question that errent would be prepared to con strength to strength.
sentatives of the Scouts and Guides newed acquaintance with them. The muda, England and Demerara. In an industry of healculable benefitsider this offer is not definitely niovement, to the man of whom they Chief Scout then addressed the huge fact no stone has been left unturned to the peasantry of the colony can known.
had read and heard so much, and gathering, touching amongst other to make something of a crop that has be established. deeply appreciate The Chief Scout At prominent elected member has who had done so much for young things on the work of the Scout previously been a glut on the local the active interest taken by His intimated that at the coming session people in many parts of the world. movement and urging them to conTrinidad market.
Honour the Administrator, without of the Legislative Couneil he inends tinue the good work. Lady BadenShortly after the ship arrival a reSixty three crates of mangoes were which the Bureau could not have to put certain questions to the GovPowell also addressed the Seouts and exported. Bermuda absorbed prac. developed in the manner in which it ernment with view to getting what Lady Baden Powell Lays Scouts and Guides went off to receive ception committee representing the Guides which was followed by a retieally the whole supply, but Canada has.
really is their oxnet rttitude with Corner Stone Of Guides should prove valuable market. It We are pleasingly disappointed regard to broadeasting station the Chief and party. Fiftay Scouts ply from the Governor who called is hoped to find a market in Great with the financial statement of the here.
and fifty Guides under Scoutmaster for three cheers for Lord Robert and Britain before the 1930 crop comes Lady Baden Powell. The Chief Seout Barrow formed a guard of honour at Bureau as business men know that Port of Spain, Jan. 31st. Lord and the Baggage Warehouse. Sir next called for three cheers for the initial expenses in launching such Lady Baden Powell had an enthusiasFour King Scouts were then preW. Robertson, Chief Oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, an experiment, gathering experience tie welcome at Port of Spain ye Scout of Barbados and Lt. Col. Sir sented to Lord Baden Powell who limes and pineapples did not meet all the way, is generally frought terday. posse of honour of Scouts Clarke, Island Com shook hands with them and wished with a very profitable market yet a with heavy overhead charges and Waters and Guides met them on the quay missioner, Lt. Col. Headenstam, them further success The Chief ray of hope was still held out that serious losses. In the finaneial stateand at a big combined rally in Seout also congratulated Scouters on in the near future a remunerative ment there is an excess of Habilities Inspector General, and Major Erskine the success of their work and the Queen Royal Cottage grounds in Lindop, Deputy Inspector General of function terminated.
market may be looming ahead. Small only 18 19 We feel sure that To Injure Jamaica the afternoon they were given an (Extract from consignments of various products the knowledge gained in 1929 in shipProducer Society ovation. After the rally, Lord and Police, were present at the landing Advocate. have been shipped to Canada so as ping the produces to centres of trade Tady Baden Powell were central to ascertain whether a lucrative and will greatly add to the success of the The Mail of the 27th ulto says: you have been. In the afternoon figures at a reception in the grounds prayer was read by the Bishop of assured market can be obtained. We Fruit and Vegetable Bureau For several days past a rumour of Government House given by Lady Baden Powell Imid the corner Trinidad. After the ceremony the has been current in the United Kingthe Acting Governor and Mrs. Grier stone of the new Girl Guides head. Chief Guide addressed the Guides dom that either the United Fruit for those associated with the Boy quarters at Belmont in the presence She wished them success in their Company, or its English owned con.
Scouts and Girl Guides movements in of a large and enthusiastic crowd. work and hoped that the building cern, Elders and Fyffes, Ltd. is Trinidad. The Chief Seout message Guides from all parts of Trinidad and might also serve coming generations.
arranging to purchase, or to secure to Trinidad Scouts was: Go on as Tobago attended. The dedication control of the Jamaica Banana Producers Association, Ltd. and the Jamaica Direct Line, Ltd. which latter provides transportation facilities for co operators to market their fruits and other products in the The Voice of January 25th, just Further investigation revealed that British market and on the Continent to hand states that towards the end the landslip had taken away between of Europe.
of December Lt, the people of Sal 10 and 12 acres of land and had Of course, the rumour is without tibus in the heights of Laborie, and covered up a greater ares on its way INCORPORATED 1869 one vestige of truth. There is no those around Mottette, at the head. down the ravine. Valuable cultiva ground to justify report of the of Choiseul, were surprised by a tions of cocoa, cocoanta, fruit trees kind. By no parity of reasoning can great rumbling noise. They thought and ground provisions have been lost it be argued that the United Fruit that the whole of the mountains The ravine has been dammed up Co. or Messrs Elders and Fyffes.
about them were coming down Those by a portion of the slide and pond Ltd. could either acquire, or control, PANAMA COLON in a position where they could see, of great depth covering more than the Banana Producers Association of Santa Ana Plana an acre of land has been formed. Jamatea. In the first place it is not Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets that a big acreage of sloping land was slowly slipping down to At present the water le filtering for sale. In the second place, it is the bottom of the ravine called Tit through slowly and there is little to too valuable organization, and Citron and was travelling down the fear; but if the apertures set elogged, major Industry in the colony is too the bearing which it has upon the ravine towards the Riviere Doree the water rieng may push the rewhich is over a mile away, covering maining debris and flood the lands important, to permit of its being controlled or acquired by a competup the cultivation of several small lower down the valley.
ing company, or any other company.
proprietors in its way. It wasted There is rumour that there was This Journal has reason to believe With 900 Branches throughout the world, including itselt within a few yards of the river. smoke emitted at the time. am that steps have been taken by direc.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank tors of the association to deny the is in a position to render the best possible service. Continued on Page 7)
FOR Arred by an wyowitness that that Dominion Mowberret is not correct.
It would appear that at some time Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts or other an earthquake may LAVE Barbados Jamaica (2)
and St. Lucia cused a crack in the hillside and a British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique spring of water may have continued to undermine it, while the roots of Guadeloupe (2)
British Galana (2)
forest trees already felled were вее decaying. Then the heavy rains of December caused the clayey substrata to give way. There is no sign of a HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST subtutaneous upheaval as some believe.
PAID ON DEPOSITS No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
In 1898 there was similar landslide in the Mariaqua Valley, St.
Panama, Vincent, and up to now the transportA General Banking Business Transacted.
ed soll is not as fertile as the lands adjoining The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada an Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Antigan Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID


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