
Just Received a Large Assortment of (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA CANAL ZONE NOTES GATUN for the purpose of disciplining him, and the enraged populace batters the Hail to the goosies in the heights, gun man to show their disapproval, Let all the people say; tempering their vengeance with Come let us all put out their light, rrey (God bless them) in a way Before they fly our way.
that would not have been inclined to do if had the misfortune to have Lets save the girls from social blights, been there. In Colon, there was a For goosies scatter these; running fight, between two of Uncle Stop and analyze it. there They take them when they make sam soldiers, and there again there nothing in life that gives more their flights pure happiness than making was bang! bang! in a crowded street, And drop them, if you please.
crowded with pedestrians, men, wosomeone else happy.
ALSO Is there?
men, and children, and so, one Hail to the goosies in the heights, When we present a gift, we wonders why all these sensations. Let men and women say: want it to be packed with all the We ll save the people from their bite, entiment, affection and good But here is another sensation sti!
By holding them at bay.
There a multitude of things more complex, more peculiar; but that will serve, but they lack in which had no marksman nor gun to We have our characters to keep some respect. They wear out make it interesting. True, all creaUnsullied, and from stain; quickly; outlive their usefulness; tion pleases God, but only man or have no usefulness at all, is We ll never, never go to sleep, vile. This time it is a sensation there ANY THING that will Till googles hit the plain.
that mother Nature had to do with.
quicken the recipient heart It is not understandable. It cannot beat. that will tell her more Hail to the goosies in the heights, be explained, and it is a mystery, eloquently than you could that By Gosh! thats what we say: and something have neither seen we ll make them fly as high as kite nor heard of before. It is that. you wish her well. that speaks IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL its quality every time it is seen.
And don come back this way!
cow gave birth to calf weighing that never wears out. that re approximately 200 pounds which was tains its value. that arouse Because their presence desecrate born dead. It had an head of exthe admiration of all who see it?
The fitness of the race; traordinary size, and this head conYes it fine jewelry such as Because their influence create, tained four eyes, two mouths, two we will be glad to show you if Confusion in the place.
tongues, and four nostrils. It is said MULLER Prop.
you will pay us a visit Soon.
that the mother cow died immediately FULLER We ll never make them reatter worms, after the birth of this calf, and no 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 122 Central Avenue Among our kit and kin; one wonders. This happened at Mindi For they re no good, they re full of Diary Farm, and this mysterious good writer, and one who can handle germa, freak is now in possession of a genwhite if we continue to smear it with the moro elevating things better than They re venonious like siu!
tleman at Carop Blerd who has black paint? This is exactly what he can the derogatory things.
preserved it, and will have it on exGod! give us comely women, the writer of Interesting Jotting. Wouldn it be better, then, if he weed labittoa wbieu be gets good an has been trying to do for the past his talent in helping, instead of ADIn place of goosianas; ready. bave not seen it myself, That we, and our children, Miss Ivy Cave is spending a few out again.
few months. He has been placing noying? Why doen he not mention but would like to, and when it is before the public from time to time the things to emulate, instead of Might sing thy sweet hosanitaris!
ready for exhibition as aforesaid, and days in Colon with the Thomas the most diatasteful conduct of the those that are meant to place to Elijah is still sround, will be family. The rest and distraction is ΝΟΤΙΟΕ Friends and Countrymen: have sorry people about whom he writes. bad position in the eyes of the present!
doing Miss Ivy much good.
The publie know about these kinde publie?
sensation. It seems that we are Dear Readers; of conduet, which are seen in the The writer of Interesting Jottings passing at this time through a sensaAnother sensation, and sensation Miss Vida Skeete spent her Car, tional period, and that period seeme For two weeks, the Gatun News we streets, heard in the different placer can find many things to write about, nival in Panama, not so much on absent from this page. The Reason: of assembly; and to read about them besides those he has been welting to envelope the whole world. There of a different kind is, that was in He may give a few humourous items our reporter met sudden accident in newspapers is enough to annoy an are sensations in Europe, even during Panama a few days ago, and called rleasure trip, but as a visitor to the to make us laugh, for laughing in and was unable to supply the news: Angel.
the peace talks, and the limitation to see one of my girla She greeted sick bed of Mrs. Hurley.
me with a nice smile and enquired good for the body it kills disense He is much improved, and we trust of armaments talk, and the effort Mr. Samuel Panton was painfully that next week we ll have every thing kind. Two wrongs do not make one by placing before us some lofty idealn There is nothing elevating of this germs; or he may make us serious She chatted with me for being made in historie London for how was.
few moments, and straightway squeezed by the hind foot of a saucy that you need.
the making of this world a place fit mule. The Gentleman was laid up right, and suggest that the author for us to work for.
started to powder her face, to live in without fear and trembling.
for a couple of days but is well and Correspondent. does one of two things, viz. a)
Give us things of interest, Mr.
In France, there is a sensation. Dur. straighten her little hat, adjust every change the title from Interesting to Jotter not things of annoyance.
ing the discussions above referred to, thing that would make her look nifty Annoying Jottings, or (b) use the Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, Heard Under the Almond Tree the French Cabinet resigns, and in public, and told me a sweet good column for something more uplifting am, leaves the world to wonder if her bye without telling me where she The writer of these Jottings is Yours, etc. famous heroine in French and his.
was going. Lordie! how wondered intentions can be relied on as a party man of great ability; he is a very had a fiction preferred to be drowned Well; he has been holding out very Annoyance to world peace and human happiness what it all meant! But In the United States, there are sensaconsolation, and that is that dont rather than to remove her skirts well in the National festivities; he tions by gangsters and other notor have all my eggs in one basket. It so she could swim. Many people doesn invest so much in Carnival as have this attitude toward the con he did past years, the undesirable ious persons. In Panama, there are had made no provision for a rainy ventions. But the power of stigma seem to do him some good, at sensations like elsewhere. In New day such as experienced, there would have been one other fool thought is of little avail except if least he thinks well, and seriously Providence, an arm of the law directs it can be applied to a practical now.
his gun towards the back of another greasing out from a broken heart.
human being, and lots drive, bang! No siree, don put all my eggs in criticism of fixed habits and rules.
All that is needed now, is; that Nothing is too sacred for the one basket!
some of these big fellows, who seem thinker. Every thing is to be testto be convinced that a lot of writing, ed not by the standards of sterile and an abundance of advice can do authority but by its value in the the neccessary job of helping a grave thinker own word.
NEURALGINA condition, must put some actual How are the Boys. work into the business, must advance GIVE US CALL AND Pullin along Fred; just waiting some money, or do some actual to hear some of your sorrowe, and thing that will inspire the people who BE CONVINCED THA1 Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any curses.
Well, have nt much of that toread every thing they write, and neuralgic paio caused by excessive mental work that they may convert the theory into day, but have a little comment for, Quashie; pratice As bad as things are, think, that think that right; Fred, there he is coming around, mean that the have been too much chat, and writShould be in every school to soothe bad headaches host of paper chats, although seven ing and too little actual work, every and reduce the lever of children tenth are from the pen of Arch body is willing to advise, but the Hypocrits and the attitude of the actual workers too few, and TRIAL ONCE WILL Government to wards him, coupled noiseless.
with the shortage of jobs, and scarce Well ll meet to morrow, have BRING YOU ALWAYS Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart ness of money have forced the heard something funny about you, West Indian Negroes to attempt to its almot time to get in the line.
think seriously. But his selfishness Adios, For sale both Wholesale and Retail If the word, interesting. according to the dictionary of the English AT THB Cristobal, Language, means something worMarch 3, 1980 thy of attention, then the wrong title for that column has been applied. Nothing stink is worthy of (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor attention, and last Saturday Jot.
TADY Sir: tings were not only enveloped by Panama.
Kindly permit me a little space in stench, but they were composed of Telephone 454 Box 1102 your valuable paper to say a few it.
PANAMA ANCON words about Interesting Jottings. How can we make a black horse a FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING NEURALGINA we do only the best at Reasonable Prices are NEURALGINA The Workman Printery The Open Forum AMERICAN PHARMACY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 The Editêr The Workman, Panama,


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