
transThe Truth About Garvey Make Each Day Count WORKMAN (By Cyril Thomas)
In spite of the prejudices and ill inordinateness and the civic licenA famous man was once asked for the secret of his founded opini ns regarding ciousness that exist as a cankerous success. He was modest, as all great men are, and Published on Saturday y WALROND, at the office No 12 Marcus Garvey, the President Gen bacchanalia ataong the damnable replied: Of course, am still far from the goal am CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, eral of The Universal Negro Improve ligh Class in Jamaica. The facts striving for, but what success have attained did not Bux 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ment Association, there are certain are there, and cover them as you come suddenly, but by perseverance, and making each RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION facts that must, at some time, diswould, they must break forth in time, day count.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
close the real situation. We do not, and show themselves with all the Success sometimes seems to come suddenly; but if for a moment, desire to defend this ghastly grotesqueness.
SIX MONTHS. 20 we investigate, we usually find that it is a climax rather man by fantastic partiality and unMarcus Garvey having travelled THREE.
than the result of one action or effort alone. Days of reasonable partisanship. The world and lived in countries truly demoONE MONTH. 20 is top enlightened to force improper cratic, where the liberty of the people preparation, of struggle, of seeming failure, but all of growth, and the seizing of every opportunity as it comes, arguments upon it, whereby guil is sacredly guaranteed, respected and The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS generally precede it. The only way, then, to prepare ty man may be sought to protected, has pledged himself to lead for success is to make each day count, one day, one hour, be exonerated, only to gratify the his people in his native hearth by THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1930 one minute, is all we have. Unless we make use of it caprices of a group; but it is time all the consecrated ties of the rights put our best into it, we can never attain our goal.
that all true men, and supportera of of franchise, but the political and SENSATIONAL Justice, rise valiantly protest moronie class of Jamaica malicious, day is a little life. How many possibilities, how against the inordinate corruption of indignified and pussilanimous have many opportunities, how many lessons, how many bless Colonial Officialdom that de revengefully sworn allegiance to that ings, each day holds for us! Have you ever counted This woru describes a certain feeling it is the posi moralizing the communal peace and clique that shall destroy popular them at the end of a day? Do you begin each day by looking forward to the blessings, the opportunities, the tive register of a state of consciousness produced by an external object as a resuit of any crude or unusual o prosperity and striking fatally at suffrage and keep the proletariat lessons that may come? It will put new life into you if democratie administration.
in economic and civic thraldom. To currence Winch produces a change from the normal feelThe British Colonial System of accomplish this they have declared ing to one of excited interest.
Government, in the West Indies, has, open militant campaigns against Watch for the blessings. If you count them, each Like everythmy else, sensational things are of two for too long period, impo vd its Garvey, and are determined to anni one as it comes, you will be surprised when night arrives kinds, goou anu vau. ror instance, we have heard it despotic imperialsm upon the masses. hilate the Man, his Party and his to find how much you have to be thankful for, how said in the case or a boy who, in his class, passed such a British Justice, which is proverbial, Principle. Truth will prevail, and many blessings, unlooked for, come to you in the course creuitable examnation in his studies, that this boy and British Colonization methods we are conscious that a diabolical of even the most monotonous day.
created a sensauon by coming out unexpectediy at the which are unprecedentedly superior propaganda has been instigated by Profit from the lessons. Not a day passes but we head or his class the same thing has been said of var to any other form of colonizing enthat ignoble group in Jamaica, may learn something. It may be from a mistake. It ious scholars at different times and in many places terprises which we have known, stand against Garvey and his adherents. may come in the form of a trial, a disappointment, somearnong those wno took professional examinations. These to day, anamously desecrated before we call upon public opinion to judge times a sorrow; but if we seek to obtain the lesson from are some sensaconal things that are good.
the tribunal of international demoe fairly of the matter, and investigate each, it removes half the sting, and we go on so much Conversely, any inaividual is said to create a sensa racy and nomelogical self determinato determine the real situation, or stronger and wiser than before.
tion u salu muividual commits any act of impropriety. tion. When Marcus Garvey and his we may soon have to lament: Fare It has been said: You can upset a person for the he does anyoning unexpectedly that is derogatory confreres enter the political arena well to the integrity, the honour and whole day by the harsh way in which you may call him us accepveu salatu, or to the standard of those with and contest Seats in the local Counthe administration of Justice in Ja in the morning, or you may give him a beautiful start whom such a one associated. Sensations like these cils, or the Legislature, they do so maica!
by the cheeriness of your greetings.
with the fundamental conviction that would be described as bad sensations.
they are We couid go on indexinitely telling about sensations, not privileged to do so by all the potentially authorized Make up your mind each day that you are going to do your work better than you have ever done it before but it will sunnice say that the universe is full of traditional heritages of the British that you are going to put more interest into it, that you sensations or both kinus. Among all peoples, and among Kingdom, sanctified by the DENTIST HOWELL are going to do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto all classes among the righteous and unrighteous the cendent Fint of Man Inviolable men. You will then be a workman that needeth not rich and poor. in this connection we find that even in Liberty, dispensed by the Cosmic Hou e Vo. 912 a Boca be ashamed. You will find new interest in your work.
umciaaom, there are tnese sensational things coming Law of Universal Equality. If the You will enjoy doing it, and you will attain the goal Canal Zone up from time to time, some good, some bad, and mankind British Government is conscientiouswhich you seek. The Echo.
either profit, or they do not, by these experiences. ly determined to assume responsiSpeaking of the sensations of Officialdom, many con. bility for its attitude in the West crete cases can be cited, but a few only at this time, will Indian Colonies, and would submit to ODOS be sufricient. We cite the cases of Caleb Brinton, a scrutinous investigation of the 20 TODOC ODO once described as the most honest Policeman in Philadel lamentable improprieties which are phia, who created a sensation when he was removed obtaining, under the guise of mainirom his position for being unable to explain how he had taining British integrity and suprecome to deposit thirty one thousand dollars in a bank macy among the socially, economiwhich was more money than he had earned as his an cally and politically enslaved Conual salary. Also John Carlin, William MacFad lonists, let a purely Imperial Depuden, and John Stuckert, all Police Inspectors of Philadel tation, with the amicable, impartial phia when they were deposed for making lodgements and philanhropic authority of the in the bank of a sum of money each, which was out of Government, in like manner as she all proportion to the salary they had earned over the is permitting certain disclosures and OF NEW YORK period in which these lodgements were made.
interferences in her militaristic and naval affairs, inquire into the CoComing nearer home, we find Officialdom doing lonial Administration of Jamaica, in the same sensational things which create like feelings particular, and we are sanguine that HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York City of excited interest. The other day, we are told that an exposures will be made to the lasting Official at New Providence is accredited with having amelioration of British Imperialism shot a man through his shoulder with a revolver, while in that Colony.
Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits 239, 650, 000. 00 the man back was turned to him, thereby precipitating what is described to have been a near riot. That occur Now, the facts about Marcus GarTotal Resources more than 2, 200, 000, 000. 00.
rence was sensational the mere mention of it is, and vey must impress every one, for the it proves the truth of the statement that the world is sake of Justice, that the Local Govfull of sensations. This one comes under the category ernment is masquerading unfair proof persons described by the witty and dexterous little paganda and vindictive animadver DEPOSITORY OF: Irish man, Lloyd George of Britain, when he said in one sion against a man whose impassionof his famous speeches, the safety of human lives is ed impulse is unfortunately creating imperilled because of the presence of the fool behind the displeasure against him, real or as The Treasurer of the United States, gun. So said Lloyd George, and so say we!
sumed. We must admit Garvey impetuous propensities, and the legal culpability which attaches to a jourPHILANTHROPY nalistie leader officially recognized The Panama Canal and We sppoke of philanthropy a few weeks ago. We the responsible administrator of said then, that our people possessed this quality, and that the Organ, it delinquency is establishstatement has been verified by their act in connection ed against him. Has this been fairly and with the sufferers from the recent Caledonia fire. Our impartially established people and others of the community contributed the against Mr. Garvey? At the same magnificient sum of a thousand four hundred odd time, when the moral attributions dollars to this deserving cause with a generosity that are democratically, liberally and honmust earn for them the enconiums of a greatful and eatly considered, and when the imPANAMA BRANCH COLON BRANCH appreciative public. The West Indian Committee, who mediato offenders if any oftence is are responsible for the launching of the appeal for help involved. assume responsibility for 33 Central Ave.
Front St. at 7th is to be congratulated for their beautiful exemplifica the wrongs which a peeved, sheepish tion of Community Service in a very practical way. The and autocratic group pamper as general public responded in the way they have to the sedition. only to immolate a satisfaction of the Committee and to all others concern Man whom they hate and fear, we BRANCHES AND CORRESPONDENTS ed, and they too, must be congratulated, and while the call upon their compunction to exCommittee have said thanks, we now say CONGRAT. piate for so mean and unpardonable THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ULATIONS! to Committee and public, for both have a social and politicat erime.
exemplified a commendable spirit in a cause that needed The British Government at DownODO the assistance they have so generously given CON ing Street and at Buckingham Palace IODO GRATULATIONS!
do not know the immoralities, the The fational City Bank The Republic of Panama, The Panama Railroad Company, OO OPO

    DemocracyImperialismWorking Class

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