
of the UN.
Breakfast starts the day right or Order Koester bread fresh for every wrong. Too much food is as bad as creamed dried beef, put it together. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Continued from Page 1)
The monthly meeting of the PanA very solemn and religious mais day.
Cyril Me Laine of Muller Building, ama Wesleyan Christian Endeavour with the cash; this discreditable act meeting was held on Sunday last at subsatntial meal, hastily swalCaldonia, was the scene of a most Society was convened on Wednes has had an unfavorable effect on Golden Crown on piping hot grid brilliant and delightful party on day 5th instant in Geddes Hall with the affair, to put it mildly. Such the Hall of the Prospective Division lowed, is often worse than nothing. dle cakes is always hailed with de. Munday night last, when many of the the Rev. Wade presiding deplorable trick is reprehensible and recent news of the conviction of these of the LA. Notwithstanding the Each breakfast makes a new be light. Have plain griddle cakes one aspiring lads and lasses of the com as chairman.
ginning. It should be a happy gay day cornmeal or rice griddle cakes munity assembled and enjoyed very should be severely criticized so that Horozat. satisfying meal.
The evening lesson was read the younger set will not be tempted another or add a little canned or pleasant entertainment.
by Miss Ambrozine Villiers, and the to repeat this dishonest reapad, When there are little children, grated fresh corn to the crumb gridThe occasion was the celebration of subject burdens and burden bear and thereby throw discredit on cereal is always needed. With cooked dle cakes in this book for the Sunthe 9th birthday of their son, master ers was ably treated by the chair. comiendole fruit, Koester bread, toasted, or day morning surprise. Golden Crown Cyril Me Laine (Junior) who is also man. The members responded to the Association, be all the muffins, cocoa, or Cloverland milk, makes any of these more deliciuos, a member of the Tiny tots Orches. roll call and repeated their pledge, On Sunday night coming, there is determined to keep the program children up to ten will be well nourNothing adds more to the every tra which was organized in this city while three new ones were added to ished.
to be a special call of the organizaday breakfat than a hot bread. Waf about three years ago.
the present number. vis: Mrs. Fanng tion, when the Pres dent will address The religious section of the eveFor most adults, and athletic fles, muffins, breakfast cake are Mesdames Me Laine, Thomas, Gittens, Miss Daisy Martin and Miss the members on some vital questions. ning programme was performed by growing boys and girls, more will be deliciuos and easy to make with Mr. Guinier and master Thomas Ivy Patterson. The singing contest He will particularly stress and ex Mr. Jeffers, while Secretary needed. Eggs, codfish balls, or waf syrup.
presided at the piano, while the little which was scheduled to take place plain with all frankness certain Greely acted in the capacity of fles or crumb griddle cakes, with Set the table it takes only a minones tripped the terpsichorean art to on Wednesday 12th instant, is now chairman. The prineipal speaker of Golden Crown syrup for energy, ute. after finishing the dishes at the strains of the melodious music. cancelled and lantern lecture will irregularities which members frequently commit to the detriment of the evening was Mr. Ratie of may replace the cereal or be served night. Use The kindly assistance of Mrs. Lena be taken in its place.
a fresh gay cloth or the Association, thereby being a Red Tank his subject was Who in addittion.
Thomas to the occasion with her The executive of the Society are washable stenciled dollies. Put a Get as much of the breeakfast fern dish or the fruit in the centre saxaphone, added greatly to the mu now contemplating arrangements for stumbling block to the progress of God. s remarks were listene sie of the evening ready the night before as possible. place the silver straight be sure the next quarter syllabus which the organization. It is to be hoped to with rapt attenson.
He urged his hearers to continue The party was augmented by the Measure the Lord Calvert coffee in the dining room is picked up and commences with the month of April, that a full house will attend to hear in the work they have undertak addition of a few members of the when, the Rev. Wright, the the President salutary words on the pot. Pour the Cloverland cream watch for results.
After several items were contributed adult class, among whom were newly appointed minister to the cir. the matters to be discussed, and that in the pitcher. Prepare the fruit for good breakfast with a surprise Messrs Thomas, Dottin, Fogarty, cuit is expected to be here.
the effective results sought shall the meeting was brought to a close serving. If you are having hash, or happy, successful day.
with the singing of the National Wilson and Alkins.
Little by little, the time is coming have been realized.
An them of the There were also many toothsome to a close when the Rev.
Members of the Division will THE HOME BEAUTIFUL luxuries which were provided for the Wade, the present incumbent of the Fourth Anniversary occasion and which were enjoyed by Church will leave these shores and Pensions To Elementary celebrate their on Sunday, March 16th. Several re. Column for Modern and send in our recipes, our short all present. The function was will sail for England on furlough Teachers and Officers presentatives have been asked to Housewives cuts, our speedy ways of doing brought to a close at 12 with his family. The Prayers of the of Parish Boards attend the function, while friends Conducted by things well, that give us the much congregation are asked for both By MRS. OLIVER and well wishers are cordially inneeded time for personal care, cul PROSPECTIVE DIVISION ministers the one in office and the Among a number of new laws to vited.
There is more to the home beauti ture, and pleasure. want a question OF THE succeeding one.
be enacted at the new session of the ful than appretty landscape, and from every reader of this column Jamaica Legislature will be (1) The costly furnishings and it matters not what it is, hope The usual weekly meeting of the agenda; consequently, all members provide for allowances to retiring Contentment is the largest factor, to be able to help you.
Prospective Division of the LA. are invited to attend this meeting. teachers of Elementary Schools and BUY FROM THE WORKMAN and the way to this contentment is The care of your babies, their will take place in the Hall at No. 25 The religious section of the pro. 2) Pension for Parochial Officers ADVERTISERS AND GET planty of time for everything, food, their clothes; the modern Street, Guachapali, at 00 gramme will be presided over by Mr. of Parish Boards.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Tasty, nourishing, well balanced young folk an their needs; your food Many interesting items are on the Jeffers.
meals, properly cooked and prettily problems, your gardens and a modern served, are another factor.
kitchen are allproblems of the home So, let us get our heads together beautiful. Let me help you.
MUSICAL JOTTINGS By A. Built by Dunlop Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY the very incepeion of the Fort out the World have been loud in their acclamation of this new Dunlop especially designed to meet present day motoring con ditions. tyre strong and robust in nature, built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years of experience and combining all the essen tial features one can only find la tyre built by DUNLOP.
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Musicians owe much to music and but fair, as far as music writing is music writers, and in this connec concerned, to divide the honors betion, it is well to mention that in tween both sexes, but, the name of addition the male composers of an. George Frederic Handel, the comcient times, there are a few outstand poser of the Hallelujah Chorus, is ing female writers who have made not to be forgotten.
names for themselves in this art, and The name of Coleridge Taylor their works for ever remain a source the composer of Hiawatha, is also of inspiration.
to be remembered in connection with Among these female writers are classical music. As a reminder, we Miss Francis Havergal and Miss take the opportunity of reproducing Fanny Crosby. The former is Handel Biography.
said to have written more hymns in her time than any other writer; her GEORGE FREDERIC HANDEL compositions are of high merit and Handel was born in Halle, Ger are always looked forward to with a many, in 1685 and died in England, great deal of fervour.
in 1759. When a lad of seven he Miss Crosby has also taken a very taught himself the harpsichordhigh place as a music writer, and her progressing so rapidly that, at the name will always remain a bye word insistence of the Duke of Saxe Weisamong musicians and composers from senfels, he was placed under Zachau, generation to generation. This is organist of the Halle Cathedral, for not too much to say, for them or intensive training in theory and comfor any other person or persons who positon, as well as in organ and have made valuable contributions (in various other instruments. After his science or art) to the world; for general studies at the gymnasium, he while they are gone, their works re matriculated at Halle University but main to the benefit of the human left the next year for Hamburg, to race.
become a member of the orchestra In the case of song and hymn under Keiser. In 1706 we find him writers, their work require the in Italy; and in such cities as Florability to compose both oetry and ence, Rome, Venice and Naples, music, and for this reason, their operas and oratorios by Handel were task is two fold. We very often produced with extreme success. Back sing the world is full of music, but in Germany in 1709, he was made when we think of the works of the Kapellmeister to the Duke of Hangreat masters and such compositions over. The following year he visited as have been written by these fe England, where his Rinaldo caused male composers we should pause and a furor. Other visits to that counthink for a moment and try to dif try ensued; these so little pleased ferentiate between music and music, the Elector that the latter, upon befor truly, some composers seem to coming George of England in 1714, have a soul far different from others, would have dismissed his Kapellas is often felt in their compositions. meiser but for the intervention of a In conclusion, may mention, that certain Baron Kilmanseck.
in naming composers, it seems to be In 1718 Handel became organist and composer to the Duke of Chandos, and director of the Royal Academy Phone 453 of Music. Very many of his operas were produced, but gradually the PANAMA oratorio displaced opera in the master attention and The Messiah, 16 STREET Judas Maccabaeus, Jephthah.
PANAMA and the other, monumental works of his last period were the result. FORT FORT DUNLOP Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama 1C.
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