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STABLISHED 19 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1930 Atlantic Side Jottings Mr. Marcus Garvey Ghandi Big Move in India WE CLEAN, BLOCK, SELL all kinds of Hats always in Stock a large assortment of PANAMA FELT HATS team a TODOC (By a Correspondent. Continued from Page 6)
Colon. Elaborate preparations are Deceased made many friends in the of such a determined effort being being made to give Headley, course of his career on the Isthmus made anywhere else to prevent other West Indian representatives and his death will be greatly felt. member from taking his seat to which Congress Orders Nationaland the Members of the He was from the city of Kingston, he was elected. Concluding his re. ists. To Support Final warm reception on their Jamaica, and was in his 38th year. marks Mr. Garvey promised he would Struggle For Freedom arrival at Cristobal next Wednesday Funeral took place on Monday eve work during the term of office with enroute to Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. ning, attended by a large circle of other Councillors for the good of the AHMEDABAD, India, Feb. 17. Cyril Laurence, Mr. Sam Uter and friends and relatives. To the sorrow. Municipality. He would endeavour The working committee of the AllWE SPECIALIZE IN Mr. Sidney Anderson and others are ing family we offer our deepest con to do what was right and proper.
India Nationalist Congress to day working hard to make the occasion dolence.
Councillor Clough welcomed the authorized disciplinary action against Genuine Montecristi a complete success. Full details will Hon. Seymour Seymour who was those members of the congress who PANAMA HATS appear next Saturday. warm time is planned for Mon then sitting for the first time since are still holding in the Legislature.
day night the 10th inst. at the his election for the second time as The congress, which is seeking the As was previously announced the Municipal SUBIA Gymnasium. The pro member for St. Andrew in the Legisindependence of India, ruled at the season of the surprise cup competi moters have lined up thirtyy two lative Council which position renderstart of the new year that the Leg.
61 Central Avenue Pannma tion opens on Sunday the 9th inst. rounds of the manly art, as follows: ed him an ex officio member of the islature should be boycotted. It also Two games are booked to be played, Main Mr. Vs. Council of the Corporation.
announced it would move against ODO OPO bout George Dixon 000 SOBO Wanderers Vs Pickwicks Marco Zorrilla, 10 rounds; Benny Garvey as a member of the Council.
Clough also briefly welcomed Mr.
those congress members who have The Legislature of South Africa Kent Oval. Bocas Vs.
resigned from the Legislature buting and blind. He can be shown the Palmer Vs. Al Smith, rounds; Lew truth, but he will not believe. The is adopting an Immigration law resUnited at Gatun Oval. Both Leonard Johnny Shadow, sentiments of welcome to Mr. Sey.
Councillor Gordon Hay endorsed the have decided to seek re election, better future for these tricting persons from Western games start at 12. 80 Sharp.
Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the hope of a rounds; Dinamita Yaties Vs. Kid mour and included in his remarks Nationalist movement and advocate black people in his country is based Europe to enter the union except on warm welcome to the Hon.
of a peaceable, non violent campaign solely on the acquisition by the the quota basis. The new law has Ethelbert Walters an old resident Remón, rounds; Semi final Max Izane of Italy V8 Kid Alfonso of DeCosta, Cu tos of Kingston.
of this city passed to Eternal rest Colombia, rounds; Bouts starts at of civil disobedience, now has full whites of an attitude in keeping with passed its second reading in the The Mayor on behalf of other authority for leading the new cam the ideals of humanity.
House of Assembly.
on Sunday last after a brief illness. o clock.
Cuneillors also extended a welcome paign. The congress has left it to to the gentleman mentioned. In doing him to fix the hour and the day sn His Workship said they were all when the campaign shall be inaugu LLLLLLLLS LLLLLLLLS LLLL LT47795745414F7FSFILATELISTELLTILLISTLAS FILTER! alive to the good work done in the rated. Every supporter of the moveCorporate Ares by Messrs DaCosta ment is ordered to throw himself POI 2SODO 01 100 1000 and Seymour and he hoped that God Into the final struggle for freedom.
would bless and keep them.
Probably the first point of attack Messrs DaCosta and Seymour suitwill be the government monopoly thly replied.
on salt. The independence leaders are expected to force native production and to endeavour.
of the handling of imported salt. Continued from Page through the dock laborers. The AllPCR than one sixteenth Negro blood India Spinners Association will probmd who agree to marry only with Rbly be the second in the field.
ch of the same rreial and tribs Today at New Delhi Sir James classification.
Crerar, home member of the Vier. De While Children of Mixed Blood roy executive council; Patel, The bill is designed to prevent speaker of the Legislative Assembly. white children of mixed blood from and party leaders were conferring attending white schools, and with its with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, on the passage this objective is assured.
situation arising from the recent The school authorities will now be dispute over the policing of the As.
legally armed to maintain the color line in the public schools. Under Șome years ago Mr. Patel assumed the existing law, they are permitted full: responsibility, but his instruc to enroll in white schools children of tions were overruled by the governmixed blood, provided the Negro adment, which announced its determmixture is less than one sixteenth.
nation to insure the safety of the graphio picture was drawn of the Assembly following the recent bombmixed schools in which children with undiscernable traces of Negro blood studied and played side by side others unaware of any difference. Once the legislators had this picture before them, the opposition melted away. Contiued from. Page 1)
and the measure passed by a vote of lazy, immoral and unintelligent.
35 to The Negro has been victimized No Conference in this country. He was brought Both bodies rejected the suggestion here as a slave and from generation that the matter be turned over to a to generation among white men the commission, on the grounds that belief that the white man is master these undesirable mixed schools and accordingly superior has prevailcould easily spread throughout the ed, Rev. Grenn stated.
State before the commission reported The problem of race assimilation upon its investigations, falls in large measure upon the It now takes 100 per cent Caucasian churches, which as clasg have been blood to make a white man, in Virremiss in that they have not pointed ginia, but one drop of Negro blood out the specific duties of the white makes a colored person.
man to these people, the speaker declared. In so doing the white man ligg failed to live up to the gos. ORDER BOOKS pel of equality, the brotherhood of.
God, whičk is preached as one of the SECRETARY fundamental doctrines of religion.
AND Any number of reasons for race TREASURER segregation are advanced by whites FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY to explain their attitude toward a ON SALE defenseless minority group. But after all the aversion of the average ORO At the Workman white toward the black) is unreason. CERVEZA Balboa The product of a Master Brewer embly.
IT IS THE Race Froblem. an est eer rewed Printery


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