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Te Pazama Canal Librar MAY 18 1980 Suche Ma Nothing THE DISINHERITED ESTABLISHED 1912 AMAT The Workman IN THE THE LIBERTY OF THE THE PRESS IS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY OUTRAS VOL 18. No 42 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 PRICE CENTS BRITISH JUSTICE STRIKINGLY UPHELD THE CIVIL. DISOBEDIENCE, Immigration Vhen Canadian NOTED WEST INDIAN SOPRANO IN LONDON Court Sentences Klu Restriction from Klux Member Western Hemisphere 50 Fine Travesty on Justice Says satin Gazette Leading Appeal Court Judgement ders assumed alarming proportions Strongly Deplored by United States Newspaper Madame Alyce Fraser Im Assuming Alarming Propresses Thousands At portions and Causing Albert Hall Apprehension In a recent issue of the Port ofappears the followThe great unrest in India occasioned by the Civil Disobedience disorone of Assemblymen Urge Harlem JO Housing Reform into in by Madame Alyce Fraser, soprano, during the week, clashes occurring bewhom the public of Trinidad will tween natives and the police resultTORONTO, Canada, April 24Fine Wholly Inadequate member with delight, is still in ing in many casualties among both First Division Court, Osgoode Hall, The greatest calamity that can Writing editorially on the Im basis, the country as a whole has England where she has secured sev. factions. The most serious today dismissed the appeal of befall a country is overthrow of the en migration problem to the United ACCEPTED THE PRESENT LAW erat engagements which will neces counter occurred at Calcutta by Magistrate law. Without it there is no security sitate hers staying there during the Tuesday where nine lost their lives Times of April 19 says:Phillips, convicted on States of America, the New York as a suitable expression of policy Mellveen at Oakville on a charge of for life or property. Mob law such with respect to European immigrawhole of 1930.
when the mob tried to storm the being unlawfully found with his face as is disclosed in this case is a step It is unfortunate that, in addition tion. This should therefore be left masked or blackened and disguised in that direction and, like a venomous Quite recently Miss Fraser appear police station and succeeded in smash to the complications which reside in out of discussions of the restriction ed in the Royal Albert Hall, London, ing the iron gates before being dis the proposals o resrict immigration of immigration from by night without lawful excuse. serpent, whenever its hollow head apthe Western where she won thousands of ad persed. Several policemen were inPhillips was a gang of pears, must be killed, not merely from the Western Hemisphere, efforts world. Other relations are involved, mirers.
jured and twentyfive arrests were masked and hooded klansmen who scotched. It is the duty of the court are again being made to reopen the and other local problems. Stripped The following are a few Press com made.
took a white girl away from her Ne to protect the authority of the law whole problem of quotas from the of all superfluous verbiage, the movements gro sweetheart in Oakville recently and regarding, as we do, the offense surprising incident was the announ European countries. While this is ment to limit immigration from the and issued an edict that there should in question as a grave one, we are The British Weekly, London. cement of the resignation of not the ostensible purpose of any of Western Homisphere is an effort to be no mingling between blacks and of the opinion that the monetary fine Monday Royal Albert Hall audience Patel Speaker of the Indian Legisla the recently proposed amendments to keep down the number of Mexicanwhites.
imposed by the magistrate was a had the rare pleasure of hearing ture who resigned under the convic the immigration restriction law of Indian immigrants, many of whom Negro Spirituals sung by a lady of tion that his country needed him in 1924, it would be the result were a are illiterate and most of whom are The court took a very serious view wholly inadequate punishment, a of the offense. They found 50 travesty on Justice, and we substitute colour, Miss Alyee Fraser. The the present emergency at Bombay selective system to be substituted for unassimilable. Opposition to the restrictionists comes from the people fine was only. travesty on justice, therefore imprisonment for the term soul of dark Africa called to us in and his pronouncement for a nation the present national origins system.
of three months.
these melodies, and the response was and they increased the penalty to wide boycott of British goods. But the sentiment of the country is still of the Southwest, who have found these immigrants excellent work three months imprisonment.
one of reverent understanding. New amidst all this the Indian Govern overwhelmingly in favour of restric This being the first case of this comers remaained motionless on the The court found the facts showed nature that has come before the ment continues to avoid any utter tion of immigration. No selective men.
illegal interference with the girl, court, we have dealt with the offense stairs or gangways, for it would have ances which might further inflame system has yet been proposed which So as not to give offence to Mex. Continued from page Continued on Page 8)
Isabel Jones. The motive of the ac with great leniency and the sentence is not so fraught with administrative ico, the proponents of Mexican recused and his companions was imdifficulties as to be striction are ready to give offence here imposed is not to be regarded material.
to all of Latin America and Canada.
as a precedent in the event of repeVIRTUALLY IMPRACTICABLE However sound the and which, once established, would arguments Action Unlawful tition of such offense. Their action was unlawful, wid not be subject to interpretations against restrieting the influx of Fined for Wearing Masks Chief Justice Mulock, and it is the which would make it the vehicle for Mexicans, this hardly seems a wise Phillips was convicted by duty of this court to pronounce the Magistrate Mellvein at Oakville on expanding rather than restricting im method of procedure. It needs but Landlords Merciless is Claim appropriate punishment.
migration. Even little familiarity with the problem The ac a charge of having been found with the proposal of cused and his companions took it his face masked or blackened or ALBANY, April 24. Deplorable vent eviction of tenants if repairs of selection within the limits of the grants from Latin America outside Senator Allen of Kansas for a form to realize that the number of immi.
with her rights. It doing so, they landlords refusing to make repairs or not been made by the landlords, demands of those who believe that Cuba is small. To place restricnot only committed an illegal offense out lawful excuse when he and ocas regards her, but also a crime cupants of some 15 motor cars vis making ineffective ones, garbage while the other, sponsored by Assem selection is the better way of choosing tions on these persons can only make ited the premises of Ira Johnson and being thrown down dumb waiters, blyman Lamar Perkins, would auagainst the majesty of the law.
our relations with Latin America removed Isabel Jones (white) to her Every person in Canada to en home.
door bells out of order and vestibules thorize a municipal court justice, at Despite the opposition of a few worse than ever. Futhermore, to titled to the protection of the law.
dark, were pictured by tenants at the his discretion, to issue a six months racial groups which have received place restriction on Canadian im The Crown counter appealed, say hearing on the Hariem landlord ten stay for tenants facing apparently smaller quotas under the national migration is to add to the injuries It is the supreme, dominant authority controlling the conduet of everyone, seter of the offense, namely, that the ing that, having regard to the charunreasonable rent increases.
ants bills introduced by Assemblymen (Continued on page Some protection is needed by the origins provision than under the 1890 and no person, however exalted or Rivers and Lomar Pertenants at of high his power, is entitled to do with law was taken into the hands of acimpunity what that lawless mob did.
cused, the great show of potential communities, kins. It isn true of every landlord force and all surrounding circumWOMANS STOMACH The attack of the accused and his ACTIVITIES companions upon the rights of this stances, the sentence was too light. One of them, introduced by Assem but we do want to cover many cases Coughed up Alive After Meeting Takes Form of girl was an attempt to overthrow the there should have been a jail term büyman Francis Rivers, would pre where real hardship arises.
Three Years Devotional Character law of the land and in its place to set instead of a fine of 50.
up mob law, lynch law, and to sub Is He Doctor?
WEST INDIAN HELD ON MUSICAL AND LITERstitute lawlessness for the law en Bowllby referred to apDANGEROUS DRUG COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, The regular meeting of the ChrisARY SOCIETIES May lizard was yesterday pre tian Endeavour Society of the Panforcemen which obtains in civilized pellant as Dr. Phillips.
CHARGE ORGANIZED less. lizard was yesterday pre ama Wesleyan Church for Wednesday countries. Continued on Page 3)
Arnold Dixon 36 years old West The dissolution of the Isthmian served in a glass case at the Glockner last 7th inst, took the form of a Indian, and a ta lor by trade, was Literary and Musical League which Sanitorium here as souvenir of devotional character and was preside arrested by detectives and taken from over by the Rev. Wright.
at one time functioned here and did one of the strangest cases ever to Two scipture lessons were readhis shop at 23rd street East on Wed excellent work in the community, have come to the attention of medical the first by Miss Gladys Broadley was the cause of a great set back science.
and the second by Mrs. Rose Moore.
his possession a quantity of cocaine. for a little time to the members com Mrs Harry Rietter of Colorado The minutes of the class meeting were It is stated that Dixon had been prising these organization.
Headley Immortalized Himself Shone Springs, who coughed up a lizard read by the general secretary and the under police suspicion for some time, An old proverb says, ambition alive yesterday after the reptile had roll call was sponsored by the Rev.
and on Wednesday last detectives sleeps, but never dies. Quite re made its home in her stomach for Wright.
ASSIU were detailed to investigate. They cently, the Atlantic Literary and Writing on Test Match Cricket in ning the files of the Sports Columns of entered his premises under pretest of Musical Societies have combined to hearly years, was on the road tosto (Continued on page 8)
general and of the West Indies in the various newspapers cannot but finding out whether he had been organize Literary League to take recovery after her life had been despaired of it was floating in egg form. Apparticular, the Port of Spain Gazette be astonished at the wonderful per registered, and it is alleged that the place of the defunct one, and inop Trinidad mys the following:strogovor parently the egg hatched in her formance of Australian. How this lizard became lodged in stomach and lived there almost causlast discovered the deadly drug wrapped going strong on the Atlantic side. her stomach is a mystery. The ing her death before it made its way fresh records established in all branch season in England has demonstrated in paper in a machine drawer, Dixon The Pacific end is also showing theory made by local physicians is through the tube leading from her es of sport nowadays. Anyone can. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 5) that she drank some water in which stomach to her mouth, kins for relict by their constituent la mano the sem LIZARD LIVED IN PANAMA WESLEY a Test Match Record Established in Cricket nendey, on the charge of having in Splendidly Against Oma hana sot accustomed to seeing the new albert eldrete, in billiards while making such investigation they terest in this termine them into


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