
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1980 WEST INDIAN INTERESTING NEWS BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA TRINIDAD BARBADOS Loan and Grant Jamaica Siar New Ordinance Barbadian for Road Devel Batsman Signally Governing In Spanish opment in the Honoured Registration Foreign Legion Golony Mr. George Headley Given Big 10th states that in the last annual Trapped by Promise of Work Reception and Souvenir by in Morrocco Members of His Club The Port of Spain Gazette of April Giant Bunch of Banana sent act Headley, and the club. They were ing Governor over we were report on the work of the Council of the Medical Board, the following reference is made on the registration The Demerara Argosy of recent (By CLARKE BENN in the Weekly Herald)
of Medical Practitioners:date says: Jamaica great batsman, in the true sense of the word, and did not The present Ordinance provides went to Cuba in 1926 from or two adobe structures and a large His Exellency the Officer Adperson of Mr. George Headley, was mean gaming. Cricket was somethat any person who is entitled to Barbados my native land. My activ number of tenta ministering the Government has rowont interest Next day we were detailed to difceived telegram from the Secre signally honoured by the Lucas Crick thing higher than that. He counsel practise medicine in Great Britain ties in that country tary of State intimating that the et Club, of hich he is a member, led Mr. Headley to be very careful and Ireland is entitled to be register anybody; but in the summer of 1926, Serent non commissioned officers who at a reception ball and presentation in his actions, as he had become an ed and to practise in this colony. heard a rumour that emigrants were beat, kicked and spet upon us, cuffing Imperial Treasury have approved of function held in hie honour at the international figure in cricket cir. Among those entitled to practise in wanted for Morocco, Africa where a and puching those who were awkward a loan of 12, 100 and grant of Nelson Oval on Easter Monday night cles, and all eyes were turned on him, Great Britain and Ireland are pertown was being built.
in drill all the time. 8, 000 from the Colonial DevelopThere was a large attendance of While he was making his successes, sons with diplomas from certain went to the Emigration office, One Sunday after drill went ment Fund on the terms recommend invited guesta.
he should remember that there would British Possessions with reciprocity one Senor Francisco Torres was in straight on guard and about ten ed by the Committee.
Mr. Nelson of Cross Roads, be days, when he would not be able arrangements with Great Britain. charge. He told me the men were o clock at night was told by the The Committee recommendation, occupied the chair, and among those to wield his willow, and he should As a result of these arrangements we wanted to work in separate batches, Sergeant to go and get a rent. which was approved by the Legisla present were Mr. Holt, Captain lay aside something for those days in Trinidad may not accept persons that would be a timekeeper and had to return to guard at midnight.
tive Council, was that in addition to of the Club; Mr. George Headley. He was pleased to be there to do with diplomas from say, France, and that my pay would be five dollars a went into the guard room and was the opening of the Kaburi road to a just dozing off when heard some point from which branch road will guest of honour; Mr. McCalla, honour to their young cricketer who the United States, but must accept day.
Secretary: Mr. Thomas, Sergeant had achieved great fame, and he Italian and Japanese Practitioners.
The boat arrived on June 25th 1926 body laughing. Without uncovering be constracted to Batukari the entire Major Williams, Mr. Hollar, and Mr. would still be watching carefully Mr. All British Possessions are not in and we sailed the following day. shouted in Spanish Hush or leave.
Bartica Kaburi road be opened up to Myers.
Headley future career (applause. reciprocity arrangements with Great After eighteen days sailing, the old Immediately felt a kick in my left the junction of the east and west Mr. McCalla, then read an Britain and we are placed in the boat arrived at Cadiz, Spain, and we side jumped up grappled the person Kaburi river. REMARKS address to Mr. Headley, after which anomalous position of having to re were at once told that we would have round the waist and threw him on Mr. Holt opened the proceedings Mr. Nelson presented it to him alongject diplomas from the Laval and to join the Spanish Foreign Legion the bed. Then recognised who it with a short speech in which he introduced Mr. Nelson to the gathering to mate and tie pin.
with a pair of gold links and studs McGill Universities of Toronto and or go to jail, if we couldn repay was. It was the corporal of the Montreal but we are bound by law cur passage money. They knew quite guard! He was a small delicate and mentioned that Mr. Nelson had THE ADDRESS to register diplomas from Ceylon, well we had no money or we never youngster, wasn given much time always taken a keen interest in Mr.
The address was as follows: Malta, Hong Kong, the Punjab, etc. would have left Cuba. There was for thought for three other corporals Dear Mr. Headley: The position is not satisfactory and only one alternative we enlisted in rushed to his assistance at once and glad to have him there that evening. We the Officers and Members of in the new Ordinance it is provided. the Foreign Legion one hundred of after a struggle was overpowered and would ask him to preside over the Lucas take this opportunity (a) that only persons with diplo us, ten British subjects, the rest but not until had floored three the function.
of expressing our pride and appre mas from Great Britain and Northern were Germans, Cubans, Spaniards, of them, was put in the military Mr. Nelson in a lengthy and inMr. Santos, of British Guiana, teresting speech, congratulated Mr. ciation of your great achievement Ireland be entitled to be registered Russians one Italian and one China jail for a month. was lucky to get during the Tour to the West in this Colony; man. We were sent off from Cadiz only a month.
recently sent to the acting Governor Headley on his cricket performances, Indies and particularly in Demerara (b) that no diplomas from foreign the following dawn, for Cauta of the colony, bunch of bananas and on being selected to represent where you added your name to countries be accepted; When came out of jail was (Morocco) the fortified Spanish sent to the 7th Bandera 25th Coy.
grown at West Bank; it contained the West Indies in Australia. He Cricket Records of History. e) that with regard to diplomas North African capital near Gibraltar, These are the battalions that go into (Continued on Page 7) assured the gathering that cricket Within a couple years you have from British Possessions with reel and in the afternoon we were taken action in the country and at Sector demanded playing the game in every become famous in cricket cricles, procity arrangements with Great to Riffien by train twenty minute called Sumata had my baptism of standing among the first few batsBritain it be left to the Council to ride. Riffien was the training camp fire from the Moors was also in men of the world, and possibly the exercise their discretion as to the an awful place, just a wide piece of action at Tasaret and Montes Santos.
same position as a fieldsman. diplomas they will accept for regis rock and sand with the beach for the When fighting was tration NEURALGINA We haave also to congratulate you parade ground. There were also one (Continued on page 7)
on your selection for the Australian Tour. You will be going to the country of large scoring possibilities and Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any the West Indies and your Club will be neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. watching your progress with fresh interest NEURALGINA It is very pleasing to us to know that all this fame has not in any way Should be in every schol to soothe bud headaches affected you as is so often the case, INCORPORATED 1869 and reduce the fever of children and we certainly hope that your future life will be a credit to yourself Head Office: Montreal, Canada and those who have heged you to NEURALGINA attain the position in which cricket has placed you. You are no longer Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart an individual known only to Jamaica PANAMA COLON Sut the Cricket World will be watchSanta Ana Plana ing your future and a continuation Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets For sale both Wholesale and Retail of your success will depend largely on your individual self.
AT THE We must, however, warn you of evil influences that would endeavour to pull you aside thinking they are doing you honour, as anything beyond JAVIER LORAN, Proprietor correct living will affect you morally, With 900 Branches throughout the world, including physically, and socially. We but wish to assure you that the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Panama.
we on our part are anxious and deis in a position to render the best possible service.
sirous of doing anything and everything that will help you to live up to the standard of life in which your Antigua Dominion Montserrat cricket achievement have placed you.
Bahamas We ask of you to accept the acGrande St. Kitts companying souvenir which has been Barbados St. Lucia subscribed to by the members of British Honduras Surgeon. Dentist Martha your Club as a token of their gratitude, appreciation and goodwill toGuadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
wards you, and believe us to be.
123 Central Avenue Panama City. The address was signed by the members of the Club.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, MR. HEADLEY REPLY HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Mr. Headley in replying thanked Mr. Nelson for all the kind things he PAID ON DEPOSITS had said of him, and promised that Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment he would try to live up to their expectations He also thanked the General Banking Business Transacted. Continued page 7)
The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 AMERICAN PHARMACY Dr. Leo Pink Jamaica (2)
Trinidad (2)


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