
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 PAGE FIVE FYLLAST TELE The Love Parade Today AND Tomorrow The Createst Musical Attraction Ever to be Shown in Panama With MAURICE CHEVALIER FEARS LITTLE FILFLFILTERS FTS IMPORTANT NOTICE Noted West Indians Barbados. Trinidad Football And Tennis Matches To Whom It May Concern (Continued from page 1)
been a crime to disturb such musie. To Whom It May Concern. Ballymena Observer. Many the undersigned hereby were turned away. The first thing beg tto notify the Public that sruck one aften remarking her that will not be responsi BARBADOS TRINIDAD FOOT.
very fine soprano voice was her ex ble for any debt or debts TORT OF SPAIN, Tdad. April 30.
cellent diction her enunciation when contracted by my wife, Mrs. The personnel of the Trinidad singing was a revelation, every syl Rosina Albertha Cox, at tennis team, which sailed by the Jable being crystal clear.
present residing at Spoon Dominica on 29th April to play er Hill, St. Michael, Bar ngainst the Savannah Club team fol Methodist Recorder, London bados, she havin lows: Mesdames Grier, Trafford, During the two week ends Miss left my protection without Gerald and Wight.
Fraser spent at Grosvenor Hall, BelMessrs. Packer (Captain. my consent.
fast, well over ten thousand persons and Notsnaget, Cuthbert, listened to her ministry of song. Sgd. DAVID COX Thsvenot Thor, Schjolseth, Roy AlSo deep was the impression made ston and Burslem, that the audience again and again broke into spontaneous applause.
BARBADOS PLAYERS BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Methodist Times, London. Alyce BARBADOS, April 30. The folADVERTISERS AND GET Fraser, the famous West Indian solowing players have been selected to VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY represent Barbados in a tennis tourprano, has been thrilling large audiences in Belfast and Lisburn durrament vs Trinidad starting to morrw. Men Singles, Oneale ing the past week with her rendering PALAIS ROYAL and Edwards, Ladies Singles of Miriam Song of Triumph and Miss Haynes and Mrs.
Negro Spirituals.
FOR Arthur, Men Doubles: Geo. Chal Stanley News and consett SUITS lenor and Dr. Hutson, Chronicle. Miss Alyce Fraser, the Chandler and Mason, Tarwonderful West Indian soprano, too culivated, artistic, and given with ilton and Edwards. Mixed through her ministry of song has musicianly skill. Her repertoire wa Doubles: Miss Haynes and given large audiences. glimpse of varied, and included Negro Spirituals, Smith, Miss Skinner and Heaven. She has thrilled, inspired the interpretation of which we felt Oneale. Extras: Miss Good, Ashand spiritually enthused many listen was the real thing and so unlike the ley Phillips and Edwards.
ers. There was an atmosphere of attempts of others who were not fervour created by her singing. The natives of Africa, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, April hearts of many were touched, for ac The African race could have no 29. The football match between companying all her singing was the better advocate or missionary. How Queens Royal College of Trinidad and sense that she was singing for the could they have a better medium than Harrison College of Barbados, played Master. It was wonderful singing hers the medium of song?
this evening, resulted in a win for the former by goals to nil. Two 990009 goals were scored by Archibald and Ryan respectively, and the third by a Harrisonian.
THE LAND OF DREAMS Panama Wesleyan Choir The realm of the unknown is a land of magic. Here all are entitled to guess, conjecture, speculate and dream. The hu TO RENDER MUSICAL man intellect is equipped with wings of imagination, which carry PROGRAMME the soul on endless excursions, out over boundless seas, down into AT BALBOA fathomless gulis and upward beyond myriad worlds and glittering Arrangementt are under way for suns, and then back always back to earth. Upon these flights the rendition of a musical programme man is invariably accompanied by two daring adventurers.
by the Panama Wesleyan Choir at Audacity, and Ambition, who challenge him to touch with tireless the Balbon on Sunday wings the utmost bounds of space, and measure the duration of 25th inst.
eternity. Each trial ends in failure, but the effort proves man This will be the first time that the to be akin to God. None but children of the Most High would Choir will sing in a Canal Zone white ever essay to encompass the Infinite and challenge the riddle of Clubhouse, but the members of the the Universe. The mind, when quickened by light, laught at Secretarial staff have over and over chains and prison bard. Only Ignorance, first born of Night, can again given excellent service at the clip its wings and make the soul of man a cringing, crawling Panama Wesleyan Church, consething among the clods.
quently, the fulfilment of this pro He who cannot forget toil, ignore injury, banish trouble mise will be looked upon as being reand by spurning sordid things of earth, mount upward on eagle ciprocal.
wings to the land of Dreams, is of all men most miserable. Spe The occasion is being looked forculation is a veritable garden of the Gods where men not only ward to with much interest.
forget their sorrows, but learn to make dreams come true. Its silvery streams are rich with ideas, its sunkissed mountains filled with gold, its caves sparkle with glittering gems, while its radiant Grand Rally of Counties atmosphere is filled with winged thoughts destined to transform By Jamaica Society earth into a Paradise and immortalize the human race.
at Colon Man mission in life is to conquer and redeem this earth from disease, injustice, prejudice, ignorance and oppression. ProA grand rally of the Counties of gress has been slow, the struggle fierce and long. For countless Jamaica, Viz Cornwall, Middlessex, ages, man sought to know the secrets of steam and steel of and Surrey, will be held on Saturday night May 10th at D Street matter and force of light and heat of frost and flame of blood and brain of atom and sun of microbe and mammoth of Cell Colon, under the auspices of the and universe. Centuries, ages and aeons, in serried ranks marchJamaican Mutual and Protective Soed past the home of man, while in caves of Ignorance and Fear, ciety, a popular band will be in athe fought the cruel monsters of the Night. When man could tendance. It is expected that all leave these caves, and climb the mountains and live in sunlight, members, friends and wellwishers he straightway commenced to dream to speculate. It did not will make it their duty to be present.
take him long to learn that speculation is a land of Magic, ever Members are also advised that our flowing with milk and honey. In this land man first dreamed of general meeting takes place on the Golden Rule. It was here that Socrates met Reason and Wednesday 14 inst, a full turn out Aristotle fell in love with Philosophy and carried her captive to is expected as matters of paramount earth. In this land Harvey discovered the circulation of blood, importance will be dealt with.
Newton found the law of Gravity, and Gallileo in a vision saw the earth whirling around the sun. Upon its borders Watt and Fulton solved the mystery of steam and steel, instantly revoluGET YOUR tionizing methods of manufacture and transportation. Franklin, Morse, and Bell explored this land of magic and mystery, and returned to earth with King Lightening chained to their chariot wheels, to become the abject slave of man. Edison entered this DONE AT THE land of dreams, and discovered a key with which he unlocked the golden gates of Light, and not only revealed the mysteries of the electric age, but transformed human life on this planet. Marconi, Workman pluming his pinions for a daring flight, plunged into the clouds Printery and wrestled from invisible Ether the secret of wireless telegraphy. The Wright brothers, twin spirits of adventure, daring, dauntless, and death defying pioneers of progress, boldly invaded the realm of speculation, and made the dream of ages come true.
PALAIS ROYAL In triumph they returned upon the wings of the Morning to be FOR crowned Kings of the Air. Their names will live until the planets are dust and the suns are dead. None save the dreamer of dreams SUITS can hope for fadeless glory and deathless fame. The American Republic is the dream of Washington and Jefferson. Garrison, Phillips, Lovejoy and Lincoln dreamed that shackles fell from Musical and the bleeding limbs of four million slaves, and it came to pass.
When men cease to dream, Progress will die, and Liberty perish Continued from Page 1)
in the wreck of human hopes. Man is destined to discover in this Land of Dreams the right solution of every problem of life, was taken to the police station and from there to the Carcel Modelo whether social, industrial, or political, mechanical or spiritual.
where he is at present confined The past is only a prophesy of that which is to come, and every pending a hearing by the 4th circuit dreamer is a prophet of the Dawn.
court judge.
WINDLE Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY Job Printing co000000 200 IODO TOPO CRICKET! CRICKET. BARBADOS, May In the Tennis game played this afternoon Mr.
De Neal and Miss Skinner, Barbados, beat Mr. Packer and Mrs. Grier, Trinidad, 3, 3. Mr. Smith and Miss Haynes, Barbados, beat Mr. Burslem and Mrs.
Wight, Trinidad, 0, 3. Mr.
Edwards, Barbados, beat Mr. Thavenot, Trinidad, 2, 6, 5; and Mrs. Arthur, Barbados, beat Mrs.
Trafford, Trinidad, 6, 3, 2.
BARBADOS, May The Football Match between Trinidad Sporting Club and a Barbados Eleven resulted in a draw, each side scoring two goalst. For the Trinidad Sporting Club Mathieu and Achong scored and for Barbados one was scored by Dr. MeIntosh and the other from a penalty, NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Get a copy of the West Indies Cricket History PALAIS ROYAL FOR and read the records of past Cricket Veterans AND, Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages SUITS ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY JOB PRINTING AND TREASURER Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 yearsj Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Interesting colo Price 50cts. Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND ON SALE At the Workman pport AT THE Printery WORKMAN PRINTERY Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ADVERTISERS AND GET.


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