p. 8


Why throw away your old, but no THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 Disobedidence HORSE RACING THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 man when Andrew Sandham made and 127 in the Third Test and 143 326. Now a thrd record for a West in the Fourth Test. Hammond, in Indian is made. Headley joining 1928 29 made 251 in the Second Test. Continued from Page 1)
two or three more records, if not Sutelffe and Hammond in being the 200 in the Third and 119 and 117 in Many Belated Dog Fans that he is the greatest exponent of more, have been registered in the May be seen in the Game third batsman in the world who has the Fourth.
th: game that has ever lived. The Test Match now in progress in King made four centuries in Test Cricket (Continued from Page Headley has made 176 in the First With the departure of the dogs the native mind and the moderaté reputation of John Roberts Jnr paleston, Jamaica into insignificance beside the form during a single season. Curiously Test in Barbados, during the present and the closing down of Kennelworth, Indian elements continue to support The first record to be established enough each of the three men has tour, 112 and 114 in the Third in there is sure to be a rush to Juan the government.
of Walter Lindrum, and his last is that of the highest aggregate for made the double in performing the Georgetown, British Guiana and 223 Franco Track on a Sunday afternoon Latest despatches received over performance of beating such a master by thirsty sport fans to try their the wire yesterday from Bombay as Willie Smith by over 21, 000 points 849 in the first innings and the second made in 1924 25 in Australia, when a single innings, when England made feat. Suteliffe performance was in the present Test (the fourth) in Jamaica luck at the horses.
stated that after a night of soothing in a for night game, when he scored highest individual score of any bats he made 115 in the First Test 176 Yet another record has been surThere is no gainsaying the fact unrest, Sholapur was comparatively over 36, 000 points to the 15, 000 odd passed, the aggreate of the present that playing the dogs has created quiet this morning.
of Smith was nothing short of the 20DOC 100 match (which is now 1815) have exan appetite for betting among quite Two large groups of refugees ar miraculous.
ceeded the 1753 of the England Ausa number of our people, who, prior riving here from Poona estimated It is therefore, gwtifying to see tralia match at Adelaide in 1920 21, to the advent of greyhound racing on than 50 natives were killed and that in the West Indies we have no so that not more than 116 runs are the Isthmus, were strangers to between 300 to 400 wounded in yessms hand in improving on the renow needed to surpass the highest agwas the art of betting; many of them it terday rioting. Although it made cords of the grand old game of crickgregate ever in first class may be ventured to state, who were officially announced that the Shola et, during the tour of the present cricket, viz: 1929 for 89 wickets in the seen out at Kennelworth at night, pur casualties totalled two police team, Hendren was the first doubt interesting books, when you famous New South Wales South elbowing their way through the men killed and five missing the Australia match at Sydney in 1925to start hanging up some of these dense crowd shouting out for a fifty rioters believe that five were killed can have them neatly bound at 26. Headley, moreover, immortalises records; then we had the spectacle of cents on a number, to make up the and 24 injured seriously.
himself still further by being able to young Headley becoming one of a desired amount of two dollars, never mob of several thousands last claim that he has the distinction of very select quintette who have made even knew what it was to play the night burned the district courthouse having made the highest individual Incal lottery.
two separate hundreds in a single at Sholapur and gutted several police CARLOS MENDOZA STREET score aganst England in a Test Match, Test Match. Again we had the first So, now that the dogs are gone, it stations. Three policemen were murthe previous best being MurWest Indian victory over England in is quite possible that many of these dered and other officers missing, are JAVILLO FILL doch 211 made at the Kennington Test cricket in Georgetown; and now will be seen at the Juan Franco track, believed to have been murdered.
OB01 10 DO 000 OD01 10 FOF Oval as far back as August 1894. He chanting the same tune of fifty also eclipses the previous West Incents on such and such a horse. And LEYFILTUSUFRUT dies best of 209 by Roach in it has been said that for the past The Civil Demerara. Still another record can few Sunday afternoons the tune has be claimed for the West Indies, viz: been faintly audible and bids fair that they have made the highest to become more pronounced, especialtotal in a fourth innings in a Test ly if the management of the racing (Continued from page 1)
Maatch, the previous best being Enggame decide to illuminate the track which we have already done to that land 411 against Australia, at Sydand race the horses at nights, as is country, which by race, customs. AT: ney in 1924 25, when they were set strongly rumoured around town.
geography and business is closer to 605 to win. The highest score in the An this as it may be. For the be us than any other nation in the fourth innings of any side, in first nefit of all those who intend going world.
class cricket, stands to the credit of out to the pony track tomorrow al New South Wales, when playing It is the contention of Senator Hayternoon, we publish the following den of Arizona, an opponent of reSouth Australia at Sydney in 1907interesting program which is to 08, and they just lost by 21 runs, after striction on immigrtion from Mexmorrow offering:being set 598 to win. Four other ico, that stricter enforcement of exscores of over 500 for the fourth inisting laws has cut the influx of Mex1st RACE FURLONGS nings have been made. The total of icans from 50, 000 to 10, 000 annually. Bright Night 105 the West Indies of 408 for wickets While, these figures will doubtles be Tonosi 180 is the second highest to that in Test disputed, they suggest a way out of Half Rate 110 Cricket, and there are still the difficulty. This is to make spe4 White Sox 105 wickets to fall, there is a chance that cial provisions to enable the immi6 Pereque 116 we might exceed the Australian recgration officials to enlarge greatly Sibarita ord, and, even if we afterwards fail 100 their staff along the Mexican border, 110 to win the match, cover ourselves 80 that the number of illegal enwith glory by stamping our effort as tranta can be reduced and so that 2nd RACE FURLONGS the greatest which has been known closer examination may be made of in the history of the game, to snatch admission. Ramona 114 While it is doubtful it strict enforcea victory. Darien 116 ment would cut the number of MexiExcitement in Jamaica is, no doubt, 4Bubbling Water 126 cans as sharply as the Senator from at fever heat though the downfall of El Major 100 Headley at the critical stage must Arizona contends and if it did it Laughing Water 110 would not suit the gentleman conhaave damped the spirits of the spectators to no inconsiderable exstituents who are largely dependent POST TIME 15P.
3rd RACEFURLONGS on Mexican labour it may in the end tent. Today in conclusion, is the Silver Star 104 prove the best solution of an othereigth day of the match, and we do Hot Water 100 wise highly complicated situation, not remember any other Test Match Diez y Seis 122 having lasted into this length of Dancing Girl 108 time. Monte Mahall 100 Don Simon 128 PALAIS ROYAL PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE FOR 4th RACE FURLONGA Marcela SUITS 104 Tramcars direct to and from Track to 15 (Continued from page 1) Resolute 104 The Secretary for this department Alondra ex Goodness Agnes 118 is Miss Dawkins who prepared the 4Cartagena 110 BUY FROM THE WORKMAN programme for the evening. The La Chiquilla 112 ADVERTISERS AND GET subject for the occasion was disci. Cantones 30126 pleship on which Miss Me Millan VALUR FOR YOUR MONEY Kitty Gin 126 read a paper.
Mrs. Mary Scott contributed a 6th RACE FURLONGS Vocal Solo and Miss Ambrozine Bubbling Water 104 El Medico 106 Villiers recitation entitled Life 2 Zapo 126 Honey Dew 112 Trigo 112 Pora 135 singing was carried out and the meetIntimo 116 ing was brought to a close with the Rippling Water 110 7th RACE FURLONGS Phone 453 Singing of the Mizpah. Huerfano 116 Don Florentino 105 DRY CLEANING Marcella 126 PANAMA Bistouri Or 6th RACE6 FURLONGS STEAM PRESSING C2 PALAIS ROYAL 110 Tunney 16 STREET 104 Corazon 105 DYEING Lagrimit niepr FORoiso: 1145 Rifle ex Dunreigh 126 We Dye To Live PANAMA Exense Mo 1896 Pauline 117 SUITS JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday May 11th ENTICING RACES 7 RS Pepe Palo Loco 104 those who apply for Including the Fastest Horses on the Local Track and Featuring such fleet ones as Marcela, Kitty Gill, Cartagena, La Chiquilla, Goodness Agnes Resolute, General Admission. 50c.
Panama Wesleyan PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager Mirror. The usual congregational TROTT The Cleaner


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