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LP no PERTINENT QUESTION ESTABLISHED The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 34 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 PRICE CENTS Rousing Welcome Given Cricketers at Colon Headley DeCaires Royally CONDITIONS PLATA COSTA Jamaican Shot by Entertained Overseer in Cuba RICA DEPLORABLE Friend Taken to Jail and Bound to bed with Chains of 16.
on Failure of Negotiation Between Co. And The Are Presented With Souvenirs and Addresses National Govt. By DAN. WHYTE)
Mr. Ricketts read the following When it was learnt that you would be correspondent writing to the Colon, March 12th. Looking gay address in a sentorian voice to Mr. the sole representative of Jamaica in Jamaica Mail from Siquirres, Costa correspondent writing to the the clerk refused to give thern money and in the best of spirits Mesers Headley.
the first Test Match at Barbados, Rica says:Jamaica Gleaner from Moron, Cama or food, and he would have been Headley, famous cricketer of Jamaica, the most sanguine amongst us felt SIQUIRRES, Costa Rica, Feb. 26. guey, Cuba, on February 20th states justified in using a stronger word and De Caires of British (The Address)
that on account of your youth and the failure of negotiations between that a quarrel resulted in the than that which he had used.
Guiana arrived at Cristobal at 30 Colon, Rep. of Panama in experience in Test Matches outside the National Government and the serious wounding Ebenezer EXCHANGE OF BLOWS o clock on Wednesday morning last March 12, 1930. of your Island home, and playing United Fruit Company in regard to Jamaica, occurred there on February At this, the overseer in alleged to by the Ariguani from Trinidad Mr. George Headley as you would under strange surround certain land concessions that were have dealt Prancis three severe enroute to Kingston, Jamaica Dear Sir: ings, the best could not be expected sought by the Company, has precipFrancis and Vernon Scott who blows in his face with his fist, and As the steamship drew alongside We the undersigned members of from you, but when the news was itated condition that is well nigh hails from Trelawony in Jamaica, left to have drawn his revolver. The the pier, shouts of greetings were the West Indian Colony residing in flashed to us that you had made the deplorable.
Placetas in the Province of Santa man thus assailed, drew his cutlass extended them by the large crowd.
the Republic of Panama and the magnificent score of 176 in the sec Siquirres is no longer the import Clara, where they had been living from its scabbard, and is said to The gangway being lowered, the Canal Zone have availed ourselves of ond inning the jubilation of every ant centre it used to be: the buildfor some years, to go to Punta Alegra have dealt the overroer, three smart Members of the Headley Souvenir the opportunity presented by your West Indian was indescribable. ings that up to quite recently accom to cut canes. They arrived in this blows, one of which wounded the Committee comprising of Messrs brief visit to tender to you our This function is largely the result modated the inland offices of the division on February 12, and started Cuban on his left hand. The over.
Cyril Laurence, President, John Ne warmest congratulations your of our appreciation of the excellent Railroad, Electrical, and Agricultur to work. They were told that they seer in retaliation, is alleged to verson Vice President, Andrew Jr. brilliant performances in the recent display. It is true that you did not al Departments of the Company are could not get pay until the end of have fired two shots at Francis, one Treasurer, Anderson Secretary. Test Matches against the powerful shine as brilliantly as we had hoped abandoned, to say nothing of the the month, but that they could get bulle hitting him on the mouth, Cambridge, Gittens, M. team played in the Colonies scores of employees here and else goods by vouchers which were given and the other piercing his arm. The at Trinidad, this no doubt was due Mollison, Ricketts, Crooks. of Barbados, Trinidad and British to your beig uaccustomed to playing where that have been dismissed from to them as a good for payment.
wounded man fell to the ground. Prince, Lambert, Uter, Guiana.
on matting, still your 99 in the second the service in keeping with the prinSTART OF TROUBLE The astonished overseer believing Doran, Stanley, Dewdney and We wish at the offset to assure you inning is the second highest score.
ciple of retrenchment.
On the 16th of February, at about Francis dead, ran into the casefields others went on board and explained that this movement to honour you is. At Bourda you demonstrated in an What next? is the question on 30 o clock in the morning, they and hid himself but returned after, their mission not an insular affair, on the contrary unmistakable manner your ability everybody lips. There is no fear went into the grocery store on the and reported that he had received The delegation and party soon left representatives of almost every and temperament as a Test Match regarding the railroad, but for which farm (Tienda No. 12) to make some wound on his left hand. In the the ship for the residence of Mr. British Colony from the Carribean batsman, you 114 first inning and 112 there could be not internal traffic, as purchases, but the clerk in this store meanwhile, Francis was taken to the Cambridge where an elaborate recep and Demerara have worked unitedly second inning have earned for you that concern is no strictly belonging refused to attend to them, because hospital at Panta, San Juan, where tion was held.
in making this reception and presen undying fame. From a very reliable to the aggrieved corporation. This they had no money. The two Jam he now lies under the treatment of It was arranged that the visitors be tation possible.
source we have gathered that you are gives a little relief to those who ricans called the man attention to Dr. Mendez.
shown the Gatun locks and the trip Akhough domiciled in a foreign the fifth batsman in the world that would be pessimistie; for it is now the fact that they were only asking Vernon Seott, Francis friend, who was accordingly made Returning at land we are nevertheless keenly in has made over century in each in generally held that if the Company for what they were entitled, but the, was a spectator of the incident, was 11. 05 a unique function took place terested in everything that tends to, ning of Test Match. In accomplish were not merely bluffing and would clerk would not listen to them, and arrested and taken to the jail in the at the America Theatre, Mr. Cyril the material and social advancementing this feat you have curved your eventually withdraw their interests Francis made use of the word sin small town of Punta Alegre, where Laurence, President presided apd in of our homelands, therefore we could name in the niche of fame. To say from Costa Rica, the existence of a verguenza (people without shame. it is alleged, that he was bound with few appropriate words, explained not permit you to touch this port that we are proud of you is to put it railway system would induce other The Cuban overseer of the property, chains to a bed in such a way, that the reason for the gathering. On without manifesting in a tangible mildly.
capitalists to come in and make in who was nearby, overbeard Prancis, he could not twist. He was forced the platform were His Britanic Me form our apprecision of the excellent It is our sincere wish that in the vestments here.
and told him that if he repeated the to give a statement of the ocear jesty Vice Consul, Mrs. Linda Smart manner in which you helped to up æeries of matches to be played on your It is known for certainty that the words, he would use his long maebet rence, and was released the followChubb, and member of the Com hold the prestige and traditions of native beath you will cover yourself present government is not disposed te on him.
ing day.
mittee. selection from the Or West Indian Cricket on the fields of with additional glory.
to give any preference to the United Francis replied that he was com Latest reports indicate khat Fras.
chestra opened the proceedings and Kensington, St. Clair and Bourda. Continued on Page 8) Fruit or any other company; its pelled to have made such a remark. cis condition is very grave.
policy is to give equal rights and International Conference of THE LONDON NAVAL Ds or registre de So called West Indies Cricket CONFERENCE Negro Workers Open in Eleven London July 1st.
Selected by Trinidad Strongly Criticised by Barbados Paper ist; but, apparently, a bad was made by its predecessors, and it may be a couple of years before it succeeds in rectifying the mistakes of Delegates Make Effort to the past.
Prevent Parley Collapse PALAIS ROYAL London World Conference number of strikes, the development Latest cable despatches from Lonfor of Negro Workers to of the native trade unions under com don state that the Five power DeleLeave dangers of a local Selection CommitTAILORING Says Suicidal to Give Lie to Smuts munist influence, the joint strikes of gate of the Naval conference have Choice To Local Committees tee in each colony were clearly seen.
native and white workers, the recent If the Wert Indies are to play rent apparently reached an understanding REV. WADE LAST in These Islands demonstrations against New York Press despatch states Dingaan Test Cricket, the West Indies ard whereby they are seeking to prevent SERMON AT COLON that the International Trade Union Day prove without a doubt that we the Conference from openly collapsThe Barbados Advocate of recent of Control must.
Committee of REALLY TAKE CHARGE Negro Workers, are on the verge of great national Colon, March 12. On Sunday the date 28: ing and class battles and struggles in 16th inst. the Rev. Wade of the whole mater. It listle short West 15th street, has issued a stateSouth Africa. This gives the lie to Yesterday the The defent of the so called West inter delegational nuie dl to leave the selection of a ment through its chairman, indies Eleven by the in TriniFord, on the International Confer South Africans being as patient as eneral Smuts remarks about the conversations were continued as the Superintendent of the Panama Colon team to represent there colonie, to delegates did their utmost to adjust Wesley Circuit will preach in Trinity dad has not come as surprise to Church for the last time. The Rev.
In al committers. In future the Board ence of Negro Workers, to be held asses.
the outstanding differences and to anyone here: gentleman preached in this church of Con re! must follow the example in London, July Further answer will be given to permit the negotiatione to proceed for the first time on the 19th of Oc As soon as the personnel of the of the Au ralian Board of Control This conference will discuss the General Smuts, warmonger and the toward a general agreement no mat tober 1924. The impression created iram was announced it was realised and appoint a strong Selection Comproblems confronting the Negro toil agent of British imperialism, whose ter how indefinite.
than has never faded. Throughout that it was only Trinidad effronterymittee. As it is, the cricket strength The attention of all observers was ers the world over, and calls upon long services as a member of the a West Indies of the West Indies will not be truly the circuit the people have learned to which could call it Negro trade unions and working class League of Nations places him in a centered this afternoon on the meet love and appreciate him as a friend. Eleven, Barbados can take a measure known in England, for it would be organizations as well as fraternal favorable position to carry out the ing between Briand and Grandi since And now after five years and five of pride in the fact that the Seiectors asking too much of Mr. Calthorpe and plans of preparing for war. He has it represents a renewal of the French months he preaches in Colon prior in this Island put the West Indies his men to expect them on their working class organizations of a (Continued on Page 8)
served British imperialism by giving efforts to induce Grandi to relax his to his departure for the last time on before Barbados and chose an eleven race to begin preparations for send African soldiers to the last war. This hitherto inflexble demand and ing delegates.
to Supday.
which was more truly representative time, General Smuts will not be so indicate Italy tonnage needs on the It is hoped that the general public of those colonies than any other side PALAIS ROYAL The statement says: successful. The African asses are basis of her geographical position will turn out in large numbers to which the is likely to meet on Headquarters of Ball Players and The Durban riots, the increased awakening, and political responsibilities.
hear his last messages.
this tour. But even in Barbados the Turfites

    EnglandImperialismItalyWorking Class

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