
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS JAMAICA BRITISH GUIANA Homely Philosophy What Can he Boy Head Cut Off The Problem of Church Do? by Cogwheels of Unemployment Mill GOVERNOR ISSUES STERN WARNING can you be true through foul wea.
Barbados Sanitary Inspector Man Head Found In Strezt (By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON in the Chicago Defender)
LOYALTY Loyalty is a rare virtue and one of the chief attributes in cementing an alliance. Can you be trusted; Writing editorially, under the above greater.
caption, the Weekly Herald of the We hope the Church will not be The Jackson Town correspondent ther as well as fair, when you do 15th ulto, says:takward at this time and that an tu the Gleaner writing to that paper Persons Whose Utterances with.
not understand, when you are hurt?
During the Elections Mr. attempt will be made to remove one on the 27th ulto states a boy named or Actions Might Create If so, you are worthy of the confiHis Excelleney said Awtin in answer to a question said ubstacle in the way of Compulsory George Hines had his head com Trouble To Be Dealt dence and co operation of great souls. think it would be well if were that he knew of no civilised country Education, the lack of food and cloth. pletely severed by one of the large Loyalty is the strongest link uniting With to make a short pronouncement upon in which the State assumed the sole ing for the children.
cop wheels of the mill at Georgia strong men.
the question of unemployment which financial responsibility for the educaEstate this afternoon.
An exchange says: Two interest: is stated to be on the increase, not tion of its people. Any acquain.
It is stated that he was working ing events relating to the problem only in Georgetown but in the colony CHAPTER 14 tance with conditions in the great at the mill clearing trash and evi of unemployment which is steadily generally, and also that large numThe regular countries of the world goes to show dently while leaning over, lost his increasing in the colony, took place bers of people are being reduced to mass meeting of Chapter 14 of the will be that in countries with an awakened balance and his head projected too in the Legislative Council of British the border line of starvation. Alheld in the hall social conscience, the State is reinfar and was taken off by the wheel. Guiana when its second session was though there is no doubt, a degree of when the choir and other memtomorrow at 00 forced with the assistance of its pri ATTENDS TRINIDAD Death was instantaneous, resumed on Thursday last.
truth in some of the statements bers of the organisation will render vate citizens in providing educational REFRESHER COURSE Sergt. Major Riley and Detective Under the heading of Unofficial which are being made, it would be a specially arranged facilities. It is worth while to conprogramme.
Richardson from Falmouth were ear Notices Hon. Crane (West most undesirable and would only have sider whether something could not Mr. Griffith Combinesly on the scene taking statements, Demerara. laid over a petition urg the effect of aggravating the present Friends are cordially invited.
be done by private enterprise to aswhile Dr. Ferguson, performing the appointment of a committee situation exaggerated statements Pleasure Trip With sist the Barbados Government, now ed the post mortem examination. by Government with a view to con are given currency, propose report meantime, however, would ask all Instruction that the social conscience is being sidering and reporting as early as ing the present position to the Secre those connected with organised bodies Awakened to the great menace of possible, what steps should be taken tary of State and making some sugMr. Griffith, West Indian and institutions, Ministers of Reliilliteracy. The most powerful agency to relieve the situation.
gestions as to works which Govern gion and others to investigate the star bowler, who played in the 2nd in providing assistance is of course Immediately after the petition was ment consider might be pat in hand Test Match with the in Trinmatter and to offer suggestions as the Church, especially as the great idad with such conspicuous seccess, laid over, and also before the Order and which would have the effect of te how the present situation can best obstacle in the way of enforcing sailed yesterday afternoon for Barof the Day was reached, His Exel increasing employment.
be met.
Compulsory Education is said to be bados in the Dutch Mail steamer lency the Hon. Douglas Jones, In the meantime would appeal to also take this opportunity of the lack of food and raiment for the Crynssen.
The Gleaner of the 1st inst says. who presided over the Coun the members of this Council and, warning any persons who, by their children of the working class. On sensation was created in lower cil, made an important pronounce through the press to all those who public utterances or actions, are likethe whole, the Church has not lived Dr. Griffith is Chief Sanitary In Highholborn Street yesterday after ment on the question.
are in position to give employment, ly, either deliberately or inadvertentup to its obligations or realised its spector for Christ Church parish.
noon when the skull of human beA WARNING such as large firms, clubs, institutions ly to excite people to any form or responsibilities in this matter. There Thanks to the unfailing courtesy and ing, presumably a man, was discov.
While setting out the steps being and others to do so.
disturbance that they will be severely is great amount of unorganised with the permission of Dr. Dickered on the sidewalk in front of taken by Government to relieve the However small the amount of em dealt with, as the Government, who is and uninstructed good will which son, Deputy Surgeon General and No. News of the find quickly situation: His Excellency in the ployment may be, the money circulat. charged with the could be used if properly directed and Medical Inspector of Health, he was spread and in short time scores maintenance of course of his remarks also isene ed in wages will in the aggregate peace and order, are not allowed a controlled. What great work could able to combine the remaining days of persons gathered on the spot. It warning to the effect that.
amount to a considerable sum and law abiding and peaceful community be done it the Church would take of his pleasure stay in Trinidad with is believed that the skull is about Any person, who by their public golong way to alleviating the to be led into committing acts which this work in hand! In every parish a course of instruction in Sanitasix or seven months old.
utterance or actions, are likely etth. present situation.
they would regret and which would tion.
In every district, the work of reThe Detective Office was communier deliberately or inadvertently to Should the position become worse only make matters worse and hamper clansation languishes. Preaching and On Friday and Saturday last, the cated with and Detective Sergeant excite people to any form of dietard it may be necessary to appoint a any attempts which might be made the holding of services is a secondary first portion of a Refresher Course Major Gayle and Detective Corporal Ance. will be severely dealt special Committee to investigate and at alleviating the present position.
matter when stark poverty forms 30 for Sanitary Inspectors was held and Campbell burried to the scene and deal with the matter. do not wish, would again emphasise the fact menacing an obstruction.
Mr. Griffith attended.
the object was taken to the Detec. devoted to the attempt. Wo are however to proceed at once with the that the Government is seriously in This poverty is every day used as Thie course took the form of lee ttre Office.
asked to ask our readers to belp by appointment of this Committee al vestigating the matter and would ask argument against Compulsory tures at the Government Farm St. man while walking on the elde. buying at least one ticket each and do not think that matters have yet all those concerned to assist rather Education. It is asked: how can chil Joseph, and at the Abatotr Port of walk sow little heap of rubble to use their influence to make this reached stage which makes it pocne than to bamper the Government in ispen be taught when hunger and Spain, by the Government Veterinary and on examining It made the am sweep success.
wary or desirable to do so. In the its efforts nakedness is their daily portion? Surgeon and the City Council Veter. ing decovery.
But wo will not agree that they are inary Surgeon respectively, and at to be left in this condition. They other centres by Dr. Dickson and Dr.
can obtain that minimum of food and Hubert Bishop Junior Aselatant elothing which will make them fit Medical Inspector of Health.
to be taught the rudiments of educa On Monday evening, for the contion. Let the Church organise ber venience of Mr. Griffith, Dickson forces for this good work, lot the also very kindly arranged for Minister with his band of helpers special exhibition at the Toccer INCORPORATED 1880 St. Lucia go out into the highways and hedges. Studio, of the Tucker films dealing For the past three or four years the with the Mosquito and the Fly. Port Established Church has maintained of Spain Gazette)
The voice of the 12th wlto says: a big organization and expended a An attempt is being made to Large sum of money in the attempt resuscitate racing in St. Lucia at improving the moral condition of Owing to multitude of rol PANAMA COLON adults and reducing the high perGET YOUR racing has been allowed to fall Santa Aos PL Corner Ilth and Bolivar Streeta centage of illegitimacy. Women through and slmost every borse workers bave even been brought out suitable for shy class of racing has from England for this work. But been allowed to be exported from the value of such efforts is not to the colony. There are those who are DONE AT THB be measured with the value of work desirous of reviving this form of among children. The same money sport. Some think they should have Workman spent directly on an organization for every encouragement. Racing is a feeding and clothing pauper children form of sport that attracts most With 900 Branches throughout the world, including would produce results immeasurably the following in the British West Indies etc, this Bank ment of any sort that the people of this place suffer from and the need is in a position to render the best possible service.
there is to give the working man FOR some diversion at times is considered, one cannot help giving every enAntigua Dominica Montserrat couragement to those who are trying Bahamas Grenada to revive this form of sport St. Kitts It appears that the St. Loela Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia and Turf Club is practically defunct.
British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique There is a sum of 80 due for rent of race course for the years 1928 and Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
1929. Rural House Tax has not been see paid on the stand and Paddock for those yours. Money is needed to meet these demands yet one can HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST hardly expect anyone to pay subscriptions to Club that is Dot operating.
PAID ON DEPOSITS No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
To meet the urgent Deeds and to help resuscitate racing, Sweep has Panama, been organized on the Two Thousand Guinea Stakes run in England to May. perontego of which will are BD ST. LUCIA The Royal Royal Bank Bank of Canada To Revive Racing In Head Ottico: Montreal, Canada.
Job Printing Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Printery people. When the lack of entertainMaking Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID General Banking Business Transacted.

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