
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 PAGE THREE INTERESTING JOTTINGS LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs lo Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA South who still live under the conditions depicted by Hallelujah.
Those who have over the gross (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
exaggerations of the picture and Friends and Countrymen, Last wings and straightened up on his who are city sophisticates, probably haven done much better than those week had sensation, this week legs, inasmuch as to say, be it!
same cotton picking folks in Bam.
have romance. My experience with And said unto him Johathan, Conditions in the cities, even up cockroach has been awful, and at what meaneth thy presence here?
North, haven improved so much times, came near doing that which and Jonathan turned gracefully that any of us can afford to point the ought not to do, but there was around and straightway deposited finger of scorn at our so called hum some health in me, iniserable sinner about a gili measure of seeds that bler brothers.
though am, so abstained from were like unto mustard seeds upon As see it Hallelujah is a very doing murder, from killing this cock my loaf of bread. was alarmed beautiful picture. mean that its roach, and now my hands are free was disgusted but Jonathan stood innate beauty is that of a grest from the stain of a cockroach blood, still and spoke not a single word.
novel, a splendid piece of literatur and can handle my coffee cup with. Then looked at the clock that has In its way it is a masterpiece, and out letting it all to the floor, and never kept the correct time, and saw ALSO e ve King Vidor, the director, who be broken in pieces.
that the hands were nearer to eight happens to be from the South, much To tell the whole story about the than they were seven (both of credit for the finely restrained tempo cockroach One morning three weeks them. and concluded that it was and action of it.
ago, deserted the hay at seven time to be on my way. said unto Curiously enough, London critics Clock, and walked into the place Jonathan. Jonathan, thou hast dewho viewed the film termed it imwhere the rice is served. sat me prived me the use of my loaf, and pressive but alarming, real but disdown upon an old chair, the one now, can do no dumping. And tasteful. They call the film.
have sat upon for ten years. There Jonathan shook his wings, deposited virulent attack. upon the principles is a kind of receptacle in one corner again some more seeds, and answered of Christianity. However, ethical of the room nicknamed a safe in saying. the more the better. beconsiderations aside, they sing in which are kept various commodities, lieve in doing things perfectly. It is strident chorus that the picture if some good, some bad. These com my duty to deposit seeds. You, to lovely, is brilliantly unequal. They modities comprise commeal, pigs my knowledge, have done the same IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL think the singing is glorious, but betail, cows head, condition powder thing. Why should you have any lieve that the English will miss much and so forth, and all these commodi grievance against me merely doing of the point because there is no mass ties are used for dumping up the the thing ought to have done? You among them. One of the critics WODhollow that is always in the rebellious have reaped what others have rown, ders if Mr. Vidor is a member of the stomach. Among these commodities and so should A cockroach has Ku Klux Klan. Such a one would too, there was a loaf of what call as much right to life, liberty, and MULLER Prop.
wonder that.
bread, and some others call pang. the pursuit of happiness as all you All over this country Hallelujah 37 CENTRALA VENUE 37 opened the door of the safe to pre mortals have. And he shook his has aroused storm of praise. In pare this loat for its last resting wings and turned around again, in as South America its reception was place but one, when, lo and behold, much as to say, Amen!
highly cordial. And even down in saw standing erect like a soldier Friends and Countrymen. am building 374 was all excitement popular city.
Dixie where they first indignantly Why be alarmed when it happens to refused to even view the film. praises, on parade, a big cockroach. It was convinced that Jonathan is right, for early this week, when they discoverus? And then it must be remember unwilling, but still genuine, have the biggest cockroach had ever seen even a cockroach must do his duty, ed that it was burglarized. The The Girl Reserves of this village ed that the scene of the story is in. he had a white spot on his fore. the objections of others notwith matter was turned over to the police come trickling out. say let those who think the film head, long legs like the girl saw standing. From that day unto this, department, with the result that growing more active daily. Their the deep South where education is scant and roles of conduct are less on train last saturday, with wings Jonathan the cockroach has been my Victor Cox, son of the family to held picnie at the Wally Beach last week, so poor go to see it again and again, was a great success, every member rigid, although even Hallelujah and while there study it with a view cut away and reaching down like good friend, and a better neighbor at the police station awaiting trial, of the corps returned with the tell attackers must admit that it showed of seeing its beauty, its sharp drama, the morning cont my friend Jonathan than have had the good fortune to Speak all that you know, Victor; its tale marks of stisfaction plainly our Race as devoutly religious in and above all its humanness. Let wore at the last, and all the carnivals possess. Verily, every morning, better for you, the family, and the marked in their faces. The 21st of spite of Zeke downfall.
since 1911. And so, As soon as open my safe, and Jonathan greets police.
them listen to the singing and rethis month will be another gala day Our folks who have criticized the joice that some one gave us a chance recognized the close. resemblance me with the same affection as he had for these girls, when the dedication picture have also cited the fact that this cockroach had Little Vida Skeete is now employed to my friend done every morning before, and so, to show the splendor of our voices to the world. Let them watch Nine Jonathan, said unto him, behold, think of him always as my cock at the Ft. Davis Laundry, we never of the girl Reserve kitchen will take it portrays the lowest type of our Race. Prankly, think this is a lot Mae McKinney and Daniel Haynes, henceforth shall thy name, be called ronch Jonathan, my friend and suspected that Miss Vi, would rather place at Cristobal.
of egotistic hooey. From the cotton and give thanks that at last Race Jonathan. And Jonathan shook his neighbor!
laundry work to dress making, or The Kent is slated to play fields of the South, from the back genius in the world of the theater may be there isn sufficient money against the United on the Gatun breaking labor of Dixie, from the in the dress maing business now.
has come brilliantly to life. And Oval this Sunday.
often terrible conditions of the land finally, let them look around them of sunshine have come our finest Miss Ivy Cave returned early this All are invited to attend the varwith unbiased eyes and ascertain for rien, our finest women. In fact, themselves if the alleged wrongs they GATUN week from Panama, after several jous church services to morrow after most of our progenitors have hailed see in Hallelujah are not, after all, days of distraction and fun in the the lottery number is known.
The peaceful village, once from that section of the country, the and embarassment to well trained based on life, but toned down a very Personally, am not ashamed of most active and colorful centre of and highly respected family, Miss great deal. Then let them take their Canal Activities, was depressingly Daisy Ward entered the Colon Hos.
whatever labor my ancestors did swords and attack such actual condidown there, or of anything else they clouded with grief and sorrow, as pital to become mother, fate seemtions rather than screen effort were forced to do. respect them which probably has opened one of the news of the unexpected death of ed to concoct with few of her for doing the best they could under Miss Daisy Ward, promising daught. enemies and maternized their desire.
the most lucrative avenues of employ.
the circumstances, just as have er of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Ward She is dead but the baby is yet alive.
ment to our Race, where before it the utmost respect for those in the was closed.
circulated among the squatters late We express our profound sym.
on monday evening.
pathy to the bereaved family, and Arouses more Comment, Criticism Miss Daisy, was numbered among take this opportunity to remind the unfortunate girls, who at the them, that nothing bappens by and Praise very outset of romantic venture chance, but by a well planned Safall a prey to the ever watching preme Intelligente.
Than any other Picture ever made heartless and merciless smarters.
After nine months of extreme grief The home of the Cox familyBy BILLY SMITH Hallelujab, Metro. Goldwyn ag an evangelist, be looks down Mayer four star pieture, which fes from his pulpit and seeing Chick, the tured Nina Mao McKinney and Daniel vamp, played by Nine Mae McKin.
NEURALGINA Haynes, and which contained noney, goes gars and leaves his flock white faces at all, has aroused more to chase the alarmingly pretty sinner GIVE US CALL AND comment and criticism, and inciden off into the woods or somewhere.
tally more praise, than any other don say that such a condiBE CONVINCED THAI Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any moving picture ever made, with the tion does exist in our churches as a neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, possible exception of Griffith general rule, but goodness knows. Clansman.
even in our more sophisticated cirNEURALGINA The reaction of white audiences cles preachers do stray off the path and white critics is invariably one of rectitude and righteousness with Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches highly favorable to the vehicle. But great frequency. They are human, the reaction of Race audiences and and as humans react according to and reduce the fever of children Race eritics varies so greatly that it the same emotions that anybody is hard to arrive at just what our else does, only when they are caught NEURALGINA TRIAL ONCE WILL group does think of the picture. they get it in the neck. This is no Some of the Race crities through new condition, as a peek at the his.
BRING YOU ALWAYS Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart newspapers have panned it unmerci tory of the first formal church away fully. That is, they have attacked back in the dim days of ancient his the theme of the picture while giving tory will illustrate. And there is no For sale both Wholesale and Retail full credit to the actors.
use trying to whitewash such condiThe chief offense, or so it seems tions, because they have existed, they AT THB to our crities, is that the pleture do exist, and no doubt will exist as depicts a type of life down in dear long as sex is the motivating power AMERICAN PHARMACY old Dixie which they want to for. in this world.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 get which they say is grossly ex So why the hue and cry over the aggerated, and which they claim is portrayal of such an incident on the (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor degrading to the Race and to Baptist screen with our actors as the par.
ticipants. Books by the hundreds Panama.
They cite the fact that every time have dealt with this same pheTelephone 454 Box 1102 Zeke, the preacher convert, played nomena about whites. There have PANAMA ANCON by Daniel Heynes, in doing his stuff been scores of plays on the subject.
CANAL ZONE NOTES Hallelujah Moving Picture FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING we do only the best at Reasonable Prices The Workman Printery AT


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