
Even as gazed, a thrill of the maxilla, And a lateral movement of the condyloid process, With post pliocene sounds of healthy mastication, Ground the teeth together.
And from that imperfect dental exhibition, Stained with expressed juices of the weed Nicotian, Came these hollow accents, blent with softer murmurs Of expectoration Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County, But d take it kinlly if you send the pieces Home to old Missouri!
Frank! say the skull was a German My guess, is, that it was a Chinese woman, Brother, think, according to the length of its preservation, it must be a Negro, Well gentlemen, guess in harmony with the crowd, It is the skull of a child of the human family. Here, for that. 20 The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS raised by those people from time to time. The term social stink pots is properly descriptive of these per sons for by their depredations, they are the enemies of society. The term has been of common usage elsewhere under similar circumstances, and has been understood.
There is precedent even in the Bible for the use of strong language in denouncing evil and evil persons. In the 23rd chapter of St. Matthews gospel, 33rd. verse, it is written. Ye serpents ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell. These words were said by the righteous man Jesus when he denounced the scribes and Pharasees for doing that which was evil. In the book of Proverbs, chapter Sverse 26, the wise man Solomon exhorted against the influence of evil women saying. For by means of a Whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
Perhaps, some will say that these words of Jesus and of Solomon are indecent; but men of all ages have been presumptuous enough to condemn that which they had not understood!
We are not heralds of destruction, nor do we blow trumpets announcing a calamity. We are not telling anybody something about a people that is unheard of.
We are showing that only a small proportion of our West Indian people out of the many thousands here are entitled to be called undesirable that they would be undesirable anywhere that they have fastened a nickname on the others, and if they are not pointed ou taken hold of, and put out of the way, that they will continue to do as they have done already, and will convert posterity into becoming as they are. The situation has been made extremely grave by the influence of the persons described by the terms objected to. We admit that said situation cannot be corrected through the newspaper only: but we aver that the press is one of the mediums through which professional evil doers, and the enemies of mankind should properly be rediculed. The press, the pulpit, and the platform are going to seriously unite now, to subdue, as much as is humanly possible, the protagonists of vice and corruption, for so only can we snatch our offspring from the gaping jaws of a moral and social death. THEM THAT SIN, REBUKE BEFORE ALL, THAT OTHERS ALSO MAY FEAR. Timothy 5, 20. Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY Built by Dunlop FROM the very inception of the Port Dunlop motor cover motorists through out the World have been loud in their acclamation of this new Dunlop especially designed to meet present day motoring Cod tyre strong and robust in nature, built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years of experience and combining all the essen dial features one can only find in tyre built by DUNLOP.
ditions: Heard Under the Almond Tree Well boys, have something to read to the crowd, that is going to put an end to the foolish talk of race superiority, unless, of course, a member of the group will guess just what race the skull of the story was belonging. TO THE PLIOCENE SKULL Speaks, Ohi, man, less recent! Fragment fossil! mal pioneer u pliocene formation, Haglowest drifts below the earliest stratum Of volcanie tura!
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 PERTINENT QUESTION During the past week, we received a few communications protesting against some terms used by the author of interesting Jottings in his humorous column.
We are using our editorial column to day to make general reply to these correspondents, and at the same time, to express our own point of view.
To begin with, one of the correspondents is rather personal, and we think that personality is extraneous to the question. We nowever understand each of them to object to the use of the terms, goosianas, and social suink pots.
It is generally admitted that every person has the right owject to anything which he or she desires to object to; out a mere objeccion without grounds that are Itisonawe and suusanual removes from it its value, al musiccesoarny become abortive in its purpose.
The term goosiana. goosiana is a dangerous fly mai ueposits aus eggs or maggots on meat, wounds, or on human liesh. They are pernicious and destructive to both man and beast. They noculate, pollute, and destroy the physical form of man and beast, and their presence, not prevented means a certain death. This fiy, to our cercain knowledge, has been a scourge to the Panama Canal Cattle industry here, as they have been too many ranches in other parts of the Republic, and the Cattle Industry referred to has been practically discontinued, we are informed, due in great measure to the uncontrollable havoc they wrought among the cattle herds.
Now, as we understand it, and as it ought reasonably to have been understood by unprejudiced minds, the term has been used in a descriptive sense, having specific reference to an objectionable class of woman scattered over the community. In a social and moral way, these women are as destructive to the healthy growth in these ways, of other women as the goosiana is to the existence of cattle whose bodies they infect with their larva. Their influence is detrimental in that it vitiates, corrupts, and perverts the morals of all others who might suffer the misfortune of being affected by such influence. And who is he that hath eyes to see and ears to hear, who will not say that there is this influence actually at work in the community? Where is the man who is fit to be so called, who will not admit that the influence of these women has been a powerful factor towards the attachment of the disgusting epithet. UNDESIRABLES to all West Indians. What has been the cause of the periodical wholesale arrests that have been made on the streets of Colon and Panama of our youths of both sexes, some incarcerated at Coiba and other penal settlements, and others deported What is it that has given rise to the present outburst of anxiety, and the call to influential persons to tackle seriously and now, that which is described as, juvenile delinquency. Everyone knows that the cause is precedent to the effect. If the effect is bad, and it is desired to change it, then it is common sense to try to remove that cause.
We think therefore, that the term goosiana has been used as a taunt a cutting gibe used in a contemptous sense to give reproach to a disqualification that is actually disastrous to the welfare of the community, and considering the conditions as they confront us, and the havoc that these conditions work among us, we cannot agree that the term has been improperly used.
The term stink pot. This term describes people who are tale bearers, giglets, mischief makers, and those who go from house to house, and place to place, broadcasting unpleasant thing. most of which untrue, about other people. Those who are obsessed with the desire to break friendship, disturb the peace of the community, and destroy the amity existing between families, and members of families. Painful as it is to admit it, we know, and everyone else knows that there are such pergons in the community. Some who read this have been victims of such persons. The term therefore, is not indecent nor derogatory except in so far as it aptly describes those persons that come under its category. There is abundant evidence of the presence of these persons.
Such evidence is obtainable from every respectable individual, from the police, and from the magistrates, who have continually to use the judicial disinfectants of fines and jail sentences to cover the social stench that If your car to aot already equipped with Fort Dunlop covers call on your dealer forthwith, and make the change over. Older than the beasts, the oldeet Palaeothertum; Older than the trees the oldest Cryptogamy; Dider than the hills, those infantile eruptions Ot earth epidermis. Lo Mio Plio whatsoe er the cene was That thuse Vacant sockets filled with awe and wonder, Whether shores Devonian or Silurian beaches Tell us thy strange story. Or hus the processor slighty anledated By some thousand years thy advent on this planet, Giving thee an air that somewhat better fitted For cold blooded creatures. Wert thou true spectator of that mighty forest When above thy head the stately Sigillaria Reared its columned trunks in that remote And distant Carboniferous epoch. Tell us of thy scene the dim and watery woodland Songless, silent, hushed, with never bird or insect, Veiled with spreading fronds and screened with tallClub mosses, Lycopodiaceae. When beside thee walked the solemn Plesiosaurus, And around thee crept the festive Icnthyosaurus, While from time to time above thee flew and circled Cheerful Pterodactyla Tell us of thy food those half marine refections, Crinoids on the shell and Brachiopods au naturel Cuttlefish to which the pieuvre of Victor Hugo Seems a periwinkle.
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